コード例 #1
class Category(Page, RichText):
    A category of products on the website.

    featured_image = FileField(verbose_name=_("Featured Image"),
                                   "shop.Category.featured_image", "shop"),
    products = models.ManyToManyField("Product",
    options = models.ManyToManyField("ProductOption",
                                     verbose_name=_("Product options"),
    sale = models.ForeignKey("Sale",
    price_min = fields.MoneyField(_("Minimum price"), blank=True, null=True)
    price_max = fields.MoneyField(_("Maximum price"), blank=True, null=True)
    combined = models.BooleanField(
            "If checked, "
            "products must match all specified filters, otherwise products "
            "can match any specified filter."))

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _("Product category")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Product categories")

    def filters(self):
        Returns product filters as a Q object for the category.
        # Build a list of Q objects to filter variations by.
        filters = []
        # Build a lookup dict of selected options for variations.
        options = self.options.as_fields()
        if options:
            lookup = dict([("%s__in" % k, v) for k, v in options.items()])
        # Q objects used against variations to ensure sale date is
        # valid when filtering by sale, or sale price.
        n = now()
        valid_sale_from = Q(sale_from__isnull=True) | Q(sale_from__lte=n)
        valid_sale_to = Q(sale_to__isnull=True) | Q(sale_to__gte=n)
        valid_sale_date = valid_sale_from & valid_sale_to
        # Filter by variations with the selected sale if the sale date
        # is valid.
        if self.sale_id:
            filters.append(Q(sale_id=self.sale_id) & valid_sale_date)
        # If a price range is specified, use either the unit price or
        # a sale price if the sale date is valid.
        if self.price_min or self.price_max:
            prices = []
            if self.price_min:
                sale = Q(sale_price__gte=self.price_min) & valid_sale_date
                prices.append(Q(unit_price__gte=self.price_min) | sale)
            if self.price_max:
                sale = Q(sale_price__lte=self.price_max) & valid_sale_date
                prices.append(Q(unit_price__lte=self.price_max) | sale)
            filters.append(reduce(iand, prices))
        # Turn the variation filters into a product filter.
        operator = iand if self.combined else ior
        products = Q(id__in=self.products.only("id"))
        if filters:
            filters = reduce(operator, filters)
            variations = ProductVariation.objects.filter(filters)
            filters = [Q(variations__in=variations)]
            # If filters exist, checking that products have been
            # selected is neccessary as combining the variations
            # with an empty ID list lookup and ``AND`` will always
            # result in an empty result.
            if self.products.count() > 0:
            return reduce(operator, filters)
        return products
コード例 #2
class Order(SiteRelated):

    billing_detail_first_name = CharField(_("First name"), max_length=100)
    billing_detail_last_name = CharField(_("Last name"), max_length=100)
    billing_detail_street = CharField(_("Street"), max_length=100)
    billing_detail_city = CharField(_("City/Suburb"), max_length=100)
    billing_detail_state = CharField(_("State/Region"), max_length=100)
    billing_detail_postcode = CharField(_("Zip/Postcode"), max_length=10)
    billing_detail_country = CharField(_("Country"), max_length=100)
    billing_detail_phone = CharField(_("Phone"), max_length=20)
    billing_detail_email = models.EmailField(_("Email"), max_length=254)
    shipping_detail_first_name = CharField(_("First name"), max_length=100)
    shipping_detail_last_name = CharField(_("Last name"), max_length=100)
    shipping_detail_street = CharField(_("Street"), max_length=100)
    shipping_detail_city = CharField(_("City/Suburb"), max_length=100)
    shipping_detail_state = CharField(_("State/Region"), max_length=100)
    shipping_detail_postcode = CharField(_("Zip/Postcode"), max_length=10)
    shipping_detail_country = CharField(_("Country"), max_length=100)
    shipping_detail_phone = CharField(_("Phone"), max_length=20)
    additional_instructions = models.TextField(_("Additional instructions"),
    time = models.DateTimeField(_("Time"), auto_now_add=True, null=True)
    key = CharField(max_length=40, db_index=True)
    user_id = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
    shipping_type = CharField(_("Shipping type"), max_length=50, blank=True)
    shipping_total = fields.MoneyField(_("Shipping total"))
    tax_type = CharField(_("Tax type"), max_length=50, blank=True)
    tax_total = fields.MoneyField(_("Tax total"))
    item_total = fields.MoneyField(_("Item total"))
    discount_code = fields.DiscountCodeField(_("Discount code"), blank=True)
    discount_total = fields.MoneyField(_("Discount total"))
    total = fields.MoneyField(_("Order total"))
    transaction_id = CharField(_("Transaction ID"),

    status = models.IntegerField(

    objects = managers.OrderManager()

    # These are fields that are stored in the session. They're copied to
    # the order in setup() and removed from the session in complete().
    session_fields = ("shipping_type", "shipping_total", "discount_total",
                      "discount_code", "tax_type", "tax_total")

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = __("commercial meaning", "Order")
        verbose_name_plural = __("commercial meaning", "Orders")
        ordering = ("-id", )

    def __str__(self):
        return "#%s %s %s" % (self.id, self.billing_name(), self.time)

    def billing_name(self):
        return "%s %s" % (self.billing_detail_first_name,

    def setup(self, request):
        Set order fields that are stored in the session, item_total
        and total based on the given cart, and copy the cart items
        to the order. Called in the final step of the checkout process
        prior to the payment handler being called.
        self.key = request.session.session_key
        self.user_id = request.user.id
        for field in self.session_fields:
            if field in request.session:
                setattr(self, field, request.session[field])
        self.total = self.item_total = request.cart.total_price()
        if self.shipping_total is not None:
            self.shipping_total = Decimal(str(self.shipping_total))
            self.total += self.shipping_total
        if self.discount_total is not None:
            self.total -= Decimal(self.discount_total)
        if self.tax_total is not None:
            self.total += Decimal(self.tax_total)
        self.save()  # We need an ID before we can add related items.
        for item in request.cart:
            product_fields = [f.name for f in SelectedProduct._meta.fields]
            item = dict([(f, getattr(item, f)) for f in product_fields])

    def complete(self, request):
        Remove order fields that are stored in the session, reduce the
        stock level for the items in the order, decrement the uses
        remaining count for discount code (if applicable) and then
        delete the cart.
        self.save()  # Save the transaction ID.
        discount_code = request.session.get('discount_code')
        clear_session(request, "order", *self.session_fields)
        for item in request.cart:
                variation = ProductVariation.objects.get(sku=item.sku)
            except ProductVariation.DoesNotExist:
                variation.update_stock(item.quantity * -1)
        if discount_code:
                uses_remaining=models.F('uses_remaining') - 1)
        del request.session['cart']

    def details_as_dict(self):
        Returns the billing_detail_* and shipping_detail_* fields
        as two name/value pairs of fields in a dict for each type.
        Used in template contexts for rendering each type as groups
        of names/values.
        context = {}
        for fieldset in ("billing_detail", "shipping_detail"):
            fields = [(f.verbose_name, getattr(self, f.name))
                      for f in self._meta.fields
                      if f.name.startswith(fieldset)]
            context["order_%s_fields" % fieldset] = fields
        return context

    def invoice(self):
        Returns the HTML for a link to the PDF invoice for use in the
        order listing view of the admin.
        url = reverse("shop_invoice", args=(self.id, ))
        text = ugettext("Download PDF invoice")
        return "<a href='%s?format=pdf'>%s</a>" % (url, text)

    invoice.allow_tags = True
    invoice.short_description = ""