コード例 #1
    def set(self, key, value):
        """Insert the given item in order into this binary search tree.
        Best case: O(1) when adding to empty tree
        Worst case: O(log n) when node is lowest level of tree"""
        # Handle the case where the tree is empty
        key_value = (key, value)

        if self.is_empty():
            self.root = BinaryTreeNode(key_value)
            self.size += 1
        parent = self._find_parent_node_recursive(key, self.root)
        if key < parent.data[0]:
            if (parent.left == None):
                self.size += 1
                parent.left = BinaryTreeNode(key_value)
                parent.left.data = key_value

        elif key > parent.data[0]:
            if (parent.right == None):
                self.size += 1
                parent.right = BinaryTreeNode(key_value)
                parent.right.data = key_value
コード例 #2
 def insertIntoBST1(self, root: BinaryTreeNode, val: int) -> BinaryTreeNode:
     if root is None:
         return BinaryTreeNode(val)
     if val < root.val:
         root.left = self.insertIntoBST1(root.left, val)
     else:  # val > root.val
         root.right = self.insertIntoBST1(root.right, val)
     return root
コード例 #3
def create_minimal_tree(list_of_values: List[int]) -> BinaryTreeNode:
    length_of_list = len(list_of_values)
    if length_of_list == 1:
        node =  BinaryTreeNode(list_of_values[0])
        return node
    middle_index = floor(length_of_list/2)
    left_tree_root: BinaryTreeNode = create_minimal_tree(list_of_values[0:middle_index])
    right_tree_root: BinaryTreeNode = create_minimal_tree(list_of_values[middle_index+1:length_of_list])
    root_node: BinaryTreeNode = BinaryTreeNode(list_of_values[middle_index], left_tree_root, right_tree_root)
    return root_node
コード例 #4
        def create_tree_from_list(values: List[int], root: BinaryTreeNode,
                                  parent: BinaryTreeNode, i: int,
                                  length: int) -> BinaryTreeNode:
            """Helper function to create a tree from a list of values.
            if i < length:
                if values[i] is not None:
                    root = BinaryTreeNode(data=values[i], parent=parent)
                    root.left = create_tree_from_list(values, root.left, root,
                                                      2 * i + 1, length)
                    root.right = create_tree_from_list(values, root.right,
                                                       root, 2 * i + 2, length)

            return root
コード例 #5
def to_search_tree(sorted_list):
    print("List:", sorted_list)
    if len(sorted_list) == 0:
        print("Empty list, returning None")
        return None
    elif len(sorted_list) == 1:
        print("Single entry, creating new node")
        return BinaryTreeNode(sorted_list[0])
        print("2 or more entries. Splitting and recursing.")
        mid = len(sorted_list)//2
        root = BinaryTreeNode(sorted_list[mid])
        print("Root (midpoint of split):", root)
        root.left = to_search_tree(sorted_list[:mid])
        root.right = to_search_tree(sorted_list[mid+1:])
        return root
コード例 #6
def to_search_tree(sorted_list):
    print("List:", sorted_list)
    if len(sorted_list) == 0:
        print("Empty list, returning None")
        return None
    elif len(sorted_list) == 1:
        print("Single entry, creating new node")
        return BinaryTreeNode(sorted_list[0])
        print("2 or more entries. Splitting and recursing.")
        mid = len(sorted_list) // 2
        root = BinaryTreeNode(sorted_list[mid])
        print("Root (midpoint of split):", root)
        root.left = to_search_tree(sorted_list[:mid])
        root.right = to_search_tree(sorted_list[mid + 1:])
        return root
コード例 #7
 def insertIntoBST2(self, root: BinaryTreeNode, val: int) -> BinaryTreeNode:
     if root is None:
         return BinaryTreeNode(val)
     parent, curr = None, root
     while curr:
         parent = curr
         if val < curr.val:
             curr = curr.left
         elif val > curr.val:
             curr = curr.right
         else:  # val == root.val
     if val < parent.val:
         parent.left = BinaryTreeNode(val)
     elif val > parent.val:
         parent.right = BinaryTreeNode(val)
     return root
コード例 #8
ファイル: rebuild_tree.py プロジェクト: black-eleven/gaea
def rebuild_tree(preorder, prestart, inorder, instart, inend):
    print preorder, prestart, inorder, instart, inend
    if instart > inend:
        return None
    node = BinaryTreeNode(preorder[prestart])
    if instart == inend:
        return node
    in_index = findindex(inorder, instart, inend, preorder[prestart])
    print in_index
    if prestart + 1 > len(preorder):
        return node
    node.left = rebuild_tree(preorder, prestart + 1, inorder, instart,
                             in_index - 1)
    if in_index + 1 > len(preorder):
        return node
    node.right = rebuild_tree(preorder, in_index + 1, inorder, in_index + 1,
    return node
コード例 #9
        def build(preorder_left, preorder_right, inorder_left, inorder_right):
            # base
            if preorder_left > preorder_right:
                return None

