コード例 #1
def GenerateDataset(Size, Nfeat, Npoints, Nneurons):
    X, Y = [], []
    for i in range(Size):
        # generate random ffnn
        #P = FFNN_Parameters(Nfeat, Nneurons, 1, 20)
        x = rnd(Npoints, Nfeat)*20
        #P[2] = np.abs(P[2])
        #y = np.dot( np.tanh( np.dot(x, P[0]) + P[1]),  P[2] )
        pr = np.random.randn(x.shape[1], 1)
        pr = pr > 0
        y = np.dot(x, pr)*0.5
        xy = np.concatenate((x,y), axis=1)
        W = np.vstack((P[0], [P[1]] , np.transpose( P[2] ))) #
        W = np.transpose(W)
        W = W[np.lexsort(np.fliplr(W).T)]
        W = np.transpose(W)"""
        xval = xy.flatten()
        yval = pr.flatten()
        if X == []:
            X = np.zeros((Size, xval.shape[0]))
            Y = np.zeros((Size, yval.shape[0]))
        X[i,:] = xval
        Y[i,:] = yval
    return X,Y
コード例 #2
ファイル: ar.py プロジェクト: sarah-strauss/autohmm
    def _process_inputs(self, X, E=None, lengths=None):
        if self.n_features == 1:
            lagged = None
            if lengths is None:
                lagged = lagmat(X, maxlag=self.n_lags, trim='forward',
                lagged = np.zeros((len(X), self.n_lags))
                for i, j in iter_from_X_lengths(X, lengths):
                    lagged[i:j, :] = lagmat(X[i:j], maxlag=self.n_lags,
                                            trim='forward', original='ex')

            return {'obs': X.reshape(-1,1),
                    'lagged': lagged.reshape(-1, self.n_features, self.n_lags)}
            lagged = None
            lagged = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.n_features, self.n_lags))
            if lengths is None:
                tem = lagmat(X, maxlag=self.n_lags, trim='forward',
                for sample in range(X.shape[0]):
                    lagged[sample] = np.reshape\
                    (tem[sample], (self.n_features, self.n_lags), 'F')

                for i, j in iter_from_X_lengths(X, lengths):
                    lagged[i:j, :] = lagmat(X[i:j], maxlag=self.n_lags,
                                            trim='forward', original='ex')
                    lagged.reshape(-1, self.n_featurs, self.n_lags)

            return {'obs': X, 'lagged': lagged}
コード例 #3
def adam_minimax(grad_both, init_params_max, init_params_min, callback=None, num_iters=100,
         step_size_max=0.001, step_size_min=0.001, b1=0.9, b2=0.999, eps=10**-8):
    """Adam modified to do minimiax optimization, for instance to help with
    training generative adversarial networks."""

    x_max, unflatten_max = flatten(init_params_max)
    x_min, unflatten_min = flatten(init_params_min)

    m_max = np.zeros(len(x_max))
    v_max = np.zeros(len(x_max))
    m_min = np.zeros(len(x_min))
    v_min = np.zeros(len(x_min))
    for i in range(num_iters):
        g_max_uf, g_min_uf = grad_both(unflatten_max(x_max),
                                       unflatten_min(x_min), i)
        g_max, _ = flatten(g_max_uf)
        g_min, _ = flatten(g_min_uf)

        if callback: callback(unflatten_max(x_max), unflatten_min(x_min), i,
                              unflatten_max(g_max), unflatten_min(g_min))

        m_max = (1 - b1) * g_max      + b1 * m_max  # First  moment estimate.
        v_max = (1 - b2) * (g_max**2) + b2 * v_max  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat_max = m_max / (1 - b1**(i + 1))    # Bias correction.
        vhat_max = v_max / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
        x_max = x_max + step_size_max * mhat_max / (np.sqrt(vhat_max) + eps)

        m_min = (1 - b1) * g_min      + b1 * m_min  # First  moment estimate.
        v_min = (1 - b2) * (g_min**2) + b2 * v_min  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat_min = m_min / (1 - b1**(i + 1))    # Bias correction.
        vhat_min = v_min / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
        x_min = x_min - step_size_min * mhat_min / (np.sqrt(vhat_min) + eps)
    return unflatten_max(x_max), unflatten_min(x_min)
コード例 #4
ファイル: kernels.py プロジェクト: fw0/domain_adapt
def get_dxopt_delta_p(lin_solver, df_dx, d_dp_df_dx, d_dx_df_dx, A, b, xopt, p, delta_p_direction):
    # f(x, p) should be convex
    x_len = A.shape[1]

    # get tight constraints
    A_tight, b_tight = get_tight_constraints(A, b, xopt)
    num_tight = A_tight.shape[0]

    # get d
    p_dim = len(delta_p_direction.shape)
    delta_p_direction_broadcasted = np.tile(delta_p_direction, tuple([x_len] + [1 for i in xrange(p_dim)]))
    d_top = -np.sum(d_dp_df_dx(p, xopt) * delta_p_direction_broadcasted, axis=tuple(range(1,1+p_dim)))
    d_bottom = np.zeros(num_tight)
    d = np.hstack((d_top,d_bottom))

    # get C
    C = np.vstack((np.hstack((d_dx_df_dx(xopt, p), -A_tight.T)), np.hstack((A_tight, np.zeros((num_tight, num_tight))))))

    # get deriv
    deriv = lin_solver(C, d)
#    print 'solver error:', np.linalg.norm(np.dot(C,deriv) - d)

    return deriv
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: juliaprocess/chieh_libs
def projectParam_vec(param, N, D, G, M, K, lb=1e-6):
    # unpack the input parameter vector
    tp_1 = [0, M, 2*M, 3*M, 4*M, 4*M+M*G, 4*M+M*G+G, 4*M+M*G+2*G, 
            4*M+M*G+2*G+G*N*K, 4*M+M*G+2*G+G*(N+D)*K, 4*M+M*G+2*G+G*(N+2*D)*K,
            4*M+M*G+2*G+G*(N+2*D+1)*K, 4*M+M*G+2*G+G*(N+2*D+2)*K]
    tp_2 = []
    for i in np.arange(len(tp_1)-1):
        tp_2.append(param[tp_1[i] : tp_1[i+1]])
    [tau_a1, tau_a2, tau_b1, tau_b2, phi, tau_v1, tau_v2, eta, mu_w, sigma_w,\
            mu_b, sigma_b] = tp_2
    phi = np.reshape(phi, (M,G))
    eta = np.reshape(eta, (G,N,K))
    # apply projections
    w_tau_ab = projectLB(np.concatenate((tau_a1,tau_a2,tau_b1,tau_b2)), lb)
    w_phi = np.zeros((M,G))
    for m in np.arange(M):
        w_phi[m] = projectSimplex_vec(phi[m])
    w_tau_v = projectLB(np.concatenate((tau_v1,tau_v2)), lb)

    w_eta = np.zeros((G,N,K))
    for g in np.arange(G):
        for n in np.arange(N):
            w_eta[g,n] = projectSimplex_vec(eta[g,n])

    w = np.concatenate((w_tau_ab, w_phi.reshape(M*G), w_tau_v, \
            w_eta.reshape(G*N*K), mu_w, projectLB(sigma_w,lb), mu_b, \
    return w
コード例 #6
ファイル: optimizers.py プロジェクト: daeilkim/bayesbackprop
def adam(grad,
    """Adam as described in http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf.
    It's basically RMSprop with momentum and some correction terms."""
    m = np.zeros(len(x))
    v = np.zeros(len(x))

    if batch_id is not None:
        scale_factor = (2**(num_batches-batch_id)) / (2**(num_batches-1))
        scale_factor = 1

    for i in range(num_iters):
        g = grad(x, scale_factor)
        if callback: callback(x, i, g)
        m = (1 - b1) * g      + b1 * m  # First  moment estimate.
        v = (1 - b2) * (g**2) + b2 * v  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat = m / (1 - b1**(i + 1))    # Bias correction.
        vhat = v / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
        x -= step_size*mhat/(np.sqrt(vhat) + eps)
    return x
コード例 #7
ファイル: rnn.py プロジェクト: ParticularJ/MLAlgorithms
    def backward_pass(self, delta):
        if len(delta.shape) == 2:
            delta = delta[:, np.newaxis, :]
        n_samples, n_timesteps, input_shape = delta.shape
        p = self._params

        # Temporal gradient arrays
        grad = {k: np.zeros_like(p[k]) for k in p.keys()}

        dh_next = np.zeros((n_samples, input_shape))
        output = np.zeros((n_samples, n_timesteps, self.input_dim))

        # Backpropagation through time
        for i in reversed(range(n_timesteps)):
            dhi = self.activation_d(self.states[:, i, :]) * (delta[:, i, :] + dh_next)

            grad['W'] += np.dot(self.last_input[:, i, :].T, dhi)
            grad['b'] += delta[:, i, :].sum(axis=0)
            grad['U'] += np.dot(self.states[:, i - 1, :].T, dhi)

            dh_next = np.dot(dhi, p['U'].T)

            d = np.dot(delta[:, i, :], p['U'].T)
            output[:, i, :] = np.dot(d, p['W'].T)

        # Change actual gradient arrays
        for k in grad.keys():
            self._params.update_grad(k, grad[k])
        return output
コード例 #8
ファイル: paper_example_estimate.py プロジェクト: onenoc/VBIL
def c_i(params,n,k,i,S,num_particles):
    first = np.zeros(S)
    second = np.zeros(S)
    samples = sample_theta(params,S)
    first = h_s(samples,n,k,num_particles)*gradient_log_recognition(params,samples,i)
    second = gradient_log_recognition(params,samples,i)
    return np.cov(first,second)[0][1]/np.cov(first,second)[1][1]
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_conv.py プロジェクト: HIPS/DESI-MCMC
def test_fast_conv_grad():
    skip = 1
    block_size = (11, 11)
    depth = 1
    img   = np.random.randn(51, 51, depth)
    filt  = np.dstack([cv.gauss_filt_2D(shape=block_size,sigma=2) for k in range(depth)])
    filt = cv.gauss_filt_2D(shape=block_size, sigma=2)
    def loss_fun(filt):
        out = fc.convolve(filt, img)
        return np.sum(np.sin(out) + out**2)
    loss_grad = grad(loss_fun)

    def loss_fun_slow(filt):
        out = auto_convolve(img.squeeze(), filt, mode='valid') 
        return np.sum(np.sin(out) + out**2)
    loss_grad_slow = grad(loss_fun_slow)

    # compare gradient timing

    ## check numerical gradients
    num_grad = np.zeros(filt.shape)
    for i in xrange(filt.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(filt.shape[1]):
            de = np.zeros(filt.shape)
            de[i, j] = 1e-4
            num_grad[i,j] = (loss_fun(filt + de) - loss_fun(filt - de)) / (2*de[i,j])

    assert np.allclose(loss_grad(filt), num_grad), "convolution gradient failed!"
コード例 #10
ファイル: wing.py プロジェクト: jackkamm/autograd
def simulate(vx, vy, num_time_steps, occlusion, ax=None, render=False):
    occlusion = sigmoid(occlusion)

    # Disallow occlusion outside a certain area.
    mask = np.zeros((rows, cols))
    mask[10:30, 10:30] = 1.0
    occlusion = occlusion * mask

