コード例 #1
ファイル: book_details.py プロジェクト: buoyantair/calibre
 def trim_cover(self):
     book_id = self.data.get('id')
     if not book_id:
     from calibre.utils.img import image_from_x, remove_borders_from_image
     img = image_from_x(self.pixmap)
     nimg = remove_borders_from_image(img)
     if nimg is not img:
         self.last_trim_id = book_id
         self.last_trim_pixmap = self.pixmap
コード例 #2
ファイル: covers.py プロジェクト: zyhong/calibre
def process_result(log, result):
    plugin, data = result
        if getattr(plugin, 'auto_trim_covers', False):
            img = image_from_data(data)
            nimg = remove_borders_from_image(img)
            if nimg is not img:
                data = image_to_data(nimg)
        fmt, width, height = identify(data)
        if width < 0 or height < 0:
            raise ValueError('Could not read cover image dimensions')
        if width < 50 or height < 50:
            raise ValueError('Image too small')
        data = save_cover_data_to(data)
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Invalid cover from', plugin.name)
        return None
    return (plugin, width, height, fmt, data)
コード例 #3
ファイル: covers.py プロジェクト: Coi-l/calibre
def process_result(log, result):
    plugin, data = result
        if getattr(plugin, 'auto_trim_covers', False):
            img = image_from_data(data)
            nimg = remove_borders_from_image(img)
            if nimg is not img:
                data = image_to_data(nimg)
        fmt, width, height = identify(data)
        if width < 0 or height < 0:
            raise ValueError('Could not read cover image dimensions')
        if width < 50 or height < 50:
            raise ValueError('Image too small')
        data = save_cover_data_to(data)
    except Exception:
        log.exception('Invalid cover from', plugin.name)
        return None
    return (plugin, width, height, fmt, data)
コード例 #4
ファイル: input.py プロジェクト: Coi-l/calibre
    def process_pages(self):
        from calibre.utils.img import (
            image_to_data, rotate_image, remove_borders_from_image, normalize_image,
            add_borders_to_image, resize_image, gaussian_sharpen_image, grayscale_image,
            despeckle_image, quantize_image
        for i, img in enumerate(self.pages):
            if self.rotate:
                img = rotate_image(img, -90)

            if not self.opts.disable_trim:
                img = remove_borders_from_image(img)

            # Do the Photoshop "Auto Levels" equivalent
            if not self.opts.dont_normalize:
                img = normalize_image(img)
            sizex, sizey = img.width(), img.height()

            SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT = self.opts.output_profile.comic_screen_size

                if self.opts.comic_image_size:
                    SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT = map(int, [x.strip() for x in
                pass  # Ignore

            if self.opts.keep_aspect_ratio:
                # Preserve the aspect ratio by adding border
                aspect = float(sizex) / float(sizey)
                if aspect <= (float(SCRWIDTH) / float(SCRHEIGHT)):
                    newsizey = SCRHEIGHT
                    newsizex = int(newsizey * aspect)
                    deltax = (SCRWIDTH - newsizex) / 2
                    deltay = 0
                    newsizex = SCRWIDTH
                    newsizey = int(newsizex / aspect)
                    deltax = 0
                    deltay = (SCRHEIGHT - newsizey) / 2
                if newsizex < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE and newsizey < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE:
                    # Too large and resizing fails, so better
                    # to leave it as original size
                    img = resize_image(img, newsizex, newsizey)
                    img = add_borders_to_image(img, left=deltax, right=deltax, top=deltay, bottom=deltay)
            elif self.opts.wide:
                # Keep aspect and Use device height as scaled image width so landscape mode is clean
                aspect = float(sizex) / float(sizey)
                screen_aspect = float(SCRWIDTH) / float(SCRHEIGHT)
                # Get dimensions of the landscape mode screen
                # Add 25px back to height for the battery bar.
                wscreenx = SCRHEIGHT + 25
                wscreeny = int(wscreenx / screen_aspect)
                if aspect <= screen_aspect:
                    newsizey = wscreeny
                    newsizex = int(newsizey * aspect)
                    deltax = (wscreenx - newsizex) / 2
                    deltay = 0
                    newsizex = wscreenx
                    newsizey = int(newsizex / aspect)
                    deltax = 0
                    deltay = (wscreeny - newsizey) / 2
                if newsizex < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE and newsizey < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE:
                    # Too large and resizing fails, so better
                    # to leave it as original size
                    img = resize_image(img, newsizex, newsizey)
                    img = add_borders_to_image(img, left=deltax, right=deltax, top=deltay, bottom=deltay)
                    img = resize_image(img, SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT)

            if not self.opts.dont_sharpen:
                img = gaussian_sharpen_image(img, 0.0, 1.0)

            if not self.opts.dont_grayscale:
                img = grayscale_image(img)

            if self.opts.despeckle:
                img = despeckle_image(img)

