コード例 #1
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def airmass(ra,dec,time,sitelat,sitelong):

	lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong) #*360./24.
	ha = lst - ra
	alt = _skysub.altit(dec,ha,sitelat)[0]

	return alt 
コード例 #2
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def getTargets(T0,T1,RA,DEC,mask,texp,sitelat,sitelong):

	obsmask = mask
	tbin = 0
	ra = RA[obsmask]
	dec = DEC[obsmask]
	mm = obsmask[obsmask]
	targets = np.zeros(len(np.arange(T0,T1,texp)))
	xaxis = np.arange(len(RA))[obsmask]
	# Rejecting objects that are close to the moon
	for time in np.arange(T0,T1,texp):

		ra = RA[obsmask]
		dec = DEC[obsmask]
		xaxis = np.arange(len(RA))[obsmask]
		lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong) #*360./24.
		ha = lst - ra
		alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(dec[i],ha[i],sitelat)[0] for i in range(len(ha))])
		stg = alt.argmax()

		mm = obsmask[obsmask]
		mm[stg] = False
		obsmask[obsmask] = mm

		targets[tbin] = xaxis[stg]

	#print i
	return targets
コード例 #3
 def setcelest(self, celestinput=[0., 0., 2000]):
     if celestinput == "ZENITH":
         sidt = _skysub.lst(self.jd, self.longit)
         self.ra = ra(sidt)
         self.dec = dec(self.lat)
         self.equinox = instant.julian_epoch(self)
         celest.__init__(self, celestinput)
コード例 #4
ファイル: cooclasses.py プロジェクト: RuiPereira/skycalc
	def setcelest(self,celestinput = [0.,0.,2000]) :
		if celestinput == "ZENITH" :
			sidt = _skysub.lst(self.jd,self.longit)
			self.ra = ra(sidt)
			self.dec = dec(self.lat)
			self.equinox = instant.julian_epoch(self)
		else :
コード例 #5
ファイル: plot_airmass_obs.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def main(argv):

	path = os.path.expanduser('~/Documents/data_old/OPD40cm/20130809/')
	airmasstables = ['G9348/timeairmass.dat', 'SA111773/timeairmass.dat', 'SA114750/timeairmass.dat']
	#airmasstables = ['SA114750/timeairmass.dat']
	targetRa = [21.8736111111111,19.6211111111111,22.6958333333333]
	targetDec = [2.38888888888889,0.183055555555556,1.21055555555556]
	sitelat =-25.3416666667
	sitelong = 3.21148148148
	#airmasstables = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path,airmasstableslis),dtype='S',ndmin=1)
	T0 = 2456514.
	nightstart = 2456514.4
	nightend = 2456514.85

	timeStamp = np.linspace(nightstart,nightend,1e3)
	lstStamp = [_skysub.lst(time,sitelong) for time in timeStamp]

	ax = py.subplot(111)
	ylim = [0,0.5]
	color = ['b','r','g','y','c','m', 'k']
	for i in range(len(airmasstables)):
		data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path,airmasstables[i]),unpack=True,converters={0:datestr2JD})
		secz = np.array([_skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(targetDec[i],lst - targetRa[i],sitelat)[0])) for lst in lstStamp])
		data[1] = np.array([_skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(targetDec[i],_skysub.lst(time,sitelong) - targetRa[i],sitelat)[0])) for time in data[0]])

		mm = np.bitwise_and(data[1] > 0, data[1] < 3)
		mm = np.bitwise_and(secz > 0, secz < 3)


	print a
	newyticks = ['%.2f'%(10**(val)) for val in a]
	print newyticks

	py.xlabel('JD - %.0f'%T0,size=18)
	return 0
コード例 #6
 def computesky(self):
     # computes many quantities so they're self-consistent
     sidtemp = _skysub.lst(self.jd, self.longit)
     self.sidereal = ra(sidtemp)  # it behaves like an RA
     self.decimalyr = self.julian_epoch()
     self.CoordsOfDate = self.precess(self.julian_epoch())
     self.hanow = ha(self.sidereal.val - self.CoordsOfDate.ra.val)
     [self.altit,self.az,self.parang] = \
        _skysub.altit(self.CoordsOfDate.dec.val,self.hanow.val, \
     self.secz = _skysub.secant_z(self.altit)
     self.airmass = _skysub.true_airmass(self.secz)
コード例 #7
ファイル: cooclasses.py プロジェクト: RuiPereira/skycalc
	def computesky(self) :
		# computes many quantities so they're self-consistent
		sidtemp = _skysub.lst(self.jd,self.longit)
		self.sidereal = ra(sidtemp) # it behaves like an RA
		self.decimalyr = self.julian_epoch()
		self.CoordsOfDate = self.precess(self.julian_epoch())
		self.hanow = ha(self.sidereal.val - self.CoordsOfDate.ra.val)
		[self.altit,self.az,self.parang] = \
		   _skysub.altit(self.CoordsOfDate.dec.val,self.hanow.val, \
		self.secz = _skysub.secant_z(self.altit)
		self.airmass = _skysub.true_airmass(self.secz)
コード例 #8
ファイル: cooclasses.py プロジェクト: RuiPereira/skycalc
	def __init__(self,siteinput = 'k',celestinput = "ZENITH",
		instantinput = "NOW") :
		if celestinput == "ZENITH" :
			sidt = _skysub.lst(self.jd,self.longit)
			self.ra = ra(sidt)
			self.dec = dec(self.lat)
			self.equinox = instant.julian_epoch(self)
		else :
コード例 #9
    def selectScienceTargets(self):
		Based on configuration parameters select a good set of targets to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day.

        session = Session()

        # [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

        for tbin, time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

            if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
                # Select objects from database that where not observed and where not scheduled yet
                # In the future may include targets that where observed a number of nights ago.
                # This is still incomplete. We should also consider the distance from the previous pointing to the next!
                # Since a target can have a higher airmass but be farther away from a neaby target that will take less time
                # to point.
                # one way of selecting targets that are close together and have good airmass is to select regions that are close
                # to the current location. it can start as searching an area with r1 ~ 10 x the FoV and, if there are no regions
                # to to x2 that and then x4 that. If still there are no targets, than search for the higher in the sky.
                targets = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.observed == False).filter(
                        Targets.scheduled == False).filter(
                            Targets.type == self.sciFlag)

                lst = _skysub.lst(time, self.sitelong)  #*360./24.
                alt = np.array([
                    _skysub.altit(target.targetDec, lst - target.targetRa,
                                  self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets
                stg = alt.argmax()

                log.info('Selecting %s' % (targets[stg]))

                # Marking target as schedule
                tst = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

                for t in tst:
                    t.scheduled = True
                    self.addObservation(t, time)

                self.obsTimeMask[tbin] = 1.0
                    'Bin %3i @mjd=%.3f already filled up with observations. Skipping...'
                    % (tbin, time - 2400000.5))

        #print i
        return 0  #targets
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self,

        site.__init__(self, siteinput)
        instant.__init__(self, instantinput, self.stdz, self.use_dst)
        if celestinput == "ZENITH":
            sidt = _skysub.lst(self.jd, self.longit)
            self.ra = ra(sidt)
            self.dec = dec(self.lat)
            self.equinox = instant.julian_epoch(self)
            celest.__init__(self, celestinput)
コード例 #11
ファイル: cooclasses.py プロジェクト: RuiPereira/skycalc
def py_get_planets(jd,longit,lat,doprint) :
   # hides the ugliness needed to run pposns from python.

   raptr = _skysub.new_doubleArray(10)
   decptr = _skysub.new_doubleArray(10)
   sidt = _skysub.lst(jd,longit)
   planetpos = [[None]]
   for i in range(1,10) :  
      if i != 3 :
         pos = [_skysub.doubleArray_getitem(raptr,i), \
         planetpos = planetpos + [pos]
      else :
         planetpos = planetpos + [None]
   return planetpos
コード例 #12
def py_get_planets(jd, longit, lat, doprint):
    # hides the ugliness needed to run pposns from python.