    # Initialize smoke bands.
    red_smoke = np.zeros((rows, cols))
    red_smoke[rows/4:rows/2] = 1
    blue_smoke = np.zeros((rows, cols))
    blue_smoke[rows/2:3*rows/4] = 1

    print("Running simulation...")
    vx, vy = project(vx, vy, occlusion)
    for t in range(num_time_steps):
        plot_matrix(ax, red_smoke, occlusion, blue_smoke, t, render)
        vx_updated = advect(vx, vx, vy)
        vy_updated = advect(vy, vx, vy)
        vx, vy = project(vx_updated, vy_updated, occlusion)
        red_smoke = advect(red_smoke, vx, vy)
        red_smoke = occlude(red_smoke, occlusion)
        blue_smoke = advect(blue_smoke, vx, vy)
        blue_smoke = occlude(blue_smoke, occlusion)
    plot_matrix(ax, red_smoke, occlusion, blue_smoke, num_time_steps, render)
    return vx, vy
コード例 #11
 def dlnpdf(q, B):
     de = np.zeros(q.shape)
     grad_vec = np.zeros(q.shape)
     for i in range(len(q)):
         de[i] = 1e-6
         grad_vec[i] = (ln_post(q + de, B) - ln_post(q - de, B)) / 2e-6
         de[i] = 0.0
     return grad_vec
コード例 #12
ファイル: tm.py プロジェクト: simonkamronn/autohmm
    def sample(self, n_samples=2000, observed_states=None, random_state=None):
        """Generate random samples from the self.

        n : int
            Number of samples to generate.

        observed_states : array
            If provided, states are not sampled.

        random_state: RandomState or an int seed
            A random number generator instance. If None is given, the
            object's random_state is used

        samples : array_like, length (``n_samples``)
                  List of samples

        states : array_like, shape (``n_samples``)
                 List of hidden states (accounting for tied states by giving
                 them the same index)
        if random_state is None:
            random_state = self.random_state
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

        samples = np.zeros(n_samples)
        states = np.zeros(n_samples)

        if observed_states is None:
            startprob_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_startprob))
            startdist = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm',
            states[0] = startdist.rvs(size=1)[0]

            transmat_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_transmat))
            transmat_cdf = np.cumsum(transmat_pdf, 1)

            nrand = random_state.rand(n_samples)
            for idx in range(1,n_samples):
                newstate = (transmat_cdf[states[idx-1]] > nrand[idx-1]).argmax()
                states[idx] = newstate
            states = observed_states

        mu = np.copy(self._mu_)
        precision = np.copy(self._precision_)
        for idx in range(n_samples):
            mean_ = self._mu_[states[idx]]
            var_ = np.sqrt(1/precision[states[idx]])
            samples[idx] = norm.rvs(loc=mean_, scale=var_, size=1,
        states = self._process_sequence(states)
        return samples, states
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: UIKit0/autorustler
def PhotometricError(iref, inew, R, T, points, D):
    # points is a tuple ([y], [x]); convert to homogeneous
    siz = iref.shape
    npoints = len(points[0])
    f = siz[1]  # focal length, FIXME
    Xref = np.vstack(((points[1] - siz[1]*0.5) / f,  # x
                      (siz[0]*0.5 - points[0]) / f,  # y (left->right hand)
                      np.ones(npoints)))             # z = 1
    # this is confusingly written -- i am broadcasting the translation T to
    # every column, but numpy broadcasting only works if it's rows, hence all
    # the transposes
    # print D * Xref
    Xnew = (np.dot(so3.exp(R), (D * Xref)).T + T).T
    # print Xnew
    # right -> left hand projection
    proj = Xnew[0:2] / Xnew[2]
    p = (-proj[1]*f + siz[0]*0.5, proj[0]*f + siz[1]*0.5)
    margin = 10  # int(siz[0] / 5)
    inwindow_mask = ((p[0] >= margin) & (p[0] < siz[0]-margin-1) &
                     (p[1] >= margin) & (p[1] < siz[1]-margin-1))
    npts_inw = sum(inwindow_mask)
    if npts_inw < 10:
        return 1e6, np.zeros(6 + npoints)
    # todo: filter points which are now out of the window
    oldpointidxs = (points[0][inwindow_mask],
    newpointidxs = (p[0][inwindow_mask], p[1][inwindow_mask])
    origpointidxs = np.nonzero(inwindow_mask)[0]
    E = InterpolatedValues(inew, newpointidxs) - iref[oldpointidxs]
    # dE/dk ->
    # d/dk r_p^2 = d/dk (Inew(w(r, T, D, p)) - Iref(p))^2
    # = -2r_p dInew/dp dp/dw dw/dX dX/dk
    # = -2r_p * g(w(r, T, D, p)) * dw(r, T, D, p)
    # intensity gradients for each point
    Ig = InterpolatedGradients(inew, newpointidxs)
    # TODO: use tensors for this
    # gradients for R, T, and D
    gradient = np.zeros(6 + npoints)
    for i in range(npts_inw):
        # print 'newidx (y,x) = ', newpointidxs[0][i], newpointidxs[1][i]
        # Jacobian of w
        oi = origpointidxs[i]
        Jw = dw(Xref[0][oi], Xref[1][oi], D[oi], R, T)
        # scale back up into pixel space, right->left hand coords to get
        # Jacobian of p
        Jp = f * np.vstack((-Jw[1], Jw[0]))
        # print origpointidxs[i], 'Xref', Xref[:, i], 'Ig', Ig[:, i], \
        #     'dwdRz', Jw[:, 2], 'dpdRz', Jp[:, 2]
        # full Jacobian = 2*E + Ig * Jp
        J = np.sign(E[i]) * np.dot(Ig[:, i], Jp)
        # print '2 E[i]', 2*E[i], 'Ig*Jp', np.dot(Ig[:, i], Jp)
        gradient[:6] += J[:6]
        # print J[:6]
        gradient[6+origpointidxs[i]] += J[6]

    print R, T, np.sum(np.abs(E)), npts_inw
    # return ((0.2*(npoints - npts_inw) + np.dot(E, E)), gradient)
    return np.sum(np.abs(E)) / (npts_inw), gradient / (npts_inw)
コード例 #14
ファイル: vbil.py プロジェクト: onenoc/lfvbae
def c_i(params,i,S,num_particles):
    if S==1:
        return 0
    first = np.zeros(S)
    second = np.zeros(S)
    samples = sample_theta(params,S)
    first = h_s(samples,num_particles)*gradient_log_variational(params,samples,i)
    second = gradient_log_variational(params,samples,i)
    return np.cov(first,second)[0][1]/np.cov(first,second)[1][1]
コード例 #15
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: juliaprocess/chieh_libs
def unary_nd(f, x, eps=EPS):
    vs = vspace(x)
    nd_grad = np.zeros(vs.size)
    x_flat = vs.flatten(x)
    for d in range(vs.size):
        dx = np.zeros(vs.size)
        dx[d] = eps/2
        nd_grad[d] = (   f(vs.unflatten(x_flat + dx))
                       - f(vs.unflatten(x_flat - dx))  ) / eps
    return vs.unflatten(nd_grad, True)
コード例 #16
ファイル: optim_util.py プロジェクト: aoboturov/pmtk3
def plot_param_trace(params_trace, ax):
    '''Plot 2d trajectory of parameters on top of axis,
    param_trace is list of weight vectors'''
    n_steps = len(params_trace)
    xs = np.zeros(n_steps)
    ys = np.zeros(n_steps)
    for step in range(1, n_steps):
        xs[step] = params_trace[step][0]
        ys[step] = params_trace[step][1]
    ax.plot(xs, ys, 'o-')
コード例 #17
ファイル: kernels.py プロジェクト: fw0/domain_adapt
def get_dxopt_dp(lin_solver, df_dx, d_dp_df_dx, d_dx_df_dx, A, b, xopt, p):

    ans = np.zeros(xopt.shape + p.shape)
    for index in np.ndindex(*p.shape):
        delta_p_direction = np.zeros(p.shape)
        delta_p_direction[index] = 1.
        temp = get_dxopt_delta_p(lin_solver, df_dx, d_dp_df_dx, d_dx_df_dx, A, b, xopt, p, delta_p_direction)
        ans[(slice(None),)+index] = temp[:len(xopt)]

    return ans
コード例 #18
ファイル: vbil.py プロジェクト: onenoc/lfvbae
def abc_log_likelihood(samples,num_particles):
    S = len(samples)
    log_kernels = np.zeros(N)
    ll = np.zeros(S)
    for s in range(S):
        theta = samples[s]
        x,std = simulator(theta,N)
        log_kernels = log_abc_kernel(x,std)
        ll[s] = misc.logsumexp(log_kernels)
        ll[s] = np.log(1./N)+ll[s]
    return ll
コード例 #19
ファイル: pylqr_trajctrl.py プロジェクト: navigator8972/pylqr
    def synthesize_trajectory(self, x0, u_array=None, n_itrs=50, tol=1e-6, verbose=True):
        if self.ilqr_ is None:
            print 'No iLQR solver has been prepared.'
            return None

        #initialization doesn't matter as global optimality can be guaranteed?
        if u_array is None:
            u_init = [np.zeros(self.n_dims_) for i in range(self.T_-1)]
            u_init = u_array
        x_init = np.concatenate([x0, np.zeros(self.n_dims_)])
        res = self.ilqr_.ilqr_iterate(x_init, u_init, n_itrs=n_itrs, tol=tol, verbose=verbose)
        return res['x_array_opt'][:, 0:self.n_dims_]
コード例 #20
ファイル: tm.py プロジェクト: sarah-strauss/autohmm
    def _init_params(self, data, lengths=None, params='stmp'):
        X = data['obs']

        if 's' in params:
            self.startprob_.fill(1.0 / self.n_components)

        if 't' in params or 'm' in params or 'p' in params:

            kmmod = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=self.n_unique,
            kmeans = kmmod.cluster_centers_

        if 't' in params:
            # TODO: estimate transitions from data (!) / consider n_tied=1
            if self.n_tied == 0:
                transmat = np.ones([self.n_components, self.n_components])
                np.fill_diagonal(transmat, 10.0)
                self.transmat_ = transmat  # .90 for self-transition

                transmat = np.zeros((self.n_components, self.n_components))
                         range(self.n_components)] = 100.0  # diagonal
                         range(1, self.n_components)] = 1.0  # diagonal + 1
                transmat[[r * (self.n_chain) - 1
                          for r in range(1, self.n_unique+1)
                          for c in range(self.n_unique-1)],
                         [c * (self.n_chain)
                          for r in range(self.n_unique)
                          for c in range(self.n_unique) if c != r]] = 1.0

                self.transmat_ = np.copy(transmat)

        if 'm' in params:
            mu_init = np.zeros((self.n_unique, self.n_features))
            for u in range(self.n_unique):
                for f in range(self.n_features):
                    mu_init[u][f] = kmeans[u, f]

            self.mu_ = np.copy(mu_init)

        if 'p' in params:
            precision_init = np.zeros((self.n_unique, self.n_features, self.n_features))
            for u in range(self.n_unique):
                if self.n_features == 1:
                    precision_init[u] = np.linalg.inv(np.cov(X[kmmod.labels_ == u], bias = 1))
                    precision_init[u] = np.linalg.inv(np.cov(np.transpose(X[kmmod.labels_ == u])))

            self.precision_ = np.copy(precision_init)
コード例 #21
ファイル: kernels.py プロジェクト: fw0/domain_adapt
def get_dL_dp_thru_xopt(lin_solver, df_dx, d_dp_df_dx, d_dx_df_dx, dL_dxopt, A, b, xopt, p, L_args=None, f_args=None):
    # assumes L(x_opt), x_opt = argmin_x f(x,p) subject to Ax<=b
    # L_args is for arguments to L besides x_opt

