コード例 #1
ファイル: pytesthook.py プロジェクト: Sophikitis/Houragantt
    def _print_errors(self, tw):
        """Print any errors in the 'normal' Pytest style

            tw (TerminalWriter): Pytest TW instance
        tw.line("Errors:", white=True, bold=True)

        # Sort of hack, just use this to directly extract the exception format.
        # If this breaks in future, just re-implement it
        e = FormattedExcinfo()
        lines = e.get_exconly(self.exce)
        for line in lines:
            tw.line(line, red=True, bold=True)
コード例 #2
    def toterminal(self, tw):
        """Print out a custom error message to the terminal."""
        exc = self.exce.value
        context = exc.context

        if context:
            for title, item in context:
                tw.line(title + ":", white=True, bold=True)
                tw.line(textwrap.indent(item, "    "), red=True)

        e = FormattedExcinfo()
        lines = e.get_exconly(self.exce)

        tw.line("Errors:", white=True, bold=True)
        for line in lines:
            tw.line(line, red=True, bold=True)