コード例 #1
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: ACTillage/ckan
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a DataStore resource.

    The datastore_search action allows you to search data in a resource.
    DataStore resources that belong to private CKAN resource can only be
    read by you if you have access to the CKAN resource and send the appropriate

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"} (optional)
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query. If it's a string, it'll search on all fields on
              each row. If it's a dictionary as {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"},
              it'll search on each specific field (optional)
    :type q: string or dictionary
    :param distinct: return only distinct rows (optional, default: false)
    :type distinct: bool
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (optional, default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query (optional, default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return (optional, default: 100)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows (optional)
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return (optional, default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dictionary with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: query limit value
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: list of dictionaries

    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']
    data_dict['connection_url'] = pylons.config['ckan.datastore.write_url']

    resources_sql = sqlalchemy.text(u'''SELECT alias_of FROM "_table_metadata"
                                        WHERE name = :id''')
    results = db._get_engine(data_dict).execute(resources_sql, id=res_id)

    # Resource only has to exist in the datastore (because it could be an alias)
    if not results.rowcount > 0:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(p.toolkit._(
            'Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)

    if not data_dict['resource_id'] in WHITELISTED_RESOURCES:
        # Replace potential alias with real id to simplify access checks
        resource_id = results.fetchone()[0]
        if resource_id:
            data_dict['resource_id'] = resource_id

        p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = db.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    return result
コード例 #2
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a DataStore resource.

    The datastore_search action allows you to search data in a resource.
    DataStore resources that belong to private CKAN resource can only be
    read by you if you have access to the CKAN resource and send the appropriate

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"} (optional)
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query. If it's a string, it'll search on all fields on
              each row. If it's a dictionary as {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"},
              it'll search on each specific field (optional)
    :type q: string or dictionary
    :param distinct: return only distinct rows (optional, default: false)
    :type distinct: bool
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (optional, default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query (optional, default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return (optional, default: 100)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows (optional)
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return (optional, default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dictionary with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: query limit value
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: list of dictionaries

    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']
    data_dict['connection_url'] = pylons.config['ckan.datastore.write_url']

    resources_sql = sqlalchemy.text(u'''SELECT alias_of FROM "_table_metadata"
                                        WHERE name = :id''')
    results = db._get_engine(data_dict).execute(resources_sql, id=res_id)

    # Resource only has to exist in the datastore (because it could be an alias)
    if not results.rowcount > 0:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
            p.toolkit._('Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)))

    if not data_dict['resource_id'] in WHITELISTED_RESOURCES:
        # Replace potential alias with real id to simplify access checks
        resource_id = results.fetchone()[0]
        if resource_id:
            data_dict['resource_id'] = resource_id

        p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = db.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    return result
コード例 #3
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a DataStore resource.

    The datastore_search action allows you to search data in a resource. By
    default 100 rows are returned - see the `limit` parameter for more info.

    A DataStore resource that belongs to a private CKAN resource can only be
    read by you if you have access to the CKAN resource and send the
    appropriate authorization.

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g
                    {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"} (optional)
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query. If it's a string, it'll search on all fields on
              each row. If it's a dictionary as {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"},
              it'll search on each specific field (optional)
    :type q: string or dictionary
    :param distinct: return only distinct rows (optional, default: false)
    :type distinct: bool
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (optional, default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query
                     (optional, default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return
        (optional, default: ``100``, unless set in the site's configuration
        ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_default``, upper limit: ``32000`` unless
        set in site's configuration ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_max``)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows (optional)
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return
                   (optional, default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string
    :param include_total: True to return total matching record count
                          (optional, default: true)
    :type include_total: bool
    :param total_estimation_threshold: If "include_total" is True and
        "total_estimation_threshold" is not None and the estimated total
        (matching record count) is above the "total_estimation_threshold" then
        this datastore_search will return an *estimate* of the total, rather
        than a precise one. This is often good enough, and saves
        computationally expensive row counting for larger results (e.g. >100000
        rows). The estimated total comes from the PostgreSQL table statistics,
        generated when Express Loader or DataPusher finishes a load, or by
        autovacuum. NB Currently estimation can't be done if the user specifies
        'filters' or 'distinct' options. (optional, default: None)
    :type total_estimation_threshold: int or None
    :param records_format: the format for the records return value:
        'objects' (default) list of {fieldname1: value1, ...} dicts,
        'lists' list of [value1, value2, ...] lists,
        'csv' string containing comma-separated values with no header,
        'tsv' string containing tab-separated values with no header
    :type records_format: controlled list