    # first, get dL/dws to calculate the gradient at ws1
    if not L_args is None:
        #print 'L_args len:', len(L_args)
        print 'NONE'
    if L_args is None:
        dL_dxopt_anal_val1 = dL_dxopt(xopt) #
#        pdb.set_trace()
        dL_dxopt_anal_val1 = dL_dxopt(xopt, L_args)
    # get tight constraints
    A_tight, b_tight = get_tight_constraints(A, b, xopt)
    num_tight = A_tight.shape[0]

    # make C matrix
#    pdb.set_trace()
    if f_args is None:
        C_corner = d_dx_df_dx(xopt, p)
        C_corner = d_dx_df_dx(xopt, p, f_args)
    C = np.vstack((np.hstack((C_corner,-A_tight.T)), np.hstack((A_tight,np.zeros((num_tight,num_tight))))))
#    print 'C', C
#    print 'C rank', np.linalg.matrix_rank(C), C.shape
#    print 'C corner rank', np.linalg.matrix_rank(C_corner), C_corner.shape
    # make d vector
    d = np.hstack((dL_dxopt_anal_val1, np.zeros(num_tight)))

    # solve Cv=d for x
    v = lin_solver(C, d)
#    print 'v', v
    #print C
    #print d
    print 'solver error:', np.linalg.norm(np.dot(C,v) - d)

    # make D
    if f_args is None:
        d_dp_df_dx_anal_val1 = d_dp_df_dx(p, xopt)
        d_dp_df_dx_anal_val1 = d_dp_df_dx(p, xopt, f_args)
    D = np.vstack((-d_dp_df_dx_anal_val1, np.zeros((num_tight,)+p.shape)))
#    print 'D', D[0:10]

    return np.sum(D.T * v[tuple([np.newaxis for i in xrange(len(p.shape))])+(slice(None),)], axis=-1).T
コード例 #22
ファイル: sequences.py プロジェクト: cpehle/diffmem
def associative_recall(seq_len, vec_size, item_size):
  Implements the associative recall task - section 4.3 from the paper.

  We show between seq_len items, each of which is
  item_size vec_size-bit binary vectors.

  Each item is preceded by a start bit.

  After all the items are shown, a fetch bit is shown.
  Then a randomly chosen item already seen is shown again.
  Then a final fetch bit.

  After the final fetch bit has been seen, the task is to
  reproduce the item that was seen after the item between
  fetch bits.
  input_size  = vec_size + 2
  output_size = vec_size
  length  = (seq_len+1)*(item_size+1) + 1 + item_size
  inputs  = np.zeros((length,input_size),dtype=np.float32)
  outputs = np.zeros((length,output_size),dtype=np.float32)

  start_bit = np.zeros((1,input_size))
  start_bit[0,-2] = 1
  fetch_bit = np.zeros((1,input_size))
  fetch_bit[0,-1] = 1

  # generate seq_len random items
  items = []
  for i in range(seq_len):
    items.append(np.random.randint(2, size=(item_size, vec_size)))
    a = i*(item_size+1)
    b = a + item_size
    inputs[a] = start_bit
    inputs[a+1:b+1,:-2] = items[i]

  # pick an item at random that isn't the last item
  idx = np.random.randint(low=0, high=len(items) - 1)
  fetch_item = items[idx]

  inputs[b+1] = fetch_bit
  inputs[b+2:b+2+item_size, :-2] = fetch_item
  inputs[b+2 + item_size] = fetch_bit
  # choose a random item to be the prompt

  outputs[-items[idx+1].shape[0]:inputs.shape[0]] = items[idx+1]

  return inputs, outputs, seq_len
コード例 #23
ファイル: gaussian.py プロジェクト: mattjj/svae
def pack_dense(A, b, *args):
    '''Used for packing Gaussian natural parameters and statistics into a dense
    ndarray so that we can use tensordot for all the linear contraction ops.'''
    # we don't use a symmetric embedding because factors of 1/2 on h are a pain
    leading_dim, N = b.shape[:-1], b.shape[-1]
    z1, z2 = np.zeros(leading_dim + (N, 1)), np.zeros(leading_dim + (1, 1))
    c, d = args if args else (z2, z2)

    A = A[...,None] * np.eye(N)[None,...] if A.ndim == b.ndim else A
    b = b[...,None]
    c, d = np.reshape(c, leading_dim + (1, 1)), np.reshape(d, leading_dim + (1, 1))

    return vs(( hs(( A,     b,  z1 )),
                hs(( T(z1), c,  z2 )),
                hs(( T(z1), z2, d  ))))
コード例 #24
ファイル: optimizers.py プロジェクト: karthiknrao/autograd
def adam(grad, x, callback=None, num_iters=100,
         step_size=0.001, b1=0.1, b2=0.0001, eps = 10**-8):
    """Adam as described in http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980.pdf.
    It's basically RMSprop with momentum and some correction terms."""
    m = np.zeros(len(x))
    v = np.zeros(len(x))
    for i in range(num_iters):
        g = grad(x, i)
        if callback: callback(x, i, g)
        m = b1 * g      + (1 - b1) * m     # First  moment estimate.
        v = b2 * (g**2) + (1 - b2) * v      # Second moment estimate.
        mhat = m / (1 - (1 - b1)**(i + 1))  # Bias correction.
        vhat = v / (1 - (1 - b2)**(i + 1))
        x -= step_size*mhat/(np.sqrt(vhat) + eps)
    return x
コード例 #25
ファイル: test_jacobian.py プロジェクト: thearn/adcomponent
    def test_linear_system(self):
        Tests taking the derivative across a linear system solve

        def linsolve(params):
            A, B = params
            return np.linalg.solve(A, B)

        B = np.array([1.0, 3.0])
        A = np.array([[5.0, 2.0],[1.0, 3.0]])
        df = jacobian(linsolve)

        diff = df([A, B])

        Ainv = np.linalg.inv(A)
        x = np.linalg.solve(A, B)

        assert np.linalg.norm(diff[0][1] - Ainv[0]) < 1e-10
        assert np.linalg.norm(diff[1][1] - Ainv[1]) < 1e-10

        dr_da = np.zeros((2,4))
        dr_da[0, 0:2] = x
        dr_da[1, 2:] = x

        df_fa = np.linalg.solve(A, -dr_da)
        assert np.linalg.norm(df_fa[0] - diff[0][0].flatten()) < 1e-10
        assert np.linalg.norm(df_fa[1] - diff[1][0].flatten()) < 1e-10
コード例 #26
ファイル: integrate.py プロジェクト: HIPS/autograd
    def vjp_all(g):
        vjp_y = g[-1, :]
        vjp_t0 = 0
        time_vjp_list = []
        vjp_args = np.zeros(np.size(flat_args))
        for i in range(T - 1, 0, -1):

            # Compute effect of moving measurement time.
            vjp_cur_t = np.dot(func(yt[i, :], t[i], *func_args), g[i, :])
            vjp_t0 = vjp_t0 - vjp_cur_t

            # Run augmented system backwards to the previous observation.
            aug_y0 = np.hstack((yt[i, :], vjp_y, vjp_t0, vjp_args))
            aug_ans = odeint(augmented_dynamics, aug_y0,
                             np.array([t[i], t[i - 1]]), tuple((flat_args,)), **kwargs)
            _, vjp_y, vjp_t0, vjp_args = unpack(aug_ans[1])

            # Add gradient from current output.
            vjp_y = vjp_y + g[i - 1, :]

        vjp_times = np.hstack(time_vjp_list)[::-1]

        return None, vjp_y, vjp_times, unflatten(vjp_args)
コード例 #27
ファイル: quasar_sample_basis.py プロジェクト: HIPS/DESI-MCMC
def gen_prior(K_chol, sig2_omega, sig2_mu):
        th = np.zeros(parser.N)
        N = parser.idxs_and_shapes['mus'][1][0]
        parser.set(th, 'betas', K_chol.dot(npr.randn(len(lam0), K)).T)
        parser.set(th, 'omegas', np.sqrt(sig2_omega) * npr.randn(N, K))
        parser.set(th, 'mus', np.sqrt(sig2_mu) * npr.randn(N))
        return th
コード例 #28
ファイル: student.py プロジェクト: sarah-strauss/autohmm
        def multivariate_t_rvs(self, m, S, random_state = None):
            '''generate random variables of multivariate t distribution
            m : array_like
                mean of random variable, length determines dimension of random variable
            S : array_like
                square array of covariance  matrix
            df : int or float
                degrees of freedom
            n : int
                number of observations, return random array will be (n, len(m))
            random_state : int
            rvs : ndarray, (n, len(m))
                each row is an independent draw of a multivariate t distributed
                random variable
            m = np.asarray(m)
            d = self.n_features
            df = self.degree_freedom
            n = 1
            if df == np.inf:
                x = 1.
                x = random_state.chisquare(df, n)/df

            z = random_state.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(d),S,(n,))
            return m + z/np.sqrt(x)[:,None]
コード例 #29
ファイル: Fa.py プロジェクト: verajohne/Autoencoding_SEP
	def get_marginal(self, u, V, R, x_test):
		current metric to test convergence-- log space
		predictive marginal likelihood
		I = self.sigx*np.identity(self.dimx)
		mu = np.zeros(self.dimx,)
		n_samples = 200
		ll = 0
		test_size = x_test.shape[0]
		for i in xrange(test_size):
			x = x_test[i]
			mc = 0
			for j in xrange(n_samples):
				w = self.sample_w(u, V)
				var = np.dot(w, np.transpose(w))
				var = np.add(var, I)
				px = gaussian.Gaussian_full(mu, var)
				px = px.eval(x)#eval_log_properly(x)
				mc = mc + px
			mc = mc/float(n_samples)
			mc = np.log(mc)
			ll += mc
		return (ll/float(test_size))
コード例 #30
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: Cubix651/neuralnetwork
def read_cifar_set(path):
    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
        d = cPickle.load(f)
        vectorized_labels = np.zeros((len(d['labels']), 10))
        for no, label in enumerate(d['labels']):
            vectorized_labels[no][label] = 1.
        return d['data'], vectorized_labels
コード例 #31
    def outputs(weights,
        update_x_weights = parser.get(weights, 'update_x_weights')
        update_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'update_h_weights')
        reset_x_weights = parser.get(weights, 'reset_x_weights')
        reset_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'reset_h_weights')
        thidden_x_weights = parser.get(weights, 'thidden_x_weights')
        thidden_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'thidden_h_weights')
        output_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'output_h_weights')
        data_count = len(fence_set) - 1
        feat_count = input_set.shape[0]

        ll = 0.0
        n_i_track = -1
        fence_base = fence_set[0]
        interval = fence_set[1] - fence_set[0]
        pred_set = None

        if return_pred_set:
            pred_set = np.zeros(
                (output_count, int(input_set.shape[1] / interval)))
            print('Prediction set sized ', pred_set.shape)

