コード例 #1
ファイル: setuphandlers.py プロジェクト: Blaastolen/intranett
    def add_lexicon(catalog):
        # Lexicon
        catalog._setObject('plone_lexicon', PLexicon('plone_lexicon'))
        lexicon = catalog.plone_lexicon

        pipeline = [
                "Word Splitter", "Unicode Whitespace splitter"),
                "Case Normalizer", "Unicode Case Normalizer"),
        lexicon._pipeline = tuple(pipeline)
コード例 #2
ファイル: catalog.py プロジェクト: seantis/seantis.people
    def setup_lexicons(self):
        # setup the lexicons as some Plone-Catalog internal code depends on it
        # we wouldn't relly have to be so thorough as we don't actually want
        # to support full text searches on the people catalog, but setting
        # up the people catalog as close as possible to the portal catalog
        # ensures that there are no surprises
        lexicons = {
            'plone_lexicon': [
                ('Unicode Whitespace splitter', 'Word Splitter'),
                ('Unicode Ignoring Accents Case Normalizer',
                    'Case Normalizer'),
            'plaintext_lexicon': [
                ('HTML aware splitter', 'Word Splitter'),
                ('Case Normalizer', 'Case Normalizer'),
                ('Remove listed stop words only', 'Stop Words')
            'htmltext_lexicon': [
                ('HTML aware splitter', 'Word Splitter'),
                ('Case Normalizer', 'Case Normalizer'),
                ('Remove listed stop words only', 'Stop Words')

        for lexicon, elements in lexicons.items():
            pipeline = []

            for element in elements:
                element = element_factory.instantiate(element[1], element[0])

            plexicon = PLexicon(lexicon)
            plexicon._pipeline = pipeline
            self._setObject(lexicon, plexicon)
コード例 #3
ファイル: indexes.py プロジェクト: socialplanning/opencore
 def _importNode(self, node):
     """Import the object from the DOM node.
     pipeline = []
     for child in node.childNodes:
         if child.nodeName == 'element':
             element = element_factory.instantiate(
     self.context._pipeline = tuple(pipeline)
コード例 #4
 def importNode(self, node, mode=PURGE):
     """Import the object from the DOM node.
     pipeline = []
     for child in node.childNodes:
         if child.nodeName == 'element':
             element = element_factory.instantiate(
                 child.getAttribute('group'), child.getAttribute('name'))
     self.context._pipeline = tuple(pipeline)
     #clear lexicon
     self.context._wids = OIBTree()
     self.context._words = IOBTree()
     self.context.length = Length()
コード例 #5
ファイル: exportimport.py プロジェクト: goschtl/zope
 def importNode(self, node, mode=PURGE):
     """Import the object from the DOM node.
     pipeline = []
     for child in node.childNodes:
         if child.nodeName == 'element':
             element = element_factory.instantiate(
                   child.getAttribute('group'), child.getAttribute('name'))
     self.context._pipeline = tuple(pipeline)
     #clear lexicon
     self.context._wids = OIBTree()
     self.context._words = IOBTree()
     self.context.length = Length()
コード例 #6
ファイル: ZCTextIndex.py プロジェクト: bendavis78/zope
def manage_addLexicon(self, id, title='', elements=[], REQUEST=None):
    """Add ZCTextIndex Lexicon"""

    pipeline = []
    for el_record in elements:
        if not hasattr(el_record, 'name'):
            continue  # Skip over records that only specify element group
        element = element_factory.instantiate(el_record.group, el_record.name)
        if element is not None:
            if el_record.group == 'Word Splitter':
                # I don't like hardcoding this, but its a simple solution
                # to get the splitter element first in the pipeline
                pipeline.insert(0, element)

    lexicon = PLexicon(id, title, *pipeline)
    self._setObject(id, lexicon)
    if REQUEST is not None:
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)
コード例 #7
ファイル: ZCTextIndex.py プロジェクト: nacho22martin/tesis
def manage_addLexicon(self, id, title='', elements=[], REQUEST=None):
    """Add ZCTextIndex Lexicon"""

    pipeline = []
    for el_record in elements:
        if not hasattr(el_record, 'name'):
            continue # Skip over records that only specify element group
        element = element_factory.instantiate(el_record.group, el_record.name)
        if element is not None:
            if el_record.group == 'Word Splitter':
                # I don't like hardcoding this, but its a simple solution
                # to get the splitter element first in the pipeline
                pipeline.insert(0, element)

    lexicon = PLexicon(id, title, *pipeline)
    self._setObject(id, lexicon)
    if REQUEST is not None:
        return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=1)