def create_aut_env(self): # Spaeter on Button Click z.B. ''' this method creates the simulation''' api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../logs/api.log") api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True) my_env = api.create_environment(2500) ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec([], 200, 200) ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(my_env, 10, 'SecureECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec(['SEC 1'], 200, 200) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_process', 100) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_intervall', 1000) sec_mod_group = api.set_ecus(my_env, 1, 'SecLwAuthSecurityModule', ecu_spec) bus_spec = SimpleBusSpec(['CAN_0']) bus_group = api.set_busses(my_env, 1, 'StdCANBus', bus_spec) api.connect_bus_by_obj(my_env, 'CAN_0', ecu_group_1 + sec_mod_group) api.register_ecu_groups_to_secmod(my_env, sec_mod_group[0].ecu_id, [ecu_group_1]) certeros = api.create_cert_manager() for ecu in APICore()._ecu_list_from_groups([[ecu_group_1]]): # UNINTENDED HACK api.generate_valid_ecu_cert_cfg(certeros, ecu.ecu_id, CAEnum.CA_L313, 'SEC 1', 0, float('inf')) api.generate_valid_sec_mod_cert_cfg(certeros, 'SEC 1', CAEnum.CA_L313, 0, float('inf')) api.apply_certification(my_env, certeros) stream_1 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_0', ['SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_4', 'SecureECU_5'], 13, float('inf'), 0, float('inf')) stream_2 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_1', ['SecureECU_3', 'SecureECU_2', 'SecureECU_5'], 12, float('inf'), 0, float('inf')) stream_3 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_0', ['SecureECU_4', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_5'], 222, float('inf'), 0, float('inf')) stream_4 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_3', ['SecureECU_0', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_5'], 11, float('inf'), 0, float('inf')) stream_5 = MessageStream(my_env.get_env(), 'SecureECU_4', ['SecureECU_2', 'SecureECU_1', 'SecureECU_3'], 500, float('inf'), 0, float('inf')) api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_1) api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_2) api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_3) api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_4) api.add_allowed_stream(my_env, 'SEC 1', stream_5) t_set = TimingFunctionSet() ecu_func_set = StdSecurLwSecModTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL') t_set.set_mapping_from_function_set('SEC 1', ecu_func_set) api.apply_timing_functions_set(my_env, 'SEC 1', t_set) t_set2 = TimingFunctionSet() ecu_func_set = StdSecurECUTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL') for ecu in APICore()._ecu_list_from_groups([[ecu_group_1]]): # UNINTENDED HACK t_set2.set_mapping_from_function_set(ecu.ecu_id, ecu_func_set) api.apply_timing_functions_set(my_env, ecu.ecu_id, t_set2) api.connect_monitor(my_env, self.monitor, 50) api.build_simulation(my_env) ''' start this in a new thread''' sim = SimulationThread(self, my_env) sim.start()
api.register_ecu_classes(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ecus")) # setup the logging api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs/api.log") api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True) # create an empty environment specification for the environment sim_env = api.create_environment(200) #=============================================================================== # Creating ECUs #=============================================================================== # create ECU with specification A ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["My_Test_ECU_1"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(2, 0.5, 16, "TEST STRING B", 50) # sends a at time 10, 10.5, 11... message id 16, content test string b and size 50 ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'MyProtocolECU', ecu_spec) # create 2 ECUs with specification B (here: same as A) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["My_Test_ECU_2", "My_Test_ECU_3"], 20000, 20000) ecu_group_3 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'MyProtocolECU', ecu_spec) # create 3 ECUs with specification C (here: same as A) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["My_Test_ECU_4", "My_Test_ECU_5", "My_Test_ECU_6"], 20000, 20000) ecu_group_4 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 3, 'MyProtocolECU', ecu_spec) #=============================================================================== # Creating Gateways #=============================================================================== # create the Gateway specification ecu_spec = SimpleBusCouplerSpec([])
# Simple ECU CREATION # ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec([], 200, 200) # set_settings_ecu(ecu_spec) # ecu_group_0 = api.set_ecus(my_env, 7, 'SecureECU', ecu_spec) # Sending ECU: Sends data in fixed intervals ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["RegularSecureECU_15"], 2000, 2000) set_settings_ecu(ecu_spec) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('p_stream_hold', False) # Define holding behavior per ECU ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('p_stream_req_min_interval', 5) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(150, 0.6, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG, "TEST STRING A", 50) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(150, 0.3, 16, "TEST STRING B", 50) # sends at 300, 308, 316, ... ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(my_env, 1, 'RegularSecureECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec(['SEC 1'], 2000, 2000) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_process', 100) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_intervall', 1000) set_settings_sec_mod(ecu_spec) sec_mod_group = api.set_ecus(my_env, 1, 'SecLwAuthSecurityModule', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["TEST ECU 9", "TEST ECU 10"], 2000, 2000) set_settings_ecu(ecu_spec) ecu_group_3 = api.set_ecus(my_env, 2, 'RegularSecureECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["TEST ECU 11", "TEST ECU 12"], 2000, 2000) set_settings_ecu(ecu_spec)
#=============================================================================== api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs/api.log") api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True) # environment sim_env = api.create_environment(500) # create ECUs: Attention: for Tesla the sending actions defined in add_sending_actions() must # conform the defined MessageStream objects. i.e. if a MessageStream is defined # that starts sending at time t_0 with a message sending interval of t_int then # the exact same sending action has to be put in the add_sending_action() method! ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["RegularSecureECU_15"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0000001) # ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_prf_for_key_legitimation', 0) # NOTE: If this value has a realistic value this is not working or better to say it works with a extreme delay # ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_generate_compare_mac', 0) # NOTE: If this value has a realistic value this is not working or better to say it works with a extreme delay ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(260, 0.1, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG, "TEST STRING B", 50) ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'TeslaECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["TEST ECU 9", "TEST ECU 10"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0000001) # ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_prf_for_key_legitimation', 0) # NOTE: If this value has a realistic value this is not working or better to say it works with a extreme delay # ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_generate_compare_mac', 0) # NOTE: If this value has a realistic value this is not working or better to say it works with a extreme delay ecu_group_3 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'TeslaECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["TEST ECU 11", "TEST ECU 12"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0000001) # ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_prf_for_key_legitimation', 0) # NOTE: If this value has a realistic value this is not working or better to say it works with a extreme delay # ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_generate_compare_mac', 0) # NOTE: If this value has a realistic value this is not working or better to say it works with a extreme delay ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(250, 0.2, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG_2, "TEST STRING A", 80) ecu_group_4 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'TeslaECU', ecu_spec)
from io_processing.result_interpreter.can_bus_interpreter import CanBusInterpreter #=============================================================================== # Setup project, ECUs, Gateways, Busses #=============================================================================== api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs/api.log") api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True) # environment sim_env = api.create_environment(500) # create ECUs: Attention set here TLSECU objects! ecu_spec = TLSECUSpec(["RegularSecureECU_15"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0001) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(20, 0.5, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG, "HUHU", 20) ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'TLSECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = TLSECUSpec(["TEST ECU 9", "TEST ECU 10"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0001) ecu_group_3 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'TLSECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = TLSECUSpec(["TEST ECU 11", "TEST ECU 12"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0001) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(0.4, 0.8, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG_2, "A", 20) ecu_group_4 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'TLSECU', ecu_spec) # create gateways ecu_spec = SimpleBusCouplerSpec([]) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_transition_process', 2) # Delay of the gateway gateway_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'CANGateway', ecu_spec) gateway_group_2 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'CANGateway', ecu_spec)
ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.000001) # further settings can be found in the set_settings method of each component e.g. see RegularSecureECU class ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('p_stream_hold', False) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('p_stream_req_min_interval', 5) LWASpecPresets().apply_spec(ecu_spec, 'ecu') # for a RegularECUSpec define sending actions of the ECU ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(10, 0.25, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG, "TEST STRING A", 50) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(10, 0.5, 16, "TEST STRING B", 50) # sends at 300, 308, 316, ... # set the ECU already authenticated ecu_spec.set_authenticated(True) # generate a ECU group from the specification ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'RegularSecureECU', ecu_spec) # create further ECU groups ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["RegularSecureECU_1", "RegularSecureECU_10"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0001) LWASpecPresets().apply_spec(ecu_spec, 'ecu') ecu_group_3 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, 'RegularSecureECU', ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["RegularSecureECU_18", "Any_ECU_Name"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0001) # ecu_spec.set_startup_delay(140) # start this ecu with delay of 15 LWASpecPresets().apply_spec(ecu_spec, 'ecu') ecu_group_4 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 3, 'RegularSecureECU', ecu_spec) #===============================================================================
