def _parseMethodDoc(text): funcDoc = [] argsDoc = {} argsOrder = [] if text: pat = re.compile(' +') text = text.strip() for line in text.split('\n'): line = line.strip() tmp = pat.split(line) pre = tmp.pop(0) if pre and pre[0] == '@': pre = pre[1:] if pre == 'param': key = tmp.pop(0) argsOrder.append(key) if not argsDoc.has_key(key): argsDoc[key] = {} argsDoc[key]['key'] = key argsDoc[key]['type'] = tmp.pop(0) argsDoc[key]['info'] = ' '.join(tmp) argsDoc[key]['required'] = True elif pre == 'valid': key = tmp.pop(0) if not argsDoc.has_key(key): argsDoc[key] = {} argsDoc[key]['valid'] = json.decode(' '.join(tmp)) elif pre == 'optional': key = tmp.pop(0) if not argsDoc.has_key(key): argsDoc[key] = {} argsDoc[key]['required'] = False else: funcDoc.append(line) return ('\n'.join(funcDoc), argsDoc, argsOrder)
def call(self, key, data=None, timeout=5, block=None): log.debug('RPC-CALL: execute %s = %s' % (key, data)) if block is None: block = True # @todo: remove consume again afterwards! if not timeout: # tuba - no_ack=True is also an option self.consumerTag =, callback=self._callback) self.response = None self.correlationId = getUuid() # str(uuid.uuid4()) msg = amqp.Message( json.encode(data), content_type='text/json', correlation_id=self.correlationId, # reply_to = self.queue ) msg,, key, # reply_to = self.queue, # correlation_id = self.correlationId ) if not block: return log.notice('RPC-CALL: wait response') startTime = time.time() while self.response is None: if timeout: msg = if msg: if self._callback(msg): break else: time.sleep(0.01) if (time.time() - startTime) >= timeout: raise TimeoutException('Waited %s sec for rpc call %s' % (timeout, key)) else: log.notice('RPC-CALL: finished waiting') try: body = json.decode(self.response.body) except Exception as e: raise Exception("json decoding error: %s - for raw response: %s" % (e, self.response.body)) tmp = self.response.routing_key.split('.') if tmp[0][1] == 'x': # todo: use constants if tmp[0][0] == 'o': d = 'orchestrator' # here too elif tmp[0][0] == 's': d = 'service' elif tmp[0][0] == 'r': d = 'reactor' elif tmp[0][0] == 'm': d = 'manager' e = RemoteException('Error in %s %s when calling %s' % (d,tmp[1],tmp[2])) e.setResponse(body) raise e log.debug('RPC-CALL: respone %s = %s' % (self.response.routing_key, body)) return body
def parse(_req): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-r", "--raw", action="store_true", dest="raw", help="Output raw data (do not format it)") parser.add_option("-j", "--json", action="store_true", dest="json", help="Output data as json") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Be verbose (show error traces") parser.add_option( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="Be very verbose (print log message for level debug and above)", ) (options, req) = parser.parse_args(_req) try: section = req[0] except IndexError: raise InvalidParameterException("Missing section") try: command = req[1] except IndexError: raise InvalidParameterException("Missing command") id = None args = [] if len(req) > 2: id = req[2] args = [id] if len(req) > 3: for a in req[3:]: if a[0] in ["{", "["]: a = json.decode(a) args.append(a) options.section = section options.command = command options.args = args return options
def get(self): if self.deliveryTag is not None: raise Exception('You must call ack() before getting a new item') while not self.messages: msg = self.messages.pop(0) try: data = json.decode(msg.body) except Exception, e: raise Exception("Failed decoding JSON: %s\nOrig exception: %s" % (msg.body, e))
def parse(_req): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-r', '--raw', action='store_true', dest='raw', help='Output raw data (do not format it)') parser.add_option('-j', '--json', action='store_true', dest='json', help='Output data as json') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Be verbose (show error traces') parser.add_option( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Be very verbose (print log message for level debug and above)') (options, req) = parser.parse_args(_req) try: section = req[0] except IndexError: raise InvalidParameterException('Missing section') try: command = req[1] except IndexError: raise InvalidParameterException('Missing command') id = None args = [] if len(req) > 2: id = req[2] args = [id] if len(req) > 3: for a in req[3:]: if a[0] in ['{', '[']: a = json.decode(a) args.append(a) if section == 'help': options.section = command options.command = args[0] options.args = [] = True else: options.section = section options.command = command options.args = args = False return options