            if self.opts.output_format.lower() == 'png' and self.opts.colors:
                img = quantize_image(img, max_colors=min(256, self.opts.colors))
            dest = '%d_%d.%s'%(self.num, i, self.opts.output_format)
            dest = os.path.join(self.dest, dest)
            with lopen(dest, 'wb') as f:
                f.write(image_to_data(img, fmt=self.opts.output_format))
コード例 #5
ファイル: legacy.py プロジェクト: j-howell/calibre
 def remove_border(self, fuzz=None):
     if fuzz is not None and fuzz < 0 or fuzz > 255:
         fuzz = None
     self.img = remove_borders_from_image(self.img, fuzz)
コード例 #6
 def remove_border(self, fuzz=None):
     if fuzz is not None and fuzz < 0 or fuzz > 255:
         fuzz = None
     self.img = remove_borders_from_image(self.img, fuzz)
コード例 #7
 def __call__(self, canvas):
     return remove_borders_from_image(canvas.current_image)
コード例 #8
ファイル: canvas.py プロジェクト: artbycrunk/calibre
 def __call__(self, canvas):
     return remove_borders_from_image(canvas.current_image)
コード例 #9
    def process_pages(self):
        from calibre.utils.img import (image_to_data, rotate_image,
                                       normalize_image, add_borders_to_image,
                                       resize_image, gaussian_sharpen_image,
                                       grayscale_image, despeckle_image,
        for i, img in enumerate(self.pages):
            if self.rotate:
                img = rotate_image(img, -90)

            if not self.opts.disable_trim:
                img = remove_borders_from_image(img)

            # Do the Photoshop "Auto Levels" equivalent
            if not self.opts.dont_normalize:
                img = normalize_image(img)
            sizex, sizey = img.width(), img.height()

            SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT = self.opts.output_profile.comic_screen_size

                if self.opts.comic_image_size:
                    SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT = map(int, [
                        for x in self.opts.comic_image_size.split('x')
                pass  # Ignore

            if self.opts.keep_aspect_ratio:
                # Preserve the aspect ratio by adding border
                aspect = float(sizex) / float(sizey)
                if aspect <= (float(SCRWIDTH) / float(SCRHEIGHT)):
                    newsizey = SCRHEIGHT
                    newsizex = int(newsizey * aspect)
                    deltax = (SCRWIDTH - newsizex) // 2
                    deltay = 0
                    newsizex = SCRWIDTH
                    newsizey = int(newsizex // aspect)
                    deltax = 0
                    deltay = (SCRHEIGHT - newsizey) // 2
                if newsizex < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE and newsizey < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE:
                    # Too large and resizing fails, so better
                    # to leave it as original size
                    img = resize_image(img, newsizex, newsizey)
                    img = add_borders_to_image(img,
            elif self.opts.wide:
                # Keep aspect and Use device height as scaled image width so landscape mode is clean
                aspect = float(sizex) / float(sizey)
                screen_aspect = float(SCRWIDTH) / float(SCRHEIGHT)
                # Get dimensions of the landscape mode screen
                # Add 25px back to height for the battery bar.
                wscreenx = SCRHEIGHT + 25
                wscreeny = int(wscreenx // screen_aspect)
                if aspect <= screen_aspect:
                    newsizey = wscreeny
                    newsizex = int(newsizey * aspect)
                    deltax = (wscreenx - newsizex) // 2
                    deltay = 0
                    newsizex = wscreenx
                    newsizey = int(newsizex // aspect)
                    deltax = 0
                    deltay = (wscreeny - newsizey) // 2
                if newsizex < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE and newsizey < MAX_SCREEN_SIZE:
                    # Too large and resizing fails, so better
                    # to leave it as original size
                    img = resize_image(img, newsizex, newsizey)
                    img = add_borders_to_image(img,
                    img = resize_image(img, SCRWIDTH, SCRHEIGHT)

            if not self.opts.dont_sharpen:
                img = gaussian_sharpen_image(img, 0.0, 1.0)

            if not self.opts.dont_grayscale:
                img = grayscale_image(img)

            if self.opts.despeckle:
                img = despeckle_image(img)

            if self.opts.output_format.lower() == 'png' and self.opts.colors:
                img = quantize_image(img,
                                     max_colors=min(256, self.opts.colors))
            dest = '%d_%d.%s' % (self.num, i, self.opts.output_format)
            dest = os.path.join(self.dest, dest)
            with lopen(dest, 'wb') as f:
                f.write(image_to_data(img, fmt=self.opts.output_format))
コード例 #10
ファイル: metadata_bulk.py プロジェクト: Coi-l/calibre
    def do_all(self):
        cache = self.db.new_api
        args = self.args

