コード例 #1
def create_drawable_sphere_object():
    """Create a drawable sphere world object that can be added through a mutation request."""
    # Add an edge where the transform vision_tform_object is only a position transform with no rotation.
    vision_tform_drawable = geom.SE3Pose(position=geom.Vec3(x=2, y=3, z=2),
                                         rotation=geom.Quaternion(x=0, y=0, z=0, w=1))
    # Create a map between the child frame name and the parent frame name/SE3Pose parent_tform_child
    edges = {}
    # Create an edge in the frame tree snapshot that includes vision_tform_drawable
    drawable_frame_name = "drawing_sphere"
    edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, vision_tform_drawable, VISION_FRAME_NAME, drawable_frame_name)
    snapshot = geom.FrameTreeSnapshot(child_to_parent_edge_map=edges)

    # Set the acquisition time for the sphere using a function to get google.protobuf.Timestamp of the current system time.
    time_now = now_timestamp()

    # Create the sphere drawable object
    sphere = world_object_pb2.DrawableSphere(radius=1)
    red_color = world_object_pb2.DrawableProperties.Color(r=255, b=0, g=0, a=1)
    sphere_drawable_prop = world_object_pb2.DrawableProperties(
        color=red_color, label="red sphere", wireframe=False, sphere=sphere,

    # Create the complete world object with transform information, a unique name, and the drawable sphere properties.
    world_object_sphere = world_object_pb2.WorldObject(id=16, name="red_sphere_ball",
    return world_object_sphere
コード例 #2
def create_apriltag_object():
    """Create an apriltag world object that can be added through a mutation request."""
    # Set the acquisition time for the additional april tag in robot time using a function to
    # get google.protobuf.Timestamp of the current system time.
    time_now = now_timestamp()

    # The apriltag id for the object we want to add.
    tag_id = 308

    # Set the frame names used for the two variants of the apriltag (filtered, raw)
    frame_name_fiducial = "fiducial_" + str(tag_id)
    frame_name_fiducial_filtered = "filtered_fiducial_" + str(tag_id)

    # Make the april tag (slightly offset from the first tag detection) as a world object. Create the
    # different edges necessary to create an expressive tree. The root node will be the world frame.
    default_a_tform_b = geom.SE3Pose(position=geom.Vec3(x=.2, y=.2, z=.2),
                                     rotation=geom.Quaternion(x=.1, y=.1, z=.1, w=.1))
    # Create a map between the child frame name and the parent frame name/SE3Pose parent_tform_child
    edges = {}
    # Create an edge for the raw fiducial detection in the world.
    vision_tform_fiducial = update_frame(tf=default_a_tform_b, position_change=(0, 0, -.2),
                                         rotation_change=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, vision_tform_fiducial, VISION_FRAME_NAME, frame_name_fiducial)
    # Create a edge for the filtered version of the fiducial in the world.
    vision_tform_filtered_fiducial = update_frame(tf=default_a_tform_b, position_change=(0, 0, -.2),
                                                  rotation_change=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, vision_tform_filtered_fiducial, VISION_FRAME_NAME,
    # Create the transform to express vision_tform_odom
    vision_tform_odom = update_frame(tf=default_a_tform_b, position_change=(0, 0, -.2),
                                     rotation_change=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, vision_tform_odom, VISION_FRAME_NAME, ODOM_FRAME_NAME)
    # Can also add custom frames into the frame tree snapshot as long as they keep the tree structure,
    # so the parent_frame must also be in the tree.
    vision_tform_special_frame = update_frame(tf=default_a_tform_b, position_change=(0, 0, -.2),
                                              rotation_change=(0, 0, 0, 0))
    edges = add_edge_to_tree(edges, vision_tform_special_frame, VISION_FRAME_NAME,
    snapshot = geom.FrameTreeSnapshot(child_to_parent_edge_map=edges)

    # Create the specific properties for the apriltag including the frame names for the transforms
    # describing the apriltag's position.
    tag_prop = world_object_pb2.AprilTagProperties(
        tag_id=tag_id, dimensions=geom.Vec2(x=.2, y=.2), frame_name_fiducial=frame_name_fiducial,

    #Create the complete world object with transform information and the apriltag properties.
    wo_obj_to_add = world_object_pb2.WorldObject(id=21, transforms_snapshot=snapshot,
    return wo_obj_to_add
コード例 #3
def main(argv):
    """An example using the API demonstrating adding image coordinates to the world object service."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    options = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Create robot object with a world object client.
    sdk = bosdyn.client.create_standard_sdk('WorldObjectClient')
    robot = sdk.create_robot(options.hostname)
    robot.authenticate(options.username, options.password)
    # Time sync is necessary so that time-based filter requests can be converted.