def call(self, key, data=None, timeout=5, block=None): log.debug('RPC-CALL: execute %s = %s' % (key, data)) if block == None: block = True # @todo: remove consume again afterwards! if not timeout: # tuba - no_ack=True is also an option self.consumerTag =, callback=self._callback) self.response = None self.correlationId = getUuid() #str(uuid.uuid4()) msg = amqp.Message( json.encode(data), content_type='text/json', correlation_id = self.correlationId, #reply_to = self.queue ) msg,, key, #reply_to = self.queue, #correlation_id = self.correlationId ) if not block: return log.notice('RPC-CALL: wait response') startTime = time.time() while self.response is None: if timeout: msg = if msg: if self._callback(msg): break else: time.sleep(0.01) if (time.time()-startTime) >= timeout: raise TimeoutException('Waited %s sec for rpc call %s' % (timeout, key)) else: log.notice('RPC-CALL: finished waiting') try: body = json.decode(self.response.body) except Exception, e: raise Exception("json decoding error: %s - for raw response: %s" % (e, self.response.body))
def get(self): if self.deliveryTag is not None: raise Exception('You must call ack() before getting a new item') while not self.messages: msg = self.messages.pop(0) try: data = json.decode(msg.body) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Failed decoding JSON: %s\nOrig exception: %s" % (msg.body, repr(e))) self.deliveryTag = msg.delivery_tag correlationId = None if 'correlation_id' in correlationId =['correlation_id'] return (msg.routing_key, data, correlationId)
def parse(_req): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-r', '--raw', action='store_true', dest='raw', help='Output raw data (do not format it)') parser.add_option('-j', '--json', action='store_true', dest='json', help='Output data as json') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='Be verbose (show error traces') parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Be very verbose (print log message for level debug and above)') (options, req) = parser.parse_args(_req) try: section = req[0] except IndexError: raise InvalidParameterException('Missing section') try: command = req[1] except IndexError: raise InvalidParameterException('Missing command') id = None args = [] if len(req) > 2: id = req[2] args = [id] if len(req) > 3: for a in req[3:]: if a[0] in ['{', '[']: a = json.decode(a) args.append(a) if section == 'help': options.section = command options.command = args[0] options.args = [] = True else: options.section = section options.command = command options.args = args = False return options
def call(self, key, data=None, timeout=5, block=None): log.debug('RPC-CALL: execute %s = %s' % (key, data)) if block is None: block = True # @todo: remove consume again afterwards! if not timeout: # tuba - no_ack=True is also an option self.consumerTag =, callback=self._callback) self.response = None self.correlationId = getUuid() # str(uuid.uuid4()) msg = amqp.Message( json.encode(data), content_type='text/json', correlation_id=self.correlationId, # reply_to = self.queue ) msg,, key, # reply_to = self.queue, # correlation_id = self.correlationId ) if not block: return log.notice('RPC-CALL: wait response') startTime = time.time() while self.response is None: if timeout: msg = if msg: if self._callback(msg): break else: time.sleep(0.01) if (time.time() - startTime) >= timeout: raise TimeoutException( 'Waited %s sec for rpc call %s' % (timeout, key)) else: log.notice('RPC-CALL: finished waiting') try: body = json.decode(self.response.body) except Exception as e: raise Exception("json decoding error: %s - for raw response: %s" % (e, self.response.body)) tmp = self.response.routing_key.split('.') if tmp[0][1] == 'x': # todo: use constants if tmp[0][0] == 'o': d = 'orchestrator' # here too elif tmp[0][0] == 's': d = 'service' elif tmp[0][0] == 'r': d = 'reactor' elif tmp[0][0] == 'm': d = 'manager' e = RemoteException('Error in %s %s when calling %s' % (d, tmp[1], tmp[2])) e.setResponse(body) raise e log.debug('RPC-CALL: respone %s = %s' % (self.response.routing_key, body)) return body