コード例 #1
    def _read_ydata(self, f, data, column_headers):
        """Read the y data and column headers from spc file."""
        n = self._header["fnsub"]
        subhdr_keys = (
        if self._header["ftflgs"] & 1:
            y_width = 2
            y_fmt = "h"
            divisor = 2**16
            y_width = 4
            y_fmt = "i"
            divisor = 2**32
        if n * (y_width * self._pts + 32) > self._filesize - f.tell():
            raise Core.StonerLoadError("No good, going to read too much data!")
        for j in range(n):  # We have n sub-scans
            # Read the subheader and import into the main metadata dictionary as scan#:<subheader item>
            subhdr = struct.unpack(b"BBHfffIIf4s", f.read(32))
            subheader = dict(
                zip(["scan" + str(j) + ":" + x for x in subhdr_keys], subhdr))

            # Now read the y-data
            exponent = subheader["scan" + str(j) + ":subexp"]
            if int(exponent) & -128:  # Data is unscaled direct floats
                ydata = np.array(
                    struct.unpack(str2bytes(str(self._pts) + "f"),
                                  f.read(self._pts * y_width)))
            else:  # Data is scaled by exponent
                yvals = struct.unpack(str2bytes(str(self._pts) + y_fmt),
                                      f.read(self._pts * y_width))
                ydata = np.array(yvals, dtype="float64") * (2**
                                                            exponent) / divisor
            data[:, j + 1] = ydata
            self._header = dict(self._header, **subheader)
            column_headers.append("Scan" + str(j) + ":" +

        return data
コード例 #2
    def save(self, filename=None, **kargs):
        """Overrides the save method to allow KermitPNGFiles to be written out to disc

            filename (string): Filename to save as (using the same rules as for the load routines)

        Keyword Arguments:
            deliminator (string): Record deliniminator (defaults to a comma)

            A copy of itself.
        if filename is None:
            filename = self.filename
        if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool)
                                and not filename):  # now go and ask for one
            filename = self.__file_dialog("w")

        metadata = PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        for k in self.metadata:
            parts = self.metadata.export(k).split("=")
            key = parts[0]
            val = str2bytes("=".join(parts[1:]))
            metadata.add_text(key, val)
        img = PIL.Image.fromarray(self.data)
        img.save(filename, "png", pnginfo=metadata)
        self.filename = filename
        return self
コード例 #3
    def _load(self, filename=None, *args, **kargs):
        """Load an OpenGDA file.

            filename (string or bool): File to load. If None then the existing filename is used,
                if False, then a file dialog will be used.

            A copy of the itself after loading the data.
        if filename is None or not filename:
            self.filename = filename
        i = 0
        with io.open(self.filename, "r", errors="ignore", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                line = line.strip()
                if i == 0 and line != "&SRS":
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("Not a GDA File from Rasor ?" + str(line))
                if "&END" in line:
                parts = line.split("=")
                if len(parts) != 2:
                key = parts[0]
                value = parts[1].strip()
                self.metadata[key] = string_to_type(value)
            column_headers = f.readline().strip().split("\t")
            self.data = np.genfromtxt([str2bytes(l) for l in f], dtype="float", invalid_raise=False)
        self.column_headers = column_headers
        return self
コード例 #4
ファイル: generic.py プロジェクト: gb119/Stoner-PythonCode
    def save(self, filename, **kargs):
        """Overrides the save method to allow KermitPNGFiles to be written out to disc

            filename (string): Filename to save as (using the same rules as for the load routines)

        Keyword Arguments:
            deliminator (string): Record deliniminator (defaults to a comma)

            A copy of itself.
        if filename is None:
            filename = self.filename
        if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool) and not filename):  # now go and ask for one
            filename = self.__file_dialog("w")

        metadata = PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
        for k in self.metadata:
            parts = self.metadata.export(k).split("=")
            key = parts[0]
            val = str2bytes("=".join(parts[1:]))
            metadata.add_text(key, val)
        img = PIL.Image.fromarray(self.data)
        img.save(filename, "png", pnginfo=metadata)
        self.filename = filename
        return self
コード例 #5
ファイル: facilities.py プロジェクト: gb119/Stoner-PythonCode
    def _load(self, filename=None, *args, **kargs):
        """Load an OpenGDA file.

            filename (string or bool): File to load. If None then the existing filename is used,
                if False, then a file dialog will be used.

