コード例 #1
ファイル: QircConfig.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
    def create(cls):
        d = OrderedDict()
        d['server'] = OrderedDict()
        d['server']['url'] = 'irc.freenode.net'
        d['server']['port'] = '6667'
        d['bot'] = OrderedDict()
        d['bot']['nick'] = 'QircBug'
        d['bot']['ident'] = 'QircBug'
        d['bot']['realname'] = 'QirckyBotBug'
        d['bot']['password'] = ''
        d['bot']['owner'] = 'unaffiliated/nbaztec'
        d['startup'] = OrderedDict()
        d['startup']['channels'] = '#nbaztec'
        d['startup']['notice-to'] = 'nbaztec'
        d['startup']['notice-msg'] = 'Qirc is now online.'
        #d['global'] = OrderedDict()
        #d['global']['flags'] = 'ubhkv'
        #d['global']['logging'] = 'true'
        d['logs'] = OrderedDict()
        d['logs']['dir'] = 'logs-ignore/'
        d['logs']['file-format'] = '{timestamp:[%Y-%m-%d]}{channel}.log'
        d['logs']['buffer-len'] = '256'
        ConfigManager.write_config(cls._file, d)

コード例 #2
ファイル: QircConfig.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
    def create(cls):
        d = OrderedDict()
        d['server'] = OrderedDict()
        d['server']['url'] = 'irc.freenode.net'
        d['server']['port'] = '6667'

        d['bot'] = OrderedDict()
        d['bot']['nick'] = 'QircBug'
        d['bot']['ident'] = 'QircBug'
        d['bot']['realname'] = 'QirckyBotBug'
        d['bot']['password'] = ''
        d['bot']['owner'] = 'unaffiliated/nbaztec'

        d['startup'] = OrderedDict()
        d['startup']['channels'] = '#nbaztec'
        d['startup']['notice-to'] = 'nbaztec'
        d['startup']['notice-msg'] = 'Qirc is now online.'

        #d['global'] = OrderedDict()
        #d['global']['flags'] = 'ubhkv'
        #d['global']['logging'] = 'true'

        d['logs'] = OrderedDict()
        d['logs']['dir'] = 'logs-ignore/'
        d['logs']['file-format'] = '{timestamp:[%Y-%m-%d]}{channel}.log'
        d['logs']['buffer-len'] = '256'

        ConfigManager.write_config(cls._file, d)
コード例 #3
ファイル: QircConfig.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
 def read(cls, section=None):        
     if os.path.exists(cls._file):
         d = ConfigManager.read_config(cls._file)
         if d:
             config = d
             config['server']['port'] = int(config['server']['port'])
             config['bot']['attempt-nick'] = config['bot']['nick']
             config['bot']['owner'] = config['bot']['owner'].split(' ')
             config['startup']['channels'] = config['startup']['channels'].split(' ')
             config['startup']['notice-to'] = config['startup']['notice-to'].split(' ')
             if len(config['bot']['password']) == 0:
                 config['bot']['password'] = None
             if section:
                 if config.has_key(section):
                     return config[section]
                 return config
     return None
コード例 #4
ファイル: QircConfig.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
    def read(cls, section=None):
        if os.path.exists(cls._file):
            d = ConfigManager.read_config(cls._file)
            if d:
                config = d
                config['server']['port'] = int(config['server']['port'])
                config['bot']['attempt-nick'] = config['bot']['nick']
                config['bot']['owner'] = config['bot']['owner'].split(' ')

                config['startup']['channels'] = config['startup'][
                    'channels'].split(' ')
                config['startup']['notice-to'] = config['startup'][
                    'notice-to'].split(' ')

                if len(config['bot']['password']) == 0:
                    config['bot']['password'] = None

                if section:
                    if config.has_key(section):
                        return config[section]
                    return config
        return None
コード例 #5
ファイル: Twitter.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
Created on Jan 12, 2013
@author: Nisheeth Barthwal
@author: Anurag Panda
@summary: Posts IRC message at twitter

import urllib
import urllib2
import json
from Util import OAuth
from Util.Config import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'twitter')

oauth_consumer = OAuth.OAuthConsumer(key=config['consumer-key'], secret=config['consumer-secret'])
oauth_token = OAuth.OAuthToken(key=config['access-key'], secret=config['access-secret'])
def twitter_api_send(method, url, data, oa_consumer, oa_token=None, host='https://api.twitter.com'):
        @param method: POST or GET
        @param url: The url to request against
        @param data: dict of data to send
        @param oa_consumer: Instance of OAuthConsumer
        @param oa_token: Instance of OAuthToken
    url = host + url
    headers = {}
    request = OAuth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(oa_consumer, token=oa_token, http_url=url, http_method=method, parameters=data)
    request.sign_request(OAuth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(), oa_consumer, oa_token)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Url.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
Created on Jun 30, 2012

@author: Nisheeth

import socket
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import re
from Util.Log import Log
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util import htmlx

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'google')
#config = {
#            'google'    : 'AIzaSyAMajmwMaD4uPv1EuXn_WzC-9T61GZW5gw',
#        }

url_regex = re.compile(r'^https?://([^/]+)(.*)$')

def min_url(url, maxlen=20):
    idx = url.find('://')
    if idx != -1:
        url = url[idx+3:]
    if len(url) > maxlen:
        url = url[:maxlen/2] + '...' + url[-maxlen/2:]
    return url

def dns(url):
コード例 #7
ファイル: Define.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
Created on Jun 8, 2012
@author: Nisheeth
@summary: Provides searches for word definitions

import urllib
import urllib2
import re
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util import htmlx
from Util.Log import Log

