コード例 #1
ファイル: units_test.py プロジェクト: APTRG/interop
 def test_m_to_ft(self):
     """Performs a data-driven test of the conversion."""
     cases = [
         # (m, ft_actual)
         (  0,     0),
         (  1,     3.28084),
         (  1.5,   4.92126),
         (100,   328.084),
     ]  # yapf: disable
     for (km, ft_actual) in cases:
コード例 #2
 def test_m_to_ft(self):
     """Performs a data-driven test of the conversion."""
     cases = [
         # (m, ft_actual)
         (  0,     0),
         (  1,     3.28084),
         (  1.5,   4.92126),
         (100,   328.084),
     ]  # yapf: disable
     for (km, ft_actual) in cases:
コード例 #3
ファイル: distance.py プロジェクト: sedflix/interop
def distance_to_line(start, end, point, utm):
    """Compute the closest distance from point to a line segment.

    Based on the point-line distance derived in:

          (l_1 - p) dot (l_2 - p)
    t = - -----------------------
               |l_2 - l_1|^2

    We clamp t to 0 <= t <= 1 to ensure we calculate distance to a point on
    the line segment.

    The closest point can be determined using t:

    p_c = l_1 + t * (l_2 - l_1)

    And the distance is:

    d = |p - p_c|

    Arguments are points in the form (lat, lon, alt MSL (ft)).

        start: Defines the start of the line.
        end: Defines the end of the line.
        point: Free point to compute distance from.
        utm: The UTM Proj projection to project into. If start, end, or point
             are well outside of this projection, this function returns

        Closest distance in ft from point to the line.
        # Convert points to UTM projection.
        # We need a cartesian coordinate system to perform the calculation.
        lat, lon, ftmsl = start
        x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm, lon, lat)
        l1 = np.array([x, y, units.feet_to_meters(ftmsl)])

        lat, lon, ftmsl = end
        x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm, lon, lat)
        l2 = np.array([x, y, units.feet_to_meters(ftmsl)])

        lat, lon, ftmsl = point
        x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm, lon, lat)
        p = np.array([x, y, units.feet_to_meters(ftmsl)])
    except RuntimeError:
        # pyproj throws RuntimeError if the coordinates are grossly beyond the
        # bounds of the projection. We simplify this to "infinite" distance.
        return float("inf")

    d1 = l1 - p
    d2 = l2 - l1
    num = np.dot(d1, d2)
    dem = np.linalg.norm(l2 - l1)**2
    t = -num / dem

    if t < 0:
        t = 0
    elif t > 1:
        t = 1

    p_c = l1 + t * (l2 - l1)

    dist = np.linalg.norm(p - p_c)

    return units.meters_to_feet(dist)
コード例 #4
ファイル: distance.py プロジェクト: APTRG/interop
def distance_to_line(start, end, point, utm):
    """Compute the closest distance from point to a line segment.

    Based on the point-line distance derived in:

          (l_1 - p) dot (l_2 - p)
    t = - -----------------------
               |l_2 - l_1|^2

    We clamp t to 0 <= t <= 1 to ensure we calculate distance to a point on
    the line segment.

    The closest point can be determined using t:

    p_c = l_1 + t * (l_2 - l_1)

    And the distance is:

    d = |p - p_c|

    Arguments are points in the form (lat, lon, alt MSL (ft)).

        start: Defines the start of the line.
        end: Defines the end of the line.
        point: Free point to compute distance from.
        utm: The UTM Proj projection to project into. If start, end, or point
             are well outside of this projection, this function returns

        Closest distance in ft from point to the line.
        # Convert points to UTM projection.
        # We need a cartesian coordinate system to perform the calculation.
        lat, lon, ftmsl = start
        x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm, lon, lat)
        l1 = np.array([x, y, units.feet_to_meters(ftmsl)])

        lat, lon, ftmsl = end
        x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm, lon, lat)
        l2 = np.array([x, y, units.feet_to_meters(ftmsl)])

        lat, lon, ftmsl = point
        x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, utm, lon, lat)
        p = np.array([x, y, units.feet_to_meters(ftmsl)])
    except RuntimeError:
        # pyproj throws RuntimeError if the coordinates are grossly beyond the
        # bounds of the projection. We simplify this to "infinite" distance.
        return float("inf")

    d1 = l1 - p
    d2 = l2 - l1
    num = np.dot(d1, d2)
    dem = np.linalg.norm(l2 - l1)**2
    t = -num / dem

    if t < 0:
        t = 0
    elif t > 1:
        t = 1

    p_c = l1 + t * (l2 - l1)

    dist = np.linalg.norm(p - p_c)

    return units.meters_to_feet(dist)