コード例 #1
ファイル: aggregator.py プロジェクト: sativa/ggcmi
scens = list(set(scens))
scens_full = list(set(scens_full))

# number of variables, times, scenarios, aggregation levels
nv, nt, ns, na = len(variables), len(time), len(scens), len(audata)

# preallocate final averages and areas
averages = masked_array(zeros((nv, na, nt, ns, 3)),
                        mask=ones((nv, na, nt, ns, 3)))
areas = masked_array(zeros((na, nt, ns, 3)), mask=ones((na, nt, ns, 3)))

# aggregator object
avobj = MeanAverager()

vunits = [''] * nv
for i in range(len(scens_full)):
    scen_irr = scens_full[i]

    # find scenario and irr
    scen_irr_split = scen_irr.split('_')
    if len(scen_irr_split) == 2:
        sidx = scens.index(scen_irr_split[0])
        sidx = scens.index('_'.join(scen_irr_split[0::2]))
    iidx = int(scen_irr_split[1] != 'firr')

    # load planting file
    plantingfile = findfile(files, scen_irr, 'plant-day')
コード例 #2
ファイル: aggregator.py プロジェクト: yz842614503/ggcmi
variables = list(set(variables))

# number of variables, times, scenarios, aggregation levels
nvariables = len(variables)
ntimes = len(time)
naudata = len(audata)
nirrs = len(irr_levels) + 1

# preallocate final averages and areas
averages = masked_array(zeros((nvariables, naudata, ntimes, nirrs)),
                        mask=ones((nvariables, naudata, ntimes, nirrs)))
areas = masked_array(zeros((naudata, ntimes, 3)), mask=ones((naudata, ntimes, nirrs)))

# aggregator object
avobj = MeanAverager()
vunits = [''] * nvariables

for iidx in range(len(irr_levels)):

    # Load planting file
    plantingfile = findfile(files, 'plant-day')
    if plantingfile:
        with Dataset(plantingfile) as f:
            planting_date = f.variables['plant-day_' + crop][0]
        planting_date = pdate[iidx]

    # load harvest file
    harvestfile = findfile(files, 'maty-day')
    if harvestfile:
コード例 #3
ファイル: agg.out.py プロジェクト: RDCEP/ggcmi
        rfweights = f.variables['rainfed'][:]
        irweights = f.variables['irrigated'][:]
    rfweights = irweights = None

aggloader  = AggMaskLoader(aggf, lats = lats, lons = lons)
adata      = aggloader.data()
audata     = aggloader.udata()
anames     = aggloader.names()
aunits     = aggloader.units()
alongnames = aggloader.longnames()

createAggFile(outputf, time, tunits, audata, anames, aunits, alongnames, scensel, irr, leaddim, hasscen)
f = nc(outputf, 'a')

avobj = MeanAverager()
for i in range(len(audata)):
    if leaddim == 'scen':
        dimsv = ('scen', 'time', anames[i], 'irr')
    elif hasscen:
        dimsv = ('time', 'scen', anames[i], 'irr')
        dimsv = ('time', anames[i], 'irr')

    for j in range(nvars):
        avev = f.createVariable(ivars[j] + '_' + anames[i], 'f4', dimsv, fill_value = 1e20, zlib = True, complevel = 9)
        avev.units = vunits[j]
        avev.long_name = 'average ' + anames[i] + ' ' + ivars[j]

        slicer = [slice(0, n) for n in var[j].shape]
        dimslist = list(dims[j])
コード例 #4
ファイル: aggregator.py プロジェクト: RDCEP/ggcmi
	continue # irregular files

variables  = list(set(variables));  variables.sort()
scens      = list(set(scens));      scens.sort()
scens_full = list(set(scens_full)); scens_full.sort()

# number of variables, times, scenarios, aggregation levels
nv, nt, ns, na = len(variables), len(time), len(scens), len(audata)

# preallocate final averages and areas
averages = masked_array(zeros((nv, na, nt, ns, 3)), mask = ones((nv, na, nt, ns, 3)))
areas    = masked_array(zeros((na, nt, ns, 3)),     mask = ones((na, nt, ns, 3)))

# aggregator object
avobj = MeanAverager()

vunits = [''] * nv
for i in range(len(scens_full)):
    scen_irr = scens_full[i]

    # find scenario and irr
    scen_irr_split = scen_irr.split('_')
    if len(scen_irr_split) == 2:
        sidx = scens.index(scen_irr_split[0])
        sidx = scens.index('_'.join(scen_irr_split[0 :: 2]))
    iidx = int(scen_irr_split[1] != 'firr')

    # load planting file
    plantingfile = findfile(files, scen_irr, 'plant-day')
コード例 #5
audata     = aggloader.udata()
anames     = aggloader.names()
aunits     = aggloader.units()
alongnames = aggloader.longnames()
alats      = aggloader.latitudes()
alons      = aggloader.longitudes()

if abs(lats - alats).max() > tol:
    raise Exception('Latitudes in output file and aggregation mask do not agree!')
if abs(lons - alons).max() > tol:
    raise Exception('Longitudes in output file and aggregation mask do not agree!')

