コード例 #1
def setup_sph_code(N1, N2, L, rho, u):
    #rho -- local group density
    #converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(1 | units.MSun, 1 | units.kpc)
    #sph_code = sph_code(converter)#, mode = 'periodic')#, redirection = 'none')#change periodic
    #sph_code.parameters.periodic_box_size = 10.0 | units.kpc
    dm = Particles(N1)
    dm.mass = 0.8 * (rho * L**3) / N1
    dm.x = L * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, N1)
    dm.y = L * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, N1)
    dm.z = L * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, N1)
    dm.vx = np.zeros(N1) | units.km / units.s
    dm.vy = np.zeros(N1) | units.km / units.s
    dm.vz = np.zeros(N1) | units.km / units.s
    gas = Particles(N2)
    gas.mass = 0.2 * (rho * L**3) / N2
    gas.x = L * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, N2)
    gas.y = L * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, N2)
    gas.z = L * np.random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, N2)
    gas.vx = np.zeros(N2) | units.km / units.s
    gas.vy = np.zeros(N2) | units.km / units.s
    gas.vz = np.zeros(N2) | units.km / units.s
    gas.u = u
    gas.h_smooth = L / N2**(1 / 3.0)
    dm.h_smooth = L / N1**(1 / 3.0)


    return gas, dm
コード例 #2
def setup_sph_code(sph_code, N1, N2, L, rho,u):
    #rho -- local group density
    converter = nbody_system.nbody_to_si(1 | units.MSun, 1 | units.kpc)
    sph_code = sph_code(converter, redirection = 'none')#, mode = 'periodic')#, redirection = 'none')#change periodic
    #sph_code.parameters.periodic_box_size = 10.0 | units.kpc
    dm = Particles(N1)
    dm.mass = (rho * L**3) / N1
    dm.x = L * np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N1)
    dm.y = L * np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N1)
    dm.z = L * np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N1)
    dm.vx = np.zeros(N1) | units.km / units.s
    dm.vy = np.zeros(N1) | units.km / units.s
    dm.vz = np.zeros(N1) | units.km / units.s
    gas = Particles(N2)
    gas.mass = (rho * L**3) / N2
    gas.x = L * np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N2)
    gas.y = L * np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N2)
    gas.z = L * np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, N2)
    gas.vx = np.zeros(N2) | units.km / units.s
    gas.vy = np.zeros(N2) | units.km / units.s
    gas.vz = np.zeros(N2) | units.km / units.s
    gas.u = u 
    if isinstance(sph_code, Fi):
        sph_code.parameters.self_gravity_flag = True
        sph_code.parameters.timestep = 5 | units.Myr
        gas.h_smooth = L / N2**(1/3.0)
        dm.h_smooth = L / N1**(1/3.0)
        #gas.position -= 0.5 * L
    return sph_code
コード例 #3
def get_ps_from_hdf5(partfile, particle_type='all'):
    """ Returns an AMUSE particle set from a FLASH
        hdf5 particle file (NOT a plot file) or checkpoint file.
        Keyword arguments:
        partfile      -- the FLASH particle file
        particle_type -- the type of particle that you
                         want from FLASH. Can be:
                         star -- active FLASH particle type
                         sink -- sink FLASH particle type
                         any other string or none returns all particle types.
                         The default is all.
        stars -- An AMUSE particle set.
    import h5py

    ds = h5py.File(partfile, 'r')
    part_data    = ds.get('tracer particles')
    part_names   = ds.get('particle names')
    part_data    = np.array(part_data)
    part_names   = np.array(part_names)
    real_scalars = ds.get('real scalars')
    part_time    = real_scalars[0][1]
    if (part_data.size > 1):
        mass_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='mass')[0]
        tag_ind   = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='tag')[0]
        type_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='type')[0]
        ct_ind    = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='creation_time')[0]
        posx_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='posx')[0]
        posy_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='posy')[0]
        posz_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='posz')[0]
        velx_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='velx')[0]
        vely_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='vely')[0]
        velz_ind  = np.where(np.char.strip(part_names)=='velz')[0]
        # Get the particle types
        type_part = part_data[:,type_ind].flatten()
        if (particle_type == 'star' or particle_type == 'stars'):
            # Find only star particles (particle_type=1)
            star_ind = np.where(type_part==1)[0]
        elif (particle_type == 'sink' or particle_type == 'sinks'):
            # Find only sink particles (particle_type=2)
            star_ind = np.where(type_part==2)[0]
            star_ind = np.arange(len(type_part))
        num_parts = len(star_ind)
        # allocate the array
        stars = Particles(num_parts)
        # Masses of stars
        stars.mass = part_data[star_ind,mass_ind] | u.g
        # Tags of stars
        stars.tag = part_data[star_ind,tag_ind]
        # Creation times of stars
        stars.ct   = part_data[star_ind,ct_ind]   | u.s
        # Positions
        stars.x = part_data[star_ind,posx_ind]    | u.cm
        stars.y = part_data[star_ind,posy_ind]    | u.cm
        stars.z = part_data[star_ind,posz_ind]    | u.cm
        # Velocities
        stars.vx = part_data[star_ind,velx_ind]   | u.cm/u.s
        stars.vy = part_data[star_ind,vely_ind]   | u.cm/u.s
        stars.vz = part_data[star_ind,velz_ind]   | u.cm/u.s
        # Set an index attribute. Useful for some functions/codes in AMUSE.
        stars.index_of_the_particle = np.arange(num_parts)

        print "Error: No particles found in this file!"
        stars = None
    return stars