    raptr = _skysub.new_doubleArray(10)
    decptr = _skysub.new_doubleArray(10)
    sidt = _skysub.lst(jd, longit)
    _skysub.pposns(jd, lat, sidt, doprint, raptr, decptr)
    planetpos = [[None]]
    for i in range(1, 10):
        if i != 3:
            pos = [_skysub.doubleArray_getitem(raptr,i), \
            planetpos = planetpos + [pos]
            planetpos = planetpos + [None]
    return planetpos
コード例 #13
ファイル: tao.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
	def selectScienceTargets(self):
		Based on configuration parameters select a good set of targets to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day.
		session = Session()
		# [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

			if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
				# Select objects from database that where not observed and where not scheduled yet
				# In the future may include targets that where observed a number of nights ago.
				# This is still incomplete. We should also consider the distance from the previous pointing to the next!
				# Since a target can have a higher airmass but be farther away from a neaby target that will take less time
				# to point.
				# one way of selecting targets that are close together and have good airmass is to select regions that are close
				# to the current location. it can start as searching an area with r1 ~ 10 x the FoV and, if there are no regions
				# to to x2 that and then x4 that. If still there are no targets, than search for the higher in the sky.
				targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.observed == False).filter(Targets.scheduled == False).filter(Targets.type == self.sciFlag)
				lst = _skysub.lst(time,self.sitelong) #*360./24.
				alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets])
				stg = alt.argmax()

				self.log.info('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
				# Marking target as schedule
				tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

				for t in tst:
					t.scheduled = True
				self.obsTimeMask[tbin] = 1.0
				self.log.debug('Bin %3i @mjd=%.3f already filled up with observations. Skipping...'%(tbin,time-2400000.5))
		#print i
		return 0 #targets
コード例 #14
ファイル: scheduler_T80.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def make_obs(T0,T1,RA,DEC,mask,texp):

	obsmask = np.bitwise_and(np.zeros(len(RA),dtype=int)==0,mask)
	i = 0
	for time in np.arange(T0,T1,texp):
		lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong)*360./24.
		#lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong) #*360./24.
		ha = lst - RA[obsmask]
		alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(DEC[obsmask][i],ha[i],sitelat)[0] for i in range(len(ha))])
		stg = alt.argmax()
		#print time,lst,np.sqrt(dist1[stg]),np.sqrt(dist2[stg]),dist[stg],RA[obsmask][stg],DEC[obsmask][stg],stg

		mm = obsmask[obsmask]
		mm[stg] = False
		obsmask[obsmask] = mm
	#print i
	return obsmask
コード例 #15
ファイル: cooclasses.py プロジェクト: RuiPereira/skycalc
	def computesunmoon(self) :
		[ras,decs,dists,toporas,topodecs,xs,ys,zs] = \
			_skysub.accusun(self.jd, self.sidereal.val,self.lat) 
		self.SunCoords = celest([ras,decs,self.julian_epoch()])
		self.hasun = ha(self.sidereal.val - self.SunCoords.ra.val)
		[self.altsun,self.azsun,parangsun] = \
		self.ztwilight = _skysub.ztwilight(self.altsun)

		[georam,geodm,geodism,toporam,topodecm,topodistm] = \
		self.MoonCoords = celest([toporam,topodecm,self.julian_epoch()])
		self.hamoon = ha(self.sidereal.val - self.MoonCoords.ra.val)
		[self.altmoon,self.azmoon,parangmoon] = \
		self.sun_moon = _skysub.subtend(self.MoonCoords.ra.val,  
			self.SunCoords.dec.val) # radians
		self.moonillfrac = 0.5 * (1. - math.cos(self.sun_moon))
		self.sun_moon = self.sun_moon * _skysub.DEG_IN_RADIAN
		self.obj_moon = _skysub.subtend(self.MoonCoords.ra.val,
			self.CoordsOfDate.dec.val) * _skysub.DEG_IN_RADIAN
		self.lunsky = _skysub.lunskybright(self.sun_moon,
		[self.barytcor, self.baryvcor] = _skysub.helcor(self.jd,self.CoordsOfDate.ra.val,
		self.baryjd = self.jd + self.barytcor / _skysub.SEC_IN_DAY

		# find the jd at the nearest clock-time midnight ... 
		localtimestr = self.calstring(stdz = self.stdz, use_dst = self.use_dst)
		x = string.split(localtimestr)
		ymd = x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]
		if float(x[3]) >= 12. :
			midnstring = ymd + " 23 59 59.99"
		else :
			midnstring = ymd + " 0 0 0 "
		self.jdmid = time_to_jd(midnstring, stdz = self.stdz, \
			use_dst = self.use_dst)
		self.stmid = ra( _skysub.lst(self.jdmid,self.longit))

		# elevation correction (in degrees) for horizon depression
		horiz = math.sqrt(2. * self.elevhoriz / _skysub.EQUAT_RAD) \
			 * _skysub.DEG_IN_RADIAN
		setelev = -1. * (0.83 + horiz)

		hasunset = _skysub.ha_alt(self.SunCoords.dec.val,self.lat,setelev)
		if hasunset > 900.  : 
			self.jdsunset = 1000.  # never sets
			self.jdsunrise = 1000.
			self.jdcent = 1000.
		elif hasunset < -900.  : 
			self.jdsunset = -1000.  # never rises
			self.jdsunrise = -1000.
			self.jdcent = -1000.
		else :
		    self.jdsunset = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
			+ hasunset - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
		    # print "entering jdsunset - self.jdsunset = ",self.jdsunset,
		    self.jdsunset = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(setelev,self.jdsunset,self.lat, \
		    self.jdsunrise = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
			- hasunset - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
		    self.jdsunrise = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(setelev,self.jdsunrise,self.lat, \

		    self.jdcent = (self.jdsunset + self.jdsunrise) / 2.

		hatwilight = _skysub.ha_alt(self.SunCoords.dec.val, self.lat, -18.)

		if hatwilight > 900. : 
			self.jdevetwi = 1000.   # never gets dark
			self.jdmorntwi = 1000. 
		elif hatwilight < -900. :  
			self.jdevetwi = -1000.  # never gets light
			self.jdmorntwi = -1000.  
		else :
		    self.jdevetwi = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
			+ hatwilight - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
		    self.jdevetwi = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(-18.,self.jdevetwi,self.lat, \
		    self.jdmorntwi = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
			- hatwilight - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
		    self.jdmorntwi = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(-18.,self.jdmorntwi,self.lat, \

		[ramoonmid,decmoonmid,distmoonmid] = \
		[minmoonalt,maxmoonalt] = _skysub.min_max_alt(self.lat,decmoonmid)
		# rough (close enough) check to see if moonrise or moonset occur ... 
		if maxmoonalt < setelev :
			self.jdmoonrise = -100.  # never rises
			# -1000. is used later to signal non-convergence
			self.jdmoonset = -100.
		if minmoonalt > setelev :
			self.jdmoonrise = 100. # never sets
			self.jdmoonset = 100.
		else :
		    hamoonset = _skysub.ha_alt(decmoonmid,self.lat,setelev)
		    tmoonrise = _skysub.adj_time(ramoonmid - hamoonset - self.stmid.val)
		    tmoonset = _skysub.adj_time(ramoonmid + hamoonset - self.stmid.val)
		    self.jdmoonrise = self.jdmid + tmoonrise / 24.
		    self.jdmoonrise = _skysub.jd_moon_alt(setelev,self.jdmoonrise, \
		    self.jdmoonset = self.jdmid + tmoonset / 24.
		    self.jdmoonset = _skysub.jd_moon_alt(setelev,self.jdmoonset,self.lat, \

		[self.par_dra,self.par_ddec,self.aber_dra,self.aber_ddec] = \
コード例 #16
ファイル: tao.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
	def selectStandardTargets(self,nstars=3,nairmass=3):
		Based on configuration parameters, select 'nstars' standard stars to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day. Ideally you 
		will select standard stars before your science targets so not to have a full queue. Usually standard stars are observed 
		more than once a night at different airmasses. The user can control this parameter with nairmass and the script will try
		to take care of the rest. 

		session = Session()
		# First of all, standard stars can be obsered multiple times in sucessive nights. I will mark all
		# stars an unscheduled.
		targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == True).filter(Targets.type == self.stdFlag)
		for target in targets:
			target.scheduled = False
		# [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

		# Selecting standard stars is not only searching for the higher in that time but select stars than can be observed at 3
		# or more (nairmass) different airmasses. It is also important to select stars with different colors (but this will be
		# taken care in the future).

		if nairmass*nstars > len(self.obsTimeBins):
			self.log.warning('Requesting more stars/observations than it will be possible to schedule. Decreasing number of requests to fit in the night.')
			nstars = len(self.obsTimeBins)/nairmass

		obsStandars = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))-1 # first selection of observable standards

