コード例 #1
 def colorize_run_tests(self, line):
     cline = sanitize(line).rstrip()
     for p, r in self.filters:
         if p.match(cline):
             lines = [fmt(r).format(line) for line in cline.splitlines()]
             cline = '\n'.join(lines)
     return cline + '\n'
コード例 #2
ファイル: color.py プロジェクト: dornhege/catkin_tools
def colorize_cmake(line):
    """Colorizes output from CMake

    :param line: one, new line terminated, line from `cmake` which needs coloring.
    :type line: str
    cline = sanitize(line)
    if line.startswith('-- '):
        cline = '@{cf}-- @|' + cline[len('-- '):]
        if ':' in cline:
            split_cline = cline.split(':')
            cline = split_cline[0] + ':@{yf}' + ':'.join(
                split_cline[1:]) + '@|'
    if line.lower().startswith('warning'):
        # WARNING
        cline = fmt('@{yf}') + cline
    if line.startswith('CMake Warning'):
        # CMake Warning...
        cline = cline.replace('CMake Warning', '@{yf}@!CMake Warning@|')
    if line.startswith('ERROR:'):
        # ERROR:
        cline = cline.replace('ERROR:', '@!@{rf}ERROR:@|')
    if line.startswith('CMake Error'):
        # CMake Error...
        cline = cline.replace('CMake Error', '@{rf}@!CMake Error@|')
    if line.startswith('Call Stack (most recent call first):'):
        # CMake Call Stack
        cline = cline.replace('Call Stack (most recent call first):',
                              '@{cf}@_Call Stack (most recent call first):@|')
    return fmt(cline)
コード例 #3
def colorize_cmake(line):
    """Colorizes output from CMake

    :param line: one, new line terminated, line from `cmake` which needs coloring.
    :type line: str
    cline = sanitize(line)
    if line.startswith('-- '):
        cline = '@{cf}-- @|' + cline[len('-- '):]
        if ':' in cline:
            split_cline = cline.split(':')
            cline = split_cline[0] + ':@{yf}' + ':'.join(split_cline[1:]) + '@|'
    if line.lower().startswith('warning'):
        # WARNING
        cline = fmt('@{yf}') + cline
    if line.startswith('CMake Warning'):
        # CMake Warning...
        cline = cline.replace('CMake Warning', '@{yf}@!CMake Warning@|')
    if line.startswith('ERROR:'):
        # ERROR:
        cline = cline.replace('ERROR:', '@!@{rf}ERROR:@|')
    if line.startswith('CMake Error'):
        # CMake Error...
        cline = cline.replace('CMake Error', '@{rf}@!CMake Error@|')
    if line.startswith('Call Stack (most recent call first):'):
        # CMake Call Stack
        cline = cline.replace('Call Stack (most recent call first):',
                              '@{cf}@_Call Stack (most recent call first):@|')
    return fmt(cline)
コード例 #4
ファイル: cmake.py プロジェクト: mikepurvis/catkin_tools
    def colorize_cmake(self, line):
        """Colorizes output from CMake

        This also prepends the source path to the locations of warnings and errors.

        :param line: one, new line terminated, line from `cmake` which needs coloring.
        :type line: str
        # return line
        cline = sanitize(line)

        if len(cline.strip()) == 0:
            return cline

        if line.startswith('-- '):
            cline = '@{cf}--@| ' + cline[len('-- '):]
            if ':' in cline:
                split_cline = cline.split(':', 1)
                if len(split_cline[1].strip()) > 0:
                    cline = split_cline[0] + (':@{yf}%s@|' % split_cline[1])
        elif line.lower().startswith('warning'):
            # WARNING
            cline = fmt('@{yf}', reset=False) + cline
        elif line.startswith('CMake Warning at '):
            # CMake Warning at...
            cline = cline.replace('CMake Warning at ', '@{yf}@!CMake Warning@| at ' + self.source_path + os.path.sep)
        elif line.startswith('CMake Warning (dev) at '):
            # CMake Warning at...
            cline = cline.replace(
                'CMake Warning (dev) at ', '@{yf}@!CMake Warning (dev)@| at ' + self.source_path + os.path.sep)
        elif line.startswith('CMake Warning'):
            # CMake Warning...
            cline = cline.replace('CMake Warning', '@{yf}@!CMake Warning@|')
        elif line.startswith('ERROR:'):
            # ERROR:
            cline = cline.replace('ERROR:', '@!@{rf}ERROR:@|')
        elif line.startswith('CMake Error at '):
            # CMake Error...
            cline = cline.replace('CMake Error at ', '@{rf}@!CMake Error@| at ' + self.source_path + os.path.sep)
        elif line.startswith('CMake Error'):
            # CMake Error...
            cline = cline.replace('CMake Error', '@{rf}@!CMake Error@|')
        elif line.startswith('Call Stack (most recent call first):'):
            # CMake Call Stack
            cline = cline.replace('Call Stack (most recent call first):',
                                  '@{cf}@_Call Stack (most recent call first):@|')

        return fmt(cline, reset=False)
コード例 #5
def main(opts):
        # Determine if the user is trying to perform some action, in which
        # case, the workspace should be automatically initialized
        ignored_opts = ['main', 'verb']
        actions = [v for k, v in vars(opts).items() if k not in ignored_opts]
        no_action = not any(actions)

        # Try to find a metadata directory to get context defaults
        # Otherwise use the specified directory
        context = Context.load(opts.workspace,

        do_init = opts.init or not no_action
        summary_notes = []

        if not context.initialized() and do_init:
                clr('@!@{cf}Initialized new catkin workspace in `%s`@|' %

        if context.initialized() or do_init:

        if opts.mkdirs and not context.source_space_exists():


    except IOError as exc:
        # Usually happens if workspace is already underneath another catkin_tools workspace
        print('error: could not configure catkin workspace: %s' % exc.message)
        return 1

    return 0
コード例 #6
    def colorize_cmake(self, line):
        """Colorizes output from CMake

        This also prepends the source path to the locations of warnings and errors.

