コード例 #1
ファイル: unix.py プロジェクト: wang-arthur/dd-agent
    def parse_df_output(self,
        Parse the output of the df command. If use_volume is true the volume
        is used to anchor the metric, otherwise false the mount 
        point is used. Returns a tuple of (disk, inode).
        usage_data = []

        # Transform the raw output into tuples of the df data.
        devices = self._transform_df_output(df_output, blacklist_re)

        # If we want to use the mount point, replace the volume name on each
        # line.
        for parts in devices:
                if use_mount:
                    parts[0] = parts[-1]
                if inodes:
                    if Platform.is_darwin(platform_name):
                        # Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity iused ifree %iused  Mounted
                        # Inodes are in position 5, 6 and we need to compute the total
                        # Total
                        parts[1] = int(parts[5]) + int(parts[6])  # Total
                        parts[2] = int(parts[5])  # Used
                        parts[3] = int(parts[6])  # Available
                    elif Platform.is_freebsd(platform_name):
                        # Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted
                        # Inodes are in position 5, 6 and we need to compute the total
                        parts[1] = int(parts[5]) + int(parts[6])  # Total
                        parts[2] = int(parts[5])  # Used
                        parts[3] = int(parts[6])  # Available
                        parts[1] = int(parts[1])  # Total
                        parts[2] = int(parts[2])  # Used
                        parts[3] = int(parts[3])  # Available
                    parts[1] = int(parts[1])  # Total
                    parts[2] = int(parts[2])  # Used
                    parts[3] = int(parts[3])  # Available
            except IndexError:
                self.logger.exception("Cannot parse %s" % (parts, ))


        return usage_data
コード例 #2
ファイル: unix.py プロジェクト: stefan-mees/dd-agent
    def parse_df_output(self, df_output, platform_name, inodes=False, use_mount=False, blacklist_re=None):
        Parse the output of the df command. If use_volume is true the volume
        is used to anchor the metric, otherwise false the mount 
        point is used. Returns a tuple of (disk, inode).
        usage_data = []

        # Transform the raw output into tuples of the df data.
        devices = self._transform_df_output(df_output, blacklist_re)

        # If we want to use the mount point, replace the volume name on each
        # line.
        for parts in devices:
                if use_mount:
                    parts[0] = parts[-1]
                if inodes:
                    if Platform.is_darwin(platform_name):
                        # Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity iused ifree %iused  Mounted
                        # Inodes are in position 5, 6 and we need to compute the total
                        # Total
                        parts[1] = int(parts[5]) + int(parts[6])  # Total
                        parts[2] = int(parts[5])  # Used
                        parts[3] = int(parts[6])  # Available
                    elif Platform.is_freebsd(platform_name):
                        # Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted
                        # Inodes are in position 5, 6 and we need to compute the total
                        parts[1] = int(parts[5]) + int(parts[6])  # Total
                        parts[2] = int(parts[5])  # Used
                        parts[3] = int(parts[6])  # Available
                        parts[1] = int(parts[1])  # Total
                        parts[2] = int(parts[2])  # Used
                        parts[3] = int(parts[3])  # Available
                    parts[1] = int(parts[1])  # Total
                    parts[2] = int(parts[2])  # Used
                    parts[3] = int(parts[3])  # Available
            except IndexError:
                self.logger.exception("Cannot parse %s" % (parts,))


        return usage_data
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_system.py プロジェクト: wang-arthur/dd-agent
 def test_collecting_disk_metrics(self):
     """Testing disk stats gathering"""
     if Platform.is_unix():
         disk = Disk(logger)
         res = disk.check({})
         # Assert we have disk & inode stats
         assert len(res) == 2
         assert res[0]
         assert res[1]
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_system.py プロジェクト: Vinceveve/dd-agent
 def test_collecting_disk_metrics(self):
     """Testing disk stats gathering"""
     if Platform.is_unix():
         disk = Disk(logger)
         res = disk.check({})
         # Assert we have disk & inode stats
         assert len(res) == 2
         assert res[0]
         assert res[1]
コード例 #5
ファイル: network.py プロジェクト: Vinceveve/dd-agent
    def check(self, instance):
        if instance is None:
            instance = {}

        self._excluded_ifaces = instance.get('excluded_interfaces', [])
        self._collect_cx_state = instance.get('collect_connection_state', False)

        self._exclude_iface_re = None
        exclude_re = instance.get('excluded_interface_re', None)
        if exclude_re:
            self.log.debug("Excluding network devices matching: %s" % exclude_re)
            self._exclude_iface_re = re.compile(exclude_re)

