コード例 #1
def after_feature(context: Context, feature: Feature):
    if "UsesCustomParameters" in feature.tags:
        # after a feature that uses custom parameters, clear all custom parameters in each agent
        for agent in ["Acme", "Bob", "Faber", "Mallory"]:
                f'Given "{agent}" is running with parameters ' + '"{}"'
コード例 #2
def execute_scenario_by_steps(ctx: Context, scenario: Scenario) -> None:
    """Step executor for setup and teardown tagged scenarios

        ctx: The behave context
        scenario: The behave scenario object

    # Set an empty list of steps to run
    parsed_steps = []
    # For each step put the step in the parsed list
    for step in scenario.steps:
        parsed_steps.append(f"{step.keyword} {step.name}")
        # check to see if we have a table with our step. If we do make sure we put the headings
        # and rows into the parsed steps list so we execute the full step
        if step.table:
            heading_string = ""
            for heading in step.table.headings:
                heading_string += f"{heading}|"
            for row in step.table.rows:
                row_string = "|".join(row.cells)
    steps_string = "\n".join(parsed_steps)
    for step in parsed_steps:
        print(ansicolor.green(f"    {step}"))  # noqa
    print("\n")  # noqa
コード例 #3
def execute_scenario_by_steps(ctx: Context, scenario: Scenario) -> None:
    This function executes each step in a scenario with the ctx.execute steps method.
    We are doing this in place of scenario.run(ctx._runner) because that hacks the context runner
    which confuses the behave reporter and formatter causing assertion errors. This is a much smoother way
    to run steps in the before and after hook.

        ctx: The behave context
        scenario: The behave scenario object
    # Set an empty list of steps to run
    parsed_steps = []
    # For each step put the step in the parsed list
    for step in scenario.steps:
        parsed_steps.append(f"{step.keyword} {step.name}")
        # check to see if we have a table with our step. If we do make sure we put the headings
        # and rows into the parsed steps list so we execute the full step
        if step.table:
            heading_string = ""
            for heading in step.table.headings:
                heading_string += f"{heading}|"
            for row in step.table.rows:
                row_string = "|".join(row.cells)
    steps_string = "\n".join(parsed_steps)
    LOGGER.info(f"Steps run in setup or teardown scenario:\n{steps_string}")
コード例 #4
def the_files_should_exist(context: runner.Context) -> None:
    """Check a list of files that should have been created.

        context: Behave runner context with a list of files.

    for target_file in context.table:
        context.execute_steps(u'then the file "{}" should exist'.format(target_file["file"]))
コード例 #5
def the_file_should_contain(context: runner.Context, target: str, contents: str) -> None:
    """Check a file contains a given string.

        context: Behave runner context.
        target: Name of file to check.
        contents: Expected contents of file.

       Then the file "{}" should exist with the contents:
            target, contents