		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

			if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
				# 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
				#     that fits our observing night
				targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(Targets.type == self.stdFlag)
				lst = _skysub.lst(time,self.sitelong) #*360./24.
				alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets])
				stg = alt.argmax()

				self.log.info('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
				# Marking target as schedule
				tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

				for t in tst:
					t.scheduled = True
					obsStandars[tbin] = t.id
				self.log.info('Bin already filled up with observations. Skipping...')

		if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
			self.log.warning('Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'%(nstars,len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))
		# Unmarking potential targets as scheduled
		for id in obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == id)
			for t in target:
				t.scheduled = False
		# Preparing a grid of altitudes for each target for each observing window
		amGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars)).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[i])[0]
			for j in range(len(obsStandars)):
				lst = _skysub.lst(self.obsTimeBins[j],self.sitelong)
				amGrid[i][j] = _skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0]))
				if amGrid[i][j] < 0:
					amGrid [i][j] = 99.
		# Build a grid mask that specifies the position in time each target should be observed. This means that, when
		# selecting a single target we ocuppy more than one, non consecutive, position in the night. This grid shows where are these
		# positions.
		obsMask = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[i].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			dam = np.mean(np.abs(amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][1:] - amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][:-1])) # how much airmass changes in average
			for j,am in enumerate(amObs):
				# Mark positions where target is at	specified airmass
				if j == 0:
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],amGrid[i] == am)
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],np.bitwise_and(amGrid[i]>am-dam,amGrid[i]<am+dam))

			#print amGrid[i][np.where(obsMask[i])]
		# Now it is time to actually select the targets. It will start with the first target and then try the others
		# until it find enough standard stars, as specified by the user.
		# Para cada bin em tempo, varro o bin em massa de ar por coisas observaveis. Se acho um, vejo se posso agendar
		# os outros bins. Se sim, marco o alvo para observacao, se nao, passo para o proximo. Repito ate completar a
		# lista de alvos

		obsMaskTimeGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool)
		nrequests = 0
		reqId = np.zeros(nstars,dtype=np.int)-1
		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[:-1]):
			# Evaluates if time slots are all available. If yes, mark orbservation and ocuppy slots.
			if ( (not obsMaskTimeGrid[obsMask[tbin]].any()) and (len(amGrid[tbin][obsMask[tbin]])>=nairmass) ):
				obsMaskTimeGrid = np.bitwise_or(obsMaskTimeGrid,obsMask[tbin])
				reqId[nrequests] = tbin
				nrequests += 1
			if nrequests >= nstars:

		# Finally, requesting observations

		for id in reqId[reqId >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[id])[0]
			secz = amGrid[id][obsMask[id]]
			seczreq = np.zeros(nairmass,dtype=np.bool)
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[id].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			for i,obstime in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]):
				sindex = np.abs(amObs-secz[i]).argmin()
				if not seczreq[sindex]:
					self.log.info('Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'%(target.name,secz[i],obstime-2400000.5))
					seczreq[sindex] = True
					target.scheduled = True
					self.obsTimeMask[obsMask[id]] = 1.0
			#print self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]

		#print i
		return 0 #targets
コード例 #17
ファイル: scheduler_T80.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def main(argv):

	Main function. Reads input parameters, run scheduler and stores results.

	from optparse import OptionParser
	parser = OptionParser()

Input file. This file contains the ra dec for all the tiles. The format is the 
same as the output of tiler.'''
Input file. This file contains the ra dec for all the tiles. The format is the 
same as the output of tiler.'''

Input file. This file contains weather information. Only clouded nights need be 
specified. Format is MJD FLAG, where FLAG is 
0 - Good night. Less than 0.5 mag extinction (may be skipped)
1 - Thin Cirrus. Between 0.5 and 2 mag extinction.
2 - Cloudy. Between 2 and 4 mag extinction.
3 - Closed.'''
	parser.add_option("-v", '--verbose',action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
                      help="Don't print status messages to stdout")
	opt,arg = parser.parse_args(argv)
	# Reading input files

	iis,jjs,ras,decs,rots = np.loadtxt(opt.south_pt,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,4,5,6))
	iin,jjn,ran,decn,rotn = np.loadtxt(opt.north_pt,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,4,5,6))
	ii = np.array(np.append(iis,iin+iis.max()+10),dtype=int)
	jj = np.array(np.append(jjs,jjn),dtype=int)
	ra = np.append(ras,ran)
	dec = np.append(decs,decn)
	iciclo = 0
	ncycle = 3
	xcycle = 0
	ntryes = 400
	tryes = 0
	obs = np.array([np.zeros(len(ii))==0,np.zeros(len(ii))==0,np.zeros(len(ii))==0,np.zeros(len(ii))==0])
	MJD_dstart = 56294.5
	exptime = 0.01
	xx = ii.max()+1
	yy = jj.max()+1
	map = np.zeros(xx*yy).reshape(yy,xx)
	for i in range(len(ii)):
		map[jj[i]][ii[i]] = 1.0
	xmap = np.array([map,map,map])

	cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['black', 'gray', 'red', 'blue', 'blue', 'white'])
	norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) #[fig.add_subplot(2,2,0),fig.add_subplot(2,2,1),fig.add_subplot(2,2,2),fig.add_subplot(2,2,3)]
	ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])

	#for i in range(len(obs)):
	ax.imshow(map,aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

	nmap = 1

	no_obsTray = np.zeros(len(obs)) == 1

	for MJD in np.arange(MJD_dstart,MJD_dstart+365.*6):
		nightStart = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(sunMaxAlt, MJD, sitelat, sitelong)
		nightEnd   = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(sunMaxAlt, MJD+0.5, sitelat, sitelong)
		ramoon = 0.
		decmoon = 0.
		distmoon = 0.
		rasun = 0.
		decsun = 0.
		ramoon,decmoon,distmoon = _skysub.lpmoon(nightStart,sitelat,_skysub.lst(nightStart,sitelong))
		stdscr.addstr(7, 0, 'Moon illum: %.3f '%(ill_frac))
		if ill_frac < 0.25:
			iciclo = 0
		elif ill_frac < 0.75:
			iciclo = 1
		elif ill_frac < 0.95:
			iciclo = 2
			iciclo = -1
		stdscr.addstr(0,0,'Observations start at JD = %12.2f'%nightStart)
		stdscr.addstr(1,0,'Observations end at JD   = %12.2f'%nightEnd)

		if iciclo >= 0:

			nobs = len(obs[iciclo][obs[iciclo]])
			if len(obs[iciclo][obs[iciclo]]) > 1:
					obs[iciclo] = make_obs(nightStart,nightEnd,ra,dec,obs[iciclo],exptime)
			elif (len(obs[0][obs[0]]) == 0 and len(obs[1][obs[1]]) == 0 and len(obs[2][obs[2]]) == 0 and len(obs[3][obs[3]]) == 0):

			if nobs == len(obs[iciclo][obs[iciclo]]):
				no_obsTray[iciclo] = True
				no_obsTray[iciclo] = False

			if no_obsTray.all():
				if  tryes > ntryes:
			stdscr.addstr(7, 20, ' - No observations this night')

		xjj = jj[np.bitwise_not(obs[iciclo])]
		xii = ii[np.bitwise_not(obs[iciclo])]
		for i in range(len(xii)):
			xmap[iciclo][xjj[i]][xii[i]] = 2.0


		#stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Moving file: {0}".format(filename))
		#stdscr.addstr(1, 0, "Total progress: [{1:10}] {0}%".format(progress * 10, "#" * progress))

		for i in range(ncycle):
			if i == iciclo:
				start = '--> '
				start = '--- '
			stdscr.addstr(i+3, 0, start+'[Tray: %i] - %4i/%i areas observed'%(i,len(obs[i])-len(obs[i][obs[i]]),len(obs[i])))
			#print '[Ciclo: %i] - %i/%i areas observed'%(i,len(obs[i])-len(obs[i][obs[i]]),len(obs[i]))

		#for i in range(len(obs)):
		#	ax[i].cla()
		#	ax[i].imshow(xmap[i],aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
		ax.imshow(xmap[0]+xmap[1]+xmap[2]-2,aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
		if not no_obsTray.all():
		nmap += 1

	print 'Observations started in ',MJD_dstart
	print 'Observations ended in ',MJD
	print 'Survey took %i days'%(MJD-MJD_dstart)
	return 0
コード例 #18
ファイル: surveysimF.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
	def makeObs(self,T0,T1):
		time = T0
		hd = 1./24
		maskRep = []
		if self._nrepeat > 0:
			maskRep = np.bitwise_and(self.repeatInfo['day'] > 0,self.repeatInfo['nobs'] < self._nrepeat)
			maskRep = self.repeatInfo['day'] > 0

		info = ['Observations start @ JD = %12.2f'%T0,
				'Observations end   @ JD = %12.2f'%T1,
				'Total number of tiles: %5i'%self.nTiles(),
				'Tiles to observe: %5i'%(self.obsTiles()),
				'Tiles to repeate: %5i'%(len(maskRep[maskRep])) ]
		# count time spent observing each tray
		obsTime = np.zeros(self.ntrays+1)

