コード例 #1
ファイル: constructor.py プロジェクト: conlini/frozen-ansible
 def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
     data = AnsibleMapping()
     yield data
     value = self.construct_mapping(node)
     data._line_number   = value._line_number
     data._column_number = value._column_number
     data._data_source   = value._data_source
コード例 #2
 def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
     data = AnsibleMapping()
     yield data
     value = self.construct_mapping(node)
     data._line_number = value._line_number
     data._column_number = value._column_number
     data._data_source = value._data_source
コード例 #3
ファイル: role.py プロジェクト: shuoshadow/ansible
    def munge(self, ds):
        # create the new ds as an AnsibleMapping, so we can preserve any line/column
        # data from the parser, and copy that info from the old ds (if applicable)
        new_ds = AnsibleMapping()
        if isinstance(ds, AnsibleBaseYAMLObject):

        # Role definitions can be strings or dicts, so we fix things up here.
        # Anything that is not a role name, tag, or conditional will also be
        # added to the params sub-dictionary for loading later
        if isinstance(ds, string_types):
            new_ds['role_name'] = ds
            # munge the role ds here to correctly fill in the various fields which
            # may be used to define the role, like: role, src, scm, etc.
            ds = self._munge_role(ds)

            # now we split any random role params off from the role spec and store
            # them in a dictionary of params for parsing later
            params = dict()
            attr_names = [
                for (attr_name,
                     attr_value) in self._get_base_attributes().iteritems()
            for (key, value) in iteritems(ds):
                if key not in attr_names and key != 'role':
                    # this key does not match a field attribute, so it must be a role param
                    params[key] = value
                    # this is a field attribute, so copy it over directly
                    new_ds[key] = value
            new_ds['params'] = params

        # Set the role name and path, based on the role definition
        (role_name, role_path) = self._get_role_path(new_ds.get('role_name'))
        new_ds['role_name'] = role_name
        new_ds['role_path'] = role_path

        # load the role's files, if they exist
        new_ds['task_blocks'] = self._load_role_yaml(role_path, 'tasks')
        new_ds['handler_blocks'] = self._load_role_yaml(role_path, 'handlers')
        new_ds['default_vars'] = self._load_role_yaml(role_path, 'defaults')
        new_ds['role_vars'] = self._load_role_yaml(role_path, 'vars')

        # we treat metadata slightly differently: we instead pull out the
        # valid metadata keys and munge them directly into new_ds
        metadata_ds = self._munge_metadata(role_name, role_path)

        # and return the newly munged ds
        return new_ds
コード例 #4
ファイル: definition.py プロジェクト: dlminvestments/ansible
    def preprocess_data(self, ds):
        # role names that are simply numbers can be parsed by PyYAML
        # as integers even when quoted, so turn it into a string type
        if isinstance(ds, int):
            ds = "%s" % ds

        if not isinstance(ds, dict) and not isinstance(
                ds, string_types) and not isinstance(ds,
            raise AnsibleAssertionError()

        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            ds = super(RoleDefinition, self).preprocess_data(ds)

        # save the original ds for use later
        self._ds = ds

        # we create a new data structure here, using the same
        # object used internally by the YAML parsing code so we
        # can preserve file:line:column information if it exists
        new_ds = AnsibleMapping()
        if isinstance(ds, AnsibleBaseYAMLObject):
            new_ds.ansible_pos = ds.ansible_pos

        # first we pull the role name out of the data structure,
        # and then use that to determine the role path (which may
        # result in a new role name, if it was a file path)
        role_name = self._load_role_name(ds)
        (role_name, role_path) = self._load_role_path(role_name)

        # next, we split the role params out from the valid role
        # attributes and update the new datastructure with that
        # result and the role name
        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            (new_role_def, role_params) = self._split_role_params(ds)
            self._role_params = role_params

