コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, client, local_path_u, db, name, clock, delay=0):
        self._client = client
        self._local_path_u = local_path_u
        self._local_filepath = to_filepath(local_path_u)
        self._db = db
        self._name = name
        self._clock = clock
        self._hooks = {
            'processed': None,
            'started': None,
            'iteration': None,
        self.started_d = self.set_hook('started')

        if not self._local_filepath.exists():
            raise AssertionError("The '[magic_folder] local.directory' parameter was %s "
                                 "but there is no directory at that location."
                                 % quote_local_unicode_path(self._local_path_u))
        if not self._local_filepath.isdir():
            raise AssertionError("The '[magic_folder] local.directory' parameter was %s "
                                 "but the thing at that location is not a directory."
                                 % quote_local_unicode_path(self._local_path_u))

        self._deque = deque()
        # do we also want to bound on "maximum age"?
        self._process_history = deque(maxlen=20)
        self._stopped = False
        # XXX pass in an initial value for this; it seems like .10 broke this and it's always 0
        self._turn_delay = delay
        self._log('delay is %f' % self._turn_delay)

        # a Deferred to wait for the _do_processing() loop to exit
        # (gets set to the return from _do_processing() if we get that
        # far)
        self._processing = defer.succeed(None)
コード例 #2
    def test_to_filepath(self):
        foo_u = win32_other(u'C:\\foo', u'/foo')

        nosep_fp = to_filepath(foo_u)
        sep_fp = to_filepath(foo_u + os.path.sep)

        for fp in (nosep_fp, sep_fp):
            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(fp, FilePath(foo_u))
            if encodingutil.use_unicode_filepath:
                self.failUnlessReallyEqual(fp.path, foo_u)

        if sys.platform == "win32":
            long_u = u'\\\\?\\C:\\foo'
            longfp = to_filepath(long_u + u'\\')
            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(longfp, FilePath(long_u))
            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(longfp.path, long_u)
コード例 #3
    def test_to_filepath(self):
        foo_u = win32_other(u'C:\\foo', u'/foo')

        nosep_fp = to_filepath(foo_u)
        sep_fp = to_filepath(foo_u + os.path.sep)

        for fp in (nosep_fp, sep_fp):
            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(fp, FilePath(foo_u))
            if encodingutil.use_unicode_filepath:
                self.failUnlessReallyEqual(fp.path, foo_u)

        if sys.platform == "win32":
            long_u = u'\\\\?\\C:\\foo'
            longfp = to_filepath(long_u + u'\\')
            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(longfp, FilePath(long_u))
            self.failUnlessReallyEqual(longfp.path, long_u)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, client, local_path_u, db, name, clock):
        self._client = client
        self._local_path_u = local_path_u
        self._local_filepath = to_filepath(local_path_u)
        self._db = db
        self._name = name
        self._clock = clock
        self._debug_log = False
        self._logger = None
        self._hooks = {
            'processed': None,
            'started': None,
            'iteration': None,
            'inotify': None,
        self.started_d = self.set_hook('started')

        if not self._local_filepath.exists():
            raise AssertionError("The '[magic_folder] local.directory' parameter was %s "
                                 "but there is no directory at that location."
                                 % quote_local_unicode_path(self._local_path_u))
        if not self._local_filepath.isdir():
            raise AssertionError("The '[magic_folder] local.directory' parameter was %s "
                                 "but the thing at that location is not a directory."
                                 % quote_local_unicode_path(self._local_path_u))

        self._deque = deque()
        # do we also want to bound on "maximum age"?
        self._process_history = deque(maxlen=20)
        self._stopped = False

        # a Deferred to wait for the _do_processing() loop to exit
        # (gets set to the return from _do_processing() if we get that
        # far)
        self._processing = defer.succeed(None)
コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, client, local_path_u, db, name, clock):
        self._client = client
        self._local_path_u = local_path_u
        self._local_filepath = to_filepath(local_path_u)
        self._db = db
        self._name = name
        self._clock = clock
        self._debug_log = False
        self._logger = None
        self._hooks = {
            'processed': None,
            'started': None,
            'iteration': None,
            'inotify': None,
        self.started_d = self.set_hook('started')

