def __createFactPage(fact_id, user_id, book_id, page_id, top_pos, left_pos, bottom_pos, right_pos): user_name = __get_user_name(user_id) server_url = app.config['URL_TEMPLATES'] fact_url = "http://" + app.config['PYBOSSA_HOST'] + "/mb/api/fact/" + str(fact_id) book_list_url = "http://" + app.config['PYBOSSA_HOST'] + "/mb/collaborate/" book_app_url= "http://" + app.config['PYBOSSA_HOST'] + "/pybossa/app/" + book_id + "_tt1/newtask" page_url = "" % (book_id, page_id, 550, 700) bookInfo = meb_util.get_archive_book_data(book_id) book_title = bookInfo['title'].encode('utf-8') top_pos = str(top_pos) left_pos = str(left_pos) bottom_pos = str(bottom_pos) right_pos = str(right_pos) text = "" templateArch = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(server_url + "/templates/facts-template.html")) for line in templateArch.readlines(): line = line.replace("#server", server_url) line = line.replace("#book_app_url", book_app_url) line = line.replace("#book_list_url", book_list_url) line = line.replace("#fact_url", fact_url) line = line.replace("#page_url", page_url) line = line.replace("#user_name", user_name) line = line.replace("#book_title", book_title) line = line.replace("#top_pos", top_pos) line = line.replace("#left_pos", left_pos) line = line.replace("#bottom_pos", bottom_pos) line = line.replace("#right_pos", right_pos) text += line return text
def create_apps(book_id): """ Celery queued task that creates tt_apps and tt1 tasks :arg book_id: Internet archive book id :returns: book indicating if the applications were created :rtype: bool """ try: imgs = meb_util.get_tt_images(book_id) bookInfo = meb_util.get_archive_book_data(book_id) app_tt_select = Apptt_select(short_name=book_id + "_tt1", title=bookInfo['title'], book_info=bookInfo) app_tt_meta = Apptt_meta(short_name=book_id + "_tt2", title=bookInfo['title']) app_tt_struct = Apptt_struct(short_name=book_id + "_tt3", title=bookInfo['title']) app_tt_transcribe = Apptt_transcribe(short_name=book_id + "_tt4", title=bookInfo['title']) app_tt_select.add_app_infos(bookInfo) app_tt_meta.add_app_infos(bookInfo) app_tt_struct.add_app_infos(bookInfo) app_tt_transcribe.add_app_infos(bookInfo) if len(app_tt_select.get_tasks()) == 0: for img in imgs: task = app_tt_select.add_task(img) workflow_transaction_info = dict(, task_id_2=None, task_id_3=None, task_id_4=None) data_mngr.record_workflow_transaction(workflow_transaction_info) return True except Exception as e: return False
def test_get_archive_book_data_01(self): try: data = meb_util.get_archive_book_data("rpparaiba1918") self.assertEquals(data["bookid"], "rpparaiba1918") self.assertEquals(data["img"], "") self.assertEquals(data["title"], u"Mensagem apresentada à Assembléa Legislativa do Estado da Parahyba na abertura da 3a. sessão ordinaria da 8a. legislatura, a 1o. de setembro de 1918, pelo Dr. Francisco Camillo de Hollanda, presidente do Estado. (Vol. 1917)") self.assertEquals(data["publisher"], u"[Imprensa Oficial - Parahyba do Norte") self.assertEquals(data["contributor"], u"Biblioteca do Ministério da Fazenda no Rio de Janeiro") self.assertEquals(data["volume"], u"1917") except Exception as e: print e assert False
def book_progress(bookid): con = None bookInfo = meb_util.get_archive_book_data(bookid) book_title = bookInfo['title'].encode('utf-8') result = dict(title=book_title, done=0, total=0) try: con = __create_db_connection(app.config['PYBOSSA_DB']) cursor = con.cursor() query = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) done_task_runs FROM task_run WHERE app_id in (SELECT id FROM app WHERE short_name like '" + bookid + "%')) as tmp1, (SELECT COUNT(*)*2 total_task_runs FROM task WHERE app_id in (SELECT id FROM app WHERE short_name like '" + bookid + "%')) as tmp2" cursor.execute(query) row = cursor.fetchone() result['done'] = row[0] result['total'] = row[1] con.commit() except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e: print 'Error %s' % e
if template_type: new_template = meb_util.set_url( urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request( flask_app.config['URL_TEMPLATES'] + "/templates/" + template_type)), app_short_name) new_long_desc_template = meb_util.set_url( urllib2.urlopen( urllib2.Request( flask_app.config['URL_TEMPLATES'] + "/templates/" + long_desc_type)), app_short_name)['task_presenter'] = new_template['thumbnail'] =['thumbnail'].replace("", "https://localhost")['newtask'] =['newtask'].replace("", "https://localhost")['newtask'] =['newtask'].replace("", "https://localhost")['newtask'] =['newtask'].replace("", "https://localhost")['newtask'] =['newtask'].replace("", "https://localhost") app.long_description = new_long_desc_template book_id = app_short_name[:-4] bookInfo = meb_util.get_archive_book_data(book_id) = bookInfo['title'] + " " + app_name pbclient.update_app(app)
def get_book_data(book_id): return get_archive_book_data(book_id)