def main(fname, oname, verbose = True, parallel = True): # may need to set special arguments here cards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(fname, verbose=verbose) # this could reasonably be some separate function # might make sense to merge cbow and namediff and have this be the main interface namediff = Namediff() cbow = CBOW() if verbose: print 'Computing nearest names...' if parallel: nearest_names = namediff.nearest_par(map(lambda c:, cards), n=1) else: nearest_names = [namediff.nearest(, n=1) for c in cards] if verbose: print 'Computing nearest cards...' if parallel: nearest_cards = cbow.nearest_par(cards, n=1) else: nearest_cards = [cbow.nearest(c, n=1) for c in cards] for i in range(0, len(cards)): cards[i].nearest_names = nearest_names[i] cards[i].nearest_cards = nearest_cards[i] # # unfortunately this takes ~30 hours on 8 cores for a 10MB dump # if verbose: # print 'Computing nearest encodings by text edit distance...' # if parallel: # nearest_cards_text = namediff.nearest_card_par(cards, n=1) # else: # nearest_cards_text = [namediff.nearest_card(c, n=1) for c in cards] if verbose: print '...Done.' # write to a file to store the data, this is a terribly long computation # we could also just store this same info in the cards themselves as more fields... sep = '|' with open(oname, 'w') as ofile: for i in range(0, len(cards)): card = cards[i] ostr = str(i) + sep + + sep ndist, _ = card.nearest_names[0] ostr += str(ndist) + sep cdist, _ = card.nearest_cards[0] ostr += str(cdist) + '\n' # tdist, _ = nearest_cards_text[i][0] # ostr += str(tdist) + '\n' ofile.write(ostr.encode('utf-8'))
def main(fname, oname, verbose = True, parallel = True): # may need to set special arguments here cards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(fname, verbose=verbose) # this could reasonably be some separate function # might make sense to merge cbow and namediff and have this be the main interface namediff = Namediff() cbow = CBOW() if verbose: print('Computing nearest names...') if parallel: nearest_names = namediff.nearest_par([ for c in cards], n=1) else: nearest_names = [namediff.nearest(, n=1) for c in cards] if verbose: print('Computing nearest cards...') if parallel: nearest_cards = cbow.nearest_par(cards, n=1) else: nearest_cards = [cbow.nearest(c, n=1) for c in cards] for i in range(0, len(cards)): cards[i].nearest_names = nearest_names[i] cards[i].nearest_cards = nearest_cards[i] # # unfortunately this takes ~30 hours on 8 cores for a 10MB dump # if verbose: # print 'Computing nearest encodings by text edit distance...' # if parallel: # nearest_cards_text = namediff.nearest_card_par(cards, n=1) # else: # nearest_cards_text = [namediff.nearest_card(c, n=1) for c in cards] if verbose: print('...Done.') # write to a file to store the data, this is a terribly long computation # we could also just store this same info in the cards themselves as more fields... sep = '|' with open(oname, 'w') as ofile: for i in range(0, len(cards)): card = cards[i] ostr = str(i) + sep + + sep ndist, _ = card.nearest_names[0] ostr += str(ndist) + sep cdist, _ = card.nearest_cards[0] ostr += str(cdist) + '\n' # tdist, _ = nearest_cards_text[i][0] # ostr += str(tdist) + '\n' ofile.write(ostr.encode('utf-8'))
def main(fname, oname, n=20, verbose=False): cbow = CBOW() realcards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(str(os.path.join(datadir, 'output.txt')), verbose=verbose) real_by_name = { c for c in realcards} lm = ngrams.build_ngram_model(realcards, 3, separate_lines=separate_lines, verbose=verbose) cards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(fname, verbose=verbose) stats = analysis.get_statistics(fname, lm=lm, sep=separate_lines, verbose=verbose) selected = [] for i in range(0, len(cards)): if select_card(cards, stats, i): selected += [(i, cards[i])] limit = 3000 random.shuffle(selected) #selected = selected[:limit] if verbose: print(('computing nearest cards for ' + str(len(selected)) + ' candindates...')) cbow_nearest = cbow.nearest_par([i_c[1] for i_c in selected]) for i in range(0, len(selected)): (j, card) = selected[i] selected[i] = (j, card, cbow_nearest[i]) if verbose: print('...done') final = [] for (i, card, nearest) in selected: for dist, rname in nearest: realcard = real_by_name[rname] if compare_to_real(card, realcard): final += [(i, card, realcard, dist)] break for (i, card, realcard, dist) in final: print('-- real --') print(realcard.format()) print('-- fake --') print(card.format()) print('-- stats --') perp_per = stats['ngram']['perp_per'][i] perp_max = stats['ngram']['perp_max'][i] print(dist) print(perp_per) print(perp_max) print('----') if not oname is None: with open(oname, 'wt') as ofile: ofile.write(utils.mse_prepend) for (i, card, realcard, dist) in final: name = writecard(realcard, name, ofile) writecard(card, name, ofile) ofile.write('version control:\n\ttype: none\napprentice code: ') # Copy whatever output file is produced, name the copy 'set' (yes, no extension). if os.path.isfile('set'): print('ERROR: tried to overwrite existing file "set" - aborting.') return shutil.copyfile(oname, 'set') # Use the freaky mse extension instead of zip. with zipfile.ZipFile(oname+'.mse-set', mode='w') as zf: try: # Zip up the set file into oname.mse-set. zf.write('set') finally: if verbose: print('Made an MSE set file called ' + oname + '.mse-set.') # The set file is useless outside the .mse-set, delete it. os.remove('set')