    # Create the world object client.
    world_object_client = robot.ensure_client(

    # List all world objects in the scene before any mutation.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    print("Current World objects before mutations: " +
          str([obj for obj in world_objects]))

    # Set the detection time for the additional april tag. The client library will convert the time into robot time.
    # Uses a function to get google.protobuf.Timestamp of the current system time.
    timestamp = now_timestamp()

    # Create the image coordinate object. This type of object does not require a base frame for the world object.
    # Since we are not providing a transform to the object expressed by the image coordinates, than it is not necessary
    # to set the frame_name_image_properties, as this describes the frame used in a transform (such as world_tform_image_coords)
    img_coord = wo.ImageProperties(
        coordinates=geom.Polygon(vertexes=[geom.Vec2(x=100, y=100)]))
    wo_obj = wo.WorldObject(id=2,

    # Request to add the image coordinates detection to the world object service.
    add_coords = make_add_world_object_req(wo_obj)
    resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_coords)

    # List all world objects in the scene after the mutation was applied.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    print("Current World objects after adding coordinates: " +
          str([obj for obj in world_objects]))

    return True
コード例 #4
def main(argv):
    """An example using the API to apply mutations to world objects."""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    options = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Create robot object with a world object client.
    sdk = bosdyn.client.create_standard_sdk('WorldObjectClient')
    robot = sdk.create_robot(options.hostname)
    robot.authenticate(options.username, options.password)
    # Time sync is necessary so that time-based filter requests can be converted.

    # Create the world object client.
    world_object_client = robot.ensure_client(

    # List all world objects in the scene.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    print("Current World objects' ids " +
          str([obj.id for obj in world_objects]))

    # If there are any world objects in Spot's perception scene, then attempt to mutate one.
    # This should fail and return a STATUS_NO_PERMISSION since a client cannot mutate
    # objects that they did not add into the scene.
    if len(world_objects) > 0:
        obj_to_mutate = world_objects[0]
        # Attempt to delete the object.
        delete_req = make_delete_world_object_req(obj_to_mutate)
        status = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(delete_req).status
        assert (status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.

        # Attempt to change the object.
        for edge in obj_to_mutate.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map:
                edge].parent_tform_child.position.x = 1.0
        change_req = make_change_world_object_req(obj_to_mutate)
        status = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(change_req).status
        assert (status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.

    # Request to add the new april tag detection to the world object service.
    wo_obj_to_add = create_apriltag_object()
    add_apriltag = make_add_world_object_req(wo_obj_to_add)
    resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_apriltag)
    # Get the world object ID set by the service, so that we can make additional changes to this object.
    added_apriltag_world_obj_id = resp.mutated_object_id

    # List all world objects in the scene after the mutation was applied.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    print("World object IDs after object addition: " +
          str([obj.apriltag_properties.tag_id for obj in world_objects]))

    for world_obj in world_objects:
        if world_obj.id == added_apriltag_world_obj_id:
            # Look for the custom frame that was included in the add-request, where the child frame name was "my_special_frame"
            full_snapshot = world_obj.transforms_snapshot
            for edge in full_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map:
                if edge == "my_special_frame":
                        "The world object includes the custom frame vision_tform_my_special_frame!"

    # Request to change an existing apriltag's dimensions. This will succeed because it is changing
    # an object that was added by a client program. We are using the ID returned by the service to
    # change the correct apriltag.
    time_now = now_timestamp()
    tag_prop_modified = world_object_pb2.AprilTagProperties(
        tag_id=308, dimensions=geom.Vec2(x=.35, y=.35))
    wo_obj_to_change = world_object_pb2.WorldObject(
    print("World object X dimension of apriltag size before change: " +
          str([obj.apriltag_properties.dimensions.x for obj in world_objects]))

    change_apriltag = make_change_world_object_req(wo_obj_to_change)
    resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(
    assert (
        resp.status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.STATUS_OK)

    # List all world objects in the scene after the mutation was applied.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    print("World object X dimension of apriltag size after change: " +
          str([obj.apriltag_properties.dimensions.x for obj in world_objects]))

    # Add a apriltag and then delete it. This will succeed because it is deleting an object added by
    # a client program and not specific to Spot's perception
    add_apriltag = make_add_world_object_req(wo_obj_to_add)
    resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_apriltag)
    assert (
        resp.status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.STATUS_OK)
    apriltag_to_delete_id = resp.mutated_object_id

    # Update the list of world object's after adding a apriltag
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects

    # Delete the april tag that was just added. This will succeed because it is changing an object that was
    # just added by a client program (and not an object Spot's perception system detected). The world object
    # can be identified by the ID returned from the service after the mutation request succeeded.
    wo_obj_to_delete = world_object_pb2.WorldObject(id=apriltag_to_delete_id)
    delete_apriltag = make_delete_world_object_req(wo_obj_to_delete)
    resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(
    assert (
        resp.status == world_object_pb2.MutateWorldObjectResponse.STATUS_OK)

    # List all world objects in the scene after the deletion was applied.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    print("World object IDs after object deletion: " +
          str([obj.apriltag_properties.tag_id for obj in world_objects]))

    # Add a drawable object into the perception scene with a custom frame and unique name.
    sphere_to_add = create_drawable_sphere_object()
    add_sphere = make_add_world_object_req(sphere_to_add)
    resp = world_object_client.mutate_world_objects(mutation_req=add_sphere)
    # Get the world object ID set by the service.
    sphere_id = resp.mutated_object_id

    # List all world objects in the scene after the mutation was applied. Find the sphere in the list
    # and see the transforms added into the frame tree snapshot by Spot in addition to the custom frame.
    world_objects = world_object_client.list_world_objects().world_objects
    for world_obj in world_objects:
        if world_obj.id == sphere_id:
            print("Found sphere named " + world_obj.name)
            full_snapshot = world_obj.transforms_snapshot
            for edge in full_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map:
                print("Child frame name: " + edge + ". Parent frame name: " +
    return True