		# Calculate moon for this night
		queue = []
		ramoon = 0.
		decmoon = 0.
		distmoon = 0.
		rasun = 0.
		decsun = 0.
		ramoon,decmoon,distmoon = _skysub.lpmoon(T0,self.sitelat,_skysub.lst(T0,self.sitelong))
		fullmoon = False
		if ill_frac >= self.fullmoon:
			fullmoon = True
			info.append('Full moon (%5.1f)'%(ill_frac*100))
			obsTime[-1] = (T1-T0)
			info.append('Moon %5.1f       '%(ill_frac*100.))
		cra = -99
		cdec = -99
		while time < T1 and not fullmoon:
			obsDone = False
			tray = 0
			obsTile = -1
			# Trying the first tray

			while ( (not obsDone) and (0 <= tray < self.ntrays) ):
				# Local Sidereal time at start -2hours and end +2hours
				lst_start = _skysub.lst(time-2.*hd,self.sitelong)
				lst_end = _skysub.lst(time+self.exptime[tray]+2.*hd,self.sitelong)
				# Check if there is observation to be repeated this night.
				if self._nrepeat > 0:
					maskRep = np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_and(self.repeatInfo['day'] > 0, self.repeatInfo['day'] <= time),self.repeatInfo['nobs'] < self._nrepeat)
					maskRep = np.bitwise_and(self.repeatInfo['day'] > 0, self.repeatInfo['day'] <= time)
				ra_mask = self.raMask(self._repeatTray,lst_start,lst_end)
				repeated = False
				if len(maskRep[maskRep]) > 0:
					ra_tmpmask = np.bitwise_and(ra_mask,maskRep)
					if ra_tmpmask.any():
						# make repeate observation
						index = np.arange(len(self._ra[self._repeatTray]))[ra_tmpmask]
						# Selecting highest in the sky at the center of the observation
						lst = _skysub.lst(time+self.exptime[self._repeatTray]/2.,self.sitelong)*360./24.
						ha = (lst - self._ra[self._repeatTray][ra_tmpmask])*24./360.
						alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(self._dec[self._repeatTray][j],ha[i],self.sitelat)[0] for i,j in enumerate(index)])
						if len(alt) == 0:
							info.append('[R] No observable tiles available...')
							stg = alt.argmax()
							if alt[stg] > self.maxAltit[self._repeatTray][index[stg]]*self.rvfac:
								info.append('[R] Observation complete...     ')
								self.repeatInfo['nobs'][index[stg]] += 1
								self.repeatInfo['day'][index[stg]] += self._dTime
								obsDone = True
								repeated = True
								tray = self._repeatTray
								info.append('[R] Object too low. Alt = %7.2f, Max Alt = %7.2f...                   '%(alt[stg],self.maxAltit[self._repeatTray][index[stg]]))

				ra_mask = self.raMask(tray,lst_start,lst_end)
				# Check if makes sense to continue
				if ra_mask.any() and not obsDone:

					info.append('Number of observable tiles %4i'%len(ra_mask[ra_mask]))
					index = np.arange(len(self._ra[tray]))[np.bitwise_and(ra_mask,self.obs[tray])]
					# Selecting highest in the sky at the center of the observation
					lst = _skysub.lst(time+self.exptime[tray]/2.,self.sitelong)*360./24.
					#lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong) #*360./24.
					ha = (lst - self._ra[tray][ra_mask])*24./360.
					alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(self._dec[tray][j],ha[i],self.sitelat)[0] for i,j in enumerate(index)])
					if len(alt) == 0:
						info.append('No observable tiles available...')
						# Go to next tray
						#info.append(['Suitable tile available...'])
						stg = alt.argmax()
						if alt[stg] > self.maxAltit[tray][index[stg]]*self.vfac:
							info.append('Observation complete...     ')
							obsTile = index[stg]
							obsDone = True
							# check if needs to be repeated
							if tray == self._repeatTray and self.repeatInfo['nobs'][index[stg]] < self._nrepeat and self.repeatInfo['day'][index[stg]] < time:
								self.repeatInfo['day'][index[stg]] = time+self._dTime
							elif tray == self._repeatTray and self.repeatInfo['day'][index[stg]] < time and  self._nrepeat < 0:
								self.repeatInfo['day'][index[stg]] = time+self._dTime
							obsDone = False
							info.append('Object too low. Alt = %7.2f, Max Alt = %7.2f...                   '%(alt[stg],self.maxAltit[tray][index[stg]]*self.vfac))

							# Go to next tray
				elif repeated:
					tray = -self._repeatTray
					tray = -1
					info.append('No tiles available...')

			tray = np.abs(tray)
			# Check if observation was performed and in which tray
			if obsDone:
				if repeated:
				self.obs[tray][obsTile] = False
				queue.append('TILE%05i %6.2f %+7.2f %16.6f %2i %8.3f'%(obsTile,self._ra[tray][obsTile],self._dec[tray][obsTile],time,tray,self.exptime[tray]))

				# Try one more time
				# See if there is any field to be repeated in the sky
				maskRep = self.repeatInfo['day'] > 0
				lst_start = _skysub.lst(time-3.*hd,self.sitelong)
				lst_end = _skysub.lst(time+self.rexptime+3.*hd,self.sitelong)
				ra_mask = self.raMask(self._repeatTray,lst_start,lst_end)
				repeated = False
				idx = 0
				if len(maskRep[maskRep]) > 0:
					ra_tmpmask = np.bitwise_and(ra_mask,maskRep)
					if ra_tmpmask.any():
						# make repeate observation
						index = np.arange(len(self._ra[self._repeatTray]))[ra_tmpmask]
						# Selecting highest in the sky at the center of the observation
						lst = _skysub.lst(time+self.exptime[self._repeatTray]/2.,self.sitelong)*360./24.
						ha = (lst - self._ra[self._repeatTray][ra_tmpmask])*24./360.
						alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(self._dec[self._repeatTray][j],ha[i],self.sitelat)[0] for i,j in enumerate(index)])
						if len(alt) == 0:
							info.append('[R] No observable tiles available...')
							stg = alt.argmax()
							if alt[stg] > self.maxAltit[self._repeatTray][index[stg]]*self.rvfac:
								info.append('[R] Observation complete...     ')
								self.repeatInfo['nobs'][index[stg]] += 1
								self.repeatInfo['day'][index[stg]] += self._dTime
								obsDone = True
								repeated = True
								tray = -self._repeatTray
								idx = index[stg]
								obsDone = False
								info.append('[R] Object too low. Alt = %7.2f, Max Alt = %7.2f [RR]...                   '%(alt[stg],self.maxAltit[self._repeatTray][index[stg]]*self.rvfac))
				if obsDone:
					obsTime[self._repeatTray] += self.rexptime
					obsTime[-1] += self.exptime.max()
		queueInfo = '%16.6f %6.3f '%(T0,(T1-T0)*24.)
		for tray in range(len(obsTime)):
			queueInfo += '%10.7f '%(obsTime[tray]*24.)
		return info,queue,queueInfo
コード例 #19
ファイル: obsarea.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def main(argv):
	Calculates observable area per month.
	_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Develop/SMAPs/coordinatesystemandtiling/')

	sna_file = os.path.join(_path,'smaps_pointT80norte.dat')
	ssa_file = os.path.join(_path,'smaps_pointsulT80.dat')

	iis,jjs,ras,decs,rots = np.loadtxt(sna_file,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,4,5,6))
	iin,jjn,ran,decn,rotn = np.loadtxt(ssa_file,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,4,5,6))
	print 'Total number of tiles: %i'%(len(iis)+len(iin))
	print 'South region tiles: %i'%len(iis)
	print 'North region tiles: %i'%len(iin)
	ii = np.array(np.append(iis,iin+iis.max()+10),dtype=int)
	jj = np.array(np.append(jjs,jjn),dtype=int)
	ra = np.append(ras,ran)
	dec = np.append(decs,decn)

	xx = ii.max()+10
	yy = jj.max()+10


	fig = py.figure(1)#,figsize=(10,4))
	#ax = fig.add_axes([0.05,0.,0.90,1])

	map = np.zeros(xx*yy).reshape(yy,xx)
	for i in range(len(ii)):
		map[jj[i]][ii[i]] = 1.0

	cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['black', 'gray', 'red', 'blue', 'blue', 'white'])
	norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)

	month = np.arange(12)
	ndays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]
	nmonth = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
	imm = 1
	for mm in month:
		dateStart = aux.mjd(2014,mm+1,01)
		dateEnd = aux.mjd(2014,mm+1,ndays[mm])

		obshours = 0.