# =============================================================================== api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs/api.log") api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True) # environment sim_env = api.create_environment(500) # create ECUs: Attention: for Tesla the sending actions defined in add_sending_actions() must # conform the defined MessageStream objects. i.e. if a MessageStream is defined # that starts sending at time t_0 with a message sending interval of t_int then # the exact same sending action has to be put in the add_sending_action() method! ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["RegularSecureECU_15"], 20000, 20000) TeslaSpecPresets().apply_spec(ecu_spec) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0000001) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(260, 0.1, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG, "TEST STRING B", 50) ecu_group_1 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, "TeslaECU", ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["TEST ECU 9", "TEST ECU 10"], 20000, 20000) TeslaSpecPresets().apply_spec(ecu_spec) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0000001) ecu_group_3 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, "TeslaECU", ecu_spec) ecu_spec = RegularECUSpec(["TEST ECU 11", "TEST ECU 12"], 20000, 20000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0000001) TeslaSpecPresets().apply_spec(ecu_spec) ecu_spec.add_sending_actions(250, 0.2, can_registration.CAN_TEST_MSG_2, "TEST STRING A", 80) ecu_group_4 = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 2, "TeslaECU", ecu_spec) # create gateways ecu_spec = SimpleBusCouplerSpec([]) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting("t_transition_process", 2)
def prepare_configuration(self, simpy_env, life_time): ''' this method prepares the configuration on the side of the ECU simulation. It sets up the defined environment by mapping the ECU Ids as they are defined in the battery management system on the ECUs and the defined specs. So the constellation used is implemented here. Input: simpy_env simpy.Environment environment used in the battery management system life_time float life time of the simulation Output: - ''' # lifetime life_time = 50000 # logging # api_log_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../logs/api.log") # api.show_logging(logging.INFO, api_log_path, True) # create environment sim_env = api.create_environment(life_time) sim_env.set_env(simpy_env) ecu_list = [] # generate a ecu from the ECU specs setting the adapter for ecu_id in self.available_can_adapters(): #"ECU ID %s: " % ecu_id) # define individual ECU Spec ecu_spec = copy.deepcopy(self._ecu_spec) ecu_class_name = self._ecu_class_name if ecu_id in self._individual_spec: ecu_spec = self._individual_spec[ecu_id][0] ecu_class_name = self._individual_spec[ecu_id][1] ecu_spec.ecu_id_list = [str(ecu_id)] # create ecu ecu = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, ecu_class_name, ecu_spec)[0] ecu_list += [ecu] # connect ecu to adapter ecu.connect_adapter(self.can_bus_adapter[ecu_id]) # add security module # create ECU specification ecu_spec = SimpleECUSpec(['SEC 1'], 200000, 200000) # 200 KB ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_process', 0) ecu_spec.set_ecu_setting('t_ecu_auth_trigger_intervall', 80000) ecu_spec.set_apply_jitter(0.0001) sec_mod_group = api.set_ecus(sim_env, 1, 'SecLwAuthSecurityModule', ecu_spec) security_module = sec_mod_group[0] # connect to one bus # create the bus specifications bus_spec = SimpleBusSpec(['CAN_0']) api.set_busses(sim_env, 1, 'StdCANBus', bus_spec) api.connect_bus_by_obj(sim_env, 'CAN_0', ecu_list + sec_mod_group) # security constellation all_ecu_groups = [ecu_list] api.register_ecu_groups_to_secmod(sim_env, sec_mod_group[0].ecu_id, all_ecu_groups) certificate_manager = api.create_cert_manager() all_created_ecus = api.ecu_list_from_groups([all_ecu_groups]) ecu_ids = [str(ecu.ecu_id) for ecu in all_created_ecus] for ecu_id in ecu_ids: api.generate_valid_ecu_cert_cfg(certificate_manager, ecu_id, CAEnum.CA_L313, security_module.ecu_id, 0, float('inf')) api.generate_valid_sec_mod_cert_cfg(certificate_manager, security_module.ecu_id, CAEnum.CA_L313, ecu_ids, 0, float('inf')) api.apply_certification(sim_env, certificate_manager) # define allowed streams -------------------------------------------------------------- TODO very IMPORTANT for broadcast_stream_id in [0x0080, 0x0081, 0x0082, 0x0083, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0020, 0x00A0, 0x00A1 ]: for ecu_id in ecu_ids: lst = copy.deepcopy(ecu_ids) lst.remove(ecu_id) stream = MessageStream(ecu_id, lst, broadcast_stream_id, float('inf'), 0, float('inf')) api.add_allowed_stream(sim_env, security_module.ecu_id, stream) # -------------------------------------------------------------- TODO very IMPORTANT # set gateways api.autoset_gateway_filters(sim_env, sec_mod_group[0].ecu_id) # set timing functions function_set = TimingFunctionSet() ecu_func_set = StdSecurLwSecModTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL') ecu_func_set.library_tags['t_ecu_auth_reg_msg_validate_cert'] = 'Crypto_Lib_SW' function_set.set_mapping_from_function_set(security_module.ecu_id, ecu_func_set) api.apply_timing_functions_set(sim_env, security_module.ecu_id, function_set) function_set_2 = TimingFunctionSet() ecu_func_set = StdSecurECUTimingFunctions(main_library_tag='CyaSSL') ecu_func_set.library_tags['t_adv_msg_secmodcert_enc'] = 'Crypto_Lib_SW' for ecu_id in ecu_ids: function_set_2.set_mapping_from_function_set(ecu_id, ecu_func_set) api.apply_timing_functions_set(sim_env, ecu_id, function_set_2) # add monitor if self._monitor and self._result_reader: api.connect_monitor(sim_env, self._monitor, 0.5) api.connect_result_reader(sim_env, self._monitor, self._result_reader) # run view if defined if self._view:, self._view_options, self.q_application) # run simulation api.open_simulation_stop_button(sim_env) api.build_simulation(sim_env) api.run_simulation(sim_env)