createAggFile(outputf, time, tunits, audata, anames, aunits, alongnames, scensel, leaddim)
f = nc(outputf, 'a')

avobj = MeanAverager()
for i in range(len(audata)):
    if leaddim == 'scen':
        dimsv = ('scen', 'time', anames[i] + '_index')
        dimsv = ('time', 'scen', anames[i] + '_index')

    for j in range(nvars):
        avev = f.createVariable(ivars[j] + '_' + anames[i], 'f4', dimsv, fill_value = 1e20, zlib = True, complevel = 9)
        avev.units = vunits[j]
        avev.long_name = 'average ' + anames[i] + ' ' + ivars[j]

        slicer = [slice(0, n) for n in var[j].shape]
        dimslist = list(dims[j])
        timeidx, latidx, lonidx = dimslist.index('time'), dimslist.index('lat'), dimslist.index('lon')
コード例 #6
ファイル: agg.single.py プロジェクト: sativa/ggcmi
    t = f.variables['time']
    time = t[:]
    tunits = t.units if 'units' in t.ncattrs() else ''
    for i in range(nvars):
        v = f.variables[ivars[i]]
        var[i] = v[:]
        var[i] = masked_where(isnan(var[i]), var[i])  # mask out NaNs
        var[i].mask = resize(var[i].mask,
                             var[i].shape)  # resize mask if necessary
        vunits[i] = v.units if 'units' in v.ncattrs() else ''

createAggFile(options.output, time, tunits, audata, anames, aunits, alongnames)
f = nc(options.output, 'a')  # open file for appending

if options.type == 'mean':  # averager instance
    avobj = MeanAverager()
    avobj = SumAverager()

for i in range(nmasks):
    dims = (anames[i] + '_index', 'time')
    for j in range(nvars):
        avev = f.createVariable(ivars[j] + '_' + anames[i],
        avev[:] = avobj.av(var[j],
コード例 #7
ファイル: agg.out.noirr.py プロジェクト: AHCG/psims
audata     = aggloader.udata()
anames     = aggloader.names()
aunits     = aggloader.units()
alongnames = aggloader.longnames()
alats      = aggloader.latitudes()
alons      = aggloader.longitudes()

if abs(lats - alats).max() > tol:
    raise Exception('Latitudes in output file and aggregation mask do not agree!')
if abs(lons - alons).max() > tol:
    raise Exception('Longitudes in output file and aggregation mask do not agree!')

createAggFile(outputf, time, tunits, audata, anames, aunits, alongnames, scensel, leaddim)
f = nc(outputf, 'a')

avobj = MeanAverager()
for i in range(len(audata)):
    if leaddim == 'scen':
        dimsv = ('scen', 'time', anames[i] + '_index')
        dimsv = ('time', 'scen', anames[i] + '_index')

    for j in range(nvars):
        avev = f.createVariable(ivars[j] + '_' + anames[i], 'f4', dimsv, fill_value = 1e20, zlib = True, complevel = 9)
        avev.units = vunits[j]
        avev.long_name = 'average ' + anames[i] + ' ' + ivars[j]

        slicer = [slice(0, n) for n in var[j].shape]
        dimslist = list(dims[j])
        timeidx, latidx, lonidx = dimslist.index('time'), dimslist.index('lat'), dimslist.index('lon')
コード例 #8
ファイル: agg.out.py プロジェクト: danielbonhaure/psims
alongnames = aggloader.longnames()
alats = aggloader.latitudes()
alons = aggloader.longitudes()

if abs(lats - alats).max() > tol:
    raise Exception(
        'Latitudes in output file and aggregation mask do not agree!')
if abs(lons - alons).max() > tol:
    raise Exception(
        'Longitudes in output file and aggregation mask do not agree!')

createAggFile(outputf, time, tunits, audata, anames, aunits, alongnames,
              scensel, irr, leaddim)
f = nc(outputf, 'a')

avobj = MeanAverager()
for i in range(len(audata)):
    if leaddim == 'scen':
        dimsv = ('scen', 'time', anames[i] + '_index', 'irr')
        dimsv = ('time', 'scen', anames[i] + '_index', 'irr')

    for j in range(nvars):
        avev = f.createVariable(ivars[j] + '_' + anames[i],
        avev.units = vunits[j]
        avev.long_name = 'average ' + anames[i] + ' ' + ivars[j]
コード例 #9
ファイル: agg.single.py プロジェクト: RDCEP/ggcmi
ivars = [v.strip() for v in ivars.split(',')]
nvars = len(ivars)
var = [0] * nvars; vunits = [0] * nvars
with nc(ifile) as f:
    lats = f.variables['lat'][:]
    t = f.variables['time']
    time = t[:]
    tunits = t.units if 'units' in t.ncattrs() else ''
    for i in range(nvars):
        v = f.variables[ivars[i]]
        var[i] = v[:]
        var[i] = masked_where(isnan(var[i]), var[i]) # mask out NaNs
        var[i].mask = resize(var[i].mask, var[i].shape) # resize mask if necessary
        vunits[i] = v.units if 'units' in v.ncattrs() else ''

createAggFile(options.output, time, tunits, audata, anames, aunits, alongnames)
f = nc(options.output, 'a') # open file for appending

if options.type == 'mean': # averager instance
    avobj = MeanAverager()
    avobj = SumAverager()

for i in range(nmasks):
    dims = (anames[i] + '_index', 'time')
    for j in range(nvars):
        avev = f.createVariable(ivars[j] + '_' + anames[i], 'f4', dims, fill_value = 1e20, zlib = True, complevel = 9)
        avev[:] = avobj.av(var[j], adata[i], lats, weights, calcarea = options.calcarea)
        avev.units = vunits[j]
        avev.long_name = ' '.join([options.type, anames[i], ivars[j]])