コード例 #1
def players(request, name):
    controls the player show
    while "undefined" in name:
        name = name[:-10]
    url = '/player_statistics/casual/nickname/' + name
    data = api_call.get_json(url)
    if data is not None:
        statsdict = data
        s = player.player_math(statsdict)
        ### Get Match history ### api.heroesofnewerth.com/match_history/ranked/accountid/123456/?token=yourtoken
        url = '/match_history/casual/nickname/' + name
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        history = []
        if data is not None:
            history = match.recent_matches(data, 9)
        ### Get Match History Data ###
        history_detail = player.match_history_data(history, s['id'])
        ### deliver to view ###
        t = loader.get_template('player.html')
        c = Context({'nick': name, 'stats': s, 'mdata': history_detail})
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
        t = loader.get_template('error.html')
        c = Context({'id': name})
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: ColBW/honbot-django
def players(request, name):
    controls the player show
    while "undefined" in name:
        name = name[:-10]
    url = '/player_statistics/casual/nickname/' + name
    data = api_call.get_json(url)
    if data is not None:
        statsdict = data
        s = player.player_math(statsdict)
        ### Get Match history ### api.heroesofnewerth.com/match_history/ranked/accountid/123456/?token=yourtoken
        url = '/match_history/casual/nickname/' + name
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        history = []
        if data is not None:
            history = match.recent_matches(data, 9)
        ### Get Match History Data ###
        history_detail = player.match_history_data(history, s['id'])
        ### deliver to view ###
        t = loader.get_template('player.html')
        c = Context({'nick': name, 'stats': s, 'mdata': history_detail})
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
        t = loader.get_template('error.html')
        c = Context({'id': name})
        return HttpResponse(t.render(c))
コード例 #3
def match_history_data(history, account_id):
    this will take a player history and decide which matches need to be downloaded and pass
    them to a multimatch api call this will auto call the function to parse a single players match history
    url = '/multi_match/all/matchids/'
    plus = False
    count = 0
    needed = []
    for m in history:
        if not match.checkfile(m[0]):
            if plus:
                url = url + '+' + str(m[0])
                url = url + str(m[0])
                plus = True
            count += 1
    if count > 0:
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        if data is not None:
            match.multimatch(data, needed)
            return get_player_from_matches(history, account_id)
            return get_player_from_matches(history, account_id)
        return get_player_from_matches(history, account_id)
コード例 #4
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: soerenkk/honbot-django
def player_view(request, name, mode, url, p):
    exists = False
    if p.exists():
        p = p.values()[0]
        exists = True
        tdelta = datetime.now() - datetime.strptime(str(p['updated']), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        if tdelta.seconds + (tdelta.days * 86400) < 900:
            return render_to_response('player.html', {'stats': p, 'mode': mode, 'view': "player"})
        if mode is "rnk":
    data = get_json(url)
    if data is not None:
        # if account id is 0 send fancy error page.
        if int(data['account_id']) is 0:
            return render_to_response('player_error.html', {'name': name})
        p = player_math(data, mode)
        player_save(p, mode)
        return render_to_response('player.html', {'stats': p, 'mode': mode, 'view': "player"})
        # server down, show old results
        if exists:
            return render_to_response('player.html', {'stats': p, 'mode': mode, 'view': "player", 'fallback': True})
            return error(request, "S2 server down or name is incorrect. Try another name or gently refreshing the page.")
