コード例 #1
def test_categorical_likelihood(make_data):
    """Test aboleth with a tf.distributions.Categorical likelihood.

    Since it is a bit of an odd half-multivariate case.
    x, y, _, = make_data
    N, K = x.shape

    # Make two classes (K = 2)
    Y = np.zeros(len(y), dtype=np.int32)
    Y[y[:, 0] > 0] = 1

    layers = ab.stack(
        ab.InputLayer(name='X', n_samples=10),
        lambda X: (X, 0.0)   # Mock a sampling layer, with 2-class output

    nn, reg = layers(X=x.astype(np.float32))
    like = tf.distributions.Categorical(logits=nn)

    ELBO = ab.elbo(like, Y, N, reg)
    MAP = ab.max_posterior(like, Y, reg)

    tc = tf.test.TestCase()
    with tc.test_session():

        assert like.probs.eval().shape == (10, N, K)
        assert like.prob(Y).eval().shape == (10, N)

        L = ELBO.eval()
        assert np.isscalar(L)

        L = MAP.eval()
        assert np.isscalar(L)
コード例 #2
def nnet_dropout(X, Y):
    """Neural net with dropout."""
    reg = 0.001  # Weight prior
    noise = .5  # Likelihood st. dev.

    net = (
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=30, l2_reg=reg, l1_reg=0.) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.tanh) >>
        ab.DropOut(keep_prob=0.95) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=20, l2_reg=reg, l1_reg=0.) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.tanh) >>
        ab.DropOut(keep_prob=0.95) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=10, l2_reg=reg, l1_reg=0.) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.tanh) >>
        ab.DropOut(keep_prob=0.95) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=5, l2_reg=reg, l1_reg=0.) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.tanh) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=1, l2_reg=reg, l1_reg=0.)

    phi, reg = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=phi, scale=noise)
    loss = ab.max_posterior(lkhood, Y, reg)
    return phi, loss
コード例 #3
def main():

    # Dataset
    mnist_data = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.mnist.read_data_sets('./mnist_demo',

    N = mnist_data.train.images.shape[0]

    X, Y = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
        (np.asarray(mnist_data.train.images, dtype=np.float32),
         np.asarray(mnist_data.train.labels, dtype=np.int64))
    ).repeat(n_epochs).shuffle(N).batch(batch_size) \

    # Xs, Ys = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(
    #     (np.asarray(mnist_data.test.images, dtype=np.float32),
    #      np.asarray(mnist_data.test.labels, dtype=np.int64))
    # ).repeat(n_epochs).make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()

    Xs = np.asarray(mnist_data.test.images, dtype=np.float32)
    Ys = np.asarray(mnist_data.test.labels, dtype=np.int64)

    # Model specification
    with tf.name_scope("model"):
        logits, reg = net(X=X)
        llh = tf.distributions.Categorical(logits=logits)
        loss = ab.max_posterior(llh.log_prob(Y), reg)
        probs = ab.sample_mean(llh.probs)
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(probs, axis=1), Y), dtype=tf.float32))

    # Training graph building
    with tf.name_scope("train"):
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=1e-3)
        global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
        train = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

    logger = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(dict(step=global_step,

    with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=config,
                                           hooks=[logger]) as sess:

        while not sess.should_stop():

            step, _ = sess.run([global_step, train])

            # this part is a bit superfluous. Could get it working with
            # Datasets too but just wanted to sanity test for now.
            if not step % 100:
                val_acc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={X: Xs, Y: Ys}, session=sess)
                tf.logging.info("step = %d, validation accuracy: %f", step,
コード例 #4
def test_map_likelihood(make_graph):
    """Test for expected output dimensions from deepnet."""
    x, y, _, _, _, _, layers = make_graph
    nn, reg = layers(X=x.astype(np.float32))
    like = tf.distributions.Normal(nn, scale=1.)

    loss = ab.max_posterior(like, y.astype(np.float32), reg)

    tc = tf.test.TestCase()
    with tc.test_session():

        L = loss.eval()
        assert np.isscalar(L)
コード例 #5
def linear(X, Y):
    """Linear regression with l2 regularization."""
    lambda_ = 1e-4  # Weight regularizer
    noise = 1.  # Likelihood st. dev.

    net = (ab.InputLayer(name="X") >> ab.DenseMAP(
        output_dim=1, l2_reg=lambda_, l1_reg=0.))

