コード例 #1
 def recurse(data, low, high):
     if low > high:
         mid = low + (high - low) // 2
         node = BSTNode(data[mid])
         node.left = recurse(data, low, mid - 1)
         node.right = recurse(data, mid + 1, high)
         return node
コード例 #2
 def make_bst(array):
     if not array:
         return None
     mid = len(array) // 2
     root = BSTNode(array[mid])
     if mid == 0:
         return root
     root.left = make_bst(array[:mid])
     root.right = make_bst(array[mid + 1:])
     return root
コード例 #3
ファイル: linkedbst.py プロジェクト: misha2956/lab13_z12
 def get_node_recursive(leftp, rightp):
     if (rightp - leftp) == 1:
         return BSTNode(sorted_list[leftp])
     if (rightp - leftp) == 0:
         return None
     middle = int((leftp + rightp) / 2)
     node = BSTNode(sorted_list[middle])
     node.left = get_node_recursive(leftp, middle)
     node.right = get_node_recursive(middle + 1, rightp)
     return node
コード例 #4
        def recursive(nodes):
            middle_node = math.floor(((len(nodes) - 1) / 2))
            new_root = BSTNode(nodes[middle_node])
            if middle_node == 0:
                return new_root

            new_root.right = recursive(nodes[middle_node:])
            new_root.left = recursive(nodes[:middle_node])

            return new_root
コード例 #5
ファイル: linkedbst.py プロジェクト: Sofiia2001/TicTacToe_BST
        def create_balanced_BST(arr):
            if len(arr) == 0:
                return None

            middle = len(arr) // 2

            new_root = BSTNode(data=arr[middle])
            new_root.left = create_balanced_BST(arr[:middle])
            new_root.right = create_balanced_BST(arr[middle + 1:])

            return new_root
コード例 #6
    def making_tree(self):
        node = BSTNode(self._field)
        field1 = copy(self._field)
        field2 = copy(self._field)
        if self.status() == NOTHING:
            cell = choice(Board.possible_cells(self._field))
            cell2 = choice(Board.possible_cells(self._field))
            node.left = self.making_tree(field1)
            node.right = self..making_tree(field2)

            return node
コード例 #7
    def remove(self, item):
        """Precondition: item is in self.
        Raises: KeyError if item is not in self.
        postcondition: item is removed from self."""
        if not item in self:
            raise KeyError("Item not in tree.""")

        # Helper function to adjust placement of an item
        def lift_max_in_left(top):
            # Replace top's datum with the maximum datum in the left subtree
            # Pre:  top has a left child
            # Post: the maximum node in top's left subtree
            #       has been removed
            # Post: top.data = maximum value in top's left subtree
            parent = top
            current_node = top.left
            while current_node.right is not None:
                parent = current_node
                current_node = current_node.right
            top.data = current_node.data
            if parent == top:
                top.left = current_node.left
                parent.right = current_node.left

        # Begin main part of the method
        if self.isEmpty():
            return None

        # Attempt to locate the node containing the item
        item_removed = None
        pre_root = BSTNode(None)
        pre_root.left = self._root
        parent = pre_root
        direction = 'L'
        current_node = self._root
        while current_node is not None:
            if current_node.data == item:
                item_removed = current_node.data
            parent = current_node
            if current_node.data > item:
                direction = 'L'
                current_node = current_node.left
                direction = 'R'
                current_node = current_node.right

        # Return None if the item is absent
        if item_removed is None:
            return None

        # The item is present, so remove its node

        # Case 1: The node has a left and a right child
        #         Replace the node's value with the maximum value in the
        #         left subtree
        #         Delete the maximium node in the left subtree
        if current_node.left is not None \
                and current_node.right is not None:

            # Case 2: The node has no left child
            if current_node.left is None:
                new_child = current_node.right

                # Case 3: The node has no right child
                new_child = current_node.left

                # Case 2 & 3: Tie the parent to the new child
            if direction == 'L':
                parent.left = new_child
                parent.right = new_child

        # All cases: Reset the root (if it hasn't changed no harm done)
        #            Decrement the collection's size counter
        #            Return the item
        self._size -= 1
        if self.isEmpty():
            self._root = None
            self._root = pre_root.left
        return item_removed
コード例 #8
    def remove(self, item):
        """Precondition: item is in self.
        Raises: KeyError if item is not in self.
        postcondition: item is removed from self."""
        if not item in self:
            raise KeyError("Item not in tree.""")