            A copy of the itself after loading the data.
        if filename is None or not filename:
            self.filename = filename
        i = 0
        with io.open(self.filename, "r", errors="ignore", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                line = line.strip()
                if i == 0 and line != "&SRS":
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("Not a GDA File from Rasor ?" + str(line))
                if "&END" in line:
                parts = line.split("=")
                if len(parts) != 2:
                key = parts[0]
                value = parts[1].strip()
                self.metadata[key] = self.metadata.string_to_type(value)
            if python_v3:
                column_headers = f.readline().strip().split("\t")
                column_headers = f.next().strip().split("\t")
            self.data = np.genfromtxt([str2bytes(l) for l in f], dtype="float", invalid_raise=False)
        self.column_headers = column_headers
        return self
コード例 #6
    def _read_ydata(self, f, data, column_headers):
        """Read the y data and column headers from spc file."""
        n = self._header["fnsub"]
        subhdr_keys = (
        if self._header["ftflgs"] & 1:
            y_width = 2
            y_fmt = "h"
            divisor = 2 ** 16
            y_width = 4
            y_fmt = "i"
            divisor = 2 ** 32
        if n * (y_width * self._pts + 32) > self._filesize - f.tell():
            raise Core.StonerLoadError("No good, going to read too much data!")
        for j in range(n):  # We have n sub-scans
            # Read the subheader and import into the main metadata dictionary as scan#:<subheader item>
            subhdr = struct.unpack(b"BBHfffIIf4s", f.read(32))
            subheader = dict(zip(["scan" + str(j) + ":" + x for x in subhdr_keys], subhdr))

            # Now read the y-data
            exponent = subheader["scan" + str(j) + ":subexp"]
            if int(exponent) & -128:  # Data is unscaled direct floats
                ydata = np.array(struct.unpack(str2bytes(str(self._pts) + "f"), f.read(self._pts * y_width)))
            else:  # Data is scaled by exponent
                yvals = struct.unpack(str2bytes(str(self._pts) + y_fmt), f.read(self._pts * y_width))
                ydata = np.array(yvals, dtype="float64") * (2 ** exponent) / divisor
            data[:, j + 1] = ydata
            self._header = dict(self._header, **subheader)
            column_headers.append("Scan" + str(j) + ":" + self._yvars[self._header["fytype"]])

        return data
コード例 #7
 def _read_xdata(self, f):
     """Read the xdata from the spc file."""
     self._pts = self._header["fnpts"]
     if self._header["ftflgs"] & 128:  # We need to read some X Data
         if 4 * self._pts > self._filesize - f.tell():
             raise Core.StonerLoadError("Trying to read too much data!")
         xvals = f.read(4 * self._pts)  # I think storing X vals directly implies that each one is 4 bytes....
         xdata = np.array(struct.unpack(str2bytes(str(self._pts) + "f"), xvals))
     else:  # Generate the X Data ourselves
         first = self._header["ffirst"]
         last = self._header["flast"]
         if self._pts > 1e6:  # Something not right here !
             raise Core.StonerLoadError("More than 1 million points requested. Bugging out now!")
         xdata = np.linspace(first, last, self._pts)
     return xdata
コード例 #8
 def _read_xdata(self, f):
     """Read the xdata from the spc file."""
     self._pts = self._header["fnpts"]
     if self._header["ftflgs"] & 128:  # We need to read some X Data
         if 4 * self._pts > self._filesize - f.tell():
             raise Core.StonerLoadError("Trying to read too much data!")
         xvals = f.read(4 * self._pts)  # I think storing X vals directly implies that each one is 4 bytes....
         xdata = np.array(struct.unpack(str2bytes(str(self._pts) + "f"), xvals))
     else:  # Generate the X Data ourselves
         first = self._header["ffirst"]
         last = self._header["flast"]
         if self._pts > 1e6:  # Something not right here !
             raise Core.StonerLoadError("More than 1 million points requested. Bugging out now!")
         xdata = np.linspace(first, last, self._pts)
     return xdata
コード例 #9
    def _load(self, filename=None, *args, **kargs):
        """QD system file loader routine.

            filename (string or bool): File to load. If None then the existing filename is used,
                if False, then a file dialog will be used.