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf')
#            'google'    : 'AIzaSyAMajmwMaD4uPv1EuXn_WzC-9T61GZW5gw',
#            'stands4'   : {'userid': '2263', 'token': 'zMYpRyvDST3POUPd'}
#        }

def googledefine(query, num=1):    
        @param query: Query for searching
        @param num: Return the (n)th result
        @summary: Performs a Google search and returns the first result
        @attention: Google's description requires unescaping twice
        response = urllib2.urlopen('https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch/v1?key=%s&cx=013036536707430787589:_pqjad5hr1a&q=define+%s&alt=atom&num=%d' % (config['google']['app-id'], urllib.quote(query), num))
        page = response.read()                            
コード例 #8
Created on Jun 8, 2012
@author: Nisheeth
@summary: Provides provision for location tracking

import urllib
import urllib2
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util.Log import Log

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'ipinfo')
#config = {
#            'ipinfo'    : '7cc52ff3504c129fd61b2de112874fe54c020a57e981fbb20fc41d200e8c4c7d'
#        }
def iplocate(ip): 
        @param ip: The IP address
        @summary: Performs a IP lookup and obtains the location of the user
        response = urllib2.urlopen('http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-city/?key=%s&format=xml&ip=%s' % (config['app-id'], urllib.quote(ip)))        
        page = response.read()                            
        soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
        reply = soup.find('response')
        if reply.find('statuscode').find(text=True) == "OK":            
            r_lat = str((reply.find('latitude').find(text=True)))
            r_long = str(reply.find('longitude').find(text=True))
コード例 #9
Created on Jun 8, 2012
@author: Nisheeth
@summary: Provides calculation provisions using various sites

import re
import urllib
import urllib2
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util import htmlx
from Util.Log import Log
import json

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'wolfram')

#config = {
#            'wolf'      : 'RU4KX6-XJY2PPE93Y',
#        }

def wolfram(query):
        @param query: Query for calculation
        @summary: Performs calculation on Wolfram Alpha and returns the results
        response = urllib2.urlopen('http://api.wolframalpha.com/v2/query?appid=%s&input=%s&format=plaintext' % (config['app-id'], urllib.quote(query)))        
        page = response.read()                            
コード例 #10
ファイル: Twitter.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
Created on Jan 12, 2013
@author: Nisheeth Barthwal
@author: Anurag Panda
@summary: Posts IRC message at twitter

import urllib
import urllib2
import json
from Util import OAuth
from Util.Config import ConfigManager

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'twitter')

oauth_consumer = OAuth.OAuthConsumer(key=config['consumer-key'],
oauth_token = OAuth.OAuthToken(key=config['access-key'],

def twitter_api_send(method,
        @param method: POST or GET
        @param url: The url to request against
        @param data: dict of data to send
コード例 #11
ファイル: Url.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
Created on Jun 30, 2012

@author: Nisheeth

import socket
import urllib
import urllib2
import json
import re
from Util.Log import Log
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util import htmlx

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'google')
#config = {
#            'google'    : 'AIzaSyAMajmwMaD4uPv1EuXn_WzC-9T61GZW5gw',
#        }

url_regex = re.compile(r'^https?://([^/]+)(.*)$')

def min_url(url, maxlen=20):
    idx = url.find('://')
    if idx != -1:
        url = url[idx + 3:]
    if len(url) > maxlen:
        url = url[:maxlen / 2] + '...' + url[-maxlen / 2:]
    return url
コード例 #12
Created on Jun 8, 2012
@author: Nisheeth
@summary: Provides provisions for weather and forecasting

import urllib
import urllib2
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util.Log import Log

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf', 'worldweather')
#config = {
#            'worldweather'    : '8c7d2c19fc192331121509',
#        }

def to_celcius(f):
    return (float(f) - 32) * 5 / 9

def google_weather(place):
        @param term: Term for searching
        @summary: Performs a urban dictionary search and returns the first result
        response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=%s' %
        page = response.read()
コード例 #13
ファイル: Weather.py プロジェクト: nbaztec/Qirc
Created on Jun 8, 2012
@author: Nisheeth
@summary: Provides provisions for weather and forecasting

import urllib
import urllib2
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util.Log import Log

config = ConfigManager.read_config("extensions.conf", "worldweather")
# config = {
#            'worldweather'    : '8c7d2c19fc192331121509',
#        }

def to_celcius(f):
    return (float(f) - 32) * 5 / 9

def google_weather(place):
        @param term: Term for searching
        @summary: Performs a urban dictionary search and returns the first result
        response = urllib2.urlopen("http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=%s" % urllib.quote(place))
        page = response.read()
コード例 #14
Created on Jun 8, 2012
@author: Nisheeth
@summary: Provides searches for word definitions

import urllib
import urllib2
import re
from Util.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
from Util.Config import ConfigManager
from Util import htmlx
from Util.Log import Log

config = ConfigManager.read_config('extensions.conf')
#            'google'    : 'AIzaSyAMajmwMaD4uPv1EuXn_WzC-9T61GZW5gw',
#            'stands4'   : {'userid': '2263', 'token': 'zMYpRyvDST3POUPd'}
#        }

def googledefine(query, num=1):
        @param query: Query for searching
        @param num: Return the (n)th result
        @summary: Performs a Google search and returns the first result
        @attention: Google's description requires unescaping twice
        response = urllib2.urlopen(