        # Helper function to adjust placement of an item
        def liftMaxInLeftSubtreeToTop(top):
            # Replace top's datum with the maximum datum in the left subtree
            # Pre:  top has a left child
            # Post: the maximum node in top's left subtree
            #       has been removed
            # Post: top.data = maximum value in top's left subtree
            parent = top
            currentNode = top.left
            while not currentNode.right == None:
                parent = currentNode
                currentNode = currentNode.right
            top.data = currentNode.data
            if parent == top:
                top.left = currentNode.left
                parent.right = currentNode.left

        # Begin main part of the method
        if self.isEmpty(): return None
        # Attempt to locate the node containing the item
        itemRemoved = None
        preRoot = BSTNode(None)
        preRoot.left = self._root
        parent = preRoot
        direction = 'L'
        currentNode = self._root
        while not currentNode == None:
            if currentNode.data == item:
                itemRemoved = currentNode.data
            parent = currentNode
            if currentNode.data > item:
                direction = 'L'
                currentNode = currentNode.left
                direction = 'R'
                currentNode = currentNode.right
        # Return None if the item is absent
        if itemRemoved == None: return None
        # The item is present, so remove its node

        # Case 1: The node has a left and a right child
        #         Replace the node's value with the maximum value in the
        #         left subtree
        #         Delete the maximium node in the left subtree
        if not currentNode.left == None \
           and not currentNode.right == None:
        # Case 2: The node has no left child
            if currentNode.left == None:
                newChild = currentNode.right
        # Case 3: The node has no right child
                newChild = currentNode.left
        # Case 2 & 3: Tie the parent to the new child
            if direction == 'L':
                parent.left = newChild
                parent.right = newChild
        # All cases: Reset the root (if it hasn't changed no harm done)
        #            Decrement the collection's size counter
        #            Return the item
        self._size -= 1
        if self.isEmpty():
            self._root = None
            self._root = preRoot.left
        return itemRemoved
コード例 #9
ファイル: linkedbst.py プロジェクト: sininni/BST_search
    def remove(self, item):
        """Precondition: item is in self.
        Raises: KeyError if item is not in self.
        postcondition: item is removed from self."""
        if not item in self:
            raise KeyError("Item not in tree." "")

        def liftMaxInLeftSubtreeToTop(top):
            Helper function to adjust placement of an item.
            parent = top
            current_node = top.left
            while not current_node.right == None:
                parent = current_node
                current_node = current_node.right
            top.data = current_node.data
            if parent == top:
                top.left = current_node.left
                parent.right = current_node.left

        if self.isEmpty(): return None

        item_removed = None
        pre_root = BSTNode(None)
        pre_root.left = self._root
        parent = pre_root
        direction = 'L'
        current_node = self._root
        while not current_node == None:
            if current_node.data == item:
                item_removed = current_node.data
            parent = current_node
            if current_node.data > item:
                direction = 'L'
                current_node = current_node.left
                direction = 'R'
                current_node = current_node.right

        if item_removed == None: return None

        if not current_node.left == None \
                and not current_node.right == None:

            if current_node.left == None:
                new_child = current_node.right

                new_child = current_node.left

            if direction == 'L':
                parent.left = new_child
                parent.right = new_child

        self._size -= 1
        if self.isEmpty():
            self._root = None
            self._root = pre_root.left
        return item_removed
コード例 #10
ファイル: linkedbst.py プロジェクト: mitryahina/lab14
    def remove(self, item):
        """Precondition: item is in self.
        Raises: KeyError if item is not in self.
        postcondition: item is removed from self."""
        if not item in self:
            raise KeyError("Item not in tree." "")

        def liftMaxInLeftSubtreeToTop(top):
            parent = top
            currentNode = top.left
            while not currentNode.right == None:
                parent = currentNode
                currentNode = currentNode.right
            top.data = currentNode.data
            if parent == top:
                top.left = currentNode.left
                parent.right = currentNode.left

        # Begin main part of the method
        if self.isEmpty(): return None

        # Attempt to locate the node containing the item
        itemRemoved = None
        preRoot = BSTNode(None)
        preRoot.left = self._root
        parent = preRoot
        direction = 'L'
        currentNode = self._root
        while not currentNode == None:
            if currentNode.data == item:
                itemRemoved = currentNode.data
            parent = currentNode
            if currentNode.data > item:
                direction = 'L'
                currentNode = currentNode.left
                direction = 'R'
                currentNode = currentNode.right

        # Return None if the item is absent
        if itemRemoved == None: return None
        if not currentNode.left == None \
                and not currentNode.right == None:
            if currentNode.left == None:
                newChild = currentNode.right
                newChild = currentNode.left
            if direction == 'L':
                parent.left = newChild
                parent.right = newChild
        self._size -= 1
        if self.isEmpty():
            self._root = None
            self._root = preRoot.left
        return itemRemoved