		for date in np.linspace(dateStart,dateEnd,ndays[mm]):
			nightStart = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(sunMaxAlt, 2400000.5+date+1.0, sitelat, sitelong)
			nightEnd   = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(sunMaxAlt, 2400000.5+date+1.5, sitelat, sitelong)
			#print 'Night start: ',nightStart
			#print 'Night end: ',nightEnd
			#print 'Duration: %f (hours)'%((nightEnd-nightStart)*24.0)
			lst_start = _skysub.lst(nightStart,sitelong)#*360./24.
			lst_end = _skysub.lst(nightEnd,sitelong)#*360./24.
			#ha = lst - RA[obsmask]

			#print 'LST @ Start: %f'%(lst_start)
			#print 'LST @ end:   %f'%(lst_end)
			obsmask = np.zeros_like(map) == 0
			if lst_start < lst_end:
				obsmask = np.bitwise_and(ra > lst_start*360./24., ra < lst_end*360./24.)
				obsmask1 = ra > lst_start*360./24.
				obsmask2 = np.bitwise_and(ra > 0.,ra < lst_end*360./24.)
				obsmask = np.bitwise_or(obsmask1,obsmask2)
			for i in np.arange(len(ii))[obsmask]:
				map[jj[i]][ii[i]] = 2
		print '%s & %3i & %7.3f & %7.2f \\ \\'%(nmonth[mm],len(map[map>1]),obshours/ndays[mm],obshours)

		ax = fig.add_subplot(4,3,imm)
		dmap = np.array(map)
		ax.imshow(dmap,interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
		mask = map > 0
		map[mask] = 1.0


	return 0
コード例 #20
ファイル: surveysim_02.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def main(argv):

	Main function. Reads input parameters, run scheduler and stores results.

	from optparse import OptionParser
	parser = OptionParser()

Input file. This file contains the ra dec for all the tiles. The format is the 
same as the output of tiler.'''
Input file. This file contains the ra dec for all the tiles. The format is the 
same as the output of tiler.'''

Input file. This file contains weather information. Only clouded nights need be 
specified. Format is MJD FLAG, where FLAG is 
0 - Good night. Less than 0.5 mag extinction (may be skipped)
1 - Thin Cirrus. Between 0.5 and 2 mag extinction.
2 - Cloudy. Between 2 and 4 mag extinction.
3 - Closed.'''
	parser.add_option("-v", '--verbose',action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
                      help="Don't print status messages to stdout")
	opt,arg = parser.parse_args(argv)
	# Reading input files

	_path = os.path.expanduser('~/Develop/SMAPs/coordinatesystemandtiling/')

	sna_file = os.path.join(_path,'smaps_pointT80norte.dat')
	ssa_file = os.path.join(_path,'smaps_pointsulT80.dat')

	iis,jjs,ras,decs,rots = np.loadtxt(sna_file,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,4,5,6))
	iin,jjn,ran,decn,rotn = np.loadtxt(ssa_file,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,4,5,6))
	ii = np.array(np.append(iis,iin+iis.max()+10),dtype=int)
	jj = np.array(np.append(jjs,jjn),dtype=int)
	ra = np.append(ras,ran)
	dec = np.append(decs,decn)
	# Store maximum altitude of tiles
	maxAltit = np.array([_skysub.altit(dec[j],0.,sitelat)[0] for j in range(len(ra))])
	iciclo = 0
	ncycle = 2
	xcycle = 0
	ntryes = 400
	tryes = 0
	obs = np.array([np.zeros(len(ii))==0,np.zeros(len(ii))==0,np.zeros(len(ii))==0,np.zeros(len(ii))==0])
	MJD_dstart = aux.mjd(2014,01,01) # 01/jan/2014

	exptime = [0.003,0.024]
	xx = ii.max()+1
	yy = jj.max()+1
	map = np.zeros(xx*yy).reshape(yy,xx)
	for i in range(len(ii)):
		map[jj[i]][ii[i]] = 1.0
	xmap = np.array([map,map,map])

	cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['black', 'gray', 'red','white','white'])
	norm = colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N)
	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) #[fig.add_subplot(2,2,0),fig.add_subplot(2,2,1),fig.add_subplot(2,2,2),fig.add_subplot(2,2,3)]
	ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])

	#for i in range(len(obs)):
	ax.imshow(map,aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)

	nmap = 1

	no_obsTray = np.zeros(len(obs)) == 1
	fp = open('surveysim_02.dat','w')

	for MJD in np.arange(MJD_dstart,MJD_dstart+365.*2):
		nightStart = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(sunMaxAlt,2400000.5+MJD+1.0, sitelat, sitelong)
		nightEnd   = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(sunMaxAlt,2400000.5+MJD+1.5, sitelat, sitelong)
		ramoon = 0.
		decmoon = 0.
		distmoon = 0.
		rasun = 0.
		decsun = 0.
		ramoon,decmoon,distmoon = _skysub.lpmoon(nightStart,sitelat,_skysub.lst(nightStart,sitelong))
		stdscr.addstr(7, 0, 'Moon illum: %.3f '%(ill_frac))
		if ill_frac < 0.95:
			iciclo = 0
			iciclo = -1
		stdscr.addstr(0,0,'Observations start at JD = %12.2f'%nightStart)
		stdscr.addstr(1,0,'Observations end at JD   = %12.2f'%nightEnd)
		if iciclo >= 0:

			nobs = len(obs[iciclo][obs[iciclo]])

				obs[iciclo],xnobs,tnobs,emptyObsSlots = make_obs(nightStart,nightEnd,ra,dec,obs[iciclo],exptime[iciclo],maxAltit)
				fp.write('%10.2f %6.3f %4i %4i '%(nightStart,nightEnd-nightStart,xnobs,tnobs))
				xnobs = 0
				tnobs = len(emptyObsSlots)
				if len(emptyObsSlots) > 0:
					obs[iciclo+1],xnobs,tnobs,emptyObsSlots = make_obs(nightStart,nightEnd,ra,dec,obs[iciclo+1],exptime[iciclo+1],maxAltit)
				fp.write('%4i %4i\n'%(xnobs,tnobs))
				errinfo = traceback.format_exc(sys.exc_info()[2]).split('\n')
				for ierr in range(len(errinfo)):

			if nobs == len(obs[iciclo][obs[iciclo]]):
				no_obsTray[iciclo] = True
				no_obsTray[iciclo] = False

			if no_obsTray.all():
				if  tryes > ntryes:

			fp.write('%10.2f %6.3f %4i %4i 0 0\n'%(nightStart,nightEnd-nightStart,0.,len(np.arange(nightStart,nightEnd,exptime[iciclo]))))
			stdscr.addstr(7, 20, ' - No observations this night')
		stdscr.addstr(2, 0, ' Observed %i '%(xnobs))
		xjj = jj[np.bitwise_not(obs[iciclo])]
		xii = ii[np.bitwise_not(obs[iciclo])]
		for i in range(len(xii)):
			xmap[iciclo][xjj[i]][xii[i]] = 2.0
		xjj = jj[np.bitwise_not(obs[iciclo+1])]
		xii = ii[np.bitwise_not(obs[iciclo+1])]
		for i in range(len(xii)):
			xmap[iciclo+1][xjj[i]][xii[i]] = 2.0


		#stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Moving file: {0}".format(filename))
		#stdscr.addstr(1, 0, "Total progress: [{1:10}] {0}%".format(progress * 10, "#" * progress))

		alldone = np.zeros(ncycle) == 1
		for i in range(ncycle):
			if i == iciclo:
				start = '--> '
				start = '--- '
			stdscr.addstr(i+3, 0, start+'[Tray: %i] - %4i/%i areas observed'%(i,len(obs[i])-len(obs[i][obs[i]]),len(obs[i])))
			alldone[i] = len(obs[i][obs[i]]) == 0

