コード例 #1
    def setupConnections(self, playbackDevice, nameFilters):
        Sets up signal/slot connections between this view/controller instance and the given playbackDevice. This
        function is thread safe and shall be called by a direct QT connection.
        It is intended, that this function is called in the onOpen(...) method of a filter. It expects playbackDevice
        to provide the following slots:

        - startPlayback() (starts generating DataSamples)
        - pausePlayback() (pause mode, stop generating DataSamples)
        - stepForward(QString stream) (optional; in case given, a single step operation shall be performed.
            if stream is not None, the playback shall stop when receiving the next data sample
            of stream; otherwise the playback shall proceed to the next data sample of any stream)
        - stepBackward(QString stream) (optional; see stepForward)
        - seekBeginning(QString stream) (optional; goes to the beginning of the sequence)
        - seekEnd() (optional; goes to the end of the stream)
        - seekTime(qint64) (optional; goes to the specified time stamp)
        - setSequence(QString) (optional; opens the given sequence)
        - setTimeFactor(float) (optional; sets the playback time factor, factor > 0)

        It expects playbackDevice to provide the following signals (all signals are optional):

        - sequenceOpened(QString filename, qint64 begin, qint64 end, QStringList streams)
        - currentTimestampChanged(qint64 currentTime)
        - playbackStarted()
        - playbackPaused()
        - timeRatioChanged(float)

        :param playbackDevice: a QObject providing the aforementioned signals and slots
        :param nameFilters: a QStringList providing information about suported fileextensions (e.g. ["*.avi", "*.mp4"])
        with QMutexLocker(self._mutex):
            for devid in self._registeredDevices:
                if self._registeredDevices[devid]["object"] is playbackDevice:
                    raise NexTRuntimeError("Trying to register a playbackDevice object twice.")

            proxy = PlaybackDeviceProxy(self, playbackDevice, nameFilters)
            featureset = proxy.featureSet()

            for feature in ["stepForward", "stepBackward", "seekTime", "seekBeginning", "seekEnd",
                            "setTimeFactor", "startPlayback", "pausePlayback"]:
                signal = getattr(self, "_" + feature)
                slot = getattr(proxy, feature, None)
                if slot is not None:

            for feature in ["sequenceOpened", "currentTimestampChanged", "playbackStarted", "playbackPaused",
                slot = getattr(self, "_" + feature)
                signal = getattr(proxy, feature, None)
                if signal is not None:
                    signal.connect(slot, Qt.UniqueConnection)

            self._registeredDevices[self._deviceId] = dict(object=playbackDevice,
            self._deviceId += 1
            MethodInvoker(dict(object=self, method="_updateFeatureSet", thread=mainThread()), Qt.QueuedConnection)
コード例 #2
 def setLaserConnectionParameters(self,
     locker = QMutexLocker(self.__mutex)
     self.__laserFTPAddress = ftpAddress
     self.__laserFTPPort = ftpPort
     self.__laserFTPRemotePath = ftpRemotePath
コード例 #3
 def RGBD_getXYZ(self):
     locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
     print('not implemented')
     points = []
     hState = {}
     bState = RoboCompGenericBase.TBaseState()
     return (points, hState, bState)
コード例 #4
 def getProperty(self, name):
     self._accessed = True
     with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
         if name not in self._properties:
             raise PropertyCollectionPropertyNotFound(name)
         p = self._properties[name]
         p.used = True
         return p.value
コード例 #5
 def markAllUnused(self):
     Mark all properties of the collection as unused (TODO: do we need recursion?)
     :return: None
     with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
         for n in self._properties:
             self._properties[n].used = False
コード例 #6
 def requestNewFortune(self, hostname, port):
     locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
     self.hostName = hostname
     self.port = port
     if not self.isRunning():
コード例 #7
 def __setattr__(self, name, value):
     obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")
     if not obj:
         raise Exception("no object on proxy")
     methods = object.__getattribute__(self, "_methods")
     if name in methods:
         raise Exception("cannot set method on proxy")
     with QMutexLocker(object.__getattribute__(self, "_mutex")) as locker:
         setattr(obj, name, value)
コード例 #8
    def setupConnections(self, recordingDevice):
        Sets up signal/slot connections between this view/controller instance and the given playbackDevice. This
        function is thread safe and shall be called by a direct QT connection.
        It is intended, that this function is called in the onStart(...) method of a filter. It expects recordingDevice
        to provide the following slots:

        - startRecording(str directory) (starts recording DataSamples)
        - stopRecording() (stop the recording)

        It expects recordingDevice to provide the following signals (all signals are optional):

        - statusUpdate(str file, float lengthInSeconds, int bytesWritten)
        - notifyError(str errorDescription)

        :param recordingDevice: a QObject providing the aforementioned signals and slots
        with QMutexLocker(self._mutex):
            for devid in self._registeredDevices:
                if self._registeredDevices[devid]["object"] is recordingDevice:
                    raise NexTRuntimeError(
                        "Trying to register a playbackDevice object twice.")

            if not self._startRecording.connect(
                raise NexTRuntimeError(
                    "cannot connect to slot startPlayback()")
            if not self._stopRecording.connect(recordingDevice.stopRecording):
                raise NexTRuntimeError(
                    "cannot connect to slot pausePlayback()")

            connections = [
                (self._startRecording, recordingDevice.startRecording),
                (self._stopRecording, recordingDevice.stopRecording)

            featureset = set()

            for feature in ["statusUpdate", "notifyError"]:
                slot = getattr(self, "_" + feature)
                signal = getattr(recordingDevice, feature, None)
                if signal is not None and signal.connect(
                        slot, Qt.UniqueConnection):
                    connections.append((signal, slot))

            self._registeredDevices[self._deviceId] = dict(
                "connected recording device. Current number of devices: %d",
            self._deviceId += 1
コード例 #9
 def update(self, dbg):  # options
     ml = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
     self.times = np.append(self.times, [time.perf_counter_ns()])
     v = self.times >= self.times[-1] - self.history_time_ns
     self.times = self.times[v]
     self.gas = np.append(self.gas, [dbg.axisValues[2]])[v]
     self.brake = np.append(self.brake, [dbg.axisValues[3]])[v]
     self.clutch = np.append(self.clutch, [dbg.axisValues[4]])[v]
     self.sx = np.append(self.sx, [dbg.axisValues[0]])[v]
     self.sy = np.append(self.sy, [dbg.axisValues[1]])[v]
     self.calib = dbg.calib
コード例 #10
 def getPropertyDetails(self, name):
     returns the property details of the property identified by name.
     :param name: the property name
     :return: a Property instance
     with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
         if name not in self._properties:
             raise PropertyCollectionPropertyNotFound(name)
         p = self._properties[name]
         return p
コード例 #11
 def __getattribute__(self, name):
     if name == 'apply' or name == 'lock' or name == 'unlock':
         return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
     obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")
     if not obj:
         raise Exception("no object on proxy")
     methods = object.__getattribute__(self, "_methods")
     if name in methods:
         return methods[name]
     with QMutexLocker(object.__getattribute__(self, "_mutex")) as locker:
         return getattr(obj, name)
コード例 #12
 def updatePortInformation(self, otherInstance):
     Copy port information from another FilterEnvironment instance to this.
     :param otherInstance: FilterEnvironment instance
     :return: None
     with QMutexLocker(self._portMutex):
         oldIn = self.getAllInputPorts()
         oldOut = self.getAllOutputPorts()
         self._ports = [p.clone(self) for p in otherInstance.getAllInputPorts() + otherInstance.getAllOutputPorts()]
         self.emitPortInformationUpdated(oldIn, oldOut)
コード例 #13
 def getPort(self, portName, portType):
     Get port by name
     :param portName: the name of the port
     :param portType: either InputPort or OutputPort
     :return: port instance
     query = {InputPortInterface:"isInput", OutputPortInterface:"isOutput"}
     with QMutexLocker(self._portMutex):
         f = [p for p in self._ports if getattr(p, query[portType])() and p.name() == portName]
         if len(f) != 1:
             raise PortNotFoundError("<unknown>", portName, portType)
         return f[0]
コード例 #14
 def createFilter(self):
     Creates the filter for real usage. State is CONSTRUCTED. This function is thread safe and can be called
     from multiple threads.
     :return: None
     # called from threads
     res = FilterEnvironment(self._library, self._factoryFunction, self._propertyCollectionImpl)
     with QMutexLocker(self._portMutex):
         for p in self._ports:
             if p.dynamic():
         return res
コード例 #15
 def removePort(self, port):
     Unregister a port of this filter
     :param port: instacne of InputPort or OutputPort
     :return: None
     with QMutexLocker(self._portMutex):
         logger.debug("remove port: %s", port)
         if useCImpl:
             for p in self._ports:
                 if p.data() == port.data():
                     port = p
コード例 #16
    def render(self, centerX, centerY, scaleFactor, resultSize):
        locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)

