コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, configFile, tilegrid, numSim, minRecords, yrsPerSim,
                 calcCI=False, evd='GEV'):
        Initialise HazardCalculator object.

        :param str configFile: path to TCRM configuration file.
        :param tilegrid: :class:`TileGrid` instance
        :param int numSim: number of simulations created.
        :param int minRecords: minimum number of valid wind speed values required
                               to do fitting.
        :param int yrsPerSim:
        :param boolean calcCI:
        :param str extreme_value_distribution: evd to use. Options so far are GEV
                                               and GPD.
        config = ConfigParser()

        self.nodata = -9999.
        self.years = np.array(config.get('Hazard',
        self.outputPath = pjoin(config.get('Output', 'Path'), 'hazard')
        self.inputPath = pjoin(config.get('Output', 'Path'), 'windfield')
        gridLimit = config.geteval('Region', 'gridLimit')

        self.numSim = numSim
        self.minRecords = minRecords
        self.yrsPerSim = yrsPerSim
        self.calcCI = calcCI
        if self.calcCI:
            log.debug("Bootstrap confidence intervals will be calculated")
            self.sample_size = config.getint('Hazard', 'SampleSize')
            self.prange = config.getint('Hazard', 'PercentileRange')
        self.evd = evd

        self.tilegrid = tilegrid
        lon, lat = self.tilegrid.getDomainExtent()

        # Create arrays for storing output data:
        self.loc = np.zeros((len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.shp = np.zeros((len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.scale = np.zeros((len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.Rp = np.zeros((len(self.years), len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')

        self.RPupper = np.zeros((len(self.years), len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.RPlower = np.zeros((len(self.years), len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')

        self.global_atts = {'title': ('TCRM hazard simulation - '
                            'return period wind speeds'),
                            'tcrm_version': flProgramVersion(),
                            'python_version': sys.version}

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        for section in config.sections():
            for option in config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = config.get(section, option)
                self.global_atts[key] = value
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: squireg/tcrm
    def __init__(self, configFile, tilegrid, numSim, minRecords, yrsPerSim,
        Initialise HazardCalculator object.

        :param str configFile: path to TCRM configuration file.
        :param tilegrid: :class:`TileGrid` instance
        :param int numSim: number of simulations created.
        :param int minRecords: minimum number of valid wind speed values required
                               to do fitting.
        :param int yrsPerSim:
        config = ConfigParser()

        self.nodata = -9999.
        self.years = np.array(config.get('Hazard',
        self.outputPath = pjoin(config.get('Output', 'Path'), 'hazard')
        self.inputPath = pjoin(config.get('Output', 'Path'), 'windfield')
        gridLimit = config.geteval('Region', 'gridLimit')

        self.numSim = numSim
        self.minRecords = minRecords
        self.yrsPerSim = yrsPerSim
        self.calcCI = calcCI
        if self.calcCI:
            log.debug("Bootstrap confidence intervals will be calculated")
            self.sample_size = config.getint('Hazard', 'SampleSize')
            self.prange = config.getint('Hazard', 'PercentileRange')

        self.tilegrid = tilegrid
        lon, lat = self.tilegrid.getDomainExtent()

        # Create arrays for storing output data:
        self.loc = np.zeros((len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.shp = np.zeros((len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.scale = np.zeros((len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.Rp = np.zeros((len(self.years), len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')

        self.RPupper = np.zeros((len(self.years), len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')
        self.RPlower = np.zeros((len(self.years), len(lat), len(lon)), dtype='f')

        self.global_atts = {'history': ('TCRM hazard simulation - '
                            'return period wind speeds'),
                            'version': flProgramVersion(),
                            'Python_ver': sys.version}

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        for section in config.sections():
            for option in config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = config.get(section, option)
                self.global_atts[key] = value
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, configFile):

        config = ConfigParser()
        self.configFile = configFile

        # Define the grid:
        gridLimit = config.geteval('Region', 'gridLimit')
        gridSpace = config.geteval('Region', 'GridSpace')

        self.lon_range = np.arange(gridLimit['xMin'], gridLimit['xMax'] + 0.1,
        self.lat_range = np.arange(gridLimit['yMin'], gridLimit['yMax'] + 0.1,

        outputPath = config.get('Output', 'Path')
        self.trackPath = pjoin(outputPath, 'tracks')
        self.plotPath = pjoin(outputPath, 'plots', 'stats')
        self.dataPath = pjoin(outputPath, 'process')