    Xw, reg = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=Xw, scale=noise)
    loss = ab.max_posterior(lkhood, Y, reg)
    # loss = 0.5 * tf.reduce_mean((Y - Xw)**2) + reg

    return Xw, loss
コード例 #6
def test_map_likelihood(make_graph):
    """Test for expected output dimensions from deepnet."""
    x, y, N, X_, Y_, N_, layers = make_graph
    nn, reg = layers(X=X_)
    log_like = tf.distributions.Normal(nn, scale=1.).log_prob(Y_)

    loss = ab.max_posterior(log_like, reg)

    tc = tf.test.TestCase()
    with tc.test_session():

        L = loss.eval(feed_dict={X_: x, Y_: y})
        assert np.isscalar(L)
コード例 #7
def linear(X, Y):
    """Linear regression with l2 regularization."""
    reg = .01  # Weight prior
    noise = .5  # Likelihood st. dev.

    net = (
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=1) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=1, l2_reg=reg, l1_reg=0.)

    phi, reg = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=phi, scale=noise)
    loss = ab.max_posterior(lkhood, Y, reg)

    return phi, loss
コード例 #8
def nnet(X, Y):
    """Neural net with regularization."""
    lambda_ = 1e-4  # Weight regularizer
    noise = .5  # Likelihood st. dev.

    net = (
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=1) >> ab.DenseMAP(
            output_dim=40, l2_reg=lambda_, l1_reg=0.) >> ab.Activation(tf.tanh)
        >> ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=20, l2_reg=lambda_,
                       l1_reg=0.) >> ab.Activation(tf.tanh) >>
        ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=10, l2_reg=lambda_, l1_reg=0.) >> ab.Activation(
            tf.tanh) >> ab.DenseMAP(output_dim=1, l2_reg=lambda_, l1_reg=0.))

    f, reg = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=noise)
    loss = ab.max_posterior(lkhood, Y, reg)
    return f, loss
コード例 #9
def test_categorical_likelihood(make_data, likelihood):
    """Test aboleth with discrete likelihoods.

    Since these are kind of corner cases...
    x, y, _, = make_data
    like, K = likelihood
    N, _ = x.shape

    # Make two classes (K = 2)
    Y = np.zeros(len(y), dtype=np.int32)
    Y[y[:, 0] > 0] = 1

    if K == 1:
        Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]

    X_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, x.shape)
    Y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, Y.shape)
    n_samples_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int32)

    layers = ab.stack(
        ab.InputLayer(name='X', n_samples=n_samples_),

    nn, reg = layers(X=X_)
    like = like(logits=nn)
    log_like = like.log_prob(Y_)
    prob = like.prob(Y_)

    ELBO = ab.elbo(log_like, reg, N)
    MAP = ab.max_posterior(log_like, reg)

    fd = {X_: x, Y_: Y, n_samples_: 10}
    tc = tf.test.TestCase()
    with tc.test_session():

        assert like.probs.eval(feed_dict=fd).shape == (10, N, K)
        assert prob.eval(feed_dict=fd).shape == (10,) + Y.shape

        L = ELBO.eval(feed_dict=fd)

        L = MAP.eval(feed_dict=fd)
        assert np.isscalar(L)
コード例 #10
def nnet_dropout(X, Y):
    """Neural net with dropout."""
    lambda_ = 1e-3  # Weight prior
    noise = .5  # Likelihood st. dev.

    net = (
        ab.InputLayer(name="X", n_samples=n_samples_) >>
        ab.Dense(output_dim=32, l2_reg=lambda_) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>
        ab.DropOut(keep_prob=0.9, independent=True) >>
        ab.Dense(output_dim=16, l2_reg=lambda_) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>
        ab.DropOut(keep_prob=0.95, independent=True) >>
        ab.Dense(output_dim=8, l2_reg=lambda_) >>
        ab.Activation(tf.nn.selu) >>
        ab.Dense(output_dim=1, l2_reg=lambda_)

    f, reg = net(X=X)
    lkhood = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=f, scale=noise).log_prob(Y)
    loss = ab.max_posterior(lkhood, reg)
    return f, loss
コード例 #11
def main():
    """Run the demo."""
    n_iters = int(round(n_epochs * N / batch_size))
    print("Iterations = {}".format(n_iters))

    # Get training and testing data
    Xr, Yr, Xs, Ys = gp_draws(N, Ns, kern=kernel, noise=true_noise)

    # Prediction points
    Xq = np.linspace(-20, 20, Ns).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]
    Yq = np.linspace(-4, 4, Ns).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]

    # Set up the probability image query points
    Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(Xq, Yq)
    Xi = Xi.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)
    Yi = Yi.astype(np.float32).reshape(-1, 1)

