コード例 #1
 def _call_eager(self, expr: E.Apply, arguments: List[V.Base]) -> V.Base:
     ans_type = self.infer_type(expr)
     if not isinstance(ans_type, T.String):
         return super()._call_eager(expr, arguments)
     # TODO: in a command interpolation, return missing if either operand is missing
     ans = self.op(
         str(arguments[0].coerce(T.String()).value), str(arguments[1].coerce(T.String()).value)
     assert isinstance(ans, str)
     return V.String(ans)
コード例 #2
 def infer_type(self, expr: E.Apply) -> T.Base:
     if len(expr.arguments) != 2:
         raise Error.WrongArity(expr, 2)
     return T.Array(
             isinstance(expr.arguments[1].type, T.Array) and expr.arguments[1].type.nonempty
コード例 #3
 def __call__(self, expr: E.Apply, env: E.Env) -> V.Base:
     ans_type = self.infer_type(expr)
     if not isinstance(ans_type, T.String):
         return super().__call__(expr, env)
     # TODO: return missing if either operand is missing
     ans = self.op(
     assert isinstance(ans, str)
     return V.String(ans)
コード例 #4
 def _infer_type(self, type_env: Env.Types) -> T.Base:
     if not self.items:
         return T.Array(None)
     for item in self.items:
         item.infer_type(type_env, self._check_quant)
     # Start by assuming the type of the first item is the item type
     item_type: T.Base = self.items[0].type
     # Allow a mixture of Int and Float to construct Array[Float]
     if isinstance(item_type, T.Int):
         for item in self.items:
             if isinstance(item.type, T.Float):
                 item_type = T.Float()
     # If any item is String, assume item type is String
     # If any item has optional quantifier, assume item type is optional
     # If all items have nonempty quantifier, assume item type is nonempty
     all_nonempty = len(self.items) > 0
     for item in self.items:
         if isinstance(item.type, T.String):
             item_type = T.String(optional=item_type.optional)
         if item.type.optional:
             item_type = item_type.copy(optional=True)
         if isinstance(item.type, T.Array) and not item.type.nonempty:
             all_nonempty = False
     if isinstance(item_type, T.Array):
         item_type = item_type.copy(nonempty=all_nonempty)
     # Check all items are coercible to item_type
     for item in self.items:
         except Error.StaticTypeMismatch:
             self._type = T.Array(item_type, optional=False, nonempty=True)
             raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                 self, item_type, item.type,
                 "(inconsistent types within array)") from None
     return T.Array(item_type, optional=False, nonempty=True)
コード例 #5
 def _infer_type(self, type_env: Env.Types) -> T.Base:
     self.expr.infer_type(type_env, self._check_quant)
     if isinstance(self.expr.type, T.Array):
         if "sep" not in self.options:
             raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                 self, T.Array(None), self.expr.type,
                 "array command placeholder must have 'sep'")
         # if sum(1 for t in [T.Int, T.Float, T.Boolean, T.String, T.File] if isinstance(self.expr.type.item_type, t)) == 0:
         #    raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(self, T.Array(None), self.expr.type, "cannot use array of complex types for command placeholder")
     elif "sep" in self.options:
         raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
             "command placeholder has 'sep' option for non-Array expression",
     if "true" in self.options or "false" in self.options:
         if not isinstance(self.expr.type, T.Boolean):
             raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                 "command placeholder 'true' and 'false' options used with non-Boolean expression",
         if not ("true" in self.options and "false" in self.options):
             raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                 "command placeholder with only one of 'true' and 'false' options",
     return T.String()
コード例 #6
 def infer_type(self, expr: E.Apply) -> T.Base:
     assert len(expr.arguments) == 2
     t2 = None
     if isinstance(expr.arguments[0].type, T.String):
         t2 = expr.arguments[1].type
     elif isinstance(expr.arguments[1].type, T.String):
         t2 = expr.arguments[0].type
     if t2 is None:
         # neither operand is a string; defer to _ArithmeticOperator
         return super().infer_type(expr)
     if not t2.coerces(T.String(optional=True)):
         raise Error.IncompatibleOperand(
             "Cannot add/concatenate {} and {}".format(
                 str(expr.arguments[0].type), str(expr.arguments[1].type)),
     return T.String()
コード例 #7
 def infer_type(self, expr: E.Apply) -> T.Base:
     if not expr.arguments:
         raise Error.WrongArity(expr, 1)
     if not expr.arguments[0].type.coerces(T.File(optional=True)):
         if isinstance(expr.arguments[0].type, T.Array):
             if expr.arguments[0].type.optional or not expr.arguments[0].type.item_type.coerces(
                 raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                     expr.arguments[0], T.Array(T.File(optional=True)), expr.arguments[0].type
             raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                 expr.arguments[0], T.File(optional=True), expr.arguments[0].type
     if len(expr.arguments) == 2:
         if expr.arguments[1].type != T.String():
             raise Error.StaticTypeMismatch(
                 expr.arguments[1], T.String(), expr.arguments[1].type
     elif len(expr.arguments) > 2:
         raise Error.WrongArity(expr, 2)
     return T.Float()
コード例 #8
ファイル: Tree.py プロジェクト: hpobio-lab/miniwdl
 def typecheck(self, check_quant: bool = True) -> None:
     # First collect a type environment for all the input & postinput
     # declarations, so that we're prepared for possible forward-references
     # in their right-hand side expressions.
     type_env = []
     for decl in self.inputs + self.postinputs:
         type_env = decl.add_to_type_env(type_env)
     # Pass through input & postinput declarations again, typecheck their
     # right-hand side expressions against the type environment.
     for decl in self.inputs + self.postinputs:
         decl.typecheck(type_env, check_quant)
     # TODO: detect circular dependencies among input & postinput decls
     # Typecheck the command (string)
     self.command.infer_type(type_env, check_quant).typecheck(T.String())
     # Typecheck runtime expressions
     for _, runtime_expr in self.runtime.items():
     # Add output declarations to type environment
     for decl in self.outputs:
         type_env = decl.add_to_type_env(type_env)
     # Typecheck the output expressions
     for decl in self.outputs:
         decl.typecheck(type_env, check_quant)
コード例 #9
def from_json(type: T.Base, value: Any) -> Base:
    Instantiate a WDL value of the specified type from a parsed JSON value (str, int, float, list, dict, or null).