        # Determine TCRM input directory
        tcrm_dir = pathLocator.getRootDirectory()
        self.inputPath = pjoin(tcrm_dir, 'input')

        self.synNumYears = config.getint('TrackGenerator',

        # Longitude crossing gates:
        self.gateLons = np.arange(self.lon_range.min(),
                                  self.lon_range.max() + 0.5, 10.)

        self.gateLats = np.arange(self.lat_range.min(),
                                  self.lat_range.max() + 0.5, 2.)

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        self.gatts = {
            'history': "Longitude crossing rates for TCRM simulation",
            'version': flProgramVersion()

        for section in config.sections():
            for option in config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = config.get(section, option)
                self.gatts[key] = value
コード例 #4
ファイル: longitudeCrossing.py プロジェクト: jmettes/tcrm
    def __init__(self, configFile):

        config = ConfigParser()
        self.configFile = configFile

        # Define the grid:
        gridLimit = config.geteval('Region', 'gridLimit')
        gridSpace = config.geteval('Region', 'GridSpace')

        self.lon_range = np.arange(gridLimit['xMin'],
                                   gridLimit['xMax'] + 0.1,
        self.lat_range = np.arange(gridLimit['yMin'],
                                   gridLimit['yMax'] + 0.1,

        outputPath = config.get('Output', 'Path')
        self.trackPath = pjoin(outputPath, 'tracks')
        self.plotPath = pjoin(outputPath, 'plots', 'stats')
        self.dataPath = pjoin(outputPath, 'process')

        # Determine TCRM input directory
        tcrm_dir = pathLocator.getRootDirectory()
        self.inputPath = pjoin(tcrm_dir, 'input')

        self.synNumYears = config.getint('TrackGenerator',

        # Longitude crossing gates:
        self.gateLons = np.arange(self.lon_range.min(), 
                                  self.lon_range.max() + 0.5, 10.)

        self.gateLats = np.arange(self.lat_range.min(), 
                                  self.lat_range.max() + 0.5, 2.)

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        self.gatts = {'history': "Longitude crossing rates for TCRM simulation",
                      'version': flProgramVersion() }

        for section in config.sections():
            for option in config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = config.get(section, option)
                self.gatts[key] = value
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Jack-ee/tcrm
    def saveGustToFile(self, trackfile, result, filename):
        Save gusts to a file.
        lat, lon, speed, Vx, Vy, P = result

        trackfileDate = flModDate(trackfile)

        gatts = {
            'title': 'TCRM hazard simulation - synthetic event wind field',
            'tcrm_version': flProgramVersion(),
            'python_version': sys.version,
            'track_file': trackfile,
            'track_file_date': trackfileDate,
            'radial_profile': self.profileType,
            'boundary_layer': self.windFieldType,
            'beta': self.beta

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        for section in self.config.sections():
            for option in self.config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = self.config.get(section, option)
                gatts[key] = value

        dimensions = {
            0: {
                'name': 'lat',
                'values': lat,
                'dtype': 'float64',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Latitude',
                    'standard_name': 'latitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_north',
                    'axis': 'Y'
            1: {
                'name': 'lon',
                'values': lon,
                'dtype': 'float64',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Longitude',
                    'standard_name': 'longitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_east',
                    'axis': 'X'

        variables = {
            0: {
                'name': 'vmax',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': speed,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'Maximum 0.2-second gust wind speed',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(speed), np.max(speed)),
                    'valid_range': (0.0, 200.),
                    'cell_methods': ('time: maximum ',
                                     'time: maximum (interval: 0.2 seconds)'),
            1: {
                'name': 'ua',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vx,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Eastward component of maximum wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'eastward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vx), np.max(Vx)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            2: {
                'name': 'va',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vy,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Northward component of maximim wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'northward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vy), np.max(Vy)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            3: {
                'name': 'slp',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': P,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Minimum air pressure at sea level',
                    'standard_name': 'air_pressure_at_sea_level',
                    'units': 'Pa',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(P), np.max(P)),
                    'valid_range': (70000., 115000.),
                    'cell_methods': 'time: minimum',
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            4: {
                'name': 'crs',
                'dims': (),
                'values': None,
                'dtype': 'i',
                'atts': {
                    'grid_mapping_name': 'latitude_longitude',
                    'semi_major_axis': 6378137.0,
                    'inverse_flattening': 298.257222101,
                    'longitude_of_prime_meridian': 0.0