        # loop through sequences and time steps
        for data_iter in range(data_count):

            # print('Executing iteration %d'%data_iter)

            hiddens = copy(parser.get(weights, 'init_hiddens'))

            fence_post_1 = fence_set[data_iter] - fence_base
            fence_post_2 = fence_set[data_iter + 1] - fence_base
            time_count = fence_post_2 - fence_post_1
            curr_input = input_set[:, fence_post_1:fence_post_2]

            for time_iter in range(time_count):
                hiddens = update(
                    np.expand_dims(np.hstack((curr_input[:, time_iter], 1)),
                                   axis=0), hiddens, update_x_weights,
                    update_h_weights, reset_x_weights, reset_h_weights,
                    thidden_x_weights, thidden_h_weights)

            n_i_track += 1

            if output_set is not None:
                # subtract a small number so -1
                out_proba = softmax_sigmoid(np.dot(hiddens, output_h_weights))
                out_lproba = safe_log(out_proba)
                ll += np.sum(output_set[:, n_i_track] * out_lproba)
                out_proba = softmax_sigmoid(np.dot(hiddens, output_h_weights))
                out_lproba = safe_log(out_proba)

            if return_pred_set:
                agm = np.argmax(out_lproba[0])
                pred_set[agm, n_i_track] = int(1)

        return ll, pred_set
コード例 #32
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the storage containers and parameters relevant for experience replay.
		param_set --  dictionary of parameters which must contain:
			PER_alpha -- hyperparameter governing how much prioritization is used
			PER_beta_zero -- importance sampling parameter initial value
			bnn_start -- number of timesteps before sample will be drawn; i.e the minimum partition size (necessary if buffer_type=='BNN')
			dqn_start -- same as dqn_start (necessary if buffer_type=='Qnetwork')
			episode_count -- number of episodes
			instance_count -- number of instances
			max_task_examples -- maximum number of timesteps per episode
			ddqn_batch_size -- minibatch size for DQN updates (necessary if buffer_type=='Qnetwork')
			bnn_batch_size -- minibatch size for BNN updates (necessary if buffer_type=='BNN')
			num_strata_samples -- number of samples to be drawn from each strata in the prioritized replay buffer
			general_num_partitions -- number of partitions for general experience buffer
			instance_num_partitions -- number of partitions for instance experience buffer

		Keyword arguments:
		buffer_size -- maximum capacity of the experience buffer (default: 200000)
		buffer_type -- string indicating whether experience replay is for training a DQN or a BNN (either 'Qnetwork' or 'BNN'; default: 'Qnetwork')
		mem_priority -- boolean indicating whether the experience replay should be prioritized (default: True)
		general -- boolean indicating if the experience replay is for collecting experiences over multiple instances or a single (default: False)
        # Extract/Set relevant parameters
        self.mem_priority = mem_priority
        self.alpha = param_set['PER_alpha']
        self.beta_zero = param_set['PER_beta_zero']
        self.capacity = buffer_size
        self.is_full = False
        self.index = 0  # Index number in priority queue where next transition should be inserted
        self.size = 0  # Current size of experience replay buffer
        if buffer_type == 'Qnetwork':
            self.num_init_train = param_set['dqn_start']
            self.tot_steps = param_set['episode_count'] * param_set[
            self.batch_size = param_set['ddqn_batch_size']
        elif buffer_type == 'BNN':
            self.num_init_train = param_set['bnn_start']
            self.tot_steps = (
                param_set['episode_count'] *
                param_set['instance_count']) * param_set['max_task_examples']
            self.batch_size = param_set['bnn_batch_size']
        self.beta_grad = (1 - self.beta_zero) / (self.tot_steps -
        self.num_strata_samples = param_set['num_strata_samples']
        # Note: at least one partition must be completely filled in order for the sampling procedure to work
        self.num_partitions = self.capacity / (1.0 * self.num_init_train)
        # Initialize experience buffer
        self.exp_buffer = []
        # Initialize rank priority distributions and stratified sampling cutoffs if needed
        if self.mem_priority:
            # Initialize Priority Queue (will be implemented as a binary heap)
            self.pq = PriorityQueue(capacity=buffer_size)
            self.distributions = {}
            partition_num = 1
            partition_division = self.capacity / self.num_partitions
            for n in np.arange(partition_division, self.capacity + 0.1,
                # Set up power-law PDF and CDF
                distribution = {}
                distribution['pdf'] = np.power(np.linspace(1, n, n),
                                               -1 * self.alpha)
                pdf_sum = np.sum(distribution['pdf'])
                distribution['pdf'] = distribution['pdf'] / float(
                    pdf_sum)  # Normalise PDF
                cdf = np.cumsum(distribution['pdf'])
                # Set up strata for stratified sampling (transitions will have varying TD-error magnitudes)
                distribution['strata_ends'] = np.zeros(self.batch_size + 1)
                distribution['strata_ends'][0] = 0  # First index is 0 (+1)
                    self.batch_size] = n  # Last index is n
                # Use linear search to find strata indices
                stratum = 1.0 / self.batch_size
                index = 0
                for s in range(1, self.batch_size):
                    if cdf[index] >= stratum:
                        index += 1
                    while cdf[index] < stratum:
                        index = index + 1
                    distribution['strata_ends'][s] = index
                    stratum = stratum + 1.0 / self.batch_size  # Set condition for next stratum
                # Store distribution
                self.distributions[partition_num] = distribution
                partition_num = partition_num + 1
コード例 #33
ファイル: testBay.py プロジェクト: brendancooley/tpsp
theta_dict["c_hat"] = .2
theta_dict["sigma_epsilon"] = 1
theta_dict["gamma"] = .1

pecmy = policies.policies(data, params, b, rcv_path=rcvPath)
b_k1 = np.array([.7, 0, .5, .2, 1, .3])

out = pecmy.est_loop(b_k1, theta_dict)

# Loss seemed monotonically decreasing in c... 1.76 - 1.39, why?
# probably has to do with a lot of countries sitting at upper bound of preference parameter...loosening constraints makes policies more realistic

# out_dict = pecmy.est_loop(b_init, theta_dict_init, est_c=True)
rcv = np.zeros(
    (pecmy.N, pecmy.N
     ))  # empty regime change value matrix (row's value for invading column)
for i in range(pecmy.N):
    b_nearest = hp.find_nearest(b_init, b[i])
    rcv[i, ] = pecmy.rcv[b_nearest][i, ]


# start_time = time.time()
# out_dict = pecmy.est_loop(b_init, theta_dict_init)
# print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

if not os.path.exists(resultsPath + "estimates_sv.csv"):

    theta_dict_init = dict()
コード例 #34
 def default_gradient(x):
     return np.zeros(input_dim)
コード例 #35
def main():

    # Create initial condition.

    u = np.ones(nx)

    # Apply the step condition.

    u[int(.5 / dx):int(1 / dx + 1)] = 2

    # Print initial condition.

    un = np.ones(nx)

    # Prepare the residue vector.

    rhs = np.zeros(nx)

    # Iterate the solution and monitor the eigenvalues.

    for n in range(nt):

        # Dump iteration count.

        print(" +++ Time: " + str(n) + " +++")

        # Copy the solution of the explicit time marching scheme.

        un = u.copy()

        # Separate the residue.

        rhs = frhs_vec(un, nu, dx)

        # March the residue.

        u = un + dt * rhs

        # Computes the derivative of the residues with respect to the solution vector.

        eps = 0.0001

        drhs_du = np.zeros(
            (nx - 1, nx -
             1))  # In order to take the eigenvalues, this shall be a matrix.

        # This loop computes the jacobian matrix according to http://www.netlib.org/math/docpdf/ch08-04.pdf

        for i in range(1, nx - 1):
            for j in range(1, nx - 1):
                        j] = (frhs(un[i - 1] + eps, un[i] + eps,
                                   un[i + 1] + eps, dx, nu) -
                              frhs(un[j - 1], un[j], un[j + 1], dx, nu)) / eps

        # Build the Hirsch matrix (chap 8).

        s_m = np.zeros((nx - 1, nx - 1))

        # Fill the diagonals

        s_m = (nu / dx**2.0) * create_diagonal(1.0, -2.0, 1.0, nx - 1)

        # Solve the eigenvalues.

        w1, v1 = np.linalg.eig(drhs_du)
        w2, v2 = np.linalg.eig(s_m)

        # Prepare the plots.

        real1 = np.zeros(nx)
        imag1 = np.zeros(nx)

        real1 = -np.sort(-w1.real[:])
        imag1 = -np.sort(-w1.imag[:])

        real2 = np.zeros(nx)
        imag2 = np.zeros(nx)

        real2 = -np.sort(-w2.real[:])
        imag2 = -np.sort(-w2.imag[:])

        print("Minimun eigenvalues (Frechet): Real(eig): ", min(real1),
              " Imaginary: Imag(eig): ", min(imag1))
        print("Maximun eigenvalues (Frechet): Real(eig): ", max(real1),
              " Imaginary: Imag(eig): ", max(imag1))
        print("Minimun eigenvalues (Hirsch ): Real(eig): ", min(real2),
              " Imaginary: Imag(eig): ", min(imag2))
        print("Maximun eigenvalues (Hirsch ): Real(eig): ", max(real2),
              " Imaginary: Imag(eig): ", max(imag2))

    # Print both matrices.


    # plot the eigenvalues.

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(11, 11))
    ax[0].plot(imag1, real1, 'ro')
    ax[0].set(ylabel='Real(Eig)', xlabel='Imag(Eig)')
    ax[0].set_xlim(-0.06, 0.06)
    # ax[0].set_ylim(-70.0,10.0)

    ax[1].plot(imag2, real2, 'ro')
    ax[1].set(ylabel='Real(Eig)', xlabel='Imag(Eig)')
    ax[1].set_xlim(-0.06, 0.06)
    # ax[1].set_ylim(-70.0,10.0)

    ax[2].plot(np.linspace(0, 2, nx), u)
    ax[2].set(xlabel='x', ylabel='u')

    image_name = str(n) + "image" + ".png"

コード例 #36
ファイル: gaussian.py プロジェクト: andreas-koukorinis/KCEF
 def quad_part(self, Y, beta, lmbda, K):
     N, d = Y.shape
     if K is None:
         K = np.ones([1, N])
     return np.zeros([d, d, K.shape[0]])
コード例 #37
import autograd.numpy as np
from autograd import grad
import scipy.stats as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def pDist(z):
    return np.exp(-z**2)*((1+np.exp(-10*z-3))**-1)

def dUdz(z,e):
    return (pDist(z+e)-pDist(z))/e
smpls=50000; burnin=100000; total=smpls+burnin;

z = np.empty(total); z[0] = 0;
r = np.empty(total); r[0] = 0;
accept = np.zeros(total);
ratio = np.zeros(total);

unif_RV = np.random.uniform(size=total)

eps = np.array([0.005,0.01,0.1,0.2,0.5, 1]);
e = 5; eps1 = eps[e];
L = 10; # leapgrog steps 
M = np.array([1]); s = np.float(M[0]) # mass definition matrix
#accRatio = np.zeros((len(eps)))

for i in np.arange(0,total-1):
    r[i] = np.random.normal(0,s) 
    Kr = (1/2)*r[i]**2*(s**(-1)) # kinetic energy
    Uz = -np.log(pDist(z[i])) # potential energ
コード例 #38
def e_step(sigma,X, mask_var, mask_samp,n_ul = 0):

    E step for MTL algorithm.
    n = X.shape[0]
    n_tr = np.size(np.where(mask_samp == False)[0])-n_ul

    mask_var_c = ((mask_var+1)%2).astype(bool)
    mask_samp_c = ((mask_samp+1)%2).astype(bool)
    if n_ul>0:
        mask_samp_c[0:n_ul] = False

    sigma_obs = sigma[mask_var].T[mask_var].T
    sigma_cond = sigma[mask_var].T[mask_var_c].T
    mat_prod = sigma_cond.T.dot(np.linalg.inv(sigma_obs))

    mu_upd =mat_prod.dot(X[mask_samp_c].T[mask_var])
    m = mask_samp_c[:,None]*mask_var_c[None,:]

    X[m] = mu_upd.T.flatten()        
    #compute sigma
    sigma_miss = sigma[mask_var_c].T[mask_var_c].T
    sigma_upd = sigma_miss - mat_prod.dot(sigma_cond)