        # we should have gotten nice errors already while loading the
        # config, but just to be safe:
        assert self._local_filepath.exists()
        assert self._local_filepath.isdir()

        self._deque = deque()
        # do we also want to bound on "maximum age"?
        self._process_history = deque(maxlen=20)
        self._stopped = False

        # a Deferred to wait for the _do_processing() loop to exit
        # (gets set to the return from _do_processing() if we get that
        # far)
        self._processing = defer.succeed(None)
コード例 #6
def load_magic_folders(node_directory):
    Loads existing magic-folder configuration and returns it as a dict
    mapping name -> dict of config. This will NOT upgrade from
    old-style to new-style config (but WILL read old-style config and
    return in the same way as if it was new-style).

    :returns: dict mapping magic-folder-name to its config (also a dict)
    yaml_fname = os.path.join(node_directory, u"private", u"magic_folders.yaml")
    folders = dict()

    config_fname = os.path.join(node_directory, "tahoe.cfg")
    config = configutil.get_config(config_fname)

    if not os.path.exists(yaml_fname):
        # there will still be a magic_folder section in a "new"
        # config, but it won't have local.directory nor poll_interval
        # in it.
        if config.has_option("magic_folder", "local.directory"):
            up_fname = os.path.join(node_directory, "private", "magic_folder_dircap")
            coll_fname = os.path.join(node_directory, "private", "collective_dircap")
            directory = config.get("magic_folder", "local.directory").decode('utf8')
                interval = int(config.get("magic_folder", "poll_interval"))
            except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
                interval = 60
            dir_fp = to_filepath(directory)

            if not dir_fp.exists():
                raise Exception(
                    "The '[magic_folder] local.directory' parameter is {} "
                    "but there is no directory at that location.".format(
            if not dir_fp.isdir():
                raise Exception(
                    "The '[magic_folder] local.directory' parameter is {} "
                    "but the thing at that location is not a directory.".format(

            folders[u"default"] = {
                u"directory": directory,
                u"upload_dircap": fileutil.read(up_fname),
                u"collective_dircap": fileutil.read(coll_fname),
                u"poll_interval": interval,
            # without any YAML file AND no local.directory option it's
            # an error if magic-folder is "enabled" because we don't
            # actually have enough config for any magic-folders at all
            if config.has_section("magic_folder") \
               and config.getboolean("magic_folder", "enabled") \
               and not folders:
                raise Exception(
                    "[magic_folder] is enabled but has no YAML file and no "
                    "'local.directory' option."

    elif os.path.exists(yaml_fname):  # yaml config-file exists
        if config.has_option("magic_folder", "local.directory"):
            raise Exception(
                "magic-folder config has both old-style configuration"
                " and new-style configuration; please remove the "
                "'local.directory' key from tahoe.cfg or remove "
                "'magic_folders.yaml' from {}".format(node_directory)
        with open(yaml_fname, "r") as f:
            magic_folders = yamlutil.safe_load(f.read())
            if not isinstance(magic_folders, dict):
                raise Exception(
                    "'{}' should contain a dict".format(yaml_fname)

            folders = magic_folders['magic-folders']
            if not isinstance(folders, dict):
                raise Exception(
                    "'magic-folders' in '{}' should be a dict".format(yaml_fname)

    # check configuration
    for (name, mf_config) in folders.items():
        if not isinstance(mf_config, dict):
            raise Exception(
                "Each item in '{}' must itself be a dict".format(yaml_fname)
        for k in ['collective_dircap', 'upload_dircap', 'directory', 'poll_interval']:
            if k not in mf_config:
                raise Exception(
                    "Config for magic folder '{}' is missing '{}'".format(
                        name, k
        for k in ['collective_dircap', 'upload_dircap']:
            if isinstance(mf_config[k], unicode):
                mf_config[k] = mf_config[k].encode('ascii')

    return folders
コード例 #7
 def _maybe_notify(self, fname, mask):
     if self._fake_inotify:
         self._uploader._notifier.event(to_filepath(fname), mask)