コード例 #5
ファイル: player.py プロジェクト: ColBW/honbot-django
def match_history_data(history, account_id):
    this will take a player history and decide which matches need to be downloaded and pass
    them to a multimatch api call this will auto call the function to parse a single players match history
    url = '/multi_match/all/matchids/'
    plus = False
    count = 0
    needed = []
    for m in history:
        if not match.checkfile(m[0]):
            if plus:
                url = url + '+' + str(m[0])
                url = url + str(m[0])
                plus = True
            count += 1
    if count > 0:
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        if data is not None:
            match.multimatch(data, needed)
            return get_player_from_matches(history, account_id)
            return get_player_from_matches(history, account_id)
        return get_player_from_matches(history, account_id)
コード例 #6
ファイル: match.py プロジェクト: helpmoeny/honbot-django
def update_player(pid, mode):
    if mode == 'rnk':
        url = "/player_statistics/ranked/accountid/" + str(pid)
    elif mode == 'cs':
        url = '/player_statistics/casual/accountid/' + str(pid)
    elif mode == 'acc':
        url = '/player_statistics/public/accountid/' + str(pid)
    data = api_call.get_json(url)
    p = player_math(data, mode)
    player_save(p, mode)
コード例 #7
ファイル: player_hero.py プロジェクト: soerenkk/honbot-django
def player_hero_stats(request, name, hero, mode, modename):
    search = PlayerHeroStats.objects.filter(nickname=name, hero_id=hero, mode=mode)
    if search.exists():
        tdelta = datetime.now() - datetime.strptime(str(search.values('updated')[0]['updated']), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        if tdelta.seconds + (tdelta.days * 86400) < 1000:
            data = json.loads(search.values('data')[0]['data'])
            url = "/hero_statistics/" + modename + "/nickname/" + name + "/heroid/" + hero
            data = api_call.get_json(url)
            PlayerHeroStats(nickname=name, hero_id=hero, data=json.dumps(data), mode=mode).save()
        url = "/hero_statistics/" + modename + "/nickname/" + name + "/heroid/" + hero
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        PlayerHeroStats(nickname=name, hero_id=hero, data=json.dumps(data), mode=mode).save()
    if data is not None:
        if mode is "acc":
            mode = ""
            mode = mode + '_'
        hero = {}
        hero['id'] = data[0]['hero_id']
        hero['wins'] = data[0][mode+ 'ph_wins']
        hero['losses'] = data[0][mode+ 'ph_losses']
        hero['percent'] = int(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_wins'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']) * 100)
        hero['kills'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_herokills'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']), 1)
        hero['deaths'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_deaths'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']), 1)
        hero['kdr'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_herokills'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_deaths']), 1)
        hero['consume'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_consumables'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']), 1)
        hero['gpm'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_gold'], divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_secs'], 60)), 1)
        hero['apm'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_actions'], divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_secs'], 60)), 1)
        hero['exp'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_exp'], divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_secs'], 60)), 1)
        hero['cs'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_teamcreepkills'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']), 1)
        hero['cd'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_denies'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']), 1)
        hero['wards'] = round(divided(data[0][mode+ 'ph_wards'], data[0][mode+ 'ph_used']), 1)
        return render_to_response('player_hero_stats.html', {'hero': hero})
        return HttpResponse('Error! Returned no stats with this hero.')
コード例 #8
def match(match_id):
    initial hit for match view makes some decisions based on if the match is parsed already
    if checkfile(match_id):
        return prepare_match(load_match(match_id), match_id)
        url = '/multi_match/all/matchids/' + str(match_id)
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        h = [[str(match_id), '1/1/1']]
        if data is not None:
            multimatch(data, h)
            return match(match_id)
            return None
コード例 #9
ファイル: match.py プロジェクト: helpmoeny/honbot-django
def match_view(request, match_id):
    /match/####/ url leads here
    match = Matches.objects.filter(match_id=match_id)
    if match.exists():
        team1, team2 = [], []
        # get match and setup data for view
        match = match.values()[0]
        # get players and setup for view
        players = PlayerMatches.objects.filter(match_id=match_id).order_by('position').values()
        for player in players:
            player['cli_name'] = HeroData.objects.get(hero_id=player['hero']).cli_name
            player['items'] = json.loads(player['items'])
            if player['kdr'] == 999:
                player['kdr'] = "Inf"
            if player['team'] == 1:
            if len(team1) > 0:
                t1exist = True
                t1exist = False
            if len(team2) > 0:
                t2exist = True
                t2exist = False
            thread.start_new_thread(update_check, (player['player_id'], match['mode']))
        return render_to_response('match.html', {'match_id': match_id, 'match': match, 'players': players, 'team1': team1, 'team2': team2, 't1exist': t1exist, 't2exist': t2exist})
        # grab solo match for f***s sake
        url = '/multi_match/all/matchids/' + str(match_id)
        data = api_call.get_json(url)
        h = [str(match_id)]
        if data is not None:
            mode = "rnk"
            if int(data[0][0]['cas']) == 1:
                mode = "cs"
            if int(data[0][0]['nl']) == 0:
                mode = "acc"
            multimatch(data, h, mode)
            return match_view(request, match_id)
            return error(request, "S2 Servers down or match id is incorrect. Try another match or gently refreshing the page.")