    :raise WDL.Error.InputError: if the given value isn't coercible to the specified type
    if isinstance(type, T.Boolean) and value in [True, False]:
        return Boolean(value)
    if isinstance(type, T.Int) and isinstance(value, int):
        return Int(value)
    if isinstance(type, T.Float) and isinstance(value, (float, int)):
        return Float(float(value))
    if isinstance(type, T.File) and isinstance(value, str):
        return File(value)
    if isinstance(type, T.String) and isinstance(value, str):
        return String(value)
    if isinstance(type, T.Array) and isinstance(value, list):
        return Array(type, [from_json(type.item_type, item) for item in value])
    if isinstance(type,
                  T.Map) and type.item_type[0] == T.String() and isinstance(
                      value, dict):
        items = []
        for k, v in value.items():
            assert isinstance(k, str)
                                    k), from_json(type.item_type[1], v)))
        return Map(type, items)
    if (isinstance(type, T.StructInstance) and isinstance(value, dict)
            and type.members
            and set(type.members.keys()) == set(value.keys())):
        items = {}
        for k, v in value.items():
            assert isinstance(k, str)
            items[k] = from_json(type.members[k], v)
        return Struct(T.Object(type.members), items)
    if type.optional and value is None:
        return Null()
    raise Error.InputError("couldn't construct {} from input {}".format(
        str(type), json.dumps(value)))
コード例 #10
 def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
     super().__init__(T.String(), value)
コード例 #11
 def string_type(self, items, meta):
     optional = False
     if items and items[0].value == "?":
         optional = True
     return T.String(optional)
コード例 #12
 def _infer_type(self, type_env: Env.Types) -> T.Base:
     for part in self.parts:
         if isinstance(part, Placeholder):
             part.infer_type(type_env, self._check_quant)
     return T.String()
コード例 #13
 def _call_eager(self, expr: E.Apply, arguments: List[V.Base]) -> V.Base:
     pfx = arguments[0].coerce(T.String()).value
     return V.Array(
         [V.String(pfx + s.coerce(T.String()).value) for s in arguments[1].value],
コード例 #14
    def __init__(self):
        # language built-ins
        self._at = _At()
        self._land = _And()
        self._lor = _Or()
        self._negate = StaticFunction(
            "_negate", [T.Boolean()], T.Boolean(), lambda x: V.Boolean(not x.value)
        self._add = _AddOperator()
        self._sub = _ArithmeticOperator("-", lambda l, r: l - r)
        self._mul = _ArithmeticOperator("*", lambda l, r: l * r)
        self._div = _ArithmeticOperator("/", lambda l, r: l // r)
        self._rem = StaticFunction(
            "_rem", [T.Int(), T.Int()], T.Int(), lambda l, r: V.Int(l.value % r.value)
        self._eqeq = _ComparisonOperator("==", lambda l, r: l == r)
        self._neq = _ComparisonOperator("!=", lambda l, r: l != r)
        self._lt = _ComparisonOperator("<", lambda l, r: l < r)
        self._lte = _ComparisonOperator("<=", lambda l, r: l <= r)
        self._gt = _ComparisonOperator(">", lambda l, r: l > r)
        self._gte = _ComparisonOperator(">=", lambda l, r: l >= r)

