コード例 #1
    def connect(self, username=None, passcode=None, wait=False, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Start a connection.

        :param str username: the username to connect with
        :param str passcode: the password used to authenticate with
        :param bool wait: if True, wait for the connection to be established/acknowledged
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        cmd = CMD_STOMP
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_ACCEPT_VERSION] = self.version

        if self.transport.vhost:
            headers[HDR_HOST] = self.transport.vhost

        if username is not None:
            headers[HDR_LOGIN] = username

        if passcode is not None:
            headers[HDR_PASSCODE] = passcode

        self.send_frame(cmd, headers)

        if wait:
            if self.transport.connection_error:
                raise ConnectFailedException()
コード例 #2
    def connect(self, username=None, passcode=None, wait=False, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Send a STOMP CONNECT frame. Differs from 1.0 and 1.1 versions in that the HOST header is enforced.

        :param str username: optionally specify the login user
        :param str passcode: optionally specify the user password
        :param bool wait: wait for the connection to complete before returning
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers to send with the subscription
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers to send with the subscription
        cmd = CMD_STOMP
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_ACCEPT_VERSION] = self.version
        headers[HDR_HOST] = self.transport.current_host_and_port[0]

        if self.transport.vhost:
            headers[HDR_HOST] = self.transport.vhost

        if username is not None:
            headers[HDR_LOGIN] = username

        if passcode is not None:
            headers[HDR_PASSCODE] = passcode

        self.send_frame(cmd, headers)

        if wait:
            if self.transport.connection_error:
                raise ConnectFailedException()
コード例 #3
    def commit(self, transaction=None, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Commit a transaction.

        :param str transaction: the identifier for the transaction
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        assert transaction is not None, "'transaction' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_TRANSACTION] = transaction
        self.send_frame(CMD_COMMIT, headers)
コード例 #4
    def unsubscribe(self, id, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Unsubscribe from a destination by its unique identifier

        :param str id: the unique identifier to unsubscribe from
        :param dict headers: additional headers to send with the unsubscribe
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers to send with the subscription
        assert id is not None, "'id' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_ID] = id
        self.send_frame(CMD_UNSUBSCRIBE, headers)
コード例 #5
    def unsubscribe(self, destination=None, id=None, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Unsubscribe from a destination by either id or the destination name.

        :param str destination: the name of the topic or queue to unsubscribe from
        :param str id: the unique identifier of the topic or queue to unsubscribe from
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        assert id is not None or destination is not None, "'id' or 'destination' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        if id:
            headers[HDR_ID] = id
        if destination:
            headers[HDR_DESTINATION] = destination
        self.send_frame(CMD_UNSUBSCRIBE, headers)
コード例 #6
    def subscribe(self, destination, id, ack='auto', headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Subscribe to a destination

        :param str destination: the topic or queue to subscribe to
        :param str id: the identifier to uniquely identify the subscription
        :param str ack: either auto, client or client-individual (see https://stomp.github.io/stomp-specification-1.2.html#SUBSCRIBE for more info)
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers to send with the subscription
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers to send with the subscription
        assert destination is not None, "'destination' is required"
        assert id is not None, "'id' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_DESTINATION] = destination
        headers[HDR_ID] = id
        headers[HDR_ACK] = ack
        self.send_frame(CMD_SUBSCRIBE, headers)
コード例 #7
    def begin(self, transaction=None, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Begin a transaction.

        :param str transaction: the identifier for the transaction (optional - if not specified
            a unique transaction id will be generated)
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires

        :return: the transaction id
        :rtype: str
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        if not transaction:
            transaction = str(uuid.uuid4())
        headers[HDR_TRANSACTION] = transaction
        self.send_frame(CMD_BEGIN, headers)
        return transaction
コード例 #8
    def disconnect(self, receipt=None, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Disconnect from the server.

        :param str receipt: the receipt to use (once the server acknowledges that receipt, we're
            officially disconnected; optional - if not specified a unique receipt id will
            be generated)
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        if not self.transport.is_connected():
            log.debug('Not sending disconnect, already disconnected')
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        rec = receipt or str(uuid.uuid4())
        headers[HDR_RECEIPT] = rec
        self.set_receipt(rec, CMD_DISCONNECT)
        self.send_frame(CMD_DISCONNECT, headers)
コード例 #9
    def subscribe(self, destination, id=None, ack='auto', headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Subscribe to a destination.

        :param str destination: the topic or queue to subscribe to
        :param str id: a unique id to represent the subscription
        :param str ack: acknowledgement mode, either auto, client, or client-individual
            (see http://stomp.github.io/stomp-specification-1.2.html#SUBSCRIBE_ack_Header)
            for more information
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        assert destination is not None, "'destination' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_DESTINATION] = destination
        if id:
            headers[HDR_ID] = id
        headers[HDR_ACK] = ack
        self.send_frame(CMD_SUBSCRIBE, headers)
コード例 #10
    def send(self, destination, body, content_type=None, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Send a message to a destination in the messaging system (as per https://stomp.github.io/stomp-specification-1.2.html#SEND)

        :param str destination: the destination (such as a message queue - for example '/queue/test' - or a message topic)
        :param body: the content of the message
        :param str content_type: the MIME type of message
        :param dict headers: additional headers to send in the message frame
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        assert destination is not None, "'destination' is required"
        assert body is not None, "'body' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_DESTINATION] = destination
        if content_type:
            headers[HDR_CONTENT_TYPE] = content_type
        body = encode(body)
        if self.auto_content_length and body and HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH not in headers:
            headers[HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH] = len(body)
        self.send_frame(CMD_SEND, headers, body)
コード例 #11
    def send(self, destination, body, content_type=None, headers=None, **keyword_headers):
        Send a message to a destination.

        :param str destination: the destination of the message (e.g. queue or topic name)
        :param body: the content of the message
        :param str content_type: the content type of the message
        :param dict headers: a map of any additional headers the broker requires
        :param keyword_headers: any additional headers the broker requires
        assert destination is not None, "'destination' is required"
        assert body is not None, "'body' is required"
        headers = utils.merge_headers([headers, keyword_headers])
        headers[HDR_DESTINATION] = destination
        if content_type:
            headers[HDR_CONTENT_TYPE] = content_type
        body = encode(body)
        if self.auto_content_length and body and HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH not in headers:
            headers[HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH] = len(body)
        self.send_frame(CMD_SEND, headers, body)