        nctools.ncSaveGrid(filename, dimensions, variables, gatts=gatts)
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: jmettes/tcrm
    def _saveGustToFile(self, trackfile, result, filename):
        Save gusts to a file.
        lat, lon, speed, Vx, Vy, P = result

        trackfileDate = flModDate(trackfile)

        gatts = {
            'title': 'TCRM hazard simulation - synthetic event wind field',
            'tcrm_version': flProgramVersion(),
            'python_version': sys.version,
            'track_file': trackfile,
            'track_file_date': trackfileDate,
            'radial_profile': self.profileType,
            'boundary_layer': self.windFieldType,
            'beta': self.beta}

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        for section in self.config.sections():
            for option in self.config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = self.config.get(section, option)
                gatts[key] = value

        dimensions = {
            0: {
                'name': 'lat',
                'values': lat,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Latitude',
                    'standard_name': 'latitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_north',
                    'axis': 'Y'
            1: {
                'name': 'lon',
                'values': lon,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Longitude',
                    'standard_name': 'longitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_east',
                    'axis': 'X'

        variables = {
            0: {
                'name': 'vmax',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': speed,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Maximum 3-second gust wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'wind_speed_of_gust',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(speed), np.max(speed)),
                    'valid_range': (0.0, 200.),
                    'cell_methods': ('time: maximum '
                                     'time: maximum (interval: 3 seconds)'),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            1: {
                'name': 'ua',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vx,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Eastward component of maximum wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'eastward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vx), np.max(Vx)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            2: {
                'name': 'va',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vy,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Northward component of maximim wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'northward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vy), np.max(Vy)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            3: {
                'name': 'slp',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': P,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Minimum air pressure at sea level',
                    'standard_name': 'air_pressure_at_sea_level',
                    'units': 'Pa',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(P), np.max(P)),
                    'valid_range': (70000., 115000.),
                    'cell_methods': 'time: minimum',
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            4: {
                'name': 'crs',
                'dims': (),
                'values': None,
                'dtype': 'i',
                'atts': {
                    'grid_mapping_name': 'latitude_longitude',
                    'semi_major_axis': 6378137.0,
                    'inverse_flattening': 298.257222101,
                    'longitude_of_prime_meridian': 0.0

        nctools.ncSaveGrid(filename, dimensions, variables, gatts=gatts)
コード例 #7
ファイル: longitudeCrossing.py プロジェクト: ilai/tcrm
    def __init__(self, configFile):

        config = ConfigParser()
        self.configFile = configFile

        # Define the grid:
        gridLimit = config.geteval("Region", "gridLimit")
        gridSpace = config.geteval("Region", "GridSpace")

        self.lon_range = np.arange(gridLimit["xMin"], gridLimit["xMax"] + 0.1, gridSpace["x"])
        self.lat_range = np.arange(gridLimit["yMin"], gridLimit["yMax"] + 0.1, gridSpace["y"])

        outputPath = config.get("Output", "Path")
        self.trackPath = pjoin(outputPath, "tracks")
        self.plotPath = pjoin(outputPath, "plots", "stats")
        self.dataPath = pjoin(outputPath, "process")

        # Determine TCRM input directory
        tcrm_dir = pathLocator.getRootDirectory()
        self.inputPath = pjoin(tcrm_dir, "input")

        self.synNumYears = config.getint("TrackGenerator", "yearspersimulation")

        # Longitude crossing gates:
        self.gateLons = np.arange(self.lon_range.min(), self.lon_range.max() + 0.5, 10.0)

        self.gateLats = np.arange(self.lat_range.min(), self.lat_range.max() + 0.5, 2.0)

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        self.gatts = {"history": "Longitude crossing rates for TCRM simulation", "version": flProgramVersion()}

        for section in config.sections():
            for option in config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = config.get(section, option)
                self.gatts[key] = value