コード例 #1
# This file is part of libkd.
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
import numpy as np
from time import time

N1 = 1000
N2 = 1000
D = 2
r = 0.02

x1 = np.random.rand(N1, D)
x2 = np.random.rand(N2, D)

t0 = time()
(inds,dists) = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r)
dt = time() - t0

print 'spherematch.match: found', len(inds), 'pairs in', int(dt*1000.), 'ms'

order = np.argsort(inds[:,0]*N2 + inds[:,1])
inds = inds[order]
dists = dists[order]

t0 = time()
pairs = []
truedists = []
for i in range(N1):
	pt1 = x1[i,:]
	d2s = np.sum((x2 - pt1)**2, axis=1)
	good = np.where(d2s <= r**2)[0]
コード例 #2
ファイル: whynot.py プロジェクト: antonwinter/astrometry.net
def whynot(field, index, qidx, wcs):
    # find index stars in the field.
    (ra,dec) = wcs.get_radec_center()
    rad = arcsec2deg(wcs.get_pixel_scale() * hypot(wcs.get_width(), wcs.get_height()))
    (xyz, radec, starinds) = index_search_stars(index, ra, dec, rad)
    print('xyz', xyz.shape)
    print('radec', radec.shape)
    print('starinds', starinds.shape)

    istars = tabledata()
    istars.xyz = xyz
    istars.radec = radec
    istars.starind = starinds

    W,H = wcs.get_width(), wcs.get_height()
    pix = array([wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) for (r,d) in radec])
    print('pix', pix.shape)
    # within image bounds
    I = (pix[:,0] > 0) * (pix[:,0] < W) * (pix[:,1] > 0) * (pix[:,1] < H)

    # find nearby pairs of stars...
    nsigma = 3
    pixeljitter = 1
    sigma = hypot(index.index_jitter / wcs.get_pixel_scale(), pixeljitter)
    rad = nsigma * sigma

    fieldxy = vstack((field.x, field.y)).T
    print('field', fieldxy.shape)

    (cinds, cdists) = match(pix, fieldxy, rad)
    print('matches:', cinds.shape)
    #print cdists.shape

    corrs = tabledata()
    corrs.dist = cdists[:,0]
    corrs.star = starinds[cinds[:,0]]
    corrs.field = cinds[:,1]

    allquads = []

    # All quads built from stars in the field...
    for starind in starinds[I]:
        #print qidx, starind
        quads = qidxfile_get_quad_list(qidxfile_addr(qidx), starind)
        #print 'quads:', quads.shape

    allquads = unique(hstack(allquads))
    print('%i unique quads touch stars in the field' % len(allquads))

    "quads" object: all quads that touch index stars in this field.

    .quad : (int) quad index
    .stars : (DQ x int) star indices
    .starsinfield: (DQ x bool) stars in field
    quads = tabledata()
    quads.quad = allquads

    qstars = quadfile_get_stars_for_quads(quadfile_addr(index), quads.quad)
    print('stars in quads:', qstars.shape)
    #print qstars

    quads.stars = qstars

    quads.starsinfield = array([[s in starinds[I] for s in q] for q in qstars])
    #print quads.starsinfield

    allin = quads.starsinfield.min(axis=1)
    #print quads.allin

    quads.allin = allin

    quadsin = quads[allin]
    print('%i quads use stars that are in the field' % (len(quadsin)))
    print('stars:', starinds)

    c_s2f = {}
    for c in corrs: #i in range(len(corrs)):
        #print 'corr', c
        if not c.star in c_s2f:
            c_s2f[c.star] = []
    #print c_s2f
    # [[[213], [35], [265], [63]], [[186]], [[]], [[11], [19]], ...]
    # For each quad, for each star in the quad, the list of field stars corresponding.
    fq = []
    for q in quadsin.stars:
        fq1 = []
        for s in q:
            if s in c_s2f:
    #print fq

    # For each quad, the list of sets of field stars corresponding.
    # [[[213, 35, 265, 63]], [], [],
    fq2 = []
    for q in fq:
        #print 'q:', q
        #ac = allcombinations([q[0]], q[1:])
        #ac = allcombinations([[]], q)
        #print '--> ac:', ac
        fq2.append(allcombinations([[]], q))
    #print fq2

    quadsin.fq2 = fq2

    hasf = array([len(x) > 0 for x in quadsin.fq2])
    #print 'hasf:', hasf

    okquads = quadsin[hasf]

    #forder = argsort([max(x) for x in okquads.fq2])
    #okquads = okquads[forder]

    print('ok quads:', len(okquads))
    print('quad nums:', okquads.quad)
    print('stars:', okquads.stars)
    print('field stars:', okquads.fq2)

    #qmatches = table_data()
    #fqs = []
    #qs = []
    #for okq,fq in zip(okquads, okquads.fq2):
    #    fqs = fqs + fq
    #    qs.append(okq)
    #qmatches.fieldquad = fqs

    qmatches = []
    for okq,fqs in zip(okquads, okquads.fq2):
        for fq in fqs:
            #print 'field stars', fq
            #print 'quad:', okq.quad
            qmatches.append((fq, okq))

    forder = argsort([max(fq) for fq,okq in qmatches])
    #print 'forder', forder

    print('Quads in the order they will be found')
    for i in forder:
        fq,okq = qmatches[i]
        print('object', max(fq))
        print('field stars', fq)
        print('quad:', okq.quad)