def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True, encoding = 'std', gatherer = False, for_forum = False, for_mse = False, creativity = False, vdump = False, for_html = False): # there is a sane thing to do here (namely, produce both at the same time) # but we don't support it yet. if for_mse and for_html: print 'ERROR - - incompatible formats "mse" and "html"' return fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_default if encoding in ['std']: pass elif encoding in ['named']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_named elif encoding in ['noname']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_noname elif encoding in ['rfields']: pass elif encoding in ['old']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_old elif encoding in ['norarity']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_norarity elif encoding in ['vec']: pass elif encoding in ['custom']: ## put custom format decisions here ########################## ## end of custom format ###################################### pass else: raise ValueError(' unknown encoding: ' + encoding) cards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(fname, verbose=verbose, fmt_ordered=fmt_ordered) if creativity: namediff = Namediff() cbow = CBOW() if verbose: print 'Computing nearest names...' nearest_names = namediff.nearest_par(map(lambda c:, cards), n=3) if verbose: print 'Computing nearest cards...' nearest_cards = cbow.nearest_par(cards) for i in range(0, len(cards)): cards[i].nearest_names = nearest_names[i] cards[i].nearest_cards = nearest_cards[i] if verbose: print '...Done.' def hoverimg(cardname, dist, nd): truename = nd.names[cardname] code =[cardname] namestr = '' if for_html: if code: namestr = ('<div class="hover_img"><a href="#">' + truename + '<span><img style="background: url(' + code + ');" alt=""/></span></a>' + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n</div>\n') else: namestr = '<div>' + truename + ': ' + str(dist) + '</div>' elif for_forum: namestr = '[card]' + truename + '[/card]' + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n' else: namestr = truename + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n' return namestr def writecards(writer): if for_mse: # have to prepend a massive chunk of formatting info writer.write(utils.mse_prepend) if for_html: # have to preapend html info writer.write(utils.html_prepend) # seperate the write function to allow for writing smaller chunks of cards at a time segments = sort_colors(cards) for i in range(len(segments)): # sort color by CMC segments[i] = sort_type(segments[i]) # this allows card boxes to be colored for each color # for coloring of each box seperately cardlib.Card.format() must change non-minimaly writer.write('<div id="' + utils.segment_ids[i] + '">') writehtml(writer, segments[i]) writer.write("</div><hr>") # closing the html file writer.write(utils.html_append) return #break out of the write cards funcrion to avoid writing cards twice for card in cards: if for_mse: writer.write(card.to_mse().encode('utf-8')) fstring = '' if card.json: fstring += 'JSON:\n' + card.json + '\n' if card.raw: fstring += 'raw:\n' + card.raw + '\n' fstring += '\n' fstring += card.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = for_forum, vdump = vdump) + '\n' fstring = fstring.replace('<', '(').replace('>', ')') writer.write(('\n' + fstring[:-1]).replace('\n', '\n\t\t')) else: fstring = card.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = for_forum, vdump = vdump, for_html = for_html) writer.write((fstring + '\n').encode('utf-8')) if creativity: cstring = '~~ closest cards ~~\n' nearest = card.nearest_cards for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring += '~~ closest names ~~\n' nearest = card.nearest_names for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) if for_mse: cstring = ('\n\n' + cstring[:-1]).replace('\n', '\n\t\t') writer.write(cstring.encode('utf-8')) writer.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) if for_mse: # more formatting info writer.write('version control:\n\ttype: none\napprentice code: ') def writehtml(writer, card_set): for card in card_set: fstring = card.