        :param line: one, new line terminated, line from `cmake` which needs coloring.
        :type line: str
        # return line
        cline = sanitize(line).rstrip()

        if len(cline.strip()) > 0:
            for p, r, f in self.filters:
                match = p.match(cline)
                if match is not None:
                    cline = fmt(r, reset=False)
                    if f is not None:
                        cline = cline.format(*f(match.groups()))
                        cline = cline.format(*match.groups())

        return cline + '\r\n'
コード例 #7
ファイル: cmake.py プロジェクト: esteve/catkin_tools
    def colorize_cmake(self, line):
        """Colorizes output from CMake

        This also prepends the source path to the locations of warnings and errors.

        :param line: one, new line terminated, line from `cmake` which needs coloring.
        :type line: str
        # return line
        cline = sanitize(line).rstrip()

        if len(cline.strip()) > 0:
            for p, r, f in self.filters:
                match = p.match(cline)
                if match is not None:
                    cline = fmt(r, reset=False)
                    if f is not None:
                        cline = cline.format(*f(match.groups()))
                        cline = cline.format(*match.groups())

        return cline + '\r\n'
コード例 #8
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This module implements many of the colorization functions used by catkin clean"""

from catkin_tools.terminal_color import ansi
from catkin_tools.terminal_color import fmt
from catkin_tools.terminal_color import sanitize
from catkin_tools.terminal_color import ColorMapper

# This map translates more human reable format strings into colorized versions
_color_translation_map = {
    # 'output': 'colorized_output'
    fmt('@!' + sanitize('') + '@|'),
    "[{package}] ==> '{cmd.cmd_str}' in '{location}'":
    fmt("[@{cf}{package}@|] @!@{bf}==>@| '@!{cmd.cmd_str}@|' @{kf}@!in@| '@!{location}@|'"
    "Starting ==> {package}":
    fmt("Starting @!@{gf}==>@| @!@{cf}{package}@|"),
    "[{package}] {msg}":
    fmt("[@{cf}{package}@|] {msg}"),
    "[{package}] <== '{cmd.cmd_str}' failed with return code '{retcode}'":
    fmt("[@{cf}{package}@|] @!@{rf}<==@| '@!{cmd.cmd_str}@|' @{rf}failed with return code@| '@!{retcode}@|'"
    "[{package}] <== '{cmd.cmd_str}' finished with return code '{retcode}'":
    fmt("[@{cf}{package}@|] @{gf}<==@| '@!{cmd.cmd_str}@|' finished with return code '@!{retcode}@|'"
    "Finished <== {package:<":
    fmt("@!@{kf}Finished@| @{gf}<==@| @{cf}{package:<").rstrip(ansi('reset')),
コード例 #9
ファイル: controllers.py プロジェクト: catkin/catkin_tools
from catkin_tools.common import terminal_width
from catkin_tools.common import wide_log

from catkin_tools.notifications import notify

from catkin_tools.terminal_color import fmt
from catkin_tools.terminal_color import sanitize
from catkin_tools.terminal_color import ColorMapper

from catkin_tools.execution import job_server

# This map translates more human reable format strings into colorized versions
_color_translation_map = {
    # 'output': 'colorized_output'

    '': fmt('@!' + sanitize('') + '@|'),

    # Job starting
    "Starting >>> {:<{}}":
    fmt("Starting  @!@{gf}>>>@| @!@{cf}{:<{}}@|"),

    # Job finishing
    "Finished <<< {:<{}} [ {} ]":
    fmt("@!@{kf}Finished@|  @{gf}<<<@| @{cf}{:<{}}@| [ @{yf}{}@| ]"),

    "Failed <<< {:<{}} [ {} ]":
    fmt("@!@{rf}Failed@|    @{rf}<<<@| @{cf}{:<{}}@| [ @{yf}{}@| ]"),

    # Job abandoning
    "Abandoned <<< {:<{}} [ {} ]":
    fmt("@!@{rf}Abandoned@| @{rf}<<<@| @{cf}{:<{}}@| [ @{yf}{}@| ]"),
コード例 #10
ファイル: cli.py プロジェクト: catkin/catkin_tools
def main(opts):
        # Determine if the user is trying to perform some action, in which
        # case, the workspace should be automatically initialized
        ignored_opts = ['main', 'verb']
        actions = [v for k, v in vars(opts).items() if k not in ignored_opts]
        no_action = not any(actions)

        # Try to find a metadata directory to get context defaults
        # Otherwise use the specified directory
        context = Context.load(

        do_init = opts.init or not no_action
        summary_notes = []

        if not context.initialized() and do_init:
            summary_notes.append(clr('@!@{cf}Initialized new catkin workspace in `%s`@|' % sanitize(context.workspace)))

        if context.initialized() or do_init:

        if opts.mkdirs and not context.source_space_exists():


    except IOError as exc:
        # Usually happens if workspace is already underneath another catkin_tools workspace
        print('error: could not configure catkin workspace: %s' % exc.message)
        return 1

    return 0