    # Index stars, by sweep (or "r" mag)...
    # --which quads are they part of

    #skdt = starkd_addr(index)
    istars.sweep = array([startree_get_sweep(index.starkd, si) for si in istars.starind])

    mystars = istars[I]
    order = argsort(mystars.sweep)

    print('Index stars:', end=' ')
    for ms in mystars[order]:
        print('Star', ms.starind, 'sweep', ms.sweep, 'radec', ms.radec)
        print('Field star(s) nearby:', len(c_s2f.get(ms.starind, [])))
        for c in corrs[corrs.star == ms.starind]:
            print('  field star', c.field, 'dist', c.dist, 'pixels')
        myquads = quads[array([(ms.starind in q.stars) for q in quads])]
        print('In %i quads' % len(myquads))
        for q in myquads:
            print('  quad %i: %i stars in the field' % (q.quad, sum(q.starsinfield)))
            if q.allin:
                print('    stars:', q.stars)
                print('    correspondences for stars:', [c_s2f.get(s, None) for s in q.stars])
コード例 #3
def plotshift(ixy,
    # correspondences we could have hit...
    radius = dcell * sqrt(2.)
    #print 'ixy', ixy.shape
    #print 'rxy', rxy.shape
    assert ((len(rxy) == 0) or (rxy.shape[1] == 2))
    assert ((len(ixy) == 0) or (ixy.shape[1] == 2))

    ix = ixy[:, 0]
    iy = ixy[:, 1]

    if W is None:
        W = max(ix)
    if H is None:
        H = max(iy)

    if len(rxy):
        keep = (rxy[:, 0] > -dcell) * (rxy[:, 0] < W + dcell) * (
            rxy[:, 1] > -dcell) * (rxy[:, 1] < H + dcell)
        rxy = rxy[keep]

#print 'Cut to %i ref sources in range' % len(rxy)

    cellsize = sqrt(W * H / ncells)
    nw = int(round(W / cellsize))
    nh = int(round(H / cellsize))
    #print 'Grid cell size', cellsize
    #print 'N cells', nw, 'x', nh
    edgesx = linspace(0, W, nw + 1)
    edgesy = linspace(0, H, nh + 1)
    #print 'Edges:'
    #print '	 x:', edgesx
    #print '	 y:', edgesy
    if len(rxy) == 0:
        binx = array([])
        biny = array([])
        binx = digitize(rxy[:, 0], edgesx)
        biny = digitize(rxy[:, 1], edgesy)
    binx = clip(binx - 1, 0, nw - 1)
    biny = clip(biny - 1, 0, nh - 1)
    bin = biny * nw + binx


    for i in range(nh):
        for j in range(nw):
            thisbin = i * nw + j
            R = (bin == thisbin)
            #print 'cell %i, %i' % (j, i)
            #print '%i ref sources' % sum(R)
            matchdx = []

            if sum(R) > 0:
                (inds, dists) = spherematch.match(rxy[R, :], ixy, radius)
                #print 'Found %i matches within %g pixels' % (len(dists), radius)
                ri = inds[:, 0]
                # un-cut ref inds...
                ri = (flatnonzero(R))[ri]
                ii = inds[:, 1]
                matchx = rxy[ri, 0]
                matchy = rxy[ri, 1]
                matchdx = ix[ii] - matchx
                matchdy = iy[ii] - matchy
                #print 'All matches:'
                #for dx,dy in zip(matchdx,matchdy):
                #	print '	 %.1f, %.1f' % (dx,dy)
                ok = (matchdx >= -dcell) * (matchdx <= dcell) * (
                    matchdy >= -dcell) * (matchdy <= dcell)
                matchdx = matchdx[ok]
                matchdy = matchdy[ok]
                #print 'Cut to %i within %g x %g square' % (sum(ok), dcell*2, dcell*2)
                #print 'Cut matches:'
                #for dx,dy in zip(matchdx,matchdy):
                #	print '	 %.1f, %.1f' % (dx,dy)

            # Subplot places plots left-to-right, TOP-to-BOTTOM.
            subplot(nh, nw, 1 + ((nh - i - 1) * nw + j))

            if len(matchdx) > 0:
                #plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='r', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
                #plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
                if hist:
                    #if histbinsize is None:
                    #	histbinsize = dcell / 10.
                    edges = linspace(-dcell, dcell, nhistbins + 1)
                    (H, xe, ye) = histogram2d(matchdx,
                                              bins=(edges, edges))
                           extent=(min(xe), max(xe), min(ye), max(ye)),
                         '%i' % H.max(),

                    plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'r.', alpha=0.3)

            if hist:
                axhline(0, color='b', alpha=0.8)
                axvline(0, color='b', alpha=0.8)
                axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
                axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
                xticks([-dcell, 0, dcell])
                yticks([-dcell, 0, dcell])
                xticks([], [])
                yticks([], [])
            axis([-dcell, dcell, -dcell, dcell])
    if outfn is not None:
        #print 'Saving', outfn
コード例 #4
def showSipSolutions(srcs, wcs0, andDir, x0, y0, W, H, filterName, plotPrefix):
    srcs: afw Catalog of sources
    wcs0: original WCS
    andDir: astrometry_net_data directory
    imargs = dict(imageSize=(W, H), filterName=filterName, x0=x0, y0=y0)

