コード例 #1
    def to_xml_tree(self):
        info = create_element('info')

        add_child(info, self._language, 'language')
        add_child(info, self._category, 'category')
        add_child(info, self._event, 'event')
        add_child(info, self._response_type, 'responseType')
        add_child(info, self._urgency, 'urgency')
        add_child(info, self._severity, 'severity')
        add_child(info, self._certainty, 'certainty')

        if self._event_code:
            event_code_text = self._event_code.split(':')
            event_code = create_element('eventCode')
            add_child(event_code, event_code_text[0], 'valueName')
            add_child(event_code, event_code_text[1], 'value')


        add_child(info, self._sender_name, 'senderName')
        add_child(info, self._headline, 'headline')
        add_child(info, self._description, 'description')
        add_child(info, self._instruction, 'instruction')
        add_child(info, self._web, 'web')
        add_child(info, self._contact, 'contact')

        if self._area is not None: info.append(self._area)

        return info
コード例 #2
ファイル: caplib.py プロジェクト: aristiden7o/CAPComposer
    def to_xml_tree(self):
        info = create_element('info')

        add_child(info, self._language, 'language')
        add_child(info, self._category, 'category')
        add_child(info, self._event, 'event')
        add_child(info, self._response_type, 'responseType')
        add_child(info, self._urgency, 'urgency')
        add_child(info, self._severity, 'severity')
        add_child(info, self._certainty, 'certainty')

        if self._event_code:
            event_code_text = self._event_code.split(':')
            event_code = create_element('eventCode')
            add_child(event_code, event_code_text[0], 'valueName')
            add_child(event_code, event_code_text[1], 'value')


        add_child(info, self._sender_name, 'senderName')
        add_child(info, self._headline, 'headline')
        add_child(info, self._description, 'description')
        add_child(info, self._instruction, 'instruction')
        add_child(info, self._web, 'web')
        add_child(info, self._contact, 'contact')

        if self._area is not None: info.append(self._area)

        return info
コード例 #3
ファイル: caplib.py プロジェクト: aristiden7o/CAPComposer
    def to_xml_tree(self):
        Convert this alert to element tree format. Return the top element of the Alert tree

        # Check if required attributes are set
        assert (self._sender not in ['', None]), "Alert sender is empty string."
        assert (self._status is not None), "Alert status is None."
        assert (self._msg_type is not None), "Alert message type is None."
        assert (self._scope is not None), "Alert scope is None."

        # A restriction message is required for the restricted scope
        if self._scope == 'Restricted':
            assert (self._restriction not in ['', None]), "Restricted Alert doesn't have restriction."

        # At least one address is required for the private scope
        if self._scope == 'Private':
            assert (any(self._addresses)), "Private Alert doesn't have addresses."

        # Create the XML tree
        alert = create_element('alert')
        self._sent = datetime.now(pytz.utc).replace(microsecond=0)

        add_child(alert, self._identifier, 'identifier')
        add_child(alert, self._sender, 'sender')
        add_child(alert, str(self._sent.isoformat()), 'sent')
        add_child(alert, self._status, 'status')
        add_child(alert, self._msg_type, 'msgType')
        add_child(alert, self._scope, 'scope')
        if self._scope == 'Restricted': add_child(alert, self._restriction, 'restriction')
        if self._scope == 'Private': add_child(alert, self._addresses.pop(), 'addresses')
        if self._info is not None: alert.append(self._info)
        if self._signature is not None: alert.append(self._signature)

        return alert
コード例 #4
    def to_xml_tree(self):
        area = create_element('area')

        add_child(area, self._area_description, 'areaDesc')
        if self._polygons:
            for polygon in self._polygons:
                add_child(area, polygon, 'polygon')

        if self._circles:
            for circle in self._circles:
                add_child(area, circle, 'circle')

        return area
コード例 #5
ファイル: caplib.py プロジェクト: aristiden7o/CAPComposer
    def to_xml_tree(self):
        area = create_element('area')

        add_child(area, self._area_description, 'areaDesc')
        if self._polygons:
            for polygon in self._polygons:
                add_child(area, polygon, 'polygon')

        if self._circles:
            for circle in self._circles:
                add_child(area, circle, 'circle')

        return area
コード例 #6
    def to_xml_tree(self):
        Convert this alert to element tree format. Return the top element of the Alert tree

        # Check if required attributes are set
        assert (self._sender not in ['',
                                     None]), "Alert sender is empty string."
        assert (self._status is not None), "Alert status is None."
        assert (self._msg_type is not None), "Alert message type is None."
        assert (self._scope is not None), "Alert scope is None."

        # A restriction message is required for the restricted scope
        if self._scope == 'Restricted':
            assert (self._restriction
                    not in ['', None
                            ]), "Restricted Alert doesn't have restriction."

        # At least one address is required for the private scope
        if self._scope == 'Private':
            assert (any(
                self._addresses)), "Private Alert doesn't have addresses."

        # Create the XML tree
        alert = create_element('alert')
        self._sent = datetime.now(pytz.utc).replace(microsecond=0)

        add_child(alert, self._identifier, 'identifier')
        add_child(alert, self._sender, 'sender')
        add_child(alert, str(self._sent.isoformat()), 'sent')
        add_child(alert, self._status, 'status')
        add_child(alert, self._msg_type, 'msgType')
        add_child(alert, self._scope, 'scope')
        if self._scope == 'Restricted':
            add_child(alert, self._restriction, 'restriction')
        if self._scope == 'Private':
            add_child(alert, self._addresses.pop(), 'addresses')
        if self._info is not None: alert.append(self._info)
        if self._signature is not None: alert.append(self._signature)

        return alert