            A copy of the itself after loading the data.
        if filename is None or not filename:
            self.filename = filename
        setas = {}
        i = 0
        with io.open(self.filename, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:  # Read filename linewise
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                line = line.strip()
                if i == 0 and line != "[Header]":
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("Not a Quantum Design File !")
                elif line == "[Header]" or line.startswith(";") or line == "":
                elif "[Data]" in line:
                elif "," not in line:
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
                parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split(",")]
                if parts[1].split(":")[0] == "SEQUENCE FILE":
                    key = parts[1].split(":")[0].title()
                    value = parts[1].split(":")[1]
                elif parts[0] == "INFO":
                    if parts[1] == "APPNAME":
                        parts[1], parts[2] = parts[2], parts[1]
                    if len(parts) > 2:
                        key = "{}.{}".format(parts[0], parts[2])
                        raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
                    key = key.title()
                    value = parts[1]
                elif parts[0] in ["BYAPP", "FILEOPENTIME"]:
                    key = parts[0].title()
                    value = " ".join(parts[1:])
                elif parts[0] == "FIELDGROUP":
                    key = "{}.{}".format(parts[0], parts[1]).title()
                    value = "[{}]".format(",".join(parts[2:]))
                elif parts[0] == "STARTUPAXIS":
                    axis = parts[1][0].lower()
                    setas[axis] = setas.get(axis, []) + [int(parts[2])]
                    key = "Startupaxis-{}".format(parts[1].strip())
                    value = parts[2].strip()
                    key = parts[0] + "," + parts[1]
                    key = key.title()
                    value = " ".join(parts[2:])
                self.metadata[key] = self.metadata.string_to_type(value)
                raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
            if "Byapp" not in self:
                raise Core.StonerLoadError("Not a Quantum Design File !")

            if python_v3:
                column_headers = f.readline().strip().split(",")
                if "," not in f.readline():
                    assert False
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
                column_headers = f.next().strip().split(",")
                if "," not in f.next():
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
            data = np.genfromtxt([str2bytes(l) for l in f], dtype="float", delimiter=",", invalid_raise=False)
            if data.shape[1] != len(column_headers):  # Trap for buggy QD software not giving ewnough columns of data
                data = np.append(data, np.ones((data.shape[0], len(column_headers) - data.shape[1])) * np.NaN, axis=1)
            self.data = data
        self.column_headers = column_headers
        s = self.setas
        for k in setas:
            for ix in setas[k]:
                s[ix - 1] = k
        self.setas = s
        return self
コード例 #10
    def _load(self, filename=None, *args, **kargs):
        """QD system file loader routine.

            filename (string or bool): File to load. If None then the existing filename is used,
                if False, then a file dialog will be used.