    # Set up astrometry_net_data
    os.environ['ASTROMETRY_NET_DATA_DIR'] = andDir
    andConfig = measAstrom.AstrometryNetDataConfig()
    fn = os.path.join(andDir, 'andConfig.py')

    # Set up meas_astrom
    conf = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryConfig(sipOrder=4)
    ast = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryTask(conf,

    # What reference sources are in the original WCS
    refs = ast.getReferenceSourcesForWcs(wcs0, **imargs)
    print('Got', len(refs), 'reference objects for initial WCS')

    # How does a straight TAN solution look?
    conf2 = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryConfig(sipOrder=4,
    ast2 = measAstrom.ANetBasicAstrometryTask(conf2,
    solve = ast2.determineWcs2(srcs, **imargs)
    tanwcs = solve.tanWcs

    # How about if we fit a SIP WCS using the *original* WCS?
    wcs2 = ast.getSipWcsFromWcs(wcs0, (W, H), x0=x0, y0=y0)

    # (We determineWcs() for a SIP solution below...)

    # Make some plots in pixel space by pushing ref sources through WCSes
    rx0, ry0 = [], []
    rx2, ry2 = [], []
    rx3, ry3 = [], []
    for src in refs:
        xy = wcs0.skyToPixel(src.getCoord())

        xy = tanwcs.skyToPixel(src.getCoord())

        xy = wcs2.skyToPixel(src.getCoord())

    rx0 = np.array(rx0)
    ry0 = np.array(ry0)
    rx2 = np.array(rx2)
    ry2 = np.array(ry2)
    rx3 = np.array(rx3)
    ry3 = np.array(ry3)

    x = np.array([src.getX() for src in srcs])
    y = np.array([src.getY() for src in srcs])

    from astrometry.libkd.spherematch import match
    from astrometry.util.plotutils import plothist, PlotSequence

    ps = PlotSequence(plotPrefix)

    # Match up various sources...
    R = 2.

    II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx0, ry0)).T, R)
    I = II[:, 0]
    J = II[:, 1]

    pa = dict(range=((-R, R), (-R, R)))

    plothist(x[I] - rx0[J], y[I] - ry0[J], 200, **pa)
    plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (initial WCS)')
    plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)')
    plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)')

    II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx2, ry2)).T, R)
    I = II[:, 0]
    J = II[:, 1]

    plothist(x[I] - rx2[J], y[I] - ry2[J], 200, **pa)
    plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (TAN WCS)')
    plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)')
    plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)')

    II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx3, ry3)).T, R)
    I = II[:, 0]
    J = II[:, 1]
    plothist(x[I] - rx3[J], y[I] - ry3[J], 200, **pa)
    plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (SIP WCS #2)')
    plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)')
    plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)')

    II, d = match(np.vstack((rx0, ry0)).T, np.vstack((rx3, ry3)).T, R)
    I = II[:, 0]
    J = II[:, 1]
    plothist(rx0[I] - rx3[J], ry0[I] - ry3[J], 200, **pa)
        'Reference positions (Original WCS) - Reference positions (SIP WCS #2)'
    plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)')
    plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)')

    matches = solve.tanMatches
    msx, msy = [], []
    mrx, mry = [], []
    for m in matches:
        ref, src = m.first, m.second
        xy = tanwcs.skyToPixel(ref.getCoord())

    plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')
    plt.plot(msx, msy, 'o', mec='r')
    plt.plot(rx0, ry0, 'g.')
    plt.plot(mrx, mry, 'gx')
    plt.title('TAN matches')

    # Get SIP solution (4th order)

    solve = ast.determineWcs2(srcs, **imargs)
    wcs1 = solve.sipWcs

    matches = solve.sipMatches
    msx, msy = [], []
    mrx, mry = [], []
    for m in matches:
        ref, src = m.first, m.second
        xy = tanwcs.skyToPixel(ref.getCoord())

    plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')
    plt.plot(msx, msy, 'o', mec='r')
    plt.plot(rx0, ry0, 'g.')
    plt.plot(mrx, mry, 'gx')
    plt.title('SIP matches')

    rx1, ry1 = [], []
    for src in refs:
        xy = wcs1.skyToPixel(src.getCoord())
    rx1 = np.array(rx1)
    ry1 = np.array(ry1)

    plt.plot(x, y, 'o', mec='r', mfc='none')
    plt.plot(rx0, ry0, 'bx')
    plt.plot(rx1, ry1, 'g+')
    plt.plot(rx2, ry2, 'mx')
    plt.plot(rx3, ry3, 'r+')

    plt.axis([x0, x0 + 500, y0, y0 + 500])

