コード例 #1
 def text(self, x, y, z, s, zdir=None, **kwargs):
     Add text to the plot. kwargs will be passed on to Axes.text,
     except for the `zdir` keyword, which sets the direction to be
     used as the z direction.
     text = Axes.text(self, x, y, s, **kwargs)
     art3d.text_2d_to_3d(text, z, zdir)
     return text
コード例 #2
 def text(self, x, y, z, s, zdir=None):
     '''Add text to the plot.'''
     text = Axes.text(self, x, y, s)
     art3d.text_2d_to_3d(text, z, zdir)
     return text
コード例 #3
 def text(self, x, y, z, s, zdir=None):
     '''Add text to the plot.'''
     text = Axes.text(self, x, y, s)
     art3d.text_2d_to_3d(text, z, zdir)
     return text