        # Title and authors
        if args.do_swap_ta:
            title_map = cache.all_field_for('title', self.ids)
            authors_map = cache.all_field_for('authors', self.ids)
            def new_title(authors):
                ans = authors_to_string(authors)
                return titlecase(ans) if args.do_title_case else ans
            new_title_map = {bid:new_title(authors) for bid, authors in authors_map.iteritems()}
            new_authors_map = {bid:string_to_authors(title) for bid, title in title_map.iteritems()}
            cache.set_field('authors', new_authors_map)
            cache.set_field('title', new_title_map)

        if args.do_title_case and not args.do_swap_ta:
            title_map = cache.all_field_for('title', self.ids)
            cache.set_field('title', {bid:titlecase(title) for bid, title in title_map.iteritems()})

        if args.do_title_sort:
            lang_map = cache.all_field_for('languages', self.ids)
            title_map = cache.all_field_for('title', self.ids)
            def get_sort(book_id):
                if args.languages:
                    lang = args.languages[0]
                        lang = lang_map[book_id][0]
                    except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError, AttributeError):
                        lang = 'eng'
                return title_sort(title_map[book_id], lang=lang)
            cache.set_field('sort', {bid:get_sort(bid) for bid in self.ids})

        if args.au:
            authors = string_to_authors(args.au)
            cache.set_field('authors', {bid:authors for bid in self.ids})

        if args.do_auto_author:
            aus_map = cache.author_sort_strings_for_books(self.ids)
            cache.set_field('author_sort', {book_id:' & '.join(aus_map[book_id]) for book_id in aus_map})

        if args.aus and args.do_aus:
            cache.set_field('author_sort', {bid:args.aus for bid in self.ids})

        # Covers
        if args.cover_action == 'remove':
            cache.set_cover({bid:None for bid in self.ids})
        elif args.cover_action == 'generate':
            from calibre.ebooks.covers import generate_cover
            for book_id in self.ids:
                mi = self.db.get_metadata(book_id, index_is_id=True)
                cdata = generate_cover(mi, prefs=args.generate_cover_settings)
        elif args.cover_action == 'fromfmt':
            for book_id in self.ids:
                fmts = cache.formats(book_id, verify_formats=False)
                if fmts:
                    covers = []
                    for fmt in fmts:
                        fmtf = cache.format(book_id, fmt, as_file=True)
                        if fmtf is None:
                        cdata, area = get_cover_data(fmtf, fmt)
                        if cdata:
                            covers.append((cdata, area))
                    covers.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
                    if covers:
        elif args.cover_action == 'trim':
            from calibre.utils.img import remove_borders_from_image, image_to_data, image_from_data
            for book_id in self.ids:
                cdata = cache.cover(book_id)
                if cdata:
                    img = image_from_data(cdata)
                    nimg = remove_borders_from_image(img)
                    if nimg is not img:
                        cdata = image_to_data(nimg)
        elif args.cover_action == 'clone':
            cdata = None
            for book_id in self.ids:
                cdata = cache.cover(book_id)
                if cdata:
            if cdata:
                cache.set_cover({bid:cdata for bid in self.ids if bid != book_id})

        # Formats
        if args.do_remove_format:
            cache.remove_formats({bid:(args.remove_format,) for bid in self.ids})

        if args.restore_original:
            for book_id in self.ids:
                formats = cache.formats(book_id)
                originals = tuple(x.upper() for x in formats if x.upper().startswith('ORIGINAL_'))
                for ofmt in originals:
                    cache.restore_original_format(book_id, ofmt)

        # Various fields
        if args.rating != -1:
            cache.set_field('rating', {bid:args.rating*2 for bid in self.ids})

        if args.clear_pub:
            cache.set_field('publisher', {bid:'' for bid in self.ids})

        if args.pub:
            cache.set_field('publisher', {bid:args.pub for bid in self.ids})

        if args.clear_series:
            cache.set_field('series', {bid:'' for bid in self.ids})

        if args.pubdate is not None:
            cache.set_field('pubdate', {bid:args.pubdate for bid in self.ids})

        if args.adddate is not None:
            cache.set_field('timestamp', {bid:args.adddate for bid in self.ids})

        if args.do_series:
            sval = args.series_start_value if args.do_series_restart else cache.get_next_series_num_for(args.series, current_indices=True)
            cache.set_field('series', {bid:args.series for bid in self.ids})
            if not args.series:
                cache.set_field('series_index', {bid:1.0 for bid in self.ids})
                def next_series_num(bid, i):
                    if args.do_series_restart:
                        return sval + (i * args.series_increment)
                    next_num = _get_next_series_num_for_list(sorted(sval.itervalues()), unwrap=False)
                    sval[bid] = next_num
                    return next_num

                smap = {bid:next_series_num(bid, i) for i, bid in enumerate(self.ids)}
                if args.do_autonumber:
                    cache.set_field('series_index', smap)
                elif tweaks['series_index_auto_increment'] != 'no_change':
                    cache.set_field('series_index', {bid:1.0 for bid in self.ids})

        if args.comments is not null:
            cache.set_field('comments', {bid:args.comments for bid in self.ids})

        if args.do_remove_conv:

        if args.clear_languages:
            cache.set_field('languages', {bid:() for bid in self.ids})
        elif args.languages:
            cache.set_field('languages', {bid:args.languages for bid in self.ids})

        if args.remove_all:
            cache.set_field('tags', {bid:() for bid in self.ids})
        if args.add or args.remove:
            self.db.bulk_modify_tags(self.ids, add=args.add, remove=args.remove)

        if self.do_sr:
            for book_id in self.ids:
            if self.sr_calls:
                for field, book_id_val_map in self.sr_calls.iteritems():
                    self.refresh_books.update(self.db.new_api.set_field(field, book_id_val_map))