    II, d = match(np.vstack((x, y)).T, np.vstack((rx1, ry1)).T, R)
    I = II[:, 0]
    J = II[:, 1]

    plothist(x[I] - rx1[J], y[I] - ry1[J], 200, **pa)
    plt.title('Source positions - Reference positions (SIP WCS)')
    plt.xlabel('delta-X (pixels)')
    plt.ylabel('delta-Y (pixels)')
コード例 #5
ファイル: fields.py プロジェクト: dstndstn/astrometry.net
def OLD_radec_to_sdss_rcf(ra, dec, spherematch=True, radius=0, tablefn=None, contains=False):
    # This file is generated by merging the files "dr7_e.fits", "dr7_g.fits", and "dr7_a.fits",
    # whose construction is described in http://trac.astrometry.net/browser/trunk/projects/sdss-tests/README
    # (and in comments below that I didn't notice before writing this)
    if tablefn is None:
        tablefn = find_data_file('dr7fields.fits')
    sdss = table_fields(tablefn)
    if sdss is None:
        print('Failed to read table of SDSS fields from file', tablefn)
        raise Exception('Failed to read table of SDSS fields from file: "' + str(tablefn) + '"')
    sdssxyz = radectoxyz(sdss.ra, sdss.dec)
    ## HACK - magic 13x9 arcmin.
    if radius == 0:
        radius = sqrt(13.**2 + 9.**2)/2.
    radius2 = arcmin2distsq(radius)
    if not spherematch:
        rcfs = []
        for r,d in broadcast(ra,dec):
            xyz = radectoxyz(r,d)
            dist2s = sum((xyz - sdssxyz)**2, axis=1)
            I = flatnonzero(dist2s < radius2)
            if False:
                print('I:', I)
                print('fields:', sdss[I].run, sdss[I].field, sdss[I].camcol)
                print('RA', sdss[I].ra)
                print('Dec', sdss[I].dec)
            rcfs.append(zip(sdss[I].run, sdss[I].camcol, sdss[I].field, sdss[I].ra, sdss[I].dec))
        from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
        rds = array([x for x in broadcast(ra,dec)])
        xyz = radectoxyz(rds[:,0], rds[:,1]).astype(double)
        (inds,dists) = spherematch.match(xyz, sdssxyz, sqrt(radius2))
        #print 'found %i matches' % len(inds)
        if len(inds) == 0:
            return []
        #print 'inds:', inds.shape
        I = np.argsort(dists[:,0])
        #print 'dists:', dists.shape
        inds = inds[I,:]
        rcfs = [[] for i in range(len(rds))]
        cols = sdss.columns()
        gotem = False
        if contains:
            if 'ramin' in cols and 'ramax' in cols and 'decmin' in cols and 'decmax' in cols:
                gotem = True
                for i,j in inds:
                    (r,d) = rds[i]
                    if r >= sdss.ramin[j] and r <= sdss.ramax[j] and d >= sdss.decmin[j] and d <= sdss.decmax[j]:
                        rcfs[i].append((sdss.run[j], sdss.camcol[j], sdss.field[j], sdss.ra[j], sdss.dec[j]))
                print('%i fields contain the first query RA,Dec' % len(rcfs[0]))
                print('you requested fields *containing* the query RA,Dec,')
                print('but the fields list file \"%s\" doesn\'t contain RAMIN,RAMAX,DECMIN, and DECMAX columns' % tablefn)
        if not gotem:
            for i,j in inds:
                rcfs[i].append((sdss.run[j], sdss.camcol[j], sdss.field[j], sdss.ra[j], sdss.dec[j]))

