コード例 #1
async def future_budget(budget: Budget):
    Suggest a budget for a specified user.

    ### Request Body
    - `bank_account_id`: int
    - `monthly_savings_goal`: integer

    ### Response
    - `category`: grandparent category name
    - `budgeted_amount`: integer suggesting the maximum the user should spend
    in that catgory next month


    # Get the JSON object from the request body and cast it to a dictionary
    input_dict = budget.to_dict()
    bank_account_id = input_dict['bank_account_id']
    monthly_savings_goal = input_dict['monthly_savings_goal']

    transactions = load_user_data(bank_account_id)

    # instantiate the user and chooses category column
    # user = User(transactions, cat_column='grandparent_category_name')
    # user = User(transactions, cat_column='parent_category_name')
    user = User(transactions, cat_column='merchant_name')

    # predict budget using time series model
    pred_bud = user.predict_budget()

    # if a fatal error was encountered while generating the budget,
    # return no budget along with the warning list
    if user.warning == 2:
        return json.dumps([None, user.warning_list])

    # modify budget based on savings goal
    modified_budget = user.budget_modifier(
        pred_bud, monthly_savings_goal=monthly_savings_goal)

    # if a fatal error was encountered while modifying the budget,
    # return no budget along with the warning list
    if user.warning == 2:
        return json.dumps([None, user.warning_list])

    # if a non-fatal warning was encountered in predict_budget() or
    # budget_modifier(), return the budget along with the warning list
    elif user.warning == 1:
        return json.dumps([modified_budget, user.warning_list])

    return modified_budget