			#print '[Ciclo: %i] - %i/%i areas observed'%(i,len(obs[i])-len(obs[i][obs[i]]),len(obs[i]))
		#for i in range(len(obs)):
		#	ax[i].cla()
		#	ax[i].imshow(xmap[i],aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
		ax.imshow(xmap[0]+xmap[1]-1,aspect='auto',interpolation='nearest',cmap=cmap, norm=norm)
		if not no_obsTray.all():
		nmap += 1
		if alldone.all():

	print 'Observations started in ',MJD_dstart
	print 'Observations ended in ',MJD
	print 'Survey took %i days'%(MJD-MJD_dstart)
	return 0
コード例 #21
    def computesunmoon(self):
        [ras,decs,dists,toporas,topodecs,xs,ys,zs] = \
         _skysub.accusun(self.jd, self.sidereal.val,self.lat)
        self.SunCoords = celest([ras, decs, self.julian_epoch()])
        self.hasun = ha(self.sidereal.val - self.SunCoords.ra.val)
        [self.altsun,self.azsun,parangsun] = \
        self.ztwilight = _skysub.ztwilight(self.altsun)

        [georam,geodm,geodism,toporam,topodecm,topodistm] = \
        self.MoonCoords = celest([toporam, topodecm, self.julian_epoch()])
        self.hamoon = ha(self.sidereal.val - self.MoonCoords.ra.val)
        [self.altmoon,self.azmoon,parangmoon] = \
        self.sun_moon = _skysub.subtend(self.MoonCoords.ra.val,
                                        self.SunCoords.dec.val)  # radians
        self.moonillfrac = 0.5 * (1. - math.cos(self.sun_moon))
        self.sun_moon = self.sun_moon * _skysub.DEG_IN_RADIAN
        self.obj_moon = _skysub.subtend(
            self.MoonCoords.ra.val, self.MoonCoords.dec.val,
            self.CoordsOfDate.dec.val) * _skysub.DEG_IN_RADIAN
        self.lunsky = _skysub.lunskybright(self.sun_moon, self.obj_moon, 0.17,
                                           self.altmoon, self.altit, topodistm)
         self.baryvcor] = _skysub.helcor(self.jd, self.CoordsOfDate.ra.val,
                                         self.hanow.val, self.lat,
        self.baryjd = self.jd + self.barytcor / _skysub.SEC_IN_DAY

        # find the jd at the nearest clock-time midnight ...
        localtimestr = self.calstring(stdz=self.stdz, use_dst=self.use_dst)
        x = string.split(localtimestr)
        ymd = x[0] + " " + x[1] + " " + x[2]
        if float(x[3]) >= 12.:
            midnstring = ymd + " 23 59 59.99"
            midnstring = ymd + " 0 0 0 "
        self.jdmid = time_to_jd(midnstring, stdz = self.stdz, \
         use_dst = self.use_dst)
        self.stmid = ra(_skysub.lst(self.jdmid, self.longit))

        # elevation correction (in degrees) for horizon depression
        horiz = math.sqrt(2. * self.elevhoriz / _skysub.EQUAT_RAD) \
          * _skysub.DEG_IN_RADIAN
        setelev = -1. * (0.83 + horiz)

        hasunset = _skysub.ha_alt(self.SunCoords.dec.val, self.lat, setelev)

        if hasunset > 900.:
            self.jdsunset = 1000.  # never sets
            self.jdsunrise = 1000.
            self.jdcent = 1000.
        elif hasunset < -900.:
            self.jdsunset = -1000.  # never rises
            self.jdsunrise = -1000.
            self.jdcent = -1000.
            self.jdsunset = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
         + hasunset - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
            # print "entering jdsunset - self.jdsunset = ",self.jdsunset,
            self.jdsunset = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(setelev,self.jdsunset,self.lat, \
            self.jdsunrise = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
         - hasunset - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
            self.jdsunrise = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(setelev,self.jdsunrise,self.lat, \

            self.jdcent = (self.jdsunset + self.jdsunrise) / 2.

        hatwilight = _skysub.ha_alt(self.SunCoords.dec.val, self.lat, -18.)

        if hatwilight > 900.:
            self.jdevetwi = 1000.  # never gets dark
            self.jdmorntwi = 1000.
        elif hatwilight < -900.:
            self.jdevetwi = -1000.  # never gets light
            self.jdmorntwi = -1000.

            self.jdevetwi = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
         + hatwilight - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
            self.jdevetwi = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(-18.,self.jdevetwi,self.lat, \
            self.jdmorntwi = self.jdmid + _skysub.adj_time(self.SunCoords.ra.val \
         - hatwilight - self.stmid.val)/24.  # initial guess
            self.jdmorntwi = _skysub.jd_sun_alt(-18.,self.jdmorntwi,self.lat, \

        [ramoonmid,decmoonmid,distmoonmid] = \
        [minmoonalt, maxmoonalt] = _skysub.min_max_alt(self.lat, decmoonmid)
        # rough (close enough) check to see if moonrise or moonset occur ...
        if maxmoonalt < setelev:
            self.jdmoonrise = -100.  # never rises
            # -1000. is used later to signal non-convergence
            self.jdmoonset = -100.
        if minmoonalt > setelev:
            self.jdmoonrise = 100.  # never sets
            self.jdmoonset = 100.
            hamoonset = _skysub.ha_alt(decmoonmid, self.lat, setelev)
            tmoonrise = _skysub.adj_time(ramoonmid - hamoonset -
            tmoonset = _skysub.adj_time(ramoonmid + hamoonset - self.stmid.val)
            self.jdmoonrise = self.jdmid + tmoonrise / 24.
            self.jdmoonrise = _skysub.jd_moon_alt(setelev,self.jdmoonrise, \
            self.jdmoonset = self.jdmid + tmoonset / 24.
            self.jdmoonset = _skysub.jd_moon_alt(setelev,self.jdmoonset,self.lat, \

        [self.par_dra,self.par_ddec,self.aber_dra,self.aber_ddec] = \
コード例 #22
    def selectStandardTargets(self, nstars=3, nairmass=3):
		Based on configuration parameters, select 'nstars' standard stars to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day. Ideally you 
		will select standard stars before your science targets so not to have a full queue. Usually standard stars are observed 
		more than once a night at different airmasses. The user can control this parameter with nairmass and the script will try
		to take care of the rest. 

        session = Session()

        # First of all, standard stars can be obsered multiple times in sucessive nights. I will mark all
        # stars an unscheduled.
        targets = session.query(Targets).filter(
            Targets.scheduled == True).filter(Targets.type == self.stdFlag)
        for target in targets:
            target.scheduled = False

        # [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon

        # Selecting standard stars is not only searching for the higher in that time but select stars than can be observed at 3
        # or more (nairmass) different airmasses. It is also important to select stars with different colors (but this will be
        # taken care in the future).

        if nairmass * nstars > len(self.obsTimeBins):
                'Requesting more stars/observations than it will be possible to schedule. Decreasing number of requests to fit in the night.'
            nstars = len(self.obsTimeBins) / nairmass

        obsStandars = np.zeros(len(
            self.obsTimeBins)) - 1  # first selection of observable standards

        for tbin, time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

            if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
                # 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
                #     that fits our observing night
                targets = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(
                        Targets.type == self.stdFlag)

                lst = _skysub.lst(time, self.sitelong)  #*360./24.
                alt = np.array([
                    _skysub.altit(target.targetDec, lst - target.targetRa,
                                  self.sitelat)[0] for target in targets
                stg = alt.argmax()

                log.info('Selecting %s' % (targets[stg]))

                # Marking target as schedule
                tst = session.query(Targets).filter(
                    Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

                for t in tst:
                    t.scheduled = True
                    obsStandars[tbin] = t.id

                    'Bin already filled up with observations. Skipping...')

        if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
                'Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'
                % (nstars, len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))
        # Unmarking potential targets as scheduled
        for id in obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]:
            target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == id)
            for t in target:
                t.scheduled = False

            tbin += 1
        # Preparing a grid of altitudes for each target for each observing window
        amGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars) * len(obsStandars)).reshape(
            len(obsStandars), len(obsStandars))

        for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
            target = session.query(Targets).filter(
                Targets.id == obsStandars[i])[0]
            for j in range(len(obsStandars)):
                lst = _skysub.lst(self.obsTimeBins[j], self.sitelong)
                amGrid[i][j] = _skysub.true_airmass(
                        _skysub.altit(target.targetDec, lst - target.targetRa,
                if amGrid[i][j] < 0:
                    amGrid[i][j] = 99.
        # Build a grid mask that specifies the position in time each target should be observed. This means that, when
        # selecting a single target we ocuppy more than one, non consecutive, position in the night. This grid shows where are these
        # positions.
        obsMask = np.zeros(len(obsStandars) * len(obsStandars),

        for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
            amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[i].min(), self.stdMaxAirmass,
                                nairmass)  # requested aimasses
            dam = np.mean(
                np.abs(amGrid[i][amGrid[i] < self.stdMaxAirmass][1:] -
                       amGrid[i][amGrid[i] < self.stdMaxAirmass][:-1])
            )  # how much airmass changes in average
            for j, am in enumerate(amObs):
                # Mark positions where target is at	specified airmass
                if j == 0:
                    obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i], amGrid[i] == am)
                    obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(
                        np.bitwise_and(amGrid[i] > am - dam,
                                       amGrid[i] < am + dam))