    #print sigma_upd

    if n_ul>0:

        mask_vul = np.copy(mask_var)
        mask_vul[0] = False
        mask_vul[1:] = True

        mask_vul_c = ((mask_vul+1)%2).astype(bool)
        sigma_obs_ul = sigma[mask_vul].T[mask_vul].T
        sigma_cond_ul = sigma[mask_vul].T[mask_vul_c].T

        mask_samp_ul = np.zeros(mask_samp.shape,dtype = bool)
        mask_samp_ul[0:n_ul] = True
        mat_prod_ul = sigma_cond_ul.T.dot(np.linalg.inv(sigma_obs_ul))
        mu_upd =mat_prod_ul.dot(X[mask_samp_ul].T[mask_vul])

        m = mask_samp_ul[:,None]*mask_vul_c[None,:]
        #X[m] =-0.65768#
        #X[m] = ex.flatten()#
        X[m] = mu_upd.T.flatten()

        #X[0:n_ul,0] = ex.flatten()
        sigma_miss_ul = sigma[mask_vul_c].T[mask_vul_c].T
        sigma_upd_ul = sigma_miss_ul - mat_prod_ul.dot(sigma_cond_ul)
        m_ul = mask_vul_c[:,None]*mask_vul_c[None,:]

    sigma_new = np.cov(X.T)

    m = mask_var_c[:,None]*mask_var_c[None,:]
    sigma_new[m] += sigma_upd.flatten()*n_tr/float(n)

    if n_ul>0:
        sigma_new[m_ul] +=n_ul/float(n)*sigma_upd_ul.flatten()

    return sigma_new
コード例 #39
 def pad_tensor(self,tensor,kernel_size):
     odd_nums = np.array([int(2*n + 1) for n in range(100)])
     pad_val = np.argwhere(odd_nums == kernel_size)[0][0]
     tensor_padded = np.zeros((np.shape(tensor)[0], np.shape(tensor)[1] + 2*pad_val,np.shape(tensor)[2] + 2*pad_val))
     tensor_padded[:,pad_val:-pad_val,pad_val:-pad_val] = tensor
     return tensor_padded    
コード例 #40
 def make_niw_natparam(n):
     if not random:
         nu, S, mu, kappa = n+10., (n+10.)*np.eye(n), np.zeros(n), 10.
         nu, S, mu, kappa = n+4.+npr.rand(), (n+npr.rand())*np.eye(n), npr.randn(n), npr.rand()
     return niw.standard_to_natural(nu, S, mu, kappa)
コード例 #41

############################ Data for prediction likelihood plot

epsilons = np.geomspace(0.1, 10, 5)
iter_sigmas = np.empty(len(epsilons))
for i, epsilon in enumerate(epsilons):
    iter_sigmas[i] = find_sigma_act(epsilon, 1e-3, T, q)[0]

iter_sigmas = np.array([0.27, 0.34, 0.48, 1.05, 2.0])

n_ave = 5
pred_likes = np.zeros([len(iter_sigmas), n_ave])
for i, sigma in enumerate(iter_sigmas):
    print sigma
    for n in range(n_ave):
        print n
        par = dp_advi(data, logl, logprior, T, start, C, B, eta, sigma, k)
        pred_likes[i, n] = pred_like(par, test_data, k)

np_pred_likes = []
np_T = 2000
np_eta = 0.01
for n in range(n_ave):
    print n
    par = dp_advi(data, logl, logprior, np_T, start, C, B, np_eta, 0, k)
    np_pred_likes.append(pred_like(par, test_data, k))
コード例 #42
def save_images(fake_data, igp_data, real_data, out_dir, nm, dsc_params, iter):
    # plot igp objective, dimension 1
    binsize = (max(igp_data.T[0]) - min(igp_data.T[0])) / 100
             bins=np.arange(min(igp_data.T[0]), max(igp_data.T[0]), binsize),
             bins=np.arange(min(igp_data.T[0]), max(igp_data.T[0]), binsize),
    plt.ylabel('Histogram counts (Dimension 1)')
    plt.title('Generated X (blue) vs. IGP (green)')
    plt.savefig(out_dir + 'gan_samples_X_IGP_' + nm + '_d1.png')

    # plot igp objective, dimension 2
    binsize = (max(igp_data.T[1]) - min(igp_data.T[1])) / 100
             bins=np.arange(min(igp_data.T[1]), max(igp_data.T[1]), binsize),
             bins=np.arange(min(igp_data.T[1]), max(igp_data.T[1]), binsize),
    plt.ylabel('Histogram counts (Dimension 2)')
    plt.title('Generated X (blue) vs. IGP (green)')
    plt.savefig(out_dir + 'gan_samples_X_IGP_' + nm + '_d2.png')

    if iter % 10 == 0:
        g = sns.jointplot(x=fake_data.T[0],
        sns.kdeplot(real_data.T[0], real_data.T[1], ax=g.ax_joint)

        rmin = np.array([-61, -41])
        rmax = np.array([41, 61])
        dsc_bins = np.zeros((103, 103))
        for _i in range(rmin[0], rmax[0]):
            for _j in range(rmin[1], rmax[1]):
                query_pt = np.array([_i, _j])
                val = neural_net_predict_dsc(query_pt, dsc_params)[0]
                dsc_bins[_i + 61][_j + 41] = val

        norm = Normalize(vmin=min(dsc_bins.flatten()),

                          extent=[-51, 51, -51, 51],

        g.ax_marg_x.set_title('Critic: Red = Real, Yellow = Fake')
        plt.savefig(out_dir + 'gan_samples_X_' + nm + '.png')

コード例 #43
    def apply_poly(self, x_poly, lst_poly):
        res = Poly()

        no_neurons = len(x_poly.lw)

        res.lw = np.zeros(no_neurons)
        res.up = np.zeros(no_neurons)

        res.le = np.zeros([no_neurons, no_neurons + 1])
        res.ge = np.zeros([no_neurons, no_neurons + 1])

        if self.func == relu:
            for i in range(no_neurons):
                if x_poly.up[i] <= 0:
                elif x_poly.lw[i] >= 0:
                    res.le[i, i] = 1
                    res.ge[i, i] = 1

                    res.lw[i] = x_poly.lw[i]
                    res.up[i] = x_poly.up[i]
                    res.le[i, i] = x_poly.up[i] / (x_poly.up[i] - x_poly.lw[i])
                           -1] = -x_poly.up[i] * x_poly.lw[i] / (x_poly.up[i] -

                    lam = 0 if x_poly.up[i] <= -x_poly.lw[i] else 1

                    res.ge[i, i] = lam
                    res.lw[i] = 0  # it seems safe to set lw = 0 anyway
                    # res.lw[i] = lam * x_poly.lw[i] # notice: mnist_relu_5_10.tf
                    res.up[i] = x_poly.up[i]

        elif self.func == sigmoid:
            res.lw = sigmoid(x_poly.lw)
            res.up = sigmoid(x_poly.up)

            for i in range(no_neurons):
                if x_poly.lw[i] == x_poly.up[i]:
                    res.le[i][-1] = res.lw[i]
                    res.ge[i][-1] = res.lw[i]
                    if x_poly.lw[i] > 0:
                        lam1 = (res.up[i] - res.lw[i]) / (x_poly.up[i] -
                        if x_poly.up[i] <= 0:
                            lam2 = lam1
                            ll = sigmoid(
                                x_poly.lw[i]) * (1 - sigmoid(x_poly.lw[i]))
                            uu = sigmoid(
                                x_poly.up[i]) * (1 - sigmoid(x_poly.up[i]))
                            lam2 = min(ll, uu)
                        ll = sigmoid(
                            x_poly.lw[i]) * (1 - sigmoid(x_poly.lw[i]))
                        uu = sigmoid(
                            x_poly.up[i]) * (1 - sigmoid(x_poly.up[i]))
                        lam1 = min(ll, uu)
                        if x_poly.up[i] <= 0:
                            lam2 = (res.up[i] - res.lw[i]) / (x_poly.up[i] -
                            lam2 = lam1

                    res.ge[i, i] = lam1
                    res.ge[i, -1] = res.lw[i] - lam1 * x_poly.lw[i]

                    res.le[i, i] = lam2
                    res.le[i, -1] = res.up[i] - lam2 * x_poly.up[i]

        elif self.func == tanh:
            res.lw = tanh(x_poly.lw)
            res.up = tanh(x_poly.up)

            for i in range(no_neurons):
                if x_poly.lw[i] == x_poly.up[i]:
                    res.le[i][-1] = res.lw[i]
                    res.ge[i][-1] = res.lw[i]
                    if x_poly.lw[i] > 0:
                        lam1 = (res.up[i] - res.lw[i]) / (x_poly.up[i] -
                        if x_poly.up[i] <= 0:
                            lam2 = lam1
                            ll = 1 - pow(tanh(x_poly.lw[i]), 2)
                            uu = 1 - pow(tanh(x_poly.up[i]), 2)
                            lam2 = min(ll, uu)
                        ll = 1 - pow(tanh(x_poly.lw[i]), 2)
                        uu = 1 - pow(tanh(x_poly.up[i]), 2)
                        lam1 = min(ll, uu)
                        if x_poly.up[i] <= 0:
                            lam2 = (res.up[i] - res.lw[i]) / (x_poly.up[i] -
                            lam2 = lam1

                    res.ge[i, i] = lam1
                    res.ge[i, -1] = res.lw[i] - lam1 * x_poly.lw[i]

                    res.le[i, i] = lam2
                    res.le[i, -1] = res.up[i] - lam2 * x_poly.up[i]

        return res
コード例 #44
def ord_params_GLLVM(y_ord, nj_ord, lambda_ord_old, ps_y, pzl1_ys, zl1_s, AT,\
                     tol = 1E-5, maxstep = 100):
    ''' Determine the GLLVM coefficients related to ordinal coefficients by 
    optimizing each column coefficients separately.
    y_ord (numobs x nb_ord nd-array): The ordinal data
    nj_ord (list of int): The number of modalities for each ord variable
    lambda_ord_old (list of nb_ord_j x (nj_ord + r1) elements): The ordinal coefficients
                                                        of the previous iteration
    ps_y ((numobs, S) nd-array): p(s | y) for all s in Omega
    pzl1_ys (nd-array): p(z1 | y, s)
    zl1_s ((M1, r1, s1) nd-array): z1 | s 
    AT ((r1 x r1) nd-array): Var(z1)^{-1/2}
    tol (int): Control when to stop the optimisation process
    maxstep (int): The maximum number of optimization step.
    returns (list of nb_ord_j x (nj_ord + r1) elements): The new ordinal coefficients
    # Ordinal link parameters

    r0 = zl1_s.shape[1]
    S0 = zl1_s.shape[2]
    nb_ord = len(nj_ord)

    new_lambda_ord = []

    for j in range(nb_ord):
        #enc = OneHotEncoder(categories='auto')
        enc = OneHotEncoder(categories=[list(range(nj_ord[j]))])

        y_oh = enc.fit_transform(y_ord[:, j][..., n_axis]).toarray()

        # Define the constraints such that the threshold coefficients are ordered
        nb_constraints = nj_ord[j] - 2

        if nb_constraints > 0:
            nb_params = nj_ord[j] + r0 - 1

            lcs = np.full(nb_constraints, -1)
            lcs = np.diag(lcs, 1)
            np.fill_diagonal(lcs, 1)

            lcs = np.hstack([lcs[:nb_constraints, :], \
                    np.zeros([nb_constraints, nb_params - (nb_constraints + 1)])])

            linear_constraint = LinearConstraint(lcs, np.full(nb_constraints, -np.inf), \
                                np.full(nb_constraints, 0), keep_feasible = True)

            opt = minimize(ord_loglik_j, lambda_ord_old[j] ,\
                    args = (y_oh, zl1_s, S0, ps_y, pzl1_ys, nj_ord[j]),
                    tol = tol, method='trust-constr',  jac = ord_grad_j, \
                    constraints = linear_constraint, hess = '2-point',\
                        options = {'maxiter': maxstep})

        else:  # For Nj = 2, only 2 - 1 = 1 intercept coefficient: no constraint
            opt = minimize(ord_loglik_j, lambda_ord_old[j], \
                    args = (y_oh, zl1_s, S0, ps_y, pzl1_ys, nj_ord[j]), \
                           tol = tol, method='BFGS', jac = ord_grad_j,
                           options = {'maxiter': maxstep})

        res = opt.x
        if not (opt.success
                ):  # If the program fail, keep the old estimate as value
            res = lambda_ord_old[j]
            warnings.warn('One of the ordinal optimisations has failed',