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = True, vdump = vdump, for_html = for_html) if creativity: fstring = fstring[:-6] # chop off the closing </div> to stick stuff in writer.write((fstring + '\n').encode('utf-8')) if creativity: cstring = '~~ closest cards ~~\n<br>\n' nearest = card.nearest_cards for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring += "<br>\n" cstring += '~~ closest names ~~\n<br>\n' nearest = card.nearest_names for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring = '<hr><div>' + cstring + '</div>\n</div>' writer.write(cstring.encode('utf-8')) writer.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) # Sorting by colors def sort_colors(card_set): # Initialize sections red_cards = [] blue_cards = [] green_cards = [] black_cards = [] white_cards = [] multi_cards = [] colorless_cards = [] lands = [] for card in card_set: if len(card.get_colors())>1: multi_cards += [card] continue if 'R' in card.get_colors(): red_cards += [card] continue elif 'U' in card.get_colors(): blue_cards += [card] continue elif 'B' in card.get_colors(): black_cards += [card] continue elif 'G' in card.get_colors(): green_cards += [card] continue elif 'W' in card.get_colors(): white_cards += [card] continue else: if "land" in card.get_types(): lands += [card] continue colorless_cards += [card] return[white_cards, blue_cards, black_cards, red_cards, green_cards, multi_cards, colorless_cards, lands] def sort_type(card_set): sorting = ["creature", "enchantment", "instant", "sorcery", "artifact", "planeswalker"] sorted_cards = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] sorted_set = [] for card in card_set: types = card.get_types() for i in range(len(sorting)): if sorting[i] in types: sorted_cards[i] += [card] break else: sorted_cards[6] += [card] for value in sorted_cards: for card in value: sorted_set += [card] return sorted_set def sort_cmc(card_set): sorted_cards = [] sorted_set = [] for card in card_set: # make sure there is an empty set for each CMC while len(sorted_cards)-1 < card.get_cmc(): sorted_cards += [[]] # add card to correct set of CMC values sorted_cards[card.get_cmc()] += [card] # combine each set of CMC valued cards together for value in sorted_cards: for card in value: sorted_set += [card] return sorted_set if oname: if for_html: print oname # if ('.html' != oname[-]) # oname += '.html' if verbose: print 'Writing output to: ' + oname with open(oname, 'w') as ofile: writecards(ofile) if for_mse: # Copy whatever output file is produced, name the copy 'set' (yes, no extension). if os.path.isfile('set'): print 'ERROR: tried to overwrite existing file "set" - aborting.' return shutil.copyfile(oname, 'set') # Use the freaky mse extension instead of zip. with zipfile.ZipFile(oname+'.mse-set', mode='w') as zf: try: # Zip up the set file into oname.mse-set. zf.write('set') finally: if verbose: print 'Made an MSE set file called ' + oname + '.mse-set.' # The set file is useless outside the .mse-set, delete it. os.remove('set') else: writecards(sys.stdout) sys.stdout.flush()
def main(fname, oname = None, verbose = True, encoding = 'std', gatherer = False, for_forum = False, for_mse = False, creativity = False, vdump = False, for_html = False): # there is a sane thing to do here (namely, produce both at the same time) # but we don't support it yet. if for_mse and for_html: print 'ERROR - - incompatible formats "mse" and "html"' return fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_default if encoding in ['std']: pass elif encoding in ['named']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_named elif encoding in ['noname']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_noname elif encoding in ['rfields']: pass elif encoding in ['old']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_old elif encoding in ['norarity']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_norarity elif encoding in ['vec']: pass elif encoding in ['custom']: ## put custom format decisions here ########################## ## end of custom format ###################################### pass else: raise ValueError(' unknown encoding: ' + encoding) cards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(fname, verbose=verbose, fmt_ordered=fmt_ordered) if creativity: namediff = Namediff() cbow = CBOW() if verbose: print 'Computing nearest names...' nearest_names = namediff.nearest_par(map(lambda c:, cards), n=3) if verbose: print 'Computing nearest cards...' nearest_cards = cbow.nearest_par(cards) for i in range(0, len(cards)): cards[i].nearest_names = nearest_names[i] cards[i].nearest_cards = nearest_cards[i] if verbose: print '...Done.' def hoverimg(cardname, dist, nd): truename = nd.names[cardname] code =[cardname] namestr = '' if for_html: if code: namestr = ('<div class="hover_img"><a href="#">' + truename + '<span><img src="' + code + '" alt="image"/></span></a>' + ': ' + str(dist) + '</div>') else: namestr = '<div>' + truename + ': ' + str(dist) + '</div>' elif for_forum: namestr = '[card]' + truename + '[/card]' + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n' else: namestr = truename + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n' return namestr def writecards(writer): if for_mse: # have to prepend a massive chunk of formatting info writer.write(utils.mse_prepend) if for_html: # have to preapend html info writer.write(utils.html_prepend) for card in cards: if for_mse: writer.write(card.to_mse().encode('utf-8')) fstring = '' if card.json: fstring += 'JSON:\n' + card.json + '\n' if card.raw: fstring += 'raw:\n' + card.raw + '\n' fstring += '\n' fstring += card.