        self.centerX = centerX
        self.centerY = centerY
        self.scaleFactor = scaleFactor
        self.resultSize = resultSize

        if not self.isRunning():
            self.restart = True
コード例 #17
 def saveDict(self):
     Save properties into a dictionary suited for json output.
     :return: dictionary with key/value pairs
     if self._accessed:
         res = OrderedDict()
         with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
             for n in sorted(self._properties):
                 p = self._properties[n]
                 res[n] = p.handler.toConfig(p.value)
         return res
     return self._loadedFromConfig
コード例 #18
 def add(self, other):
     ml = QMutexLocker(other.mutex)
     ml2 = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
     self.times = np.append(self.times, other.times)
     self.gas = np.append(self.gas, other.gas)
     self.brake = np.append(self.brake, other.brake)
     self.clutch = np.append(self.clutch, other.clutch)
     self.sx = np.append(self.sx, other.sx)
     self.sy = np.append(self.sy, other.sy)
     self.calib = other.calib
     other.times = np.resize(other.times, (0, ))
     other.gas = np.resize(other.gas, (0, ))
     other.brake = np.resize(other.brake, (0, ))
     other.clutch = np.resize(other.clutch, (0, ))
     other.sx = np.resize(other.sx, (0, ))
     other.sy = np.resize(other.sy, (0, ))
     v = self.times >= self.times[-1] - self.history_time_ns
     self.times = self.times[v]
     self.gas = self.gas[v]
     self.brake = self.brake[v]
     self.clutch = self.clutch[v]
     self.sx = self.sx[v]
     self.sy = self.sy[v]
コード例 #19
 def defineProperty(self, name, defaultVal, helpstr, options=None, propertyHandler=None):
     Return the value of the given property, creating a new property if it doesn't exist.
     :param name: the name of the property
     :param defaultVal: the default value of the property. Note that this value will be used to determine the
                        property's type. Currently supported types are string, int and float
     :param helpstr: a help string for the user
     :param options: a dict mapping string to qvariant (common options: min, max, enum)
     :param propertyHandler: a PropertyHandler instance, or None for automatic choice according to defaultVal
     :return: the current value of this property
     self._accessed = True
     if options is not None and propertyHandler is None and isinstance(options, PropertyHandler):
         propertyHandler = options
         options = None
     with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
         if options is not None and propertyHandler is not None:
             raise PropertyInconsistentDefinition(
                 "Pass either options or propertyHandler to defineProperty but not both.")
         if options is None:
             options = {}
         if propertyHandler is None:
             propertyHandler = defaultHandler(defaultVal)(options)
         assert isinstance(propertyHandler, PropertyHandler)
         assert isinstance(options, dict)
         if propertyHandler.validate(defaultVal) != defaultVal:
             raise PropertyInconsistentDefinition("The validation of the default value must be the identity!")
         if not name in self._properties:
             self._properties[name] = Property(defaultVal, helpstr, propertyHandler)
             p = self._properties[name]
             if name in self._loadedFromConfig:
                 l = self._loadedFromConfig[name]
                     p.value = p.handler.validate(p.handler.fromConfig(l))
                 except Exception as e:
                     raise PropertyParsingError("Error parsing property %s from %s (original exception: %s)" %
                                                (name, repr(l), str(e)))
             self.propertyAdded.emit(self, name)
             # the arguments to getProperty shall be consistent among calls
             p = self._properties[name]
             if p.defaultVal != defaultVal or p.helpstr != helpstr:
                 raise PropertyInconsistentDefinition(name)
             if not isinstance(p.handler, type(propertyHandler)) or options != p.handler.options():
                 raise PropertyInconsistentDefinition(name)
         p.used = True
         return p.value
コード例 #20
 def deleteUnused(self):
     Delete properties marked as unused (TODO: do we need recursion?)
     :return: None
     if not self._accessed:
         # this function is only meaningful if something in the store has been used.
     with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
         toDel = []
         for n in self._properties:
             if not self._properties[n].used:
         for n in toDel:
             del self._properties[n]
             self.propertyRemoved.emit(self, n)
コード例 #21
ファイル: Utils.py プロジェクト: pfrydlewicz/nexxT
 def _getDB(self):
     if self.threadSafety == self.SINGLE_CONNECTION:
         return self.dbConn
     # create a new connection for each thread
     with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):
         tid = QThread.currentThread()
         if not tid in self.dbs:
             # Our custom argument
             db = sqlite3.connect(self.filename)  # might need to use self.filename
             if len(self.dbs) == 0:
                     "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "
                     "debug(date datetime, loggername text, filename, srclineno integer, "
                     "func text, level text, msg text)")
             self.dbs[tid] = db
         return self.dbs[tid]
コード例 #22
    def removeConnections(self, playbackDevice):
        unregisters the given playbackDevice and disconnects all. It is intended that this function is called in the
        onClose(...) method of a filter.