        # Ensure identifiability for Lambda_j
        new_lambda_ord_j = (res[-r0:].reshape(1, r0) @ AT[0]).flatten()
        new_lambda_ord_j = np.hstack(
            [deepcopy(res[:nj_ord[j] - 1]), new_lambda_ord_j])

    return new_lambda_ord
コード例 #45
 def init_niw_natparam(N):
     nu, S, m, kappa = N+niw_conc, (N+niw_conc)*np.eye(N), np.zeros(N), niw_conc
     m = m + random_scale * npr.randn(*m.shape)
     return niw.standard_to_natural(S, m, kappa, nu)
コード例 #46
if 3 in parts:
    print('PART 3')

    # c/d
    def forward(x, w):
        p = np.exp(np.dot(x, w))
        p = p / p.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return p

    def ce_grad_mean(x, y, p):
        return 1 / len(x) * np.dot(x.T, (p - y))

    epochs = 50
    batch_size = 32
    w = np.zeros((784, 10))
    for _ in tqdm(range(epochs)):
        for batch in range(0, len(train_images), batch_size):
            x = train_images[batch:batch + batch_size]
            y = train_labels[batch:batch + batch_size]
            p = forward(x, w)
            w -= 0.001 * ce_grad_mean(x, y, p)
    p_train = forward(train_images, w)
    p_test = forward(test_images, w)
    avg_logp_train = average_logp(p_train, train_labels)
    avg_logp_test = average_logp(p_test, test_labels)
    avg_acc_train = average_accuracy(p_train, train_labels)
    avg_acc_test = average_accuracy(p_test, test_labels)
    metrics = [
        'Average training log likelihood: %g' % avg_logp_train,
        'Average test log likelihood: %g' % avg_logp_test,
コード例 #47
def hom_2d_to_3d(pts):
    pts = np.insert(pts, 2, np.zeros(pts.shape[1]), 0)
    return pts
            # Initialize weights
            rs = npr.RandomState()
            W = rs.randn(N_weights) * param_scale

            print("    Epoch      |    Train err  |   Test error  ")

            def print_perf(epoch, W):
                test_perf = frac_err(W, test_musics, test_labels)
                train_perf = frac_err(W, train_musics, train_labels)
                print("{0:15}|{1:15}|{2:15}".format(epoch, train_perf,

            # Train with sgd
            batch_idxs = make_batches(N_data, batch_size)
            cur_dir = np.zeros(N_weights)

            for epoch in range(num_epochs):
                print_perf(epoch, W)
                for idxs in batch_idxs:
                    grad_W = loss_grad(W, train_musics[idxs],
                    cur_dir = momentum * cur_dir + (1.0 - momentum) * grad_W
                    W -= learning_rate * cur_dir

            test_perf = frac_err(W, test_musics, test_labels)
            if test_perf < test_perf_optim:  #updating optimal paramaters
                print('NEW OPTIMUM')
                print(L2_reg, neurone_number, learning_rate)
                test_perf_optim = test_perf
                params_optim = L2_reg, neurone_number, learning_rate
コード例 #49
ファイル: hmm.py プロジェクト: rinpoche-peregrine/ssm
    def sample(self, T, prefix=None, input=None, tag=None, with_noise=True):
        Sample synthetic data from the model. Optionally, condition on a given
        prefix (preceding discrete states and data).

        T : int
            number of time steps to sample

        prefix : (zpre, xpre)
            Optional prefix of discrete states (zpre) and continuous states (xpre)
            zpre must be an array of integers taking values 0...num_states-1.
            xpre must be an array of the same length that has preceding observations.

        input : (T, input_dim) array_like
            Optional inputs to specify for sampling

        tag : object
            Optional tag indicating which "type" of sampled data

        with_noise : bool
            Whether or not to sample data with noise.

        z_sample : array_like of type int
            Sequence of sampled discrete states

        x_sample : (T x observation_dim) array_like
            Array of sampled data
        K = self.K
        D = (self.D, ) if isinstance(self.D, int) else self.D
        M = (self.M, ) if isinstance(self.M, int) else self.M
        assert isinstance(D, tuple)
        assert isinstance(M, tuple)
        assert T > 0

        # Check the inputs
        if input is not None:
            assert input.shape == (T, ) + M

        # Get the type of the observations
        dummy_data = self.observations.sample_x(0, np.empty(0, ) + D)
        dtype = dummy_data.dtype

        # Initialize the data array
        if prefix is None:
            # No prefix is given.  Sample the initial state as the prefix.
            pad = 1
            z = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
            data = np.zeros((T, ) + D, dtype=dtype)
            input = np.zeros((T, ) + M) if input is None else input
            mask = np.ones((T, ) + D, dtype=bool)

            # Sample the first state from the initial distribution
            pi0 = self.init_state_distn.initial_state_distn
            z[0] = npr.choice(self.K, p=pi0)
            data[0] = self.observations.sample_x(z[0],

            # We only need to sample T-1 datapoints now
            T = T - 1

            # Check that the prefix is of the right type
            zpre, xpre = prefix
            pad = len(zpre)
            assert zpre.dtype == int and zpre.min() >= 0 and zpre.max() < K
            assert xpre.shape == (pad, ) + D

            # Construct the states, data, inputs, and mask arrays
            z = np.concatenate((zpre, np.zeros(T, dtype=int)))
            data = np.concatenate((xpre, np.zeros((T, ) + D, dtype)))
            input = np.zeros((T + pad, ) +
                             M) if input is None else np.concatenate(
                                 (np.zeros((pad, ) + M), input))
            mask = np.ones((T + pad, ) + D, dtype=bool)

        # Convert the discrete states to the range (1, ..., K_total)
        m = self.state_map
        K_total = len(m)
        _, starts = np.unique(m, return_index=True)
        z = starts[z]

        # Fill in the rest of the data
        for t in range(pad, pad + T):
            Pt = self.transitions.transition_matrices(data[t - 1:t + 1],
                                                      input[t - 1:t + 1],
                                                      mask=mask[t - 1:t + 1],
            z[t] = npr.choice(K_total, p=Pt[z[t - 1]])
            data[t] = self.observations.sample_x(m[z[t]],

        # Collapse the states
        z = m[z]

        # Return the whole data if no prefix is given.
        # Otherwise, just return the simulated part.
        if prefix is None:
            return z, data
            return z[pad:], data[pad:]
コード例 #50
    def sample(self, n_samples=2000, observed_states=None, random_state=None):
        """Generate random samples from the self.

        n : int
            Number of samples to generate.

        observed_states : array
            If provided, states are not sampled.

        random_state: RandomState or an int seed
            A random number generator instance. If None is given, the
            object's random_state is used

        samples : array_like, length (``n_samples``)
                  List of samples

        states : array_like, shape (``n_samples``)
                 List of hidden states (accounting for tied states by giving
                 them the same index)
        if random_state is None:
            random_state = self.random_state
        random_state = check_random_state(random_state)

        samples = np.zeros(n_samples)
        states = np.zeros(n_samples)

        if observed_states is None:
            startprob_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_startprob))
            startdist = stats.rv_discrete(
                values=(np.arange(startprob_pdf.shape[0]), startprob_pdf),
            states[0] = startdist.rvs(size=1)[0]

            transmat_pdf = np.exp(np.copy(self._log_transmat))
            transmat_cdf = np.cumsum(transmat_pdf, 1)

            nrand = random_state.rand(n_samples)
            for idx in range(1, n_samples):
                newstate = (transmat_cdf[states[idx - 1]] >
                            nrand[idx - 1]).argmax()
                states[idx] = newstate
            states = observed_states

        mu = np.copy(self._mu_)
        precision = np.copy(self._precision_)
        for idx in range(n_samples):
            mean_ = self._mu_[states[idx]]
            var_ = np.sqrt(1 / precision[states[idx]])
            samples[idx] = norm.rvs(loc=mean_,
        states = self._process_sequence(states)
        return samples, states
コード例 #51
ファイル: ex3_vary_nlocs.py プロジェクト: botev/kernel-gof
def get_pqsource(prob_label):
    Return (p, ds), a tuple of
    - p: a Density representing the distribution p
    - ds: a DataSource, each corresponding to one parameter setting.
        The DataSource generates sample from q.
    prob2tuples = {
        # H0 is true. vary d. P = Q = N(0, I)
                                 1), data.DSIsotropicNormal(np.zeros(5), 1)),

        # P = N(0, I), Q = N( (0.2,..0), I)
        'gmd5': (density.IsotropicNormal(np.zeros(5), 1),
                 data.DSIsotropicNormal(np.hstack((0.2, np.zeros(4))), 1)),
        'gmd1': (density.IsotropicNormal(np.zeros(1), 1),
                 data.DSIsotropicNormal(np.ones(1) * 0.2, 1)),

        # P = N(0, I), Q = N( (1,..0), I)
        'gmd100': (density.IsotropicNormal(np.zeros(100), 1),
                   data.DSIsotropicNormal(np.hstack((1, np.zeros(99))), 1)),

        # Gaussian variance difference problem. Only the variance
        # of the first dimenion differs. d varies.
        'gvd5': (density.Normal(np.zeros(5), np.eye(5)),
                 data.DSNormal(np.zeros(5), np.diag(np.hstack(
                     (2, np.ones(4)))))),
        'gvd10': (density.Normal(np.zeros(10), np.eye(10)),
                                np.diag(np.hstack((2, np.ones(9)))))),

        # Gaussian Bernoulli RBM. dx=50, dh=10. H0 is true
        gaussbern_rbm_tuple(0, dx=50, dh=10, n=sample_size),

        # Gaussian Bernoulli RBM. dx=5, dh=3. H0 is true
        gaussbern_rbm_tuple(0, dx=5, dh=3, n=sample_size),

        # Gaussian Bernoulli RBM. dx=50, dh=10.
        gaussbern_rbm_tuple(1e-3, dx=50, dh=10, n=sample_size),

        # Gaussian Bernoulli RBM. dx=5, dh=3. Perturb with noise = 1e-2.
        gaussbern_rbm_tuple(5e-3, dx=5, dh=3, n=sample_size),

        # Gaussian mixture of two components. Uniform mixture weights.
        # p = 0.5*N(0, 1) + 0.5*N(3, 0.01)
        # q = 0.5*N(-3, 0.01) + 0.5*N(0, 1)
        'gmm_d1': (density.IsoGaussianMixture(np.array([[0], [3.0]]),
                                              np.array([1, 0.01])),
                   data.DSIsoGaussianMixture(np.array([[-3.0], [0]]),
                                             np.array([0.01, 1]))),