    if isscalar(ra) and isscalar(dec):
        return rcfs[0]
    return rcfs
コード例 #6
def OLD_radec_to_sdss_rcf(ra,
    # This file is generated by merging the files "dr7_e.fits", "dr7_g.fits", and "dr7_a.fits",
    # whose construction is described in http://trac.astrometry.net/browser/trunk/projects/sdss-tests/README
    # (and in comments below that I didn't notice before writing this)
    if tablefn is None:
        tablefn = find_data_file('dr7fields.fits')
    sdss = table_fields(tablefn)
    if sdss is None:
        print('Failed to read table of SDSS fields from file', tablefn)
        raise Exception('Failed to read table of SDSS fields from file: "' +
                        str(tablefn) + '"')
    sdssxyz = radectoxyz(sdss.ra, sdss.dec)
    ## HACK - magic 13x9 arcmin.
    if radius == 0:
        radius = sqrt(13.**2 + 9.**2) / 2.
    radius2 = arcmin2distsq(radius)
    if not spherematch:
        rcfs = []
        for r, d in broadcast(ra, dec):
            xyz = radectoxyz(r, d)
            dist2s = sum((xyz - sdssxyz)**2, axis=1)
            I = flatnonzero(dist2s < radius2)
            if False:
                print('I:', I)
                print('fields:', sdss[I].run, sdss[I].field, sdss[I].camcol)
                print('RA', sdss[I].ra)
                print('Dec', sdss[I].dec)
                zip(sdss[I].run, sdss[I].camcol, sdss[I].field, sdss[I].ra,
        from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
        rds = array([x for x in broadcast(ra, dec)])
        xyz = radectoxyz(rds[:, 0], rds[:, 1]).astype(double)
        (inds, dists) = spherematch.match(xyz, sdssxyz, sqrt(radius2))
        #print 'found %i matches' % len(inds)
        if len(inds) == 0:
            return []
        #print 'inds:', inds.shape
        I = np.argsort(dists[:, 0])
        #print 'dists:', dists.shape
        inds = inds[I, :]
        rcfs = [[] for i in range(len(rds))]
        cols = sdss.columns()
        gotem = False
        if contains:
            if 'ramin' in cols and 'ramax' in cols and 'decmin' in cols and 'decmax' in cols:
                gotem = True
                for i, j in inds:
                    (r, d) = rds[i]
                    if r >= sdss.ramin[j] and r <= sdss.ramax[
                            j] and d >= sdss.decmin[j] and d <= sdss.decmax[j]:
                            (sdss.run[j], sdss.camcol[j], sdss.field[j],
                             sdss.ra[j], sdss.dec[j]))
                print('%i fields contain the first query RA,Dec' %
                print('you requested fields *containing* the query RA,Dec,')
                    'but the fields list file \"%s\" doesn\'t contain RAMIN,RAMAX,DECMIN, and DECMAX columns'
                    % tablefn)
        if not gotem:
            for i, j in inds:
                rcfs[i].append((sdss.run[j], sdss.camcol[j], sdss.field[j],
                                sdss.ra[j], sdss.dec[j]))

    if isscalar(ra) and isscalar(dec):
        return rcfs[0]
    return rcfs
コード例 #7
from pylab import *
from numpy import *
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
	parser = OptionParser()
	parser.add_option('-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix', help='Prefix for output plot names')
	parser.add_option('-r', '--range', dest='range', type='float', help='Set search radius range (in arcsec) of stars-1 plot, default 15')
	parser.set_defaults(prefix='', range=15.)
	opt,args = parser.parse_args()

	if 'plots' in args: # DEBUG!
		cat = fits_table('cat2.fits')
		xyz = radectoxyz(cat.ra, cat.dec)
		R = 15.
		inds,dists = match(xyz, xyz, deg2rad(R/3600.))
		notself = (inds[:,0] != inds[:,1])
		hist(rad2deg(dists[notself]) * 3600., 200)
		title('ImSim reference catalog')
		xlabel('Distance between pairs of sources (arcsec)')
		xlim(0, R)

		cat = fits_table('stars3.fits')
		xyz = radectoxyz(cat.ra, cat.dec)
		R = 15.
		inds,dists = match(xyz, xyz, deg2rad(R/3600.))
		notself = (inds[:,0] != inds[:,1])
コード例 #8
from pylab import *
from numpy import *
import os

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('-p', '--prefix', dest='prefix', help='Prefix for output plot names')
    parser.add_option('-r', '--range', dest='range', type='float', help='Set search radius range (in arcsec) of stars-1 plot, default 15')
    parser.set_defaults(prefix='', range=15.)
    opt,args = parser.parse_args()

    if 'plots' in args: # DEBUG!
        cat = fits_table('cat2.fits')
        xyz = radectoxyz(cat.ra, cat.dec)
        R = 15.
        inds,dists = match(xyz, xyz, deg2rad(R/3600.))
        notself = (inds[:,0] != inds[:,1])
        hist(rad2deg(dists[notself]) * 3600., 200)
        title('ImSim reference catalog')
        xlabel('Distance between pairs of sources (arcsec)')
        xlim(0, R)

        cat = fits_table('stars3.fits')
        xyz = radectoxyz(cat.ra, cat.dec)
        R = 15.
        inds,dists = match(xyz, xyz, deg2rad(R/3600.))
        notself = (inds[:,0] != inds[:,1])
コード例 #9
# This file is part of libkd.
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
import numpy as np
from time import time

N1 = 1000
N2 = 1000
D = 2
r = 0.02

x1 = np.random.rand(N1, D)
x2 = np.random.rand(N2, D)

t0 = time()
(inds, dists) = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r)
dt = time() - t0

print 'spherematch.match: found', len(inds), 'pairs in', int(dt * 1000.), 'ms'

order = np.argsort(inds[:, 0] * N2 + inds[:, 1])
inds = inds[order]
dists = dists[order]

t0 = time()
pairs = []
truedists = []
for i in range(N1):
    pt1 = x1[i, :]
    d2s = np.sum((x2 - pt1)**2, axis=1)
    good = np.where(d2s <= r**2)[0]
コード例 #10
ファイル: whynot.py プロジェクト: Carl4/astrometry.net
def whynot(field, index, qidx, wcs):
	# find index stars in the field.
	(ra,dec) = wcs.get_radec_center()
	rad = arcsec2deg(wcs.get_pixel_scale() * hypot(wcs.get_width(), wcs.get_height()))
	(xyz, radec, starinds) = index_search_stars(index, ra, dec, rad)
	print 'xyz', xyz.shape
	print 'radec', radec.shape
	print 'starinds', starinds.shape

	istars = tabledata()
	istars.xyz = xyz
	istars.radec = radec
	istars.starind = starinds