            #print amGrid[i][np.where(obsMask[i])]
        # Now it is time to actually select the targets. It will start with the first target and then try the others
        # until it find enough standard stars, as specified by the user.
        # Para cada bin em tempo, varro o bin em massa de ar por coisas observaveis. Se acho um, vejo se posso agendar
        # os outros bins. Se sim, marco o alvo para observacao, se nao, passo para o proximo. Repito ate completar a
        # lista de alvos

        obsMaskTimeGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars), dtype=np.bool)
        nrequests = 0
        reqId = np.zeros(nstars, dtype=np.int) - 1
        for tbin, time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[:-1]):
            # Evaluates if time slots are all available. If yes, mark orbservation and ocuppy slots.
            if ((not obsMaskTimeGrid[obsMask[tbin]].any())
                    and (len(amGrid[tbin][obsMask[tbin]]) >= nairmass)):
                obsMaskTimeGrid = np.bitwise_or(obsMaskTimeGrid, obsMask[tbin])
                reqId[nrequests] = tbin
                nrequests += 1
            if nrequests >= nstars:

        # Finally, requesting observations

        for id in reqId[reqId >= 0]:
            target = session.query(Targets).filter(
                Targets.id == obsStandars[id])[0]
            secz = amGrid[id][obsMask[id]]
            seczreq = np.zeros(nairmass, dtype=np.bool)
            amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[id].min(), self.stdMaxAirmass,
                                nairmass)  # requested aimasses
            for i, obstime in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]):
                sindex = np.abs(amObs - secz[i]).argmin()
                if not seczreq[sindex]:
                        'Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'
                        % (target.name, secz[i], obstime - 2400000.5))
                    seczreq[sindex] = True
                    target.scheduled = True
                    self.addObservation(target, obstime)
                    self.obsTimeMask[obsMask[id]] = 1.0
            #print self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]

        #print i
        return 0  #targets
コード例 #23
ファイル: surveysim_02.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
def make_obs(T0,T1,RA,DEC,mask,texp,MaxAltit,obsTimes=[]):

	#obsmask = np.array(mask)
	i = 0
	lst_start = _skysub.lst(T0,sitelong)
	lst_end = _skysub.lst(T1,sitelong)
	ra_mask = []
	if lst_start < lst_end:
		ra_mask = np.bitwise_and(RA > lst_start*360./24., RA < lst_end*360./24.)
		stdscr.addstr(8,0,'[%5i] >> lst_start < lst_end <<'%(len(ra_mask[ra_mask])))
		stdscr.addstr(9,0,'                                 ')

		obsmask1 = RA > lst_start*360./24.
		obsmask2 = np.bitwise_and(RA > 0.,RA < lst_end*360./24.)
		ra_mask = np.bitwise_or(obsmask1,obsmask2)
		stdscr.addstr(8,0,'                                 ')
		stdscr.addstr(9,0,'[%5i] << lst_start > lst_end >>'%(len(ra_mask[ra_mask])))

	obsmask = np.bitwise_and(mask,ra_mask)
	xindex = np.arange(len(RA))
	#stdscr.addstr(5,0,'%i %i'%(len(index[obsmask]),len(index[ra_mask])))
	stdscr.addstr(5,0,'Initial size of array %i'%(len(xindex)))
	ondex = []
	index = list(np.array(xindex)[obsmask])

	if len(obsTimes) == 0:
		_obsTimes = np.arange(T0,T1,texp)
		_obsTimes = obsTimes
	obsSlot = np.zeros_like(_obsTimes) == 1

	if len(index)>len(xindex[ra_mask]):
		stdscr.addstr(6,0,'[WARNING] More tiles available than it is possible!')
		return mask,0,len(np.arange(T0,T1,texp)),_obsTimes

	if len(index) < 1:
		stdscr.addstr(6,0,'Nothing to observe...                                               ')
		return mask,0,len(np.arange(T0,T1,texp)),_obsTimes
	__strlen = len('Running size of array %4i'%(len(index)))
	stdscr.addstr(6,0,'Running size of array %4i'%(len(index)))
	#obsmask[ra_mask] = True
	#return obsmask,i
	#fp = open('queue_%05.0f.txt'%(T0-2400000.5),'w')
	for line in range(10):
		stdscr.addstr(10+line,0,'                                                                 ')

	line = 0

	for itr,time in enumerate(_obsTimes):
		lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong)*360./24.
		#lst = _skysub.lst(time,sitelong) #*360./24.
		ha = (lst - RA)*24./360.
		alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(DEC[j],ha[j],sitelat)[0] for j in index])
		if len(alt) == 0:
			stdscr.addstr(6,0,'Nothing to observe...                              ')
			stg = alt.argmax()
			#stdscr.addstr(8,0,'%i %i %i'%(obsmask[index[stg]],index[stg],stg))
			if alt[stg] > MaxAltit[index[stg]]*0.6:
				obsSlot[itr] = True
				stdscr.addstr(10+line,0,'Object too low. Alt = %7.2f, Max Alt = %7.2f...                   '%(alt[stg],MaxAltit[index[stg]]))
				if line < 9:
		#stg = ha.argmin()
		#fp.write('tile%05i %f %f\n'%(	index[stg],
		#								RA[index[stg]],
		#								DEC[index[stg]]))

	obsmask = np.array(mask)
	for idx in ondex:
		if obsmask[idx] == False:
			stdscr.addstr(10,0,'[WARINING] - Tile repeated!')
		obsmask[idx] = False
	#print i
	return obsmask,len(ondex),len(_obsTimes),_obsTimes[obsSlot]
コード例 #24
ファイル: mkqueue.py プロジェクト: tribeiro/SMAPS
	def selectStandardTargets(self,flag,nstars=3,nairmass=3):
		Based on configuration parameters, select 'nstars' standard stars to run scheduler on a specified Julian Day. Ideally you 
		will select standard stars before your science targets so not to have a full queue. Usually standard stars are observed 
		more than once a night at different airmasses. The user can control this parameter with nairmass and the script will try
		to take care of the rest. 

		session = Session()
		# query project information
		projQuery = session.query(Projects).filter(Projects.flag == flag)
		totobstime = 0.
		# Calculate total observation time
		for block in projQuery:
			totobstime += block.exptime
		totobstime /= 86400.0
		# First of all, standard stars can be observed multiple times in sucessive nights. I will mark all
		# stars as unscheduled.
		targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == True).filter(Targets.type == flag)
		for target in targets:
			target.scheduled = False
		# [To be done] Reject objects that are close to the moon
		# [To be done] Apply all sorts of rejections

		# Selecting standard stars is not only searching for the higher in that time but select stars than can be observed at 3
		# or more (nairmass) different airmasses. It is also important to select stars with different colors (but this will be
		# taken care in the future).

		if nairmass*nstars > len(self.obsTimeBins):
			self.log.warning('Requesting more stars/observations than it will be possible to schedule. Decreasing number of requests to fit in the night.')
			nstars = len(self.obsTimeBins)/nairmass

		# Build a grid of desired times for higher airmass observation of each standard star.
		stdObsTimeBin = np.arange(10,len(self.obsTimeBins)-10,(len(self.obsTimeBins)-10)/nstars)
		obsStandars = np.zeros(nstars)
		print stdObsTimeBin
		# selecting the closest bin without observation

		stdObsTimeBin,status = self.findSuitableTimeBin(stdObsTimeBin)
		if status != 0:
			raise Exception('Could not find suitable time to start observations! Try cleaning queue.')
		print stdObsTimeBin
		site = Site()

		calclst = lambda time: np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site._getEphem(datetimeFromJD(time)).sidereal_time()).split(':'))]))
		nightlst = np.array([calclst(obstime) for obstime in self.obsTimeBins])

		for i,tbin in enumerate(stdObsTimeBin):
			# selecting the closest bin without observation
			closestcleanbin = tbin
			while self.obsTimeMask[closestcleanbin] > 0.0:
				closestcleanbin += 1
			if i+1 < len(stdObsTimeBin):
				if closestcleanbin > stdObsTimeBin[i+1]:
					raise Exception('Could not find suitable place to start observations of standard star. Try cleaning queue.')
			time = self.obsTimeBins[closestcleanbin]