        :param playbackDevice: the playback device to be unregistered.
        :return: None
        with QMutexLocker(self._mutex):
            found = []
            for devid in self._registeredDevices:
                if self._registeredDevices[devid]["object"] is playbackDevice:
            if len(found) > 0:
                for devid in found:
                    del self._registeredDevices[devid]
                logger.debug("disconnected connections of playback device. number of devices left: %d",
                MethodInvoker(dict(object=self, method="_updateFeatureSet", thread=mainThread()), Qt.QueuedConnection)
コード例 #23
 def setProperty(self, name, value):
     Set the value of a named property.
     :param name: property name
     :param value: the value to be set
     :return: None
     self._accessed = True
     with QMutexLocker(self._propertyMutex):
         if name not in self._properties:
             raise PropertyCollectionPropertyNotFound(name)
         p = self._properties[name]
             value = p.handler.validate(value)
         except Exception as e:
             raise PropertyParsingError("Error parsing property %s from %s (original exception: %s)" %
                                        (name, repr(value), str(e)))
         if value != p.value:
             p.value = value
             self.propertyChanged.emit(self, name)
コード例 #24
 def addPort(self, port):
     Register a port of this filter.
     :param port: instance of InputPort ot OutputPort
     :return: None
     if useCImpl:
         # make sure to make copies of the shared pointers
         port = copy.copy(port)
     with QMutexLocker(self._portMutex):
         assert self.state() in [FilterState.CONSTRUCTING, FilterState.CONSTRUCTED, FilterState.INITIALIZING]
         dynInSupported, dynOutSupported = self.getDynamicPortsSupported()
         if port.dynamic() and ((port.isInput() and not dynInSupported) or
                                (port.isOutput() and not dynOutSupported)):
             raise DynamicPortUnsupported(port.name(), type(port))
         for p in self._ports:
             if p.isInput() and port.isInput() and p.name() == port.name():
                 raise PortExistsError("<unknown>", port.name(), InputPortInterface)
             if p.isOutput() and port.isOutput() and p.name() == port.name():
                 raise PortExistsError("<unknown>", port.name(), OutputPortInterface)
コード例 #25
    def removeConnections(self, recordingDevice):
        unregisters the given recordingDevice and disconnects all. It is intended that this function is called in the
        onStop(...) method of a filter.

        :param recordingDevice: the recording device to be unregistered.
        :return: None
        with QMutexLocker(self._mutex):
            found = []
            for devid in self._registeredDevices:
                if self._registeredDevices[devid]["object"] is recordingDevice:
            if len(found) > 0:
                for devid in found:
                    for signal, slot in self._registeredDevices[devid][
                    del self._registeredDevices[devid]
                    "disconnected connections of recording device. number of devices left: %d",
コード例 #26
 def _getOutputPorts(self, dynamic):
     with QMutexLocker(self._portMutex):
         return [p for p in self._ports if p.isOutput()
                 and (p.dynamic() == dynamic or dynamic is None)]
コード例 #27
 def __repr__(self):
     with QMutexLocker(object.__getattribute__(self, "_mutex")) as locker:
         obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")
         return repr(obj)
コード例 #28
 def __nonzero__(self):
     with QMutexLocker(object.__getattribute__(self, "_mutex")) as locker:
         obj = object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")
         return bool(obj)
コード例 #29
 def __call__(self, *args, **kwds):
     with QMutexLocker(self.mutex) as locker:
         return self.method(*args, **kwds)
コード例 #30
 def stop(self):
     with QMutexLocker(self.mutex):
         self._abort = True