        # p = N(0, 1)
        # q = 0.1*N([-10, 0,..0], 0.001) + 0.9*N([0,0,..0], 1)
        'g_vs_gmm_d5': (density.IsotropicNormal(np.zeros(5), 1),
                            (0.0, np.zeros(4))), np.zeros(5))),
                                                  np.array([0.0001, 1]),
                                                  pmix=[0.1, 0.9])),
        'g_vs_gmm_d2': (density.IsotropicNormal(np.zeros(2), 1),
                            (0.0, np.zeros(1))), np.zeros(2))),
                                                  np.array([0.01, 1]),
                                                  pmix=[0.1, 0.9])),
        'g_vs_gmm_d1': (density.IsotropicNormal(np.zeros(1), 1),
                        data.DSIsoGaussianMixture(np.array([[0.0], [0]]),
                                                  np.array([0.01, 1]),
                                                  pmix=[0.1, 0.9])),
    if prob_label not in prob2tuples:
        raise ValueError('Unknown problem label. Need to be one of %s' %
    return prob2tuples[prob_label]
コード例 #52
def adam_minimax(grad_both,
    """Adam modified to do minimiax optimization, for instance to help with
  training generative adversarial networks."""
    def exponential_decay(step_size_max):
        if step_size_max > 0.001:
            step_size_max *= 0.999
        return step_size_max

    x_max, unflatten_max = flatten(init_params_max)
    x_min, unflatten_min = flatten(init_params_min)

    m_max = np.zeros(len(x_max))
    v_max = np.zeros(len(x_max))
    m_min = np.zeros(len(x_min))
    v_min = np.zeros(len(x_min))
    for i in range(num_iters):
        print(i, datetime.datetime.now(), alphabetize(int(i / 10)))
        K = 3

        g_max_uf, g_min_uf = grad_both(unflatten_max(x_max),
                                       unflatten_min(x_min), i)
        g_max, _ = flatten(g_max_uf)
        g_min, _ = flatten(g_min_uf)

        if callback:
            callback(unflatten_max(x_max), unflatten_min(x_min), i,
                     unflatten_max(g_max), unflatten_min(g_min))

        step_size_max = exponential_decay(step_size_max)

        m_max = (1 - b1) * g_max + b1 * m_max  # First  moment estimate.
        v_max = (1 - b2) * (g_max**2) + b2 * v_max  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat_max = m_max / (1 - b1**(i + 1))  # Bias correction.
        vhat_max = v_max / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
        x_max = x_max + step_size_max * mhat_max / (np.sqrt(vhat_max) + eps)

        m_min = (1 - b1) * g_min + b1 * m_min  # First  moment estimate.
        v_min = (1 - b2) * (g_min**2) + b2 * v_min  # Second moment estimate.
        mhat_min = m_min / (1 - b1**(i + 1))  # Bias correction.
        vhat_min = v_min / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
        x_min = x_min - step_size_min * mhat_min / (np.sqrt(vhat_min) + eps)

        for k in range(K - 1):
            if k <= 0:
                step_size_min_temp = step_size_min
            if k > 0:
                step_size_min_temp = step_size_min_temp * 0.50
            g_max_uf, g_min_uf = grad_both(unflatten_max(x_max),
                                           unflatten_min(x_min), i)
            g_min, _ = flatten(g_min_uf)

            # Update discriminator (minimizer)
            m_min = (1 - b1) * g_min + b1 * m_min  # First  moment estimate.
            v_min = (1 - b2) * (g_min**
                                2) + b2 * v_min  # Second moment estimate.
            mhat_min = m_min / (1 - b1**(i + 1))  # Bias correction.
            vhat_min = v_min / (1 - b2**(i + 1))
            x_min = x_min - step_size_min_temp * mhat_min / (
                np.sqrt(vhat_min) + eps)

    return unflatten_max(x_max), unflatten_min(x_min)
def Magnus_Integrator(t_start, t_stop, h0, x0, A, alpha, type_, order):
	T_0 = time.time()
	x0 = initial conditions
	t_start = start time
	t_stop = end time
	h0 = initial step size
	A = A(t) matrix function
	alpha = alpha generating function
	order = 4 or 6
	also support Caley methods
	Ndim = x0.size
	x_ = np.zeros((1, Ndim)) # set up the array of x values
	t_ = np.zeros(1)			# set up the array of t values
	t_[0] = t_start
	x_[0,:] = x0
	h = h0
	h_min = h0*(10**(-2))
	h_max = 5*h0
	n = 0
	t = t_start
	S = 0.99				# safety factor
	if type_ == "Magnus":
		def M(time, hstep):
			M_ = linalg.expm(Omega(time, time+hstep, A, alpha, order))	
			return M_
	elif type_ == "Caley":
		def M(time, hstep):
			Id = np.identity(Ndim)
			Om = Omega(time, time+hstep, A, alpha, order)
			if order == 4:
				C_ = Om*(Id - (1/12)*(Om**2))
			elif order ==6:
				C_ = Om*(Id - (1/12)*(Om**2)*(1 - (1/10)*(Om**2)))
			M_ = np.linalg.inv(Id - 0.5*C_)*(Id + 0.5*C_)
			return M_
	while t <= t_stop:
		x_n = x_[n,:].reshape(Ndim, 1)
		Err_small = False
		h_new = h
		while Err_small == False:
			# compute the predictions using one step of h & two steps of h/2
			#print("\r" + "trying step " + str(n) + " h=" + str(h) + " ...", end='')
			x_np1_0 = M(t, h) @ x_n
			x_np1_l = M(t+0.5*h, 0.5*h) @ (M(t, 0.5*h) @ x_n)
			# compute error
			Err =  ferr(x_np1_0, x_np1_l)
			Err_max = epsilon*(rtol*np.abs(x_np1_l) + atol) #h*(A(t) @ x_n)[0,0]) # maximum error allowed
			Err_ratio = np.abs(np.std(Err / Err_max))
			if Err_ratio <= 1:
				h_new = h*S*np.power(np.abs(Err_ratio), -1.0/(order + 1)) # h*1.5
				if h_new > 10*h:	# limit how fast the step size can increase
					h_new = 10*h
				if h_new > h_max:	# limit the maximum step size
					h_new = h_max
				Err_small = True # break loop
			elif Err_ratio > 1:
				h_new = h*S*np.power(np.abs(Err_ratio), -1.0/(order))
				if h_new < 0.2*h:	# limit how fast the step size decreases
					h_new = 0.2*h
				if h_new < h_min:	# limit the minimum step size
					h_new = h_min
					Err_small = True # break loop
				elif h_new >= h_min:
					h = h_new
		t = t + h
		x_ = np.vstack((x_,x_np1_l.reshape(1, Ndim))) # add x_n+1 to the array of x values
		t_ = np.append(t_, t) 						  # add t_n+1 to the array of t values
		n = n + 1
		h = h_new
		if True: #np.round(((t-t_start)/(t_stop-t_start))*100000) % 1000 == 0:
			print("\r" + "integrated {:.1%}".format(float((t-t_start)/(t_stop-t_start))), end='')
	T = time.time() - T_0
	print(" done in {:.5g}s".format(T))
	return (t_, x_, T)
def RKF45_Integrator(t_start, t_stop, h0, x0, A):
	# An integrator using a 4(5) RKF method
	T_0 = time.time()
	x0 = initial conditions
	t_start = start time
	t_stop = end time
	n_step = number of steps
	A = A(t) matrix function
	Ndim = x0.size
	x_ = np.zeros((1, Ndim)) # set up the array of x values
	t_ = np.zeros(1)			# set up the array of t values
	t_[0] = t_start
	x_[0,:] = x0
	h = h0
	h_min = h0*(10**(-2))
	h_max = 5*h0
	n = 0
	t = t_start
	S = 0.98				# safety factor
	while t <= t_stop:
		x_n = x_[n,:].reshape(Ndim, 1)
		Err_small = False
		h_new = h
		while Err_small == False:
			# compute the predictions using 4th and 5th order RK methods
			test_M = np.matrix([[1, 2], [1, 2]])
			k1 = np.dot(test_M,x_n)
			k1 = np.dot(h*A(t),x_n)
			k2 = h*A(t + 0.25*h) @ (x_n + 0.25*k1)
			k3 = h*A(t + (3/8)*h) @ (x_n + (3/32)*k1 + (9/32)*k2)
			k4 = h*A(t + (12/13)*h) @ (x_n + (1932/2197)*k1 - (7200/2197)*k2 + (7296/2197)*k3)
			k5 = h*A(t + h) @ (x_n + (439/216)*k1 - 8*k2 + (3680/513)*k3 - (845/4104)*k4)
			k6 = h*A(t + 0.5*h) @ (x_n - (8/27)*k1 + 2*k2 - (3544/2565)*k3 + (1859/4104)*k4 - (11/40)*k5)
			y_np1 = x_n + (25/216)*k1 + (1408/2565)*k3 + (2197/4101)*k4 - (11/40)*k5
			z_np1 = x_n + (16/135)*k1 + (6656/12825)*k3 + (28561/56430)*k4 - (9/50)*k5 + (2/55)*k6
			Err =  ferr(y_np1, z_np1)
			Err_max = ε(rtol*|z_np1| + atol)
			Err_max = epsilon_RK*(rtol_RK*np.abs(z_np1) + atol_RK)
			Err_ratio = np.asscalar(np.mean(Err / Err_max))
			if Err_ratio <= 1:
				h_new = h*S*np.power(Err_ratio, -1.0/5)
				#Delta = max(np.asscalar(max(Err)), epsilon_RK*0.1)
				#h_new = h*(epsilon_RK*h/Delta)**(1/4)
				if h_new > 10*h:	# limit how fast the step size can increase
					h_new = 10*h
				if h_new > h_max:	# limit the maximum step size
					h_new = h_max
				Err_small = True # break loop
			elif Err_ratio > 1:
				h_new = h*S*np.power(np.abs(Err_ratio), -1.0/4)
				#h_new = h*(epsilon_RK*h/np.asscalar(max(Err)))**(1/4)
				if h_new < 0.2*h:	# limit how fast the step size decreases
					h_new = 0.2*h
				if h_new < h_min:	# limit the minimum step size
					h_new = h_min
					Err_small = True # break loop
				elif h_new >= h_min:
					h = h_new
		t = t + h
		x_ = np.vstack((x_,z_np1.reshape(1, Ndim))) # add x_n+1 to the array of x values
		t_ = np.append(t_, t) 						  # add t_n+1 to the array of t values
		n = n + 1
		h = h_new
		if True: #np.round(((t-t_start)/(t_stop-t_start))*100000) % 1000 == 0:
			print("\r" + "integrated {:.1%}".format((t-t_start)/(t_stop-t_start)), end='')
	T = time.time() - T_0
	print(" done in {:.5g}s".format(T))
	return (t_, x_, T)
コード例 #55
    def _do_mstep(self, stats, params):  # M-Step for startprob and transmat
        if 's' in params:
            startprob_ = self.startprob_prior + stats['start']
            self.startprob_ = np.where(self.startprob_ <= np.finfo(float).eps,
                                       self.startprob_, startprob_)
        if 't' in params:

            if self.n_tied == 0:
                transmat_ = self.transmat_prior + stats['trans']
                normalize(transmat_, axis=1)
                self.transmat_ = np.where(
                    self.transmat_ <= np.finfo(float).eps, self.transmat_,
                transmat_ = np.zeros((self.n_components, self.n_components))
                transitionCnts = stats['trans'] + self.transmat_prior
                transition_index = [
                    i * self.n_chain for i in range(self.n_unique)

                for b in range(self.n_unique):

                    block = \
                    transitionCnts[self.n_chain * b : self.n_chain * (b + 1)][:] + 0.

