コード例 #1
ファイル: lostfound.py プロジェクト: luckyhuntproject/asm3
def create_animal_from_found(dbo, username, aid):
    Creates an animal record from a found animal with the id given
    a = dbo.first_row( dbo.query("SELECT * FROM animalfound WHERE ID = %d" % int(aid)) )
    l = dbo.locale
    data = {
        "animalname":           _("Found Animal {0}", l).format(aid),
        "markings":             str(a["DISTFEAT"]),
        "species":              str(a["ANIMALTYPEID"]),
        "comments":             str(a["COMMENTS"]),
        "broughtinby":          str(a["OWNERID"]),
        "originalowner":        str(a["OWNERID"]),
        "animaltype":           asm3.configuration.default_type(dbo),
        "breed1":               a["BREEDID"],
        "breed2":               a["BREEDID"],
        "basecolour":           str(a["BASECOLOURID"]),
        "microchipped":         asm3.utils.iif(a["MICROCHIPNUMBER"] is not None and a["MICROCHIPNUMBER"] != "", "1", "0"),
        "microchipnumber":      a["MICROCHIPNUMBER"],
        "size":                 asm3.configuration.default_size(dbo),
        "internallocation":     asm3.configuration.default_location(dbo),
        "dateofbirth":          python2display(l, subtract_years(now(dbo.timezone))),
        "estimateddob":         "1",
    # If we're creating shelter codes manually, we need to put something unique
    # in there for now. Use the id
    if asm3.configuration.manual_codes(dbo):
        data["sheltercode"] = "FA" + str(aid)
        data["shortcode"] = "FA" + str(aid)
    nextid, dummy = asm3.animal.insert_animal_from_form(dbo, asm3.utils.PostedData(data, l), username)
    return nextid
コード例 #2
ファイル: waitinglist.py プロジェクト: astridn74/asm3
def create_animal(dbo, username, wlid):
    Creates an animal record from a waiting list entry with the id given
    l = dbo.locale
    a = dbo.first_row(
        dbo.query("SELECT * FROM animalwaitinglist WHERE ID = ?", [wlid]))

    data = {
        "animalname": _("Waiting List {0}", l).format(wlid),
        "markings": str(a["ANIMALDESCRIPTION"]),
        "reasonforentry": str(a["REASONFORWANTINGTOPART"]),
        "species": str(a["SPECIESID"]),
        "hiddenanimaldetails": str(a["COMMENTS"]),
        "broughtinby": str(a["OWNERID"]),
        "originalowner": str(a["OWNERID"]),
        "animaltype": asm3.configuration.default_type(dbo),
        "entryreason": asm3.configuration.default_entry_reason(dbo),
        "breed1": asm3.configuration.default_breed(dbo),
        "breed2": asm3.configuration.default_breed(dbo),
        "basecolour": asm3.configuration.default_colour(dbo),
        "size": asm3.configuration.default_size(dbo),
        "internallocation": asm3.configuration.default_location(dbo),
        "dateofbirth": python2display(l, subtract_years(now(dbo.timezone))),
        "estimateddob": "1"
    # If we aren't showing the time brought in, set it to midnight
    if not asm3.configuration.add_animals_show_time_brought_in(dbo):
        data["timebroughtin"] = "00:00:00"

    # If we're creating shelter codes manually, we need to put something unique
    # in there for now. Use the id
    if asm3.configuration.manual_codes(dbo):
        data["sheltercode"] = "WL" + str(wlid)
        data["shortcode"] = "WL" + str(wlid)
    nextid, code = asm3.animal.insert_animal_from_form(
        dbo, asm3.utils.PostedData(data, l), username)

    # Now that we've created our animal, we should remove this entry from the waiting list
        "animalwaitinglist", wlid, {
            "DateRemovedFromList": dbo.today(),
            "ReasonForRemoval": _("Moved to animal record {0}", l).format(code)
        }, username)

    # If there were any logs and media entries on the waiting list, create them on the animal

    # Media
    for me in dbo.query(
            "SELECT * FROM media WHERE LinkTypeID = ? AND LinkID = ?",
        (asm3.media.WAITINGLIST, wlid)):
        ext = me.medianame
        ext = ext[ext.rfind("."):].lower()
        mediaid = dbo.get_id("media")
        medianame = "%d%s" % (mediaid, ext)
                "ID": mediaid,
                "DBFSID": 0,
                "MediaSize": 0,
                "MediaName": medianame,
                "MediaMimeType": asm3.media.mime_type(medianame),
                "MediaType": me.mediatype,
                "MediaNotes": me.medianotes,
                "WebsitePhoto": me.websitephoto,
                "WebsiteVideo": me.websitevideo,
                "DocPhoto": me.docphoto,
                "ExcludeFromPublish": me.excludefrompublish,
                # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY
                "NewSinceLastPublish": 1,
                "UpdatedSinceLastPublish": 0,
                # ASM2_COMPATIBILITY
                "LinkID": nextid,
                "LinkTypeID": asm3.media.ANIMAL,
                "Date": me.date,
                "CreatedDate": me.createddate,
                "RetainUntil": me.retainuntil

        # Now clone the dbfs item pointed to by this media item if it's a file
        if me.mediatype == asm3.media.MEDIATYPE_FILE:
            filedata = asm3.dbfs.get_string(dbo, me.medianame)
            dbfsid = asm3.dbfs.put_string(dbo, medianame,
                                          "/animal/%d" % nextid, filedata)
                "UPDATE media SET DBFSID = ?, MediaSize = ? WHERE ID = ?",
                (dbfsid, len(filedata), mediaid))

    # Logs
    for lo in dbo.query("SELECT * FROM log WHERE LinkType = ? AND LinkID = ?",
                        (asm3.log.WAITINGLIST, wlid)):
            "log", {
                "LinkID": nextid,
                "LinkType": asm3.log.ANIMAL,
                "LogTypeID": lo.LOGTYPEID,
                "Date": lo.DATE,
                "Comments": lo.COMMENTS
            }, username)

    return nextid