        # static stdlib functions
        for (name, argument_types, return_type, F) in [
            ("floor", [T.Float()], T.Int(), lambda v: V.Int(math.floor(v.value))),
            ("ceil", [T.Float()], T.Int(), lambda v: V.Int(math.ceil(v.value))),
            ("round", [T.Float()], T.Int(), lambda v: V.Int(round(v.value))),
            ("length", [T.Array(T.Any())], T.Int(), lambda v: V.Int(len(v.value))),
            ("sub", [T.String(), T.String(), T.String()], T.String(), _sub),
            ("basename", [T.String(), T.String(optional=True)], T.String(), _basename),
                lambda v: V.Boolean(not isinstance(v, V.Null)),
            # context-dependent:
            ("write_lines", [T.Array(T.String())], T.File(), _notimpl),
            ("write_tsv", [T.Array(T.Array(T.String()))], T.File(), _notimpl),
            ("write_map", [T.Map((T.Any(), T.Any()))], T.File(), _notimpl),
            ("write_json", [T.Any()], T.File(), _notimpl),
            ("stdout", [], T.File(), _notimpl),
            ("stderr", [], T.File(), _notimpl),
            ("glob", [T.String()], T.Array(T.File()), _notimpl),
            ("read_int", [T.File()], T.Int(), _notimpl),
            ("read_boolean", [T.File()], T.Boolean(), _notimpl),
            ("read_string", [T.File()], T.String(), _notimpl),
            ("read_float", [T.File()], T.Float(), _notimpl),
            ("read_array", [T.File()], T.Array(T.Any()), _notimpl),
            ("read_map", [T.File()], T.Map((T.Any(), T.Any())), _notimpl),
            ("read_lines", [T.File()], T.Array(T.Any()), _notimpl),
            ("read_tsv", [T.File()], T.Array(T.Array(T.String())), _notimpl),
            ("read_json", [T.File()], T.Any(), _notimpl),
            setattr(self, name, StaticFunction(name, argument_types, return_type, F))

        # polymorphically typed stdlib functions which require specialized
        # infer_type logic
        self.range = _Range()
        self.prefix = _Prefix()
        self.size = _Size()
        self.select_first = _SelectFirst()
        self.select_all = _SelectAll()
        self.zip = _Zip()
        self.cross = _Zip()  # FIXME
        self.flatten = _Flatten()
        self.transpose = _Transpose()
コード例 #15
        ans: V.Base = self.F(*argument_values)
        return ans.coerce(self.return_type)

def _notimpl(one: Any = None, two: Any = None) -> None:
    exec("raise NotImplementedError()")

_static_functions: List[Tuple[str, List[T.Base], T.Base, Any]] = [
    ("_negate", [T.Boolean()], T.Boolean(),
     lambda x: V.Boolean(not x.value)),  # pyre-fixme
    ("_rem", [T.Int(), T.Int()], T.Int(),
     lambda l, r: V.Int(l.value % r.value)),  # pyre-fixme
    ("stdout", [], T.File(), _notimpl),
    ("basename", [T.String(), T.String(optional=True)], T.String(), _notimpl),
    # note: size() can take an empty value and probably returns 0 in that case.
    #       e.g. https://github.com/DataBiosphere/topmed-workflows/blob/31ba8a714b36ada929044f2ba3d130936e6c740e/CRAM-no-header-md5sum/md5sum/CRAM_md5sum.wdl#L39
    ("size", [T.File(optional=True),
              T.String(optional=True)], T.Float(), _notimpl),
    ("ceil", [T.Float()], T.Int(), _notimpl),
    ("round", [T.Float()], T.Int(), _notimpl),
    ("glob", [T.String()], T.Array(T.File()), _notimpl),
    ("read_int", [T.String()], T.Int(), _notimpl),
    ("read_boolean", [T.String()], T.Boolean(), _notimpl),
    ("read_string", [T.String()], T.String(), _notimpl),
    ("read_float", [T.String()], T.Float(), _notimpl),
    ("read_array", [T.String()], T.Array(None), _notimpl),
    ("read_map", [T.String()], T.Map(None), _notimpl),
    ("read_lines", [T.String()], T.Array(None), _notimpl),
    ("read_tsv", [T.String()], T.Array(T.Array(T.String())), _notimpl),