	W,H = wcs.get_width(), wcs.get_height()
	pix = array([wcs.radec2pixelxy(r, d) for (r,d) in radec])
	print 'pix', pix.shape
	# within image bounds
	I = (pix[:,0] > 0) * (pix[:,0] < W) * (pix[:,1] > 0) * (pix[:,1] < H)

	# find nearby pairs of stars...
	nsigma = 3
	pixeljitter = 1
	sigma = hypot(index.index_jitter / wcs.get_pixel_scale(), pixeljitter)
	rad = nsigma * sigma

	fieldxy = vstack((field.x, field.y)).T
	print 'field', fieldxy.shape

	(cinds, cdists) = match(pix, fieldxy, rad)
	print 'matches:', cinds.shape
	#print cdists.shape

	corrs = tabledata()
	corrs.dist = cdists[:,0]
	corrs.star = starinds[cinds[:,0]]
	corrs.field = cinds[:,1]

	allquads = []

	# All quads built from stars in the field...
	for starind in starinds[I]:
		#print qidx, starind
		quads = qidxfile_get_quad_list(qidxfile_addr(qidx), starind)
		#print 'quads:', quads.shape

	allquads = unique(hstack(allquads))
	print '%i unique quads touch stars in the field' % len(allquads)

	"quads" object: all quads that touch index stars in this field.

	.quad : (int) quad index
	.stars : (DQ x int) star indices
	.starsinfield: (DQ x bool) stars in field
	quads = tabledata()
	quads.quad = allquads

	qstars = quadfile_get_stars_for_quads(quadfile_addr(index), quads.quad)
	print 'stars in quads:', qstars.shape
	#print qstars

	quads.stars = qstars

	quads.starsinfield = array([[s in starinds[I] for s in q] for q in qstars])
	#print quads.starsinfield

	allin = quads.starsinfield.min(axis=1)
	#print quads.allin

	quads.allin = allin

	quadsin = quads[allin]
	print '%i quads use stars that are in the field' % (len(quadsin))
	print 'stars:', starinds

	c_s2f = {}
	for c in corrs: #i in range(len(corrs)):
		#print 'corr', c
		if not c.star in c_s2f:
			c_s2f[c.star] = []
	#print c_s2f
	# [[[213], [35], [265], [63]], [[186]], [[]], [[11], [19]], ...]
	# For each quad, for each star in the quad, the list of field stars corresponding.
	fq = []
	for q in quadsin.stars:
		fq1 = []
		for s in q:
			if s in c_s2f:
	#print fq

	# For each quad, the list of sets of field stars corresponding.
	# [[[213, 35, 265, 63]], [], [],
	fq2 = []
	for q in fq:
		#print 'q:', q
		#ac = allcombinations([q[0]], q[1:])
		#ac = allcombinations([[]], q)
		#print '--> ac:', ac
		fq2.append(allcombinations([[]], q))
	#print fq2

	quadsin.fq2 = fq2

	hasf = array([len(x) > 0 for x in quadsin.fq2])
	#print 'hasf:', hasf

	okquads = quadsin[hasf]

	#forder = argsort([max(x) for x in okquads.fq2])
	#okquads = okquads[forder]

	print 'ok quads:', len(okquads)
	print 'quad nums:', okquads.quad
	print 'stars:', okquads.stars
	print 'field stars:', okquads.fq2

	#qmatches = table_data()
	#fqs = []
	#qs = []
	#for okq,fq in zip(okquads, okquads.fq2):
	#	fqs = fqs + fq
	#	qs.append(okq)
	#qmatches.fieldquad = fqs

	qmatches = []
	for okq,fqs in zip(okquads, okquads.fq2):
		for fq in fqs:
			#print 'field stars', fq
			#print 'quad:', okq.quad
			qmatches.append((fq, okq))

	forder = argsort([max(fq) for fq,okq in qmatches])
	#print 'forder', forder

	print 'Quads in the order they will be found'
	for i in forder:
		fq,okq = qmatches[i]
		print 'object', max(fq)
		print 'field stars', fq
		print 'quad:', okq.quad

	# Index stars, by sweep (or "r" mag)...
	# --which quads are they part of

	#skdt = starkd_addr(index)
	istars.sweep = array([startree_get_sweep(index.starkd, si) for si in istars.starind])

	mystars = istars[I]
	order = argsort(mystars.sweep)