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL
    `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the
    alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dictionary with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: queried limit value (if the requested ``limit`` was above the
        ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_max`` value then this response ``limit``
        will be set to the value of ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_max``)
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param total_was_estimated: whether or not the total was estimated
    :type total_was_estimated: bool
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: depends on records_format value passed

    backend = DatastoreBackend.get_active_backend()
    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    if data_dict['resource_id'] not in WHITELISTED_RESOURCES:
        res_exists, real_id = backend.resource_id_from_alias(res_id)
        # Resource only has to exist in the datastore (because it could be an
        # alias)

        if not res_exists:
            raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
                p.toolkit._('Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)))

        # Replace potential alias with real id to simplify access checks
        if real_id:
            data_dict['resource_id'] = real_id

        p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = backend.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    result.pop('connection_url', None)
    return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: yoni1234/DataGovIL
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a DataStore resource.

    The datastore_search action allows you to search data in a resource.
    DataStore resources that belong to private CKAN resource can only be
    read by you if you have access to the CKAN resource and send the
    appropriate authorization.

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g
                    {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"} (optional)
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query. If it's a string, it'll search on all fields on
              each row. If it's a dictionary as {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"},
              it'll search on each specific field (optional)
    :type q: string or dictionary
    :param distinct: return only distinct rows (optional, default: false)
    :type distinct: bool
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (optional, default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query
                     (optional, default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return (optional, default: 100)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows (optional)
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return
                   (optional, default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string
    :param include_total: True to return total matching record count
                          (optional, default: true)
    :type include_total: bool
    :param records_format: the format for the records return value:
        'objects' (default) list of {fieldname1: value1, ...} dicts,
        'lists' list of [value1, value2, ...] lists,
        'csv' string containing comma-separated values with no header,
        'tsv' string containing tab-separated values with no header
    :type records_format: controlled list

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL
    `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the
    alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dictionary with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: query limit value
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: depends on records_format value passed

    backend = DatastoreBackend.get_active_backend()
    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    if data_dict['resource_id'] not in WHITELISTED_RESOURCES:
        res_exists, real_id = backend.resource_id_from_alias(res_id)
        # Resource only has to exist in the datastore (because it could be an
        # alias)

        if not res_exists:
            raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
                p.toolkit._('Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)))

        # Replace potential alias with real id to simplify access checks
        if real_id:
            data_dict['resource_id'] = real_id

        p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = backend.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    result.pop('connection_url', None)
    return result
コード例 #5
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: gsueur/ckan
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a DataStore resource.

    The datastore_search action allows you to search data in a resource.
    DataStore resources that belong to private CKAN resource can only be
    read by you if you have access to the CKAN resource and send the
    appropriate authorization.

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g
                    {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"} (optional)
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query. If it's a string, it'll search on all fields on
              each row. If it's a dictionary as {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"},
              it'll search on each specific field (optional)
    :type q: string or dictionary
    :param distinct: return only distinct rows (optional, default: false)
    :type distinct: bool
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (optional, default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query
                     (optional, default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return (optional, default: 100)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows (optional)
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return
                   (optional, default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string
    :param include_total: True to return total matching record count
                          (optional, default: true)
    :type include_total: bool
    :param records_format: the format for the records return value:
        'objects' (default) list of {fieldname1: value1, ...} dicts,
        'lists' list of [value1, value2, ...] lists,
        'csv' string containing comma-separated values with no header,
        'tsv' string containing tab-separated values with no header
    :type records_format: controlled list

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL
    `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the
    alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dictionary with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: query limit value
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: depends on records_format value passed

    backend = DatastoreBackend.get_active_backend()
    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    if data_dict['resource_id'] not in WHITELISTED_RESOURCES:
        res_exists, real_id = backend.resource_id_from_alias(res_id)
        # Resource only has to exist in the datastore (because it could be an
        # alias)

        if not res_exists:
            raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(p.toolkit._(
                'Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)

        # Replace potential alias with real id to simplify access checks
        if real_id:
            data_dict['resource_id'] = real_id

        p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = backend.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    result.pop('connection_url', None)
    return result
コード例 #6
ファイル: action.py プロジェクト: PublicaMundi/ckan
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a DataStore resource.

    The datastore_search action allows you to search data in a resource. By
    default 100 rows are returned - see the `limit` parameter for more info.

    A DataStore resource that belongs to a private CKAN resource can only be
    read by you if you have access to the CKAN resource and send the
    appropriate authorization.