        if Platform.is_linux():
        elif Platform.is_bsd():
        elif Platform.is_solaris():
コード例 #6
    def check(self, instance):
        if instance is None:
            instance = {}

        self._excluded_ifaces = instance.get('excluded_interfaces', [])
        self._collect_cx_state = instance.get('collect_connection_state',

        self._exclude_iface_re = None
        exclude_re = instance.get('excluded_interface_re', None)
        if exclude_re:
            self.log.debug("Excluding network devices matching: %s" %
            self._exclude_iface_re = re.compile(exclude_re)

        if Platform.is_linux():
        elif Platform.is_bsd():
        elif Plaform.is_solaris():
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_system.py プロジェクト: Vinceveve/dd-agent
    def testLoad(self):
        global logger
        load = Load(logger)
        res = load.check({'system_stats': get_system_stats()})
        assert 'system.load.1' in res
        if Platform.is_linux():
            cores = int(get_system_stats().get('cpuCores'))
            assert 'system.load.norm.1' in res
            assert abs(res['system.load.1'] - cores * res['system.load.norm.1']) <= 0.1, (res['system.load.1'], cores * res['system.load.norm.1'])

        # same test but without cpu count, no normalized load sent.
        res = load.check({})
        assert 'system.load.1' in res
        assert 'system.load.norm.1' not in res
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_system.py プロジェクト: wang-arthur/dd-agent
    def testLoad(self):
        global logger
        load = Load(logger)
        res = load.check({'system_stats': get_system_stats()})
        assert 'system.load.1' in res
        if Platform.is_linux():
            cores = int(get_system_stats().get('cpuCores'))
            assert 'system.load.norm.1' in res
            assert abs(res['system.load.1'] -
                       cores * res['system.load.norm.1']) <= 0.1, (
                           cores * res['system.load.norm.1'])

        # same test but without cpu count, no normalized load sent.
        res = load.check({})
        assert 'system.load.1' in res
        assert 'system.load.norm.1' not in res
コード例 #9
ファイル: process.py プロジェクト: bakins/dd-agent
    def get_process_metrics(self, pids, psutil, cpu_check_interval):

        # initialize process metrics
        # process metrics available for all versions of psutil
        rss = 0
        vms = 0
        cpu = 0
        thr = 0

        # process metrics available for psutil versions 0.6.0 and later
        extended_metrics_0_6_0 = self.is_psutil_version_later_than((0, 6, 0))
        if extended_metrics_0_6_0:
            real = 0
            ctx_switches = 0
            real = None
            ctx_switches = None

        # process metrics available for psutil versions 0.5.0 and later on UNIX
        extended_metrics_0_5_0_unix = self.is_psutil_version_later_than((0, 5, 0)) and \
        if extended_metrics_0_5_0_unix:
            open_file_descriptors = 0
            open_file_descriptors = None

        # process I/O counters (agent might not have permission to access)
        read_count = 0
        write_count = 0
        read_bytes = 0
        write_bytes = 0

        for pid in set(pids):
                p = psutil.Process(pid)
                if extended_metrics_0_6_0:
                    mem = p.get_ext_memory_info()
                    real += mem.rss - mem.shared
                    ctx_switches += p.get_num_ctx_switches()
                    mem = p.get_memory_info()

                if extended_metrics_0_5_0_unix:
                    open_file_descriptors += p.get_num_fds()

                rss += mem.rss
                vms += mem.vms
                thr += p.get_num_threads()
                cpu += p.get_cpu_percent(cpu_check_interval)

                # user agent might not have permission to call get_io_counters()
                # user agent might have access to io counters for some processes and not others
                if read_count is not None:
                        io_counters = p.get_io_counters()
                        read_count += io_counters.read_count
                        write_count += io_counters.write_count
                        read_bytes += io_counters.read_bytes
                        write_bytes += io_counters.write_bytes
                    except psutil.AccessDenied:
                        self.log.info('DD user agent does not have access \
                            to I/O counters for process %d: %s' % (pid, p.name))
                        read_count = None
                        write_count = None
                        read_bytes = None
                        write_bytes = None

            # Skip processes dead in the meantime
            except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
                self.warning('Process %s disappeared while scanning' % pid)

        #Memory values are in Byte
        return (thr, cpu, rss, vms, real, open_file_descriptors,
            read_count, write_count, read_bytes, write_bytes, ctx_switches)