	print 'Index stars:',
	for ms in mystars[order]:
		print 'Star', ms.starind, 'sweep', ms.sweep, 'radec', ms.radec
		print 'Field star(s) nearby:', len(c_s2f.get(ms.starind, []))
		for c in corrs[corrs.star == ms.starind]:
			print '  field star', c.field, 'dist', c.dist, 'pixels'
		myquads = quads[array([(ms.starind in q.stars) for q in quads])]
		print 'In %i quads' % len(myquads)
		for q in myquads:
			print '  quad %i: %i stars in the field' % (q.quad, sum(q.starsinfield))
			if q.allin:
				print '    stars:', q.stars
				print '    correspondences for stars:', [c_s2f.get(s, None) for s in q.stars]
コード例 #11
def plotshift(ixy, rxy, dcell=50, ncells=18, outfn=None, W=None, H=None, hist=False,
    print 'plotshift...'
    # correspondences we could have hit...
    radius = dcell * sqrt(2.)
    print 'ixy', ixy.shape
    print 'rxy', rxy.shape
    print 'asserts'
    assert((len(rxy) == 0) or (rxy.shape[1] == 2))
    assert((len(ixy) == 0) or (ixy.shape[1] == 2))
    print 'slice'
    ix = ixy[:,0]
    iy = ixy[:,1]
    print 'w,h'
    if W is None:
        W = max(ix)
    if H is None:
        H = max(iy)
    print 'rxy'
    if len(rxy):
        keep = (rxy[:,0] > -dcell) * (rxy[:,0] < W+dcell) * (rxy[:,1] > -dcell) * (rxy[:,1] < H+dcell)
        rxy = rxy[keep]
    print 'Cut to %i ref sources in range' % len(rxy)

    print 'bin...'
    cellsize = sqrt(W * H / ncells)
    nw = int(round(W / cellsize))
    nh = int(round(H / cellsize))
    #print 'Grid cell size', cellsize
    #print 'N cells', nw, 'x', nh
    edgesx = linspace(0, W, nw+1)
    edgesy = linspace(0, H, nh+1)
    #print 'Edges:'
    #print '         x:', edgesx
    #print '         y:', edgesy
    if len(rxy) == 0:
        binx = array([])
        biny = array([])
        binx = digitize(rxy[:,0], edgesx)
        biny = digitize(rxy[:,1], edgesy)
    binx = clip(binx - 1, 0, nw-1)
    biny = clip(biny - 1, 0, nh-1)
    bin = biny * nw + binx
    print 'plot...'

    for i in range(nh):
        for j in range(nw):
            print 'cell %i, %i' % (j, i)
            thisbin = i * nw + j
            R = (bin == thisbin)
            print '%i ref sources' % sum(R)
            matchdx = []

            if sum(R) > 0:
                print 'match...'
                (inds,dists) = spherematch.match(rxy[R,:], ixy, radius)
                #print 'Found %i matches within %g pixels' % (len(dists), radius)
                ri = inds[:,0]
                # un-cut ref inds...
                ri = (flatnonzero(R))[ri]
                ii = inds[:,1]
                matchx  = rxy[ri,0]
                matchy  = rxy[ri,1]
                matchdx = ix[ii] - matchx
                matchdy = iy[ii] - matchy
                #print 'All matches:'
                #for dx,dy in zip(matchdx,matchdy):
                #       print '          %.1f, %.1f' % (dx,dy)
                ok = (matchdx >= -dcell) * (matchdx <= dcell) * (matchdy >= -dcell) * (matchdy <= dcell)
                matchdx = matchdx[ok]
                matchdy = matchdy[ok]
                #print 'Cut to %i within %g x %g square' % (sum(ok), dcell*2, dcell*2)
                #print 'Cut matches:'
                #for dx,dy in zip(matchdx,matchdy):
                #       print '          %.1f, %.1f' % (dx,dy)
            # Subplot places plots left-to-right, TOP-to-BOTTOM.
            subplot(nh, nw, 1 + ((nh - i - 1)*nw + j))

            if len(matchdx) > 0:
                #plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='r', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
                #plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='none', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
                if hist:
                    #if histbinsize is None:
                    #       histbinsize = dcell / 10.
                    edges = linspace(-dcell, dcell, nhistbins+1)
                    (H,xe,ye) = histogram2d(matchdx, matchdy, bins=(edges,edges))
                    imshow(H.T, extent=(min(xe), max(xe), min(ye), max(ye)),
                           aspect='auto', origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
                    text(dcell, dcell, '%i' % H.max(), color='y',
                         horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top')
                    plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'r.', alpha=0.3)

            if hist:
                axhline(0, color='b', alpha=0.8)
                axvline(0, color='b', alpha=0.8)
                axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
                axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
            if i == 0 and j == 0:
            axis([-dcell, dcell, -dcell, dcell])
    if outfn is not None:
        #print 'Saving', outfn
コード例 #12
def plotCorrespondences(imgsources, refsources, matches, wcs, W, H, prefix):
    ix = np.array([s.getXAstrom() for s in imgsources])
    iy = np.array([s.getYAstrom() for s in imgsources])

    rx, ry = [], []
    for r in refsources:
        xy = wcs.skyToPixel(r.getRaDec())
    rx = np.array(rx)
    ry = np.array(ry)