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = for_forum, vdump = vdump) + '\n' fstring = fstring.replace('<', '(').replace('>', ')') writer.write(('\n' + fstring[:-1]).replace('\n', '\n\t\t')) else: fstring = card.format(gatherer = gatherer, for_forum = for_forum, vdump = vdump, for_html = for_html) if creativity and for_html: fstring = fstring[:-6] # chop off the closing </div> to stick stuff in writer.write((fstring + '\n').encode('utf-8')) if creativity: cstring = '~~ closest cards ~~\n' nearest = card.nearest_cards for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring += '~~ closest names ~~\n' nearest = card.nearest_names for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) if for_html: cstring = '<hr><div>' + cstring.replace('\n', '<br>\n') + '</div>\n</div>' elif for_mse: cstring = ('\n\n' + cstring[:-1]).replace('\n', '\n\t\t') writer.write(cstring.encode('utf-8')) writer.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) if for_mse: # more formatting info writer.write('version control:\n\ttype: none\napprentice code: ') if for_html: # closing the html file writer.write(utils.html_append) if oname: if for_html: print oname # if ('.html' != oname[-]) # oname += '.html' if verbose: print 'Writing output to: ' + oname with open(oname, 'w') as ofile: writecards(ofile) if for_mse: # Copy whatever output file is produced, name the copy 'set' (yes, no extension). if os.path.isfile('set'): print 'ERROR: tried to overwrite existing file "set" - aborting.' return shutil.copyfile(oname, 'set') # Use the freaky mse extension instead of zip. with zipfile.ZipFile(oname+'.mse-set', mode='w') as zf: try: # Zip up the set file into oname.mse-set. zf.write('set') finally: if verbose: print 'Made an MSE set file called ' + oname + '.mse-set.' # The set file is useless outside the .mse-set, delete it. os.remove('set') else: writecards(sys.stdout) sys.stdout.flush()
def main(fname, oname=None, verbose=True, encoding='std', gatherer=False, for_forum=False, for_mse=False, creativity=False, vdump=False, for_html=False): # there is a sane thing to do here (namely, produce both at the same time) # but we don't support it yet. if for_mse and for_html: print 'ERROR - - incompatible formats "mse" and "html"' return fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_default if encoding in ['std']: pass elif encoding in ['named']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_named elif encoding in ['noname']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_noname elif encoding in ['rfields']: pass elif encoding in ['old']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_old elif encoding in ['norarity']: fmt_ordered = cardlib.fmt_ordered_norarity elif encoding in ['vec']: pass elif encoding in ['custom']: ## put custom format decisions here ########################## ## end of custom format ###################################### pass else: raise ValueError(' unknown encoding: ' + encoding) cards = jdecode.mtg_open_file(fname, verbose=verbose, fmt_ordered=fmt_ordered) if creativity: namediff = Namediff() cbow = CBOW() if verbose: print 'Computing nearest names...' nearest_names = namediff.nearest_par(map(lambda c:, cards), n=3) if verbose: print 'Computing nearest cards...' nearest_cards = cbow.nearest_par(cards) for i in range(0, len(cards)): cards[i].nearest_names = nearest_names[i] cards[i].nearest_cards = nearest_cards[i] if verbose: print '...Done.' def hoverimg(cardname, dist, nd): truename = nd.names[cardname] code =[cardname] namestr = '' if for_html: if code: namestr = ( '<div class="hover_img"><a href="#">' + truename + '<span><img style="background: url(' + code + ');" alt=""/></span></a>' + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n</div>\n') else: namestr = '<div>' + truename + ': ' + str(dist) + '</div>' elif for_forum: namestr = '[card]' + truename + '[/card]' + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n' else: namestr = truename + ': ' + str(dist) + '\n' return namestr def writecards(writer): if for_mse: # have to prepend a massive chunk of formatting info writer.write(utils.mse_prepend) if for_html: # have to preapend html info writer.write(utils.html_prepend) # seperate the write function to allow for writing smaller chunks of cards at a time segments = sort_colors(cards) for i in range(len(segments)): # sort color by CMC segments[i] = sort_type(segments[i]) # this allows card boxes to be colored for each color # for coloring of each box seperately cardlib.Card.format() must change non-minimaly writer.write('<div id="' + utils.segment_ids[i] + '">') writehtml(writer, segments[i]) writer.write("</div><hr>") # closing the html file writer.write(utils.html_append) return #break out of the write cards funcrion to avoid writing cards twice for card in cards: if for_mse: writer.write(card.to_mse().encode('utf-8')) fstring = '' if card.json: fstring += 'JSON:\n' + card.json + '\n' if card.raw: fstring += 'raw:\n' + card.raw + '\n' fstring += '\n' fstring += card.format( gatherer=gatherer, for_forum=for_forum, vdump=vdump) + '\n' fstring = fstring.replace('<', '(').replace('>', ')') writer.write(('\n' + fstring[:-1]).replace('\n', '\n\t\t')) else: fstring = card.format(gatherer=gatherer, for_forum=for_forum, vdump=vdump, for_html=for_html) writer.write((fstring + '\n').encode('utf-8')) if creativity: cstring = '~~ closest cards ~~\n' nearest = card.nearest_cards for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring += '~~ closest names ~~\n' nearest = card.nearest_names for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) if for_mse: cstring = ('\n\n' + cstring[:-1]).replace('\n', '\n\t\t') writer.write(cstring.encode('utf-8')) writer.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) if for_mse: # more formatting info writer.write('version control:\n\ttype: none\napprentice code: ') def writehtml(writer, card_set): for card in card_set: fstring = card.format(gatherer=gatherer, for_forum=True, vdump=vdump, for_html=for_html) if creativity: fstring = fstring[: -6] # chop off the closing </div> to stick stuff in writer.write((fstring + '\n').encode('utf-8')) if creativity: cstring = '~~ closest cards ~~\n<br>\n' nearest = card.nearest_cards for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring += "<br>\n" cstring += '~~ closest names ~~\n<br>\n' nearest = card.nearest_names for dist, cardname in nearest: cstring += hoverimg(cardname, dist, namediff) cstring = '<hr><div>' + cstring + '</div>\n</div>' writer.write(cstring.encode('utf-8')) writer.write('\n'.encode('utf-8')) # Sorting by colors def sort_colors(card_set): # Initialize sections red_cards = [] blue_cards = [] green_cards = [] black_cards = [] white_cards = [] multi_cards = [] colorless_cards = [] lands = [] for card in card_set: if len(card.get_colors()) > 1: multi_cards += [card] continue if 'R' in card.get_colors(): red_cards += [card] continue elif 'U' in card.get_colors(): blue_cards += [card] continue elif 'B' in card.get_colors(): black_cards += [card] continue elif 'G' in card.get_colors(): green_cards += [card] continue elif 'W' in card.get_colors(): white_cards += [card] continue else: if "land" in card.get_types(): lands += [card] continue colorless_cards += [card] return [ white_cards, blue_cards, black_cards, red_cards, green_cards, multi_cards, colorless_cards, lands ] def sort_type(card_set): sorting = [ "creature", "enchantment", "instant", "sorcery", "artifact", "planeswalker" ] sorted_cards = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []] sorted_set = [] for card in card_set: types = card.get_types() for i in range(len(sorting)): if sorting[i] in types: sorted_cards[i] += [card] break else: sorted_cards[6] += [card] for value in sorted_cards: for card in value: sorted_set += [card] return sorted_set def sort_cmc(card_set): sorted_cards = [] sorted_set = [] for card in card_set: # make sure there is an empty set for each CMC while len(sorted_cards) - 1 < card.get_cmc(): sorted_cards += [[]] # add card to correct set of CMC values sorted_cards[card.get_cmc()] += [card] # combine each set of CMC valued cards together for value in sorted_cards: for card in value: sorted_set += [card] return sorted_set if oname: if for_html: print oname # if ('.html' != oname[-]) # oname += '.html' if verbose: print 'Writing output to: ' + oname with open(oname, 'w') as ofile: writecards(ofile) if for_mse: # Copy whatever output file is produced, name the copy 'set' (yes, no extension). if os.path.isfile('set'): print 'ERROR: tried to overwrite existing file "set" - aborting.' return shutil.copyfile(oname, 'set') # Use the freaky mse extension instead of zip. with zipfile.ZipFile(oname + '.mse-set', mode='w') as zf: try: # Zip up the set file into oname.mse-set. zf.write('set') finally: if verbose: print 'Made an MSE set file called ' + oname + '.mse-set.' # The set file is useless outside the .mse-set, delete it. os.remove('set') else: writecards(sys.stdout) sys.stdout.flush()