                    denominator_diagonal = np.sum(block)
                    diagonal = 0.0

                    index_line = range(0, self.n_chain)
                    index_row = range(self.n_chain * b, self.n_chain * (b + 1))

                    for l, r in zip(index_line, index_row):
                        diagonal += (block[l][r])

                    for l, r in zip(index_line, index_row):
                        block[l][r] = diagonal / denominator_diagonal

                    self_transition = block[0][self.n_chain * b]
                    denominator_off_diagonal = \
                    (np.sum(block[self.n_chain-1])) - self_transition
                    template = block[self.n_chain - 1] + 0.

                    for entry in range(len(template)):
                        template[entry] = (template[entry] * (1 - self_transition)) \
                        / float(denominator_off_diagonal)

                    template[(self.n_chain * (b + 1)) - 1] = 0.
                    line_value = 1 - self_transition

                    for entry in range(len(template)):
                        line_value = line_value - template[entry]

                    for index in transition_index:
                        if index != (b * self.n_chain):
                            block[self.n_chain - 1][index] = \
                            line_value + template[index]

                    line = range(self.n_chain - 1)
                    row = [
                        b * self.n_chain + i for i in range(1, self.n_chain)

                    for x, y in zip(line, row):
                        block[x][y] = 1 - self_transition

                    transmat_[self.n_chain * b:self.n_chain *
                              (b + 1)][:] = block

                self.transmat_ = np.copy(transmat_)
コード例 #56
def ReLU(x):
    return np.maximum(x, np.zeros(1))
コード例 #57
    def outputs(weights,
        update_x_weights = parser.get(weights, 'update_x_weights')
        update_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'update_h_weights')
        reset_x_weights = parser.get(weights, 'reset_x_weights')
        reset_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'reset_h_weights')
        thidden_x_weights = parser.get(weights, 'thidden_x_weights')
        thidden_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'thidden_h_weights')
        output_h_weights = parser.get(weights, 'output_h_weights')

        data_count = len(fence_set) - 1
        feat_count = input_set.shape[0]

        ll = 0.0
        n_i_track = 0
        fence_base = fence_set[0]
        pred_set = None

        if return_pred_set:
            pred_set = np.zeros((output_count, input_set.shape[1]))

        # loop through sequences and time steps
        for data_iter in range(data_count):
            hiddens = copy(parser.get(weights, 'init_hiddens'))

            fence_post_1 = fence_set[data_iter] - fence_base
            fence_post_2 = fence_set[data_iter + 1] - fence_base
            time_count = fence_post_2 - fence_post_1
            curr_input = input_set[:, fence_post_1:fence_post_2]

            for time_iter in range(time_count):
                hiddens = update(
                    np.expand_dims(np.hstack((curr_input[:, time_iter], 1)),
                                   axis=0), hiddens, update_x_weights,
                    update_h_weights, reset_x_weights, reset_h_weights,
                    thidden_x_weights, thidden_h_weights)

                if output_set is not None:
                    # subtract a small number so -1
                    out_proba = sigmoid(
                        np.sign(output_set[:, n_i_track] - 1e-3) *
                        np.dot(hiddens, output_h_weights))
                    out_lproba = safe_log(out_proba)
                    ll += np.sum(out_lproba)
                    out_proba = sigmoid(np.dot(hiddens, output_h_weights))
                    out_lproba = safe_log(out_proba)

                # if output_set is not None:
                #     # subtract a small number so -1
                #     out_proba = linear(np.sign(output_set[:, n_i_track] - 1e-3) *
                #                        np.dot(hiddens, output_h_weights))
                #     out_lproba = safe_log(out_proba)
                #     ll += np.sum(out_lproba)
                # else:
                #     out_proba = linear(np.dot(hiddens, output_h_weights))
                #     out_lproba = safe_log(out_proba)

                if return_pred_set:
                    pred_set[:, n_i_track] = out_lproba[0]

                n_i_track += 1

        return ll, pred_set
コード例 #58
def plot_r_and_t_Omega():
    #Pick some incommensurate spacing between the atoms.
    #This will ensure that no atoms will be exactly on
    #the nodes of the standing wave
    kd = 0.5 * np.pi
    #We treat Delta, Deltac, g1d and gprime here as if they
    #were scaled by the total decay rate
    #Thus Delta is actually Delta/\Gamma etc.
    min_Omega = 1
    max_Omega = 100
    num_Omega = 1000
    NAtoms = 10000
    g1d = 0.05
    #Note that \Gamma'/\Gamma=1-\Gamma_{1D}/\Gamma.
    gprime = 1 - g1d
    gm = 0
    Deltac = -10
    p.figure(figsize=(2 * 3.3, 2.5))
    OmegaValues = np.linspace(min_Omega, max_Omega, num_Omega)
    r = np.zeros(num_Omega, dtype=np.float64)
    t = np.zeros(num_Omega, dtype=np.float64)
    r_imp = np.zeros(num_Omega, dtype=np.float64)
    t_imp = np.zeros(num_Omega, dtype=np.float64)
    #r_diff2 = np.zeros(num_Omega, dtype=np.complex128)
    t_diff2 = np.zeros(num_Omega, dtype=np.complex128)
    deltaStart = 0.0025
    for n, Omega in enumerate(OmegaValues):
        delta = delta_for_minimal_r_0(deltaStart, NAtoms, kd, g1d, gprime, gm,
                                      Deltac, Omega)
        deltaStart = delta
        Delta = delta + Deltac
        #r_0_func = lambda x: r_0(x, NAtoms, kd, g1d, gprime, gm, Deltac, Omega)
        #r_0_grad1 = grad(r_0_func)
        #r_0_grad2 = grad(r_0_grad1)
        t_0_func = lambda x: t_0(x, NAtoms, kd, g1d, gprime, gm, Deltac, Omega)
        t_0_grad1 = grad(t_0_func)
        t_0_grad2 = grad(t_0_grad1)
                = ensemble_transfer_matrix_pi_half(NAtoms, g1d, gprime, gm, Delta,
                                           Deltac, Omega)
                = ensemble_transfer_matrix_pi_half(NAtoms/2, g1d, gprime, gm, Delta,
                                           Deltac, Omega)
        M_impurity_cell = impurity_unit_cell_pi_half(g1d, gprime, gm, Delta,
                                                     Deltac, Omega)
        MensembleStandingWaveImpurity = MHalfEnsembleStandingWave * M_impurity_cell * MHalfEnsembleStandingWave
        r[n] = np.abs(-MensembleStandingWave[1,0]\
        t[n] = np.abs(1.0 / MensembleStandingWave[1, 1])**2
        r_imp[n] = np.abs(-MensembleStandingWaveImpurity[1,0]\
        t_imp[n] = np.abs(1.0 / MensembleStandingWaveImpurity[1, 1])**2
        #r_diff2[n] = r_0_grad2(delta)
        t_diff2[n] = t_0_grad2(delta)
    t_analytical = (1 - (g1d * (1 - g1d) * NAtoms) / (16 * Deltac**2) -
                    (1 - g1d) * OmegaValues**2 * np.pi**2 /
                    (2 * Deltac**2 * g1d * NAtoms))**2
    r_imp_analytical = (1 - 4 * np.pi**2 * Deltac**2 * (1 - g1d) /
                        (g1d**3 * NAtoms**2) + 32 * np.pi**4 * Deltac**2 *
                        (1 - g1d) * OmegaValues**2 / (g1d**5 * NAtoms**4))**2
    w_analytical = 32 * np.sqrt(2) * Deltac**2 * OmegaValues**2 * np.pi**2 / (
        g1d**3 * NAtoms**3)
    ax = p.subplot(121)
    #p.plot(OmegaValues, r, color='#000099', linestyle='-',
    #                  label=r'$|r_0|^2$', linewidth=common_line_width)
           label=r'$|t_0|^2$ (full)',
           t_analytical - t_analytical[0] + t[0],
           label=r'$|t_0|^2$ (approx)',
           label=r'$|r_1|^2$ (full)',
           r_imp_analytical - r_imp_analytical[0] + r_imp[0],
           label=r'$|r_1|^2$ (approx)',
    #p.plot(OmegaValues, t_imp, 'k-.',
    #                  label=r'$|t_1|^2$', linewidth=common_line_width)
    p.xlim(min_Omega, max_Omega)
    p.ylim(0.0, 1)
    p.legend(loc='lower right')
    ax = p.subplot(122)

    #Hence (d/d\delta)r(\delta) at \delta=\delta_{res}
    #is equal to 4/w^2
    #Upon solving r_diff2=4/w^2, we get w=\sqrt{4/r_diff2}
             np.real(np.sqrt(4.0 / t_diff2)),
    p.legend(loc='lower right')
コード例 #59
ファイル: tutorial.py プロジェクト: zizai/qoc
ALPHA_BY_2 = PI_2 * -2.36e-1
KAPPA_BY_2 = PI_2 * -3.7e-6
CHIP_BY_2 = PI_2 * -1.9e-6
T1_T = 1.7e5 #ns
TP_T = 4.3e4
T1_C = 2.7e6

# Second, we define the system.
A = get_annihilation_operator(CAVITY_STATE_COUNT)
A_DAGGER = get_creation_operator(CAVITY_STATE_COUNT)
# Notice how the state vectors are specified as column vectors.
CAVITY_ZERO[0, 0] = 1
CAVITY_ONE[1, 0] = 1
B = get_annihilation_operator(TRANSMON_STATE_COUNT)
B_DAGGER = get_creation_operator(TRANSMON_STATE_COUNT)
TRANSMON_ONE[1, 0] = 1

# Next, we define the system hamiltonian.
# qoc requires you to specify your hamiltonian as a function of control parameters
コード例 #60
def diffusion_resampling(process,
    """Returns the paths of the particles in the format:
    total_iter, num_particles, tau, dim"""
    p_start = get_particles(process)
    p_gamma = lambda t: process["gamma"]
    p_temperature = lambda t: process["temperature"]
    p_num_particles = len(p_start)
    p_epsilon = process["epsilon"]
    total_iter, tau = process["total_iter"], process["tau"]

    dim = len(p_start)

    # get potential_function and gradient
    U, grad_U = get_potential(process)

    # get weight_function
    p_weight_func = get_weight_function(process)

    # get resample_function
    p_resample_func = get_resample_function(process)

    # get domain_enforcer
    x_range = process["x_range"]
    if process["domain_enforcer"]["name"] == "hyper_cube_enforcer":
        domain_enforcer_strength = process["domain_enforcer"]["params"][
        domain_enforcer = hyper_cube_enforcer(x_range[0], x_range[1],
        raise ValueError("Does not support given function {}".format(

    # init num_particles
    all_paths = []
    p_weights = np.zeros(len(p_start))
    curr_paths = np.array([[np.array(p)] for p in p_start])

    # Which t to use for diffusion?
    for t in range(total_iter):
        for t_tau in range(tau):
            # --- diffusion step ---
            x_curr = np.array(curr_paths[:, -1])

            x_next = x_curr + p_gamma(t) * (
                -grad_U(x_curr.T).T) + p_temperature(t) * np.random.normal(

            if domain_enforcer is not None:
                x_next, went_outside_domain = domain_enforcer(x_next)

            # ----
            if return_full_path or (curr_paths.shape[1] == 1):
                curr_paths = np.concatenate([
                        [curr_paths.shape[0], 1, curr_paths.shape[2]])
                curr_paths[:, -1] = x_next.reshape(
                    [curr_paths.shape[0], curr_paths.shape[2]])

            # weight update
            p_weights = p_weight_func(U, grad_U, x_curr.T, p_weights)

        # add paths
        end_points = curr_paths[:, -1]

        # resample particles
        new_starting = list(p_resample_func(p_weights, end_points))
        curr_paths = np.array([[p] for p in new_starting])

        p_weights = np.zeros(len(p_start))

    return np.array(all_paths)