コード例 #1
address_model_64 = ['<address-model>', '<address-model>64']

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS',
      [ar + '/' + m for ar in architecture_x86 for m in address_model_32],
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS',
      [ar + '/<address-model>64' for ar in architecture_x86], ['/x64'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS',
      ['<architecture>ia64/' + m for m in address_model_64], ['/ia64'])

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'DEFINES', [], ['<define>'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'UNDEFS', [], ['<undef>'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'INCLUDES', [], ['<include>'])

    'midl.compile.idl', ['IDL'],
    ['MSTYPELIB', 'H', 'C(%_i)', 'C(%_proxy)', 'C(%_dlldata)'], [])

# MIDL does not always generate '%_proxy.c' and '%_dlldata.c'. This behavior
# depends on contents of the source IDL file. Calling TOUCH_FILE below ensures
# that both files will be created so bjam will not try to recreate them
# constantly.
    'midl.compile.idl', '''midl /nologo @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=
/tlb "$(<[1]:W)"
/h "$(<[2]:W)"
コード例 #2
ファイル: rc.py プロジェクト: Cabriter/abelkhan
# FIXME: this was originally declared quietly
    'as /dev/null -o "$(<)"')

# Since it's a common practice to write
# exe hello : hello.cpp hello.rc
# we change the name of object created from RC file, to
# avoid conflict with hello.cpp.
# The reason we generate OBJ and not RES, is that gcc does not
# seem to like RES files, but works OK with OBJ.
# See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/5643/
# Using 'register-c-compiler' adds the build directory to INCLUDES
# FIXME: switch to generators
builtin.register_c_compiler('rc.compile.resource', ['RC'], ['OBJ(%_res)'], [])

__angle_include_re = "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>"

# Register scanner for resources
class ResScanner(scanner.Scanner):

    def __init__(self, includes):
        scanner.__init__ ;
        self.includes = includes

    def pattern(self):
               "[ ]+([^ \"]+|\"[^\"]+\"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|\"[^\"]+\")))" ;

    def process(self, target, matches, binding):
コード例 #3
ファイル: midl.py プロジェクト: ash-github/FatCat-Server
# Architecture-specific options
architecture_x86 = ['<architecture>' , '<architecture>x86']
address_model_32 = ['<address-model>', '<address-model>32']
address_model_64 = ['<address-model>', '<address-model>64']

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', [ar + '/' + m for ar in architecture_x86 for m in address_model_32 ], ['/win32'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', [ar + '/<address-model>64' for ar in architecture_x86], ['/x64'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'MIDLFLAGS', ['<architecture>ia64/' + m for m in address_model_64], ['/ia64'])

flags('midl.compile.idl', 'DEFINES', [], ['<define>'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'UNDEFS', [], ['<undef>'])
flags('midl.compile.idl', 'INCLUDES', [], ['<include>'])

builtin.register_c_compiler('midl.compile.idl', ['IDL'], ['MSTYPELIB', 'H', 'C(%_i)', 'C(%_proxy)', 'C(%_dlldata)'], [])

# MIDL does not always generate '%_proxy.c' and '%_dlldata.c'. This behavior 
# depends on contents of the source IDL file. Calling TOUCH_FILE below ensures
# that both files will be created so bjam will not try to recreate them 
# constantly.
    '''midl /nologo @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=
/tlb "$(<[1]:W)"
コード例 #4
ファイル: rc.py プロジェクト: wzssyqa/build
# FIXME: this was originally declared quietly
    'as /dev/null -o "$(<)"')

# Since it's a common practice to write
# exe hello : hello.cpp hello.rc
# we change the name of object created from RC file, to
# avoid conflict with hello.cpp.
# The reason we generate OBJ and not RES, is that gcc does not
# seem to like RES files, but works OK with OBJ.
# See http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/5643/
# Using 'register-c-compiler' adds the build directory to INCLUDES
# FIXME: switch to generators
builtin.register_c_compiler('rc.compile.resource', ['RC'], ['OBJ(%_res)'], [])

__angle_include_re = "#include[ ]*<([^<]+)>"

# Register scanner for resources
class ResScanner(scanner.Scanner):

    def __init__(self, includes):
        scanner.__init__ ;
        self.includes = includes

    def pattern(self):
               "[ ]+([^ \"]+|\"[^\"]+\"))|(#include[ ]*(<[^<]+>|\"[^\"]+\")))" ;

    def process(self, target, matches, binding):
コード例 #5
ファイル: gcc.py プロジェクト: vidjogamer/ProjectTemplate
        # across the board. The null RC uses the assembler to create the empty
        # objects, so configure that.
        rc_command = common.get_invocation_command('gcc', 'as', [], [bin], path_last=True)
        rc_type = 'null'
    rc.configure(rc_command, condition, '<rc-type>' + rc_type)

###if [ os.name ] = NT
###    # This causes single-line command invocation to not go through .bat files,
###    # thus avoiding command-line length limitations.
###    JAMSHELL = % ;

#FIXME: when register_c_compiler is moved to
# generators, these should be updated
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c++', ['CPP'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c', ['C'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.asm', ['ASM'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])