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g
                    {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"} (optional)
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query. If it's a string, it'll search on all fields on
              each row. If it's a dictionary as {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"},
              it'll search on each specific field (optional)
    :type q: string or dictionary
    :param distinct: return only distinct rows (optional, default: false)
    :type distinct: bool
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (optional, default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query
                     (optional, default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return
        (optional, default: ``100``, unless set in the site's configuration
        ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_default``, upper limit: ``32000`` unless
        set in site's configuration ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_max``)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows (optional)
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return
                   (optional, default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string
    :param include_total: True to return total matching record count
                          (optional, default: true)
    :type include_total: bool
    :param total_estimation_threshold: If "include_total" is True and
        "total_estimation_threshold" is not None and the estimated total
        (matching record count) is above the "total_estimation_threshold" then
        this datastore_search will return an *estimate* of the total, rather
        than a precise one. This is often good enough, and saves
        computationally expensive row counting for larger results (e.g. >100000
        rows). The estimated total comes from the PostgreSQL table statistics,
        generated when Express Loader or DataPusher finishes a load, or by
        autovacuum. NB Currently estimation can't be done if the user specifies
        'filters' or 'distinct' options. (optional, default: None)
    :type total_estimation_threshold: int or None
    :param records_format: the format for the records return value:
        'objects' (default) list of {fieldname1: value1, ...} dicts,
        'lists' list of [value1, value2, ...] lists,
        'csv' string containing comma-separated values with no header,
        'tsv' string containing tab-separated values with no header
    :type records_format: controlled list

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL
    `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the
    alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dictionary with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: queried limit value (if the requested ``limit`` was above the
        ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_max`` value then this response ``limit``
        will be set to the value of ``ckan.datastore.search.rows_max``)
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param total_was_estimated: whether or not the total was estimated
    :type total_was_estimated: bool
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: depends on records_format value passed

    backend = DatastoreBackend.get_active_backend()
    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']

    if data_dict['resource_id'] not in WHITELISTED_RESOURCES:
        res_exists, real_id = backend.resource_id_from_alias(res_id)
        # Resource only has to exist in the datastore (because it could be an
        # alias)

        if not res_exists:
            raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(p.toolkit._(
                'Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)

        # Replace potential alias with real id to simplify access checks
        if real_id:
            data_dict['resource_id'] = real_id

        p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = backend.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    result.pop('connection_url', None)
    return result
コード例 #7
def datastore_search(context, data_dict):
    '''Search a datastore table.

    The datastore_search action allows a user to search data in a resource.

    :param resource_id: id or alias of the resource to be searched against.
    :type resource_id: string
    :param filters: matching conditions to select, e.g {"key1": "a", "key2": "b"}
    :type filters: dictionary
    :param q: full text query
    :type q: string
    :param plain: treat as plain text query (default: true)
    :type plain: bool
    :param language: language of the full text query (default: english)
    :type language: string
    :param limit: maximum number of rows to return (default: 100)
    :type limit: int
    :param offset: offset this number of rows
    :type offset: int
    :param fields: fields to return (default: all fields in original order)
    :type fields: list or comma separated string
    :param sort: comma separated field names with ordering
                 e.g.: "fieldname1, fieldname2 desc"
    :type sort: string

    Setting the ``plain`` flag to false enables the entire PostgreSQL `full text search query language`_.

    A listing of all available resources can be found at the alias ``_table_metadata``.

    .. _full text search query language: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/datatype-textsearch.html#DATATYPE-TSQUERY

    If you need to download the full resource, read :ref:`dump`.


    The result of this action is a dict with the following keys:

    :rtype: A dictionary with the following keys
    :param fields: fields/columns and their extra metadata
    :type fields: list of dictionaries
    :param offset: query offset value
    :type offset: int
    :param limit: query limit value
    :type limit: int
    :param filters: query filters
    :type filters: list of dictionaries
    :param total: number of total matching records
    :type total: int
    :param records: list of matching results
    :type records: list of dictionaries

    schema = context.get('schema', dsschema.datastore_search_schema())
    data_dict, errors = _validate(data_dict, schema, context)
    if errors:
        raise p.toolkit.ValidationError(errors)

    res_id = data_dict['resource_id']
    data_dict['connection_url'] = pylons.config.get(
        'ckan.datastore.read_url', pylons.config['ckan.datastore.write_url'])

    resources_sql = sqlalchemy.text(
        u'SELECT 1 FROM "_table_metadata" WHERE name = :id')
    results = db._get_engine(None, data_dict).execute(resources_sql, id=res_id)
    res_exists = results.rowcount > 0

    if not res_exists:
        raise p.toolkit.ObjectNotFound(
            p.toolkit._('Resource "{0}" was not found.'.format(res_id)))

    p.toolkit.check_access('datastore_search', context, data_dict)

    result = db.search(context, data_dict)
    result.pop('id', None)
    return result