コード例 #1
  def search(self, curState, world, heuristic ):
    Does A* search
    global nodesExpanded
    global nodesGenerated
    closedList = {}
    Q = []
    startNode = StateNode( curState, 0, 0 )
    closedList[startNode.uniqueString(world)] = 1
    #Q.appendleft( startNode )
    while True:
      if len(Q) == 0:
        return None
      node = heapq.heappop(Q)[1]
      #print("popping node")
      #print( node.f )
      #print( node.state.toString() )

      if node.isClean():
        return node.state
      GlobalVars.nodesExpanded = GlobalVars.nodesExpanded + 1
      for child in node.expand(world, heuristic):
        #print( child.f )
        #print( child.uniqueString(world) )
        #print( child.state.toString() )
        s = child.uniqueString(world)
        GlobalVars.nodesGenerated = GlobalVars.nodesGenerated + 1
        if s not in closedList or child.f+1 < closedList[s]:
          #print("pushing node")
          #print( child.f )child.f+1
          #print( child.state.toString() )
          closedList[s] = child.f+1
コード例 #2
def do_tabu_search(dataset, k, r_ratio, max_iter, tabu_tenure):
    current_node = StateNode(dataset, k)
    tabu_moves = np.zeros((current_node.k, 2 * current_node.d))
    best_state = current_node

    for iter in range(max_iter):
        positive_i = np.where(tabu_moves > 0)
        tabu_moves[positive_i] -= 1

        neighbours = current_node.get_children()
        neighbours_pq = []
        for neighbour in neighbours:
            heappush(neighbours_pq, neighbour)

        best_candidate = None
        while best_candidate is None:
            if len(neighbours_pq) == 0:
                return best_state
            neighbour = heappop(neighbours_pq)
            if not is_tabu(tabu_moves, neighbour):
                best_candidate = neighbour

            elif neighbour < best_state:
                # aspiration by default
                best_candidate = neighbour
                best_state = best_candidate

        current_node = best_candidate
        reverse_index = best_candidate.direction_moved + (
            1 - 2 * (best_candidate.direction_moved % 2))
        tabu_moves[best_candidate.center_moved, reverse_index] = tabu_tenure
        #print(str(iter) + '. ' + str(current_node.get_score()))

    return best_state
コード例 #3
    def getMove(self, currentState):
        me = currentState.whoseTurn
        if self.playerIndex == None:
            self.playerIndex = me

        foods = getConstrList(currentState, None, (FOOD, ))

        # Find Food and Tunnel of agent
        if self.myTunnel is None:
            self.myTunnel = getConstrList(currentState, me, (TUNNEL, ))[0]
        if self.myFood == None:
            closest = 1000
            for food in foods:
                dist = approxDist(self.myTunnel.coords, food.coords)
                if (dist < closest):
                    self.myFood = food
                    closest = dist

        # Start of the recursive method
        self.searchTree.top = StateNode(currentState, None, None, None, 0)
        self.searchTree.top.subNodes = self.RecursiveFindMove(currentState, 0)
        # Find best move
        bestScore = -100
        bestNode = self.searchTree.top
        for node in self.searchTree.top.subNodes:
            if node.move is not None:
                if node.score > bestScore:
                    bestNode = node
                    bestScore = node.score
        return bestNode.move
コード例 #4
 def RecursiveFindMove(self, GameState, currentDepth):
     if currentDepth <= self.searchTree.depthLimit:
         nodes = []
         states = []  # List of next states being generated by each move
         node = StateNode(GameState, None, 0, None, currentDepth, None,
         moves = listAllLegalMoves(
             GameState)  # List of all legal moves from that state
         for move in moves:
             states.append(getNextState(GameState, move))
         if len(states) < 10:
             x = len(states)
             x = 10
         for i in range(0, x):
             newNode = StateNode(states[i], GameState, 0, moves[i],
                                 currentDepth, node, None)
             newNode.score = self.calculateStateScore(states[i])
             nodesToCalculate = self.RecursiveFindMove(
                 states[i], currentDepth + 1)
             if nodesToCalculate is not None:
                 newNode.subNodes = nodesToCalculate
                 node.score = self.BestNodeInList(nodesToCalculate)
         return nodes
         return None
コード例 #5
def do_simulated_annealing(dataset, k, r_ratio, alpha, t_start, t_iter):
    t = t_start
    node = StateNode(dataset, k)
    while(t > 0.1):
        for i in range(t_iter):
            current_score = node.get_score()
            neighbours = node.get_children()

            print(str(t) + ", " + str(current_score))
            for candidate in neighbours:
                delta = candidate.get_score() - current_score
                if accept_move(t, delta):
                    node = candidate