# pch support

# The compiler looks for a precompiled header in each directory just before it
# looks for the include file in that directory. The name searched for is the
# name specified in the #include directive with ".gch" suffix appended. The
# logic in gcc-pch-generator will make sure that BASE_PCH suffix is appended to
# full name of the header.

type.set_generated_target_suffix('PCH', ['<toolset>gcc'], 'gch')

# GCC-specific pch generator.
class GccPchGenerator(pch.PchGenerator):
コード例 #6
                                                   'as', [], [bin],
        rc_type = 'null'
    rc.configure(rc_command, condition, '<rc-type>' + rc_type)

###if [ os.name ] = NT
###    # This causes single-line command invocation to not go through .bat files,
###    # thus avoiding command-line length limitations.
###    JAMSHELL = % ;

#FIXME: when register_c_compiler is moved to
# generators, these should be updated
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c++', ['CPP'], ['OBJ'],
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c', ['C'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.asm', ['ASM'], ['OBJ'],

# pch support

# The compiler looks for a precompiled header in each directory just before it
# looks for the include file in that directory. The name searched for is the
# name specified in the #include directive with ".gch" suffix appended. The
# logic in gcc-pch-generator will make sure that BASE_PCH suffix is appended to
# full name of the header.

type.set_generated_target_suffix('PCH', ['<toolset>gcc'], 'gch')

コード例 #7
ファイル: midl.py プロジェクト: kjedruczyk/build
# Architecture-specific options
architecture_x86 = ["<architecture>", "<architecture>x86"]
address_model_32 = ["<address-model>", "<address-model>32"]
address_model_64 = ["<address-model>", "<address-model>64"]

flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", [ar + "/" + m for ar in architecture_x86 for m in address_model_32], ["/win32"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", [ar + "/<address-model>64" for ar in architecture_x86], ["/x64"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "MIDLFLAGS", ["<architecture>ia64/" + m for m in address_model_64], ["/ia64"])

flags("midl.compile.idl", "DEFINES", [], ["<define>"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "UNDEFS", [], ["<undef>"])
flags("midl.compile.idl", "INCLUDES", [], ["<include>"])

builtin.register_c_compiler("midl.compile.idl", ["IDL"], ["MSTYPELIB", "H", "C(%_i)", "C(%_proxy)", "C(%_dlldata)"], [])

# MIDL does not always generate '%_proxy.c' and '%_dlldata.c'. This behavior
# depends on contents of the source IDL file. Calling TOUCH_FILE below ensures
# that both files will be created so bjam will not try to recreate them
# constantly.
    '''midl /nologo @"@($(<[1]:W).rsp:E=
/tlb "$(<[1]:W)"
コード例 #8
ファイル: gcc.py プロジェクト: wzssyqa/build
                                                   'as', [], [bin],
        rc_type = 'null'
    rc.configure([rc_command], condition, ['<rc-type>' + rc_type])

###if [ os.name ] = NT
###    # This causes single-line command invocation to not go through .bat files,
###    # thus avoiding command-line length limitations.
###    JAMSHELL = % ;

#FIXME: when register_c_compiler is moved to
# generators, these should be updated
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c++.preprocess', ['CPP'],
                            ['PREPROCESSED_CPP'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c.preprocess', ['C'],
                            ['PREPROCESSED_C'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c++', ['CPP'], ['OBJ'],
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c', ['C'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.asm', ['ASM'], ['OBJ'],

# pch support

# The compiler looks for a precompiled header in each directory just before it
# looks for the include file in that directory. The name searched for is the
# name specified in the #include directive with ".gch" suffix appended. The
# logic in gcc-pch-generator will make sure that BASE_PCH suffix is appended to
# full name of the header.
コード例 #9
ファイル: gcc.py プロジェクト: LocutusOfBorg/poedit
        # across the board. The null RC uses the assembler to create the empty
        # objects, so configure that.
        rc_command = common.get_invocation_command('gcc', 'as', [], [bin], path_last=True)
        rc_type = 'null'
    rc.configure([rc_command], condition, ['<rc-type>' + rc_type])

###if [ os.name ] = NT
###    # This causes single-line command invocation to not go through .bat files,
###    # thus avoiding command-line length limitations.
###    JAMSHELL = % ;

#FIXME: when register_c_compiler is moved to
# generators, these should be updated
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c++.preprocess', ['CPP'], ['PREPROCESSED_CPP'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c.preprocess', ['C'], ['PREPROCESSED_C'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c++', ['CPP'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.c', ['C'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])
builtin.register_c_compiler('gcc.compile.asm', ['ASM'], ['OBJ'], ['<toolset>gcc'])

# pch support

# The compiler looks for a precompiled header in each directory just before it
# looks for the include file in that directory. The name searched for is the
# name specified in the #include directive with ".gch" suffix appended. The
# logic in gcc-pch-generator will make sure that BASE_PCH suffix is appended to
# full name of the header.

type.set_generated_target_suffix('PCH', ['<toolset>gcc'], 'gch')