            # process
            preorder_root = preorder_left
            inorder_root = index[preorder[preorder_root]]
            root = BinaryTreeNode(preorder[preorder_root])

            # drill down
            size_left_subtree = inorder_root - inorder_left
            root.left = build(preorder_left + 1,
                              preorder_left + size_left_subtree, inorder_left,
                              inorder_root + 1)
            root.right = build(preorder_left + size_left_subtree + 1,
                               preorder_right, inorder_root + 1, inorder_right)

            # return
            return root
コード例 #10
 def deleteNode(self, root: BinaryTreeNode, key: int) -> BinaryTreeNode:
     if root is None:
         return None
     if key < root.val:
         root.left = self.deleteNode(root.left, key)
     elif key > root.val:
         root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right, key)
         if root.left is None:
             # has only right child
             child = root.right
             root = None
             return child
         elif root.right is None:
             # has only left child
             child = root.left
             root = None
             return child
         # has two children
         child = self.minChild(root.right)
         root.val = child.val
         root.right = self.deleteNode(root.right, child.val)
     return root
    def test_breadth_first_mostly_left_side_nodes(self):
        bt = BinaryTree()
        bt.root = BinaryTreeNode(1)
        bt.root.left = BinaryTreeNode(2)
        bt.root.right = BinaryTreeNode(3)

        bt.root.left.left = BinaryTreeNode(4)
        bt.root.left.right = BinaryTreeNode(5)
        bt.root.right.right = BinaryTreeNode(7)

        bt.root.left.left.left = BinaryTreeNode(6)
        bt.root.left.left.left.left = BinaryTreeNode(8)

        result, depth = bt.breadth_first()

        self.assertEqual(result, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8])
        self.assertEqual(depth, 4)
def create_tree_ready_for_traversal():
    #                     ____1____
    #                    |         |
    #                  __2__     __3__
    #                 |     |   |     |
    #                 4     5   6     7
    bt = BinaryTree()
    bt.root = BinaryTreeNode(1)
    bt.root.left = BinaryTreeNode(2)
    bt.root.left.left = BinaryTreeNode(4)
    bt.root.left.right = BinaryTreeNode(5)
    bt.root.right = BinaryTreeNode(3)
    bt.root.right.right = BinaryTreeNode(7)
    bt.root.right.left = BinaryTreeNode(6)
    return bt
コード例 #13
    def test_balanced_true_perfect(self):

        #          1
        #       /     \
        #      2        3
        #    /   \     / \
        #   4     5   6    7
        six_node = BinaryTreeNode("6")
        seven_node = BinaryTreeNode("7")
        three_node = BinaryTreeNode("3", six_node, seven_node)
        four_node = BinaryTreeNode("4")
        five_node = BinaryTreeNode("5")
        two_node = BinaryTreeNode("2", four_node, five_node)
        one_node = BinaryTreeNode("1", two_node, three_node)
        binary_tree = BinaryTree(one_node)
        balanced = run_check_balanced(binary_tree)
コード例 #14
    def test_balanced_false(self):

        #          1
        #       /     \
        #      2        3
        #    /   \     /
        #   4     5   6
        #         |
        #         7
        #         |
        #         8
        six_node = BinaryTreeNode("6")
        three_node = BinaryTreeNode("3", six_node)
        four_node = BinaryTreeNode("4")
        eight_node = BinaryTreeNode("8")
        seven_node = BinaryTreeNode("7", eight_node)
        five_node = BinaryTreeNode("5", seven_node)
        two_node = BinaryTreeNode("2", four_node, five_node)
        one_node = BinaryTreeNode("1", two_node, three_node)
        binary_tree = BinaryTree(one_node)
        balanced = run_check_balanced(binary_tree)
コード例 #15
def better_is_mirror(root: binary_tree.BinaryTreeNode):
    if root.is_leaf():
        return True

    if root.left is None or root.right is None:
        return False
    left_tree_stack = [root.left]
    right_tree_stack = [root.right]
    while len(left_tree_stack) != 0 or len(right_tree_stack) != 0:
        left_node = left_tree_stack.pop()
        right_node = right_tree_stack.pop()
        if not compare_node(left_node, right_node):
            return False
        dfs_left_tree(left_node, left_tree_stack.append)
        dfs_right_tree(left_node, right_tree_stack.append)
    return True
コード例 #16
    def test_list_of_depths(self):