        t = alpha * t
    return node
コード例 #6
 def search(self, curState, world ):
   Does uniform cost search
   closedList = {}
   Q = []
   startNode = StateNode( curState, 0, 0 )
   closedList[startNode.uniqueString(world)] = 1
   #Q.appendleft( startNode )
   while True:
     if len(Q) == 0:
       return None
     node = heapq.heappop(Q)[1]
     if node.isClean():
       return node.state
     GlobalVars.nodesExpanded = GlobalVars.nodesExpanded + 1
     for child in node.expand(world):
       GlobalVars.nodesGenerated = GlobalVars.nodesGenerated + 1
       if child.uniqueString(world) not in closedList:
         closedList[child.uniqueString(world)] = 1
コード例 #7
def do_ACO(dataset, k, r_ratio, num_ants, num_steps_max, evap_rate, t_init, delta_p_base):
    node = StateNode(dataset, k, r_ratio=r_ratio)
    T_shape = [int(1 / r_ratio) for i in range(node.d)]
    pheromone_matrix = np.full(tuple(T_shape), t_init)
    ants = [Ant(StateNode(dataset, k, r_ratio=r_ratio), r_ratio) for i in range(num_ants)]
    # ants = [Ant(node, r_ratio) for i in range(num_ants)]
    best_state = node

    print('Starting ACO:')
    print('Params: num_ants:{}, num_steps_max: {}, evap_rate: {}, t_init: {}, Q: {}'
          .format(str(num_ants), str(num_steps_max), str(evap_rate), str(t_init), str(delta_p_base)))
    print('Initial Score: ' )

    for index, ant in enumerate(ants):
        ant.forwards(pheromone_matrix, num_steps_max)
        pheromone_matrix = ant.backwards(pheromone_matrix, delta_p_base)
        pheromone_matrix = evaporate(pheromone_matrix, evap_rate)

        if ant.get_best().get_score() < best_state.get_score():
            best_state = ant.get_best()
        print(str(index) + '. personal best: ' + str(round(ant.get_best().get_score())) + 'global best: ' + str(round(best_state.get_score())))

    return best_state
コード例 #8
 def search(self, curState, world, maxDepth=-1):
   Iterative version of depth first search.
   This currently has some bugs and is not fit for use!
   It does not return an optimal solution when used with
   iterative deepening. The recrusive version works, though.
   closedList = {}
   queue = []
   startNode = StateNode( curState, 0, 0 )
   closedList[startNode.uniqueString(world)] = 1
   queue.append( startNode )
   depth = 0
   if maxDepth == -1:
     maxDepth = 1000000
   #return self.do_search(queue,closedList,world,depth,maxDepth)
   while True:
     if queue == []:
       return None
     node = queue.pop()
     #if node.uniqueString(world) in closedList:
       #print( node.state.printString(world) )
     if node.isClean():
       return node.state
     if depth < maxDepth:
       GlobalVars.nodesExpanded = GlobalVars.nodesExpanded + 1
       for child in node.expand( world ):
         GlobalVars.nodesGenerated = GlobalVars.nodesGenerated + 1
         if child.uniqueString(world) not in closedList:
           closedList[child.uniqueString(world)] = 1
           queue.append( child )
       depth = depth + 1
       depth = depth - 1
       del closedList[node.uniqueString(world)]
コード例 #9
 def maxNodes(self, currentState):
     bestNode = StateNode(currentState, None, None, None, None)
     return bestNode
コード例 #10
queenThr3 = AIPlayer.myQueenThreat(AIPlayer, state3)
if queenThr1 == -1.25:
    print("myQueenThreat Unit Test: True")
    print("myQueenThreat Unit Test: False")
if queenThr2 == -1.25:
    print("myQueenThreat Unit Test: True")
    print("myQueenThreat Unit Test: False")
if queenThr3 == -1:
    print("myQueenThreat Unit Test: True")
    print("myQueenThreat Unit Test: False")

# Test Best Node in List
node1 = StateNode(state1, None, 5, None, 0, None, None)
node2 = StateNode(state1, None, 1, None, 0, None, None)
node3 = StateNode(state1, None, -3, None, 0, None, None)
node4 = StateNode(state1, None, None, None, 0, None, None)
nodes = {node1, node2, node3, node4}
sum = AIPlayer.BestNodeInList(AIPlayer, nodes)
if sum == 5:
    print("BestNodeInList Unit Test: True")
    print("BestNodeInList Unit Test: False")

# Test method workerAnts
worker1 = AIPlayer.workerAnts(AIPlayer, state1)
worker2 = AIPlayer.workerAnts(AIPlayer, state1)
worker3 = AIPlayer.workerAnts(AIPlayer, state1)
print("\n\nCould not find way to add food to board for testing  \n"
コード例 #11
from StateNode import StateNode
from heapq import heappush, heappop
import numpy as np
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import csv

dataset = np.loadtxt('../data/iris.txt')
outfile = open('../out/iris_k4.csv', 'w')
writer = csv.writer(outfile, lineterminator='\n')

for i in range(100):
    initial_node = StateNode(dataset, k=3)

    # Algorithm parameters
    r_ratio = 0.01
    max_iter = 10000

    # Uniform cost graph search
    pqueue = []
    heappush(pqueue, initial_node)
    i = 0
    start = timer()
    prev_score = initial_node.get_score()
    while i < max_iter:
        expand_node = heappop(pqueue)
        current_score = expand_node.get_score()
        if prev_score <= current_score and i > 0:
            end = timer()
            print(str([current_score, end - start, i]))
            writer.writerow([current_score, end - start, i])