    # correspondences we could have hit...
    ixy = np.vstack((ix, iy)).T
    rxy = np.vstack((rx, ry)).T
    dcell = 50.
    radius = dcell * np.sqrt(2.)
    # print 'ixy', ixy.shape
    # print 'rxy', rxy.shape

    if False:
        (inds, dists) = spherematch.match(rxy, ixy, radius)
        mi = inds[:, 0]
        ii = inds[:, 1]
        matchx = rx[mi]
        matchy = ry[mi]
        matchdx = ix[ii] - matchx
        matchdy = iy[ii] - matchy
        ok = (matchdx >= -dcell) * (matchdx <= dcell) * (matchdy >= -dcell) * (
            matchdy <= dcell)
        matchx = matchx[ok]
        matchy = matchy[ok]
        matchdx = matchdx[ok]
        matchdy = matchdy[ok]
        mi = mi[ok]
        ii = ii[ok]
        print('Found %i matches within %g pixels' % (len(dists), radius))

    ncells = 18.
    cellsize = np.sqrt(W * H / ncells)
    nw = int(round(W / cellsize))
    nh = int(round(H / cellsize))
    # print 'Grid cell size', cellsize
    # print 'N cells', nw, 'x', nh
    edgesx = np.linspace(0, W, nw + 1)
    edgesy = np.linspace(0, H, nh + 1)

    binx = np.digitize(rx, edgesx)
    biny = np.digitize(ry, edgesy)
    binx = np.clip(binx - 1, 0, nw - 1)
    biny = np.clip(biny - 1, 0, nh - 1)

    bin = biny * nw + binx


    for i in range(nh):
        for j in range(nw):
            thisbin = i * nw + j
            R = (bin == thisbin)
            # print 'cell %i, %i' % (j, i)
            # print '%i ref sources' % sum(R)
            if sum(R) == 0:
            (inds, dists) = spherematch.match(rxy[R, :], ixy, radius)
            # print 'Found %i matches within %g pixels' % (len(dists), radius)
            ri = inds[:, 0]
            # un-cut ref inds...
            ri = (np.flatnonzero(R))[ri]
            ii = inds[:, 1]

            matchx = rx[ri]
            matchy = ry[ri]
            matchdx = ix[ii] - matchx
            matchdy = iy[ii] - matchy
            ok = (matchdx >= -dcell) * (matchdx <= dcell) * (
                matchdy >= -dcell) * (matchdy <= dcell)
            # matchx = matchx[ok]
            # matchy = matchy[ok]
            matchdx = matchdx[ok]
            matchdy = matchdy[ok]
            # print 'Cut to %i within %g x %g square' % (sum(ok), dcell*2, dcell*2)

            # Subplot places plots left-to-right, TOP-to-BOTTOM.
            plt.subplot(nh, nw, 1 + ((nh - i - 1) * nw + j))

            plt.plot(matchdx, matchdy, 'ro', mec='r', mfc='r', ms=5, alpha=0.2)
            plt.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
            plt.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5)
            plt.xticks([], [])
            plt.yticks([], [])
            plt.axis([-dcell, dcell, -dcell, dcell])

    fn = prefix + '-missed.png'
    print('Saving', fn)
コード例 #13
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function
from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
import numpy as np
from time import time

N1 = 1000
N2 = 1000
D = 2
r = 0.02

x1 = np.random.rand(N1, D)
x2 = np.random.rand(N2, D)

t0 = time()
(inds,dists) = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r)
dt = time() - t0

print('spherematch.match: found', len(inds), 'pairs in', int(dt*1000.), 'ms')

order = np.argsort(inds[:,0]*N2 + inds[:,1])
inds = inds[order]
dists = dists[order]

t0 = time()
pairs = []
truedists = []
for i in range(N1):
    pt1 = x1[i,:]
    d2s = np.sum((x2 - pt1)**2, axis=1)
    good = np.where(d2s <= r**2)[0]
コード例 #14
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function
from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
import numpy as np
from time import time

N1 = 1000
N2 = 1000
D = 2
r = 0.02

x1 = np.random.rand(N1, D)
x2 = np.random.rand(N2, D)

t0 = time()
(inds, dists) = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r)
dt = time() - t0

print('spherematch.match: found', len(inds), 'pairs in', int(dt * 1000.), 'ms')

order = np.argsort(inds[:, 0] * N2 + inds[:, 1])
inds = inds[order]
dists = dists[order]

t0 = time()
pairs = []
truedists = []
for i in range(N1):
    pt1 = x1[i, :]
    d2s = np.sum((x2 - pt1)**2, axis=1)
    good = np.where(d2s <= r**2)[0]
コード例 #15
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE
from __future__ import print_function
from astrometry.libkd import spherematch
import numpy as np
from time import time

N1 = 1000
N2 = 1000
D = 2
r = 0.02

x1 = np.random.rand(N1, D)
x2 = np.random.rand(N2, D)

t0 = time()
(inds,dists) = spherematch.match(x1, x2, r)
dt = time() - t0

print('spherematch.match: found', len(inds), 'pairs in', int(dt*1000.), 'ms')

order = np.argsort(inds[:,0]*N2 + inds[:,1])
inds = inds[order]
dists = dists[order]

t0 = time()
pairs = []
truedists = []
for i in range(N1):
    pt1 = x1[i,:]
    d2s = np.sum((x2 - pt1)**2, axis=1)
    good = np.where(d2s <= r**2)[0]