コード例 #1
def lnprob_coellip(theta, image, theta_PSF):
    Constrain theta in the following manner:
    - mus are restricted to cocentric (tbd in the future: unrestrict them)
    - covariances are coelliptical
    - the 'smallest' magnitude covariance has the highest weight
    params then are:
    mu_x, mu_y, theta, ellipticity, sigma_1, weight_1, sigma_2, weight_2, etc

    X, I = construct_X_and_I_from_image(image)

    means, covars, weights = convert_theta_coellip(theta)
    means_PSF, covars_PSF, weights_PSF = convert_theta(theta_PSF)
    weights /= np.sum(weights)
    weights_PSF /= np.sum(weights_PSF)

    lp = lnprior_coellip(theta)
    if not np.isfinite(lp):
        return -np.inf

    means_conv, covars_conv, weights_conv = convolve_gmms(means, covars, weights, means_PSF, covars_PSF, weights_PSF)

    ll = lnlike(X, I, means_conv, covars_conv, weights_conv)

    return lp + ll
コード例 #2
def lnprob(theta, image, theta_PSF):

    X, I = construct_X_and_I_from_image(image)

    means, covars, weights = convert_theta(theta)
    means_PSF, covars_PSF, weights_PSF = convert_theta(theta_PSF)
    weights /= np.sum(weights)
    weights_PSF /= np.sum(weights_PSF)

    means_conv, covars_conv, weights_conv = convolve_gmms(means, covars, weights, means_PSF, covars_PSF, weights_PSF)

    lp = lnprior(image, means, covars, weights)
    if not np.isfinite(lp):
        return -np.inf

    ll = lnlike(X, I, means_conv, covars_conv, weights_conv)

    return lp + ll