コード例 #10
def verify_matches(data, mode):
    this checks for matches to exist in the database. If they do not exist they are then downloaded.
    findexisting = Matches.objects.filter(match_id__in=data).values('match_id')
    existing = set([int(match['match_id']) for match in findexisting])
    missing = [x for x in data if x not in existing]
    # if any are missing FIND THEM
    if len(missing) != 0:
        strmatches = ''
        for match in missing:
            strmatches += str(match)
            if match != missing[-1]:
                strmatches += '+'
        url = '/multi_match/all/matchids/' + strmatches
        raw = get_json(url)
        if raw != None:
            multimatch(raw, missing, mode)
コード例 #11
ファイル: banner.py プロジェクト: soerenkk/honbot-django
def banner_view(request, name):
    location = directory + str(name) + ".png"
    # check file exists
    if path.isfile(location):
        # check file age
        now = time()
        fileCreation = path.getctime(location)
        day_ago = now - 60*60*24
        if fileCreation < day_ago:
            return banner_view(request, name)
            # older than day remove
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
            img = Image.open(location)
            img.save(response, 'png')
            return response
        p = PlayerStats.objects.filter(nickname=name)
        url = '/player_statistics/ranked/nickname/' + name
        if p.exists():
            tdelta = datetime.now() - datetime.strptime(str(p.values()[0]['updated']), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            if tdelta.seconds + (tdelta.days * 86400) < 1000:
                s = p.values()[0]
                response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
                img = banner(s)
                img.save(response, 'png')
                img.save(directory + str(name) + ".png")
                return response
        data = get_json(url)
        if data is not None:
            statsdict = data
            s = player_math(statsdict, "rnk")
            player_save(s, "rnk")
            response = HttpResponse(mimetype="image/png")
            img = banner(s)
            img.save(response, 'png')
            img.save(directory + str(name) + ".png")
            return response
            response = HttpResponse()
            response.status_code = 404
            return response
コード例 #12
ファイル: match.py プロジェクト: soerenkk/honbot-django
def match_view(request, match_id):
    /match/####/ url leads here
    match = Matches.objects.filter(match_id=match_id)[:1]
    if match.exists():
        match = match[0]
        team1, team2 = [], []
        # get players and setup for view
        PMObj = pmoselect(match.mode)
        players = PMObj.objects.filter(match_id=match_id).order_by('position')
        for player in players:
            player.items = loads(player.items)
            if player.team == 1:
            if len(team1) > 0:
                t1exist = True
                t1exist = False
            if len(team2) > 0:
                t2exist = True
                t2exist = False
            start_new_thread(update_check, (player.player_id, match.mode))
        return render_to_response('match.html', {'match_id': match_id, 'match': match, 'players': players, 'team1': team1, 'team2': team2, 't1exist': t1exist, 't2exist': t2exist})
        # grab solo match for f***s sake
        url = '/multi_match/all/matchids/' + str(match_id)
        data = get_json(url)
        h = [str(match_id)]
        if data is not None:
            mode = "rnk"
            if int(data[0][0]['cas']) == 1:
                mode = "cs"
            if int(data[0][0]['nl']) == 0:
                mode = "acc"
            multimatch(data, h, mode)
            return match_view(request, match_id)
            return error(request, "S2 Servers down or match id is incorrect. Try another match or gently refreshing the page.")
コード例 #13
def update_history(url, account_id, mode, exists):
    Updates a player's history and saves it to db. [] is saved if no result
    raw = get_json(url)
    # if no recent matches just save an empty array
        raw = raw[0]['history']
        # try to fallback if api down
        if exists:
            data = loads(PlayerHistory.objects.filter(player_id=account_id, mode=mode).values()[0]['history'])
            PlayerHistory(player_id=account_id, history=dumps(data), mode=mode).save()
            return data
            PlayerHistory(player_id=account_id, history=dumps([]), mode=mode).save()
            return []
    data = []
    for match in raw.split(','):
        if len(match) > 20: # this fixes an error on broken player histories
    PlayerHistory(player_id=account_id, history=dumps(data[::-1]), mode=mode).save()
    return data[::-1]