コード例 #1
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: banados/lsd
	def _get_cells_recursive(self, outcells, data_path, bounds_xy, bounds_t, pattern, x = 0., y = 0.):
		""" Helper for get_cells(). See documentation of
		    get_cells() for usage
		lev  = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)
		dx   = bhpix.pix_size(lev)

		# Check for nonzero overlap
		box  = self._cell_bounds_xy(x, y, dx)
		bounds_xy = bounds_xy & box
		if not bounds_xy:

		# Check if the cell directory exists (give up if it doesn't)
		path = data_path + '/' + self._path_to_cell_base_xy(x, y, lev)
		if not os.path.isdir(path):

		# If re reached the bottom of the hierarchy
		if self._is_valid_cell_xy(x, y):
			# Get the cell_ids for leaf cells matching pattern
			xybounds = None if(bounds_xy.area() == box.area()) else bounds_xy
			sibling_cells = list(self._get_temporal_siblings(x, y, path, pattern))
			for cell_id in sibling_cells:
				# Filter on time, add bounds
				x, y, t = self._xyt_from_cell_id(cell_id)

				if t != self.t0:
					# Cut on the time component
					tival = intervalset((t, t+self.dt))
					tolap = bounds_t & tival
					if len(tolap):
						(l, r) = tolap[-1]				# Get the right-most interval component
						if l == r == t+self.dt:				# Is it a single point?
							tolap = intervalset(*tolap[:-1])	# Since objects in this cell have time in [t, t+dt), remove the t+dt point
					if len(tolap) == 0:					# No overlap between the intervals -- skip this cell
					# Return None if the cell is fully contained in the requested interval
					tbounds = None if tival == tolap else tolap
					# Static cell
					tbounds = bounds_t
					assert len(sibling_cells) == 1, "There can be only one static cell (cell_id=%s)" % cell_id

				# Add to output
				if tbounds is None:
					outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = None
				elif xybounds not in outcells[cell_id]:
					outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = tbounds
				elif outcells[cell_id][xybounds] is not None:
					outcells[cell_id][xybounds] |= tbounds
			# Recursively subdivide the four subpixels
			dx = dx / 2
			for d in np.array([(0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5), (0.5, -0.5)]):
				(x2, y2) = (x, y) + dx*d
				self._get_cells_recursive(outcells, data_path, bounds_xy & box, bounds_t, pattern, x2, y2)
コード例 #2
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: banados/lsd
	def _path_to_cell_base_xy(self, x, y, level = None):
		# The only place in the code where we map from
		# (x, y) to cell base path
		if level is None:
			level  = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)

		path = [];
		for lev in xrange(1, level+1):
			(cx, cy) = bhpix.xy_center(x, y, lev)
			subpath = "%+g%+g" % (cx, cy)

		return '/'.join(path)
コード例 #3
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: gregreen/lsd
    def _path_to_cell_base_xy(self, x, y, level=None):
        # The only place in the code where we map from
        # (x, y) to cell base path
        if level is None:
            level = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)

        path = []
        for lev in xrange(1, level + 1):
            (cx, cy) = bhpix.xy_center(x, y, lev)
            subpath = "%+g%+g" % (cx, cy)

        return '/'.join(path)
コード例 #4
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: banados/lsd
	def _cell_bounds_xy(self, x, y, dx = None):
		""" Return a bounding polygon for a given
		    cell center x,y
		if dx is None:
			lev  = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)
			dx   = bhpix.pix_size(lev)
			##dx = bhpix.pix_size(self.level)

		bounds = Polygon.Shapes.Rectangle(dx)
		bounds.shift(x - 0.5*dx, y - 0.5*dx);

		if fabs(fabs(x) - fabs(y)) == 0.5:
			# If it's a "halfpixel", return a triangle
			# by clipping agains the sky
			bounds &= bn.ALLSKY

		return bounds
コード例 #5
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: gregreen/lsd
    def _cell_bounds_xy(self, x, y, dx=None):
        """ Return a bounding polygon for a given
		    cell center x,y
        if dx is None:
            lev = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)
            dx = bhpix.pix_size(lev)
            ##dx = bhpix.pix_size(self.level)

        bounds = Polygon.Shapes.Rectangle(dx)
        bounds.shift(x - 0.5 * dx, y - 0.5 * dx)

        if fabs(fabs(x) - fabs(y)) == 0.5:
            # If it's a "halfpixel", return a triangle
            # by clipping agains the sky
            bounds &= bn.ALLSKY

        return bounds
コード例 #6
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: banados/lsd
	def _is_valid_cell_xy(self, x, y):
		return bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y) == self.level
コード例 #7
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: gregreen/lsd
    def _get_cells_recursive(self,
        """ Helper for get_cells(). See documentation of
		    get_cells() for usage
        lev = bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y)
        dx = bhpix.pix_size(lev)

        # Check for nonzero overlap
        box = self._cell_bounds_xy(x, y, dx)
        bounds_xy = bounds_xy & box
        if not bounds_xy:

        # Check if the cell directory exists (give up if it doesn't)
        path = data_path + '/' + self._path_to_cell_base_xy(x, y, lev)
        if not os.path.isdir(path):

        # If re reached the bottom of the hierarchy
        if self._is_valid_cell_xy(x, y):
            # Get the cell_ids for leaf cells matching pattern
            xybounds = None if (bounds_xy.area() == box.area()) else bounds_xy
            sibling_cells = list(
                self._get_temporal_siblings(x, y, path, pattern))
            for cell_id in sibling_cells:
                # Filter on time, add bounds
                x, y, t = self._xyt_from_cell_id(cell_id)

                if t != self.t0:
                    # Cut on the time component
                    tival = intervalset((t, t + self.dt))
                    tolap = bounds_t & tival
                    if len(tolap):
                        (l, r
                         ) = tolap[-1]  # Get the right-most interval component
                        if l == r == t + self.dt:  # Is it a single point?
                            tolap = intervalset(
                            )  # Since objects in this cell have time in [t, t+dt), remove the t+dt point

                    if len(
                    ) == 0:  # No overlap between the intervals -- skip this cell

                    # Return None if the cell is fully contained in the requested interval
                    tbounds = None if tival == tolap else tolap
                    # Static cell
                    tbounds = bounds_t
                    assert len(
                    ) == 1, "There can be only one static cell (cell_id=%s)" % cell_id

                # Add to output
                if tbounds is None:
                    outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = None
                elif xybounds not in outcells[cell_id]:
                    outcells[cell_id][xybounds] = tbounds
                elif outcells[cell_id][xybounds] is not None:
                    outcells[cell_id][xybounds] |= tbounds
            # Recursively subdivide the four subpixels
            dx = dx / 2
            for d in np.array([(0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, 0.5), (-0.5, -0.5),
                               (0.5, -0.5)]):
                (x2, y2) = (x, y) + dx * d
                self._get_cells_recursive(outcells, data_path, bounds_xy & box,
                                          bounds_t, pattern, x2, y2)
コード例 #8
ファイル: pixelization.py プロジェクト: gregreen/lsd
 def _is_valid_cell_xy(self, x, y):
     return bhpix.get_pixel_level(x, y) == self.level