        #          1
        #       /     \
        #      2        3
        #    /   \     / \
        #   4     5   6    7
        six_node = BinaryTreeNode("6")
        seven_node = BinaryTreeNode("7")
        three_node = BinaryTreeNode("3", six_node, seven_node)
        four_node = BinaryTreeNode("4")
        five_node = BinaryTreeNode("5")
        two_node = BinaryTreeNode("2", four_node, five_node)
        one_node = BinaryTreeNode("1", two_node, three_node)
        binary_tree = BinaryTree(one_node)
        response = run_list_of_depths(binary_tree)
        list_one: LinkedList = response[0]
        self.assertEqual('1', list_one.head.data)
        list_two = response[1]
        self.assertEqual('2', list_two.head.data)
        list_three = response[2]
        self.assertEqual('4', list_three.head.data)
    def test_has_parent_attribute(self):
        node = BinaryTreeNode(10)

    def test_accepts_parent_node(self):
        parent_node = BinaryTreeNode(10)
        node = BinaryTreeNode(20, parent_node)

        self.assertIs(node.parent, parent_node)
コード例 #19
def node_b():
    return BinaryTreeNode('b')
コード例 #20
def node_a():
    return BinaryTreeNode('a')
コード例 #21
def node_f():
    return BinaryTreeNode('f')
コード例 #22
def node_e():
    return BinaryTreeNode('e')
コード例 #23
def node_d():
    return BinaryTreeNode('d')
コード例 #24
def node_c():
    return BinaryTreeNode('c')
コード例 #25
def test_treeToString():
    root = BinaryTreeNode(
        4, BinaryTreeNode(3, BinaryTreeNode(2, BinaryTreeNode(1))))
    assert treeToString(root) == "4(3(2(1)))"
    balanced = balanceTree(root)
    assert treeToString(balanced) == "2(1)(3(4))"
    def test_accepts_value(self):
        node = BinaryTreeNode(10)

        self.assertEqual(node.value, 10)
    def test_has_left_attribute(self):
        node = BinaryTreeNode(10)

コード例 #28
 def test_height(self):
     # Create node with no children
     node = BinaryTreeNode(4)
     assert node.height() == 0
     # Attach left child node
     node.left = BinaryTreeNode(2)
     assert node.height() == 1
     # Attach right child node
     node.right = BinaryTreeNode(6)
     assert node.height() == 1
     # Attach left-left grandchild node
     node.left.left = BinaryTreeNode(1)
     assert node.height() == 2
     # Attach right-right grandchild node
     node.right.right = BinaryTreeNode(8)
     assert node.height() == 2
     # Attach right-right-left great-grandchild node
     node.right.right.left = BinaryTreeNode(7)
     assert node.height() == 3
コード例 #29
 def test_is_branch(self):
     # Create node with no children
     node = BinaryTreeNode(2)
     assert node.is_branch() is False
     # Attach left child node
     node.left = BinaryTreeNode(1)
     assert node.is_branch() is True
     # Attach right child node
     node.right = BinaryTreeNode(3)
     assert node.is_branch() is True
     # Detach left child node
     node.left = None
     assert node.is_branch() is True
     # Detach right child node
     node.right = None
     assert node.is_branch() is False
コード例 #30
ファイル: solution.py プロジェクト: bogatyy/cs228
def build_binary_tree(treeFile):
  tree = BinaryTreeNode()
  interior_nodes = []
  tree.assign_idx(interior_nodes, [1])
  return tree
コード例 #31
 def test_init(self):
     data = 123
     node = BinaryTreeNode(data)
     assert node.data is data
     assert node.left is None
     assert node.right is None
コード例 #32
ファイル: solution.py プロジェクト: EziamaUgonna/work2
def build_binary_tree(treeFile):
    tree = BinaryTreeNode()
    interior_nodes = []
    tree.assign_idx(interior_nodes, [1])
    return tree