			# 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
			#     that fits our observing night

			#targetSched = False

			# Will try until a good match is obtained
			#while( not targetSched ):
			targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(Targets.type == flag)
			if len(targets[:]) > 0:

				#ephem = site._getEphem(datetimeFromJD(time))
				lst = calclst(time) #np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(ephem.sidereal_time()).split(':'))]))
				sitelat = np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site['latitude']).split(':'))]))
				alt = np.array([_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,sitelat)[0] for target in targets])
				stg = alt.argmax()

				print('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
				# Marking target as schedule
				tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)
				# Build airmass table for object
				objsecz = np.array([_skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(targets[stg].targetDec,nlst - targets[stg].targetRa,sitelat)[0])) for nlst in nightlst])
				# Build desired airmass table
				#obsairmass = np.linspace(_skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(alt[stg])),projQuery[0].maxairmass,nairmass)
				obsairmass = np.logspace(np.log10(np.min(objsecz[objsecz > 0])),np.log10(projQuery[0].maxairmass),nairmass)
				# Build mask with scheduled airmasses
				#mask = np.zeros(len(objsecz),dtype=bool) == 1
				pltobstime,pltobsairmass = np.array([]),np.array([])
				# Try scheduling observations on all airmasses
				for airmass in obsairmass:
					# Get times where the object is close to the desired airmass and there are no observations scheduled
					timeobsmask = np.bitwise_and(self.obsTimeMask < 1.0,np.abs(objsecz - airmass) < self.tolairmass)
					# Check that there are times available
					if not timeobsmask.any():
						#raise Exception('No time available for scheduling observations of standard star %s at airmass %.3f'%(targets[stg],airmass))
						self.log.warning('No time available for scheduling observations of standard star %s at airmass %.3f'%(targets[stg],airmass))
					# Start trying to schedule observations
					indexes = np.arange(len(self.obsTimeMask))[timeobsmask] #np.bitwise_and(self.obsTimeMask, timeobsmask)
					obsSched = False

					for index in indexes:
						print('[%.3f] - Time bin available for observation of standard star at airmass %.3f'%(self.obsTimeBins[index], airmass))
						print '- Require %i extra time bins'%(totobstime/self.tbin)
						if (self.obsTimeMask[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin] < 1.0).all():
							print 'Observation fit in this block.'
							self.obsTimeMask[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin] = 1.0
							self.log.info('Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'%(target.name,airmass,self.obsTimeBins[index]-2400000.5))
							pltobstime = np.append(pltobstime,self.obsTimeBins[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin])
							pltobsairmass = np.append(pltobsairmass, objsecz[index:index+totobstime/self.tbin])

							#for nblock,ii in enumerate(range(index,int(index+totobstime/self.tbin),1)):
					np.savetxt('obsairmass_%04i.dat'%stg,X = zip(pltobstime,pltobsairmass))

						#self.obsTimeMask[index] = 1.0
						#for iobsbins in range(index+1,index+int(totobstime/self.tbin)):
							#print '[%i] - require extra time bin'%(iobsbins)
							#if self.obsTimeMask[iobsbins] < 1.0:
							#	self.obsTimeMask[iobsbins] = 1.0
							#	raise Exception('Time bin [%i/%i] not available for observation of standard star at airmass %.3f'%(iobsbins,len(self.obsTimeMask),airmass))
							#raise Exception('Time bin not available for observation of standard star at airmass %.3f'%(airmass))

				for t in tst:
					t.scheduled = True
					obsStandars[i] = t.id
				self.log.warning('No suitable standard star for jd:%.3f in database...'%(time))
				return 0

		return 0
		if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
			self.log.warning('Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'%(nstars,len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))

		obsStandars = np.zeros(len(self.obsTimeBins))-1 # first selection of observable standards
		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins):

			if self.obsTimeMask[tbin] < 1.0:
				# 1 - Select objects from database that where not scheduled yet (standard stars may be repited)
				#     that fits our observing night
				targets = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.scheduled == 0).filter(Targets.type == flag)
				if len(targets[:]) > 0:

					ephem = site._getEphem(datetimeFromJD(time))
					lst = np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(ephem.sidereal_time()).split(':'))]))
					sitelat = np.sum(np.array([float(tt) / 60.**i for i,tt in enumerate(str(site['latitude']).split(':'))]))
					secz = np.array([_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,sitelat)[0]) for target in targets])
					stg = secz.argmax()

					self.log.info('Selecting %s'%(targets[stg]))
					# Marking target as schedule
					tst = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == targets[stg].id)

					for t in tst:
						t.scheduled = True
						obsStandars[tbin] = t.id
					print('No suitable target for jd:%.3f in database...'%(time))

				self.log.info('Bin already filled up with observations. Skipping...')

		if len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]) < nstars:
			self.log.warning('Could not find %i suitable standard stars in catalog. Only %i where found.'%(nstars,len(obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0])))
		# Unmarking potential targets as scheduled
		for id in obsStandars[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == id)
			for t in target:
				t.scheduled = False
		# Preparing a grid of altitudes for each target for each observing window
		amGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars)).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[i])[0]
			for j in range(len(obsStandars)):
				lst = _skysub.lst(self.obsTimeBins[j],self.sitelong)
				amGrid[i][j] = _skysub.true_airmass(_skysub.secant_z(_skysub.altit(target.targetDec,lst - target.targetRa,self.sitelat)[0]))
				if amGrid[i][j] < 0:
					amGrid [i][j] = 99.
		# Build a grid mask that specifies the position in time each target should be observed. This means that, when
		# selecting a single target we ocuppy more than one, non consecutive, position in the night. This grid shows where are these
		# positions.
		obsMask = np.zeros(len(obsStandars)*len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool).reshape(len(obsStandars),len(obsStandars))

		for i in np.arange(len(obsStandars))[obsStandars >= 0]:
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[i].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			dam = np.mean(np.abs(amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][1:] - amGrid[i][amGrid[i]<self.stdMaxAirmass][:-1])) # how much airmass changes in average
			for j,am in enumerate(amObs):
				# Mark positions where target is at	specified airmass
				if j == 0:
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],amGrid[i] == am)
					obsMask[i] = np.bitwise_or(obsMask[i],np.bitwise_and(amGrid[i]>am-dam,amGrid[i]<am+dam))

			#print amGrid[i][np.where(obsMask[i])]
		# Now it is time to actually select the targets. It will start with the first target and then try the others
		# until it find enough standard stars, as specified by the user.
		# Para cada bin em tempo, varro o bin em massa de ar por coisas observaveis. Se acho um, vejo se posso agendar
		# os outros bins. Se sim, marco o alvo para observacao, se nao, passo para o proximo. Repito ate completar a
		# lista de alvos

		obsMaskTimeGrid = np.zeros(len(obsStandars),dtype=np.bool)
		nrequests = 0
		reqId = np.zeros(nstars,dtype=np.int)-1
		for tbin,time in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[:-1]):
			# Evaluates if time slots are all available. If yes, mark orbservation and ocuppy slots.
			if ( (not obsMaskTimeGrid[obsMask[tbin]].any()) and (len(amGrid[tbin][obsMask[tbin]])>=nairmass) ):
				obsMaskTimeGrid = np.bitwise_or(obsMaskTimeGrid,obsMask[tbin])
				reqId[nrequests] = tbin
				nrequests += 1
			if nrequests >= nstars:

		# Finally, requesting observations

		for id in reqId[reqId >= 0]:
			target = session.query(Targets).filter(Targets.id == obsStandars[id])[0]
			secz = amGrid[id][obsMask[id]]
			seczreq = np.zeros(nairmass,dtype=np.bool)
			amObs = np.linspace(amGrid[id].min(),self.stdMaxAirmass,nairmass) # requested aimasses
			for i,obstime in enumerate(self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]):
				sindex = np.abs(amObs-secz[i]).argmin()
				if not seczreq[sindex]:
					self.log.info('Requesting observations of %s @airmass=%4.2f @mjd=%.3f...'%(target.name,secz[i],obstime-2400000.5))
					seczreq[sindex] = True
					target.scheduled = True
					self.obsTimeMask[obsMask[id]] = 1.0
			#print self.obsTimeBins[obsMask[id]]

		#print i
		return 0 #targets