            A copy of the itself after loading the data.
        if filename is None or not filename:
            self.filename = filename
        setas = {}
        i = 0
        with io.open(self.filename, "r", encoding="utf-8",
                     errors="ignore") as f:  # Read filename linewise
            for i, line in enumerate(f):
                line = line.strip()
                if i == 0 and line != "[Header]":
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("Not a Quantum Design File !")
                elif line == "[Header]" or line.startswith(";") or line == "":
                elif "[Data]" in line:
                elif "," not in line:
                    raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
                parts = [x.strip() for x in line.split(",")]
                if parts[1].split(":")[0] == "SEQUENCE FILE":
                    key = parts[1].split(":")[0].title()
                    value = parts[1].split(":")[1]
                elif parts[0] == "INFO":
                    if parts[1] == "APPNAME":
                        parts[1], parts[2] = parts[2], parts[1]
                    if len(parts) > 2:
                        key = "{}.{}".format(parts[0], parts[2])
                        raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
                    key = key.title()
                    value = parts[1]
                elif parts[0] in ["BYAPP", "FILEOPENTIME"]:
                    key = parts[0].title()
                    value = " ".join(parts[1:])
                elif parts[0] == "FIELDGROUP":
                    key = "{}.{}".format(parts[0], parts[1]).title()
                    value = "[{}]".format(",".join(parts[2:]))
                elif parts[0] == "STARTUPAXIS":
                    axis = parts[1][0].lower()
                    setas[axis] = setas.get(axis, []) + [int(parts[2])]
                    key = "Startupaxis-{}".format(parts[1].strip())
                    value = parts[2].strip()
                    key = parts[0] + "," + parts[1]
                    key = key.title()
                    value = " ".join(parts[2:])
                self.metadata[key] = string_to_type(value)
                raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
            if "Byapp" not in self:
                raise Core.StonerLoadError("Not a Quantum Design File !")

            column_headers = f.readline().strip().split(",")
            data = np.genfromtxt([str2bytes(l) for l in f],
            if data.shape[0] == 0:
                raise Core.StonerLoadError("No data in file!")
            if data.shape[1] < len(
            ):  # Trap for buggy QD software not giving ewnough columns of data
                data = np.append(
                        (data.shape[0], len(column_headers) - data.shape[1])) *
            elif data.shape[1] > len(column_headers):  # too much data
                data = data[:, :len(column_headers) - data.shape[1]]
            self.data = data
        self.column_headers = column_headers
        s = self.setas
        for k in setas:
            for ix in setas[k]:
                s[ix - 1] = k
        self.setas = s
        return self
コード例 #11
    def save(self, filename=None, compression=zf.ZIP_DEFLATED):
        """Overrides the save method to allow ZippedFile to be written out to disc (as a mininmalist output)

            filename (string or zipfile.ZipFile instance): Filename to save as (using the same rules as for the load routines)

            A copy of itself.
        if filename is None:
            filename = self.filename
        if filename is None or (isinstance(filename, bool)
                                and not filename):  # now go and ask for one
            filename = self.__file_dialog('w')

            if isinstance(filename,
                          string_types):  #We;ve got a string filename
                if test_is_zip(
                ):  # We can find an existing zip file somewhere in the filename
                    zipfile, member = test_is_zip(filename)
                    zipfile = zf.ZipFile(zipfile, "a")
                    close_me = True
                elif path.exists(
                        filename):  # The fiule exists but isn't a zip file
                    raise IOError(
                        "{} Should either be a zip file or a new zip file".
                else:  # Path doesn't exist, use extension of file part to find where the zip file should be
                    parts = path.split(filename)
                    for i, part in enumerate(parts):
                        if path.splitext(part)[1].lower() == ".zip":
                        raise IOError(
                            "Can't figure out where the zip file is in {}".
                    zipfile = zf.ZipFile(path.join(*parts[:i + 1]), "w",
                                         compression, True)
                    close_me = True
                    member = path.join("/", *parts[i + 1:])
            elif isinstance(filename, zf.ZipFile
                            ):  #Handle\ zipfile instance, opening if necessary
                if not filename.fp:
                    filename = zf.ZipFile(filename.filename, 'a')
                    close_me = True
                    close_me = False
                zipfile = filename
                member = ""

            if member == "" or member == "/":  # Is our file object a bare zip file - if so create a default member name
                if len(zipfile.namelist()) > 0:
                    member = zipfile.namelist()[-1]
                    self.filename = path.join(filename, member)
                    member = "DataFile.txt"
                    self.filename = filename

            zipfile.writestr(member, str2bytes(str(self)))
            if close_me:
        except Exception:
            error = format_exc()
            except Exception:
            raise IOError("Error saving zipfile\n{}".format(error))
        return self