        # set the role name in the new ds
        new_ds['role'] = role_name

        # we store the role path internally
        self._role_path = role_path

        # and return the cleaned-up data structure
        return new_ds
コード例 #5
ファイル: definition.py プロジェクト: awiddersheim/ansible
    def preprocess_data(self, ds):
        # role names that are simply numbers can be parsed by PyYAML
        # as integers even when quoted, so turn it into a string type
        if isinstance(ds, int):
            ds = "%s" % ds

        if not isinstance(ds, dict) and not isinstance(ds, string_types) and not isinstance(ds, AnsibleBaseYAMLObject):
            raise AnsibleAssertionError()

        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            ds = super(RoleDefinition, self).preprocess_data(ds)

        # save the original ds for use later
        self._ds = ds

        # we create a new data structure here, using the same
        # object used internally by the YAML parsing code so we
        # can preserve file:line:column information if it exists
        new_ds = AnsibleMapping()
        if isinstance(ds, AnsibleBaseYAMLObject):
            new_ds.ansible_pos = ds.ansible_pos

        # first we pull the role name out of the data structure,
        # and then use that to determine the role path (which may
        # result in a new role name, if it was a file path)
        role_name = self._load_role_name(ds)
        (role_name, role_path) = self._load_role_path(role_name)

        # next, we split the role params out from the valid role
        # attributes and update the new datastructure with that
        # result and the role name
        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            (new_role_def, role_params) = self._split_role_params(ds)
            self._role_params = role_params

        # set the role name in the new ds
        new_ds['role'] = role_name

        # we store the role path internally
        self._role_path = role_path

        # and return the cleaned-up data structure
        return new_ds
コード例 #6
    def munge(self, ds):

        assert isinstance(ds, dict) or isinstance(ds, string_types)

        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            ds = super(RoleDefinition, self).munge(ds)

        # we create a new data structure here, using the same
        # object used internally by the YAML parsing code so we
        # can preserve file:line:column information if it exists
        new_ds = AnsibleMapping()
        if isinstance(ds, AnsibleBaseYAMLObject):

        # first we pull the role name out of the data structure,
        # and then use that to determine the role path (which may
        # result in a new role name, if it was a file path)
        role_name = self._load_role_name(ds)
        (role_name, role_path) = self._load_role_path(role_name)

        # next, we split the role params out from the valid role
        # attributes and update the new datastructure with that
        # result and the role name
        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            (new_role_def, role_params) = self._split_role_params(ds)
            self._role_params = role_params

        # set the role name in the new ds
        new_ds['role'] = role_name

        # we store the role path internally
        self._role_path = role_path

        # save the original ds for use later
        self._ds = ds

        # and return the cleaned-up data structure
        return new_ds
コード例 #7
ファイル: definition.py プロジェクト: dataxu/ansible
    def munge(self, ds):

        assert isinstance(ds, dict) or isinstance(ds, string_types)

        # we create a new data structure here, using the same
        # object used internally by the YAML parsing code so we
        # can preserve file:line:column information if it exists
        new_ds = AnsibleMapping()
        if isinstance(ds, AnsibleBaseYAMLObject):

        # first we pull the role name out of the data structure,
        # and then use that to determine the role path (which may
        # result in a new role name, if it was a file path)
        role_name = self._load_role_name(ds)
        (role_name, role_path) = self._load_role_path(role_name)

        # next, we split the role params out from the valid role
        # attributes and update the new datastructure with that
        # result and the role name
        if isinstance(ds, dict):
            (new_role_def, role_params) = self._split_role_params(ds)
            self._role_params = role_params

        # set the role name in the new ds
        new_ds['role'] = role_name

        # we store the role path internally
        self._role_path = role_path

        # save the original ds for use later
        self._ds = ds

        # and return the cleaned-up data structure
        return new_ds
コード例 #8
 def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
     data = AnsibleMapping()
     yield data
     value = self.construct_mapping(node)
     data.ansible_pos = self._node_position_info(node)
コード例 #9
ファイル: constructor.py プロジェクト: RajeevNambiar/temp
 def construct_yaml_map(self, node):
     data = AnsibleMapping()
     yield data
     value = self.construct_mapping(node)
     data.ansible_pos = self._node_position_info(node)