    _, D = Xr.shape

    # Name the "data" parts of the graph
    with tf.name_scope("Input"):
        # This function will make a TensorFlow queue for shuffling and batching
        # the data, and will run through n_epochs of the data.
        Xb, Yb = batch_training(Xr,
        X_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(Xb, shape=(None, D))
        Y_ = tf.placeholder_with_default(Yb, shape=(None, 1))

    # This is where we build the actual GP model
    with tf.name_scope("Deepnet"):
        phi, reg = net(X=X_)
        noise = ab.pos_variable(NOISE)
        ll = tf.distributions.Normal(loc=phi, scale=noise).log_prob(Y_)
        loss = ab.max_posterior(ll, reg)

    # Set up the trainig graph
    with tf.name_scope("Train"):
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer()
        global_step = tf.train.create_global_step()
        train = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)

    # This is used for building the predictive density image
    with tf.name_scope("Predict"):
        logprob = tf.reduce_mean(ll, axis=0)

    # Logging learning progress
    log = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook({
        'step': global_step,
        'loss': loss

    # This is the main training "loop"
    with tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession(config=config,
                                           hooks=[log]) as sess:
            while not sess.should_stop():
                        n_samples_: n_samples,
                        # tf.keras.backend.learning_phase(): 1
        except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
            print('Input queues have been exhausted!')

        # Prediction, the [[None]] is to stop the default placeholder queue
        # we keep learning phase flag on even in prediction phase to draw
        # samples from predictive distribution
        Ey = sess.run(phi,
                          X_: Xq,
                          Y_: [[None]],
                          n_samples_: p_samples

        logPY = sess.run(logprob,
                             Y_: Yi,
                             X_: Xi,
                             n_samples_: p_samples

    Eymean = Ey.mean(axis=0)  # Average samples to get mean predicted funtion
    Py = np.exp(logPY.reshape(Ns, Ns))  # Turn log-prob into prob

    # Plot
    im_min = np.amin(Py)
    im_size = np.amax(Py) - im_min
    img = (Py - im_min) / im_size
    f = bk.figure(tools='pan,box_zoom,reset', sizing_mode='stretch_both')
    f.image(image=[img], x=-20., y=-4., dw=40., dh=8, palette=bp.Plasma256)
    f.circle(Xr.flatten(), Yr.flatten(), fill_color='blue', legend='Training')
    f.line(Xs.flatten(), Ys.flatten(), line_color='blue', legend='Truth')
    for y in Ey:
    f.line(Xq.flatten(), Eymean.flatten(), line_color='green', legend='Mean')
コード例 #12
def main():
    """Run the demo."""
    data = load_breast_cancer()
    X = data.data.astype(np.float32)
    y = data.target.astype(np.int32)[:, np.newaxis]
    X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X).astype(np.float32)
    N, D = X.shape

    # Benchmark classifier
    bcl = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=RSEED)

    # Data
    with tf.name_scope("Input"):
        X_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, D))
        Y_ = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 1))

    with tf.name_scope("Deepnet"):
        nn, reg = net(X=X_)
        lkhood = tf.distributions.Bernoulli(logits=nn)
        loss = ab.max_posterior(lkhood.log_prob(Y_), reg)
        prob = ab.sample_mean(lkhood.probs)

    with tf.name_scope("Train"):
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001)
        train = optimizer.minimize(loss)

    kfold = KFold(n_splits=FOLDS, shuffle=True, random_state=RSEED)

    # Launch the graph.
    acc, acc_o, ll, ll_o = [], [], [], []
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    with tf.Session(config=CONFIG):

        for k, (r_ind, s_ind) in enumerate(kfold.split(X)):

            Xr, Yr = X[r_ind], y[r_ind]
            Xs, Ys = X[s_ind], y[s_ind]

            batches = ab.batch(
                {X_: Xr, Y_: Yr},
            for i, data in enumerate(batches):
                if i % 1000 == 0:
                    loss_val = loss.eval(feed_dict=data)
                    print("Iteration {}, loss = {}".format(i, loss_val))

            # Predict, NOTE: we use the mean of the likelihood to get the
            # probabilies
            ps = prob.eval(feed_dict={X_: Xs, n_samples_: PSAMPLES})

            print("Fold {}:".format(k))
            Ep = np.hstack((1. - ps, ps))

            print_k_result(Ys, Ep, ll, acc, "BNN")

            bcl.fit(Xr, Yr.flatten())
            Ep_o = bcl.predict_proba(Xs)
            print_k_result(Ys, Ep_o, ll_o, acc_o, "RF")

        print_final_result(acc, ll, "BNN")
        print_final_result(acc_o, ll_o, "RF")