コード例 #1
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: imclab/clam
    def addinput(self, project, inputtemplate, contents, **kwargs):
        """Add an input file to the CLAM service. Explictly providing the contents as a string. This is not suitable for large files as the contents are kept in memory! Use ``addinputfile()`` instead for large files.

        project - the ID of the project you want to add the file to.
        inputtemplate - The input template you want to use to add this file (InputTemplate instance)
        contents - The contents for the file to add (string)

        Keyword arguments:
            * filename - the filename on the server (mandatory!)
            * metadata - A metadata object.
            * metafile - A metadata file (filename)

        Any other keyword arguments will be passed as metadata and matched with the input template's parameters.


            client.addinput("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "This is a test.", filename="test.txt")

        With metadata, assuming such metadata parameters are defined::

            client.addinput("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "This is a test.", filename="test.txt", parameter1="blah", parameterX=3.5))

        if isinstance( inputtemplate, str) or isinstance( inputtemplate, unicode):
            data = self.get(project) #causes an extra query to server
            inputtemplate = data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate)
        elif not isinstance(inputtemplate, InputTemplate):
            raise Exception("inputtemplate must be instance of InputTemplate. Get from CLAMData.inputtemplate(id)")

        if 'filename' in kwargs:
            filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, kwargs['filename'])
            raise Exception("No filename provided!")

        data = {"contents": contents, 'inputtemplate': inputtemplate.id}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == 'filename':
                pass #nothing to do
            elif key == 'metadata':
                assert isinstance(value, CLAMMetaData)
                data['metadata'] =  value.xml()
            elif key == 'metafile':
                data['metafile'] = open(value,'r')
                data[key] = value

        opener = register_openers()
        opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'CLAMClientAPI-' + VERSION)]
        if self.authenticated:
            opener.add_handler( urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(self.passman) )
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode(data)

        # Create the Request object
        request = urllib2.Request(self.url + project + '/input/' + filename, datagen, headers)
            xml = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            xml = e.read()
コード例 #2
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: imclab/clam
from clam.external.poster.streaminghttp import register_openers, StreamingHTTPHandler

import clam.common.status
import clam.common.parameters
import clam.common.formats
from clam.common.data import CLAMData, CLAMFile, CLAMInputFile, CLAMOutputFile, CLAMMetaData, InputTemplate, OutputTemplate, VERSION as DATAAPIVERSION, BadRequest, NotFound, PermissionDenied, ServerError, AuthRequired,NoConnection, UploadError, ParameterError, TimeOut, processhttpcode
from clam.common.util import RequestWithMethod

VERSION = '0.9.8'
    raise Exception("Version mismatch beween Client API ("+clam.common.data.VERSION+") and Data API ("+DATAAPIVERSION+")!")

# Register poster's streaming http handlers with urllib2

class CLAMClient:
    def __init__(self, url, user=None, password=None):
        """Initialise the CLAM client (does not actually connect yet)

        * ``url`` - URL of the webservice
        * ``user`` - username (or None if no authentication is needed)
        * ``password`` - password (or None if not authentication is needed)

        #self.http = httplib2.Http()
        if url[-1] != '/': url += '/'
        self.url = url
        if user and password:
コード例 #3
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: FieldDB/clam
    def addinputfile(self, project, inputtemplate, sourcefile, **kwargs):
        """Add/upload an input file to the CLAM service.

        project - the ID of the project you want to add the file to.
        inputtemplate - The input template you want to use to add this file (InputTemplate instance)
        sourcefile - The file you want to add: either an instance of 'file' or a string containing a filename

        Keyword arguments (optional but recommended!):
            * ``filename`` - the filename on the server (will be same as sourcefile if not specified)
            * ``metadata`` - A metadata object.
            * ``metafile`` - A metadata file (filename)

        Any other keyword arguments will be passed as metadata and matched with the input template's parameters.


            client.addinputfile("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "/path/to/local/file")

        With metadata, assuming such metadata parameters are defined::

            client.addinputfile("myproject", "someinputtemplate", "/path/to/local/file", parameter1="blah", parameterX=3.5)

        if isinstance( inputtemplate, str) or isinstance( inputtemplate, unicode):
            data = self.get(project) #causes an extra query to server
            inputtemplate = data.inputtemplate(inputtemplate)
        elif not isinstance(inputtemplate, InputTemplate):
            raise Exception("inputtemplate must be instance of InputTemplate. Get from CLAMData.inputtemplate(id)")

        if not isinstance(sourcefile, file):
            sourcefile = open(sourcefile,'r')

        if 'filename' in kwargs:
            filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, kwargs['filename'])
            filename = self.getinputfilename(inputtemplate, os.path.basename(sourcefile.name) )

        data = {"file": sourcefile, 'inputtemplate': inputtemplate.id}
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key == 'filename':
                pass #nothing to do
            elif key == 'metadata':
                assert isinstance(value, CLAMMetaData)
                data['metadata'] =  value.xml()
            elif key == 'metafile':
                data['metafile'] = open(value,'r')
                data[key] = value

        opener = register_openers()
        opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'CLAMClientAPI-' + VERSION)]
        if self.authenticated:
            opener.add_handler( urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(self.passman) )
        datagen, headers = multipart_encode(data)

        # Create the Request object
        request = urllib2.Request(self.url + project + '/input/' + filename, datagen, headers)
            xml = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()
        except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
            xml = e.read()