コード例 #1
    def ground(self, imagefile, segments, _=None):
        """asks the user to label each segment as either a character or "<" for unknown"""
            "For each shown segment, please write the character that it represents, or spacebar if it's not a "
            "character. To undo a classification, press backspace. Press ESC when completed, arrow keys to move"
        i = 0
        if imagefile.is_grounded:
            classes = classes_from_numpy(imagefile.ground.classes)
            segments = imagefile.ground.segments
            classes = [BLANK_CLASS] * len(segments)
        done = False
        allowed_chars = list(
                string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation))
        while not done:
            image = imagefile.image.copy()
            draw_segments(image, [segments[i]])
            draw_classes(image, segments, classes)
            key = show_image_and_wait_for_key(image, "segment " + str(i))
            if key == 27:  # ESC
            elif key == 8:  # backspace
                classes[i] = BLANK_CLASS
                i += 1
            elif key == 32:  # space
                classes[i] = NOT_A_SEGMENT
                i += 1
            elif key == 65361:  # <-
                i -= 1
            elif key == 65363:  # ->
                i += 1
            elif key in allowed_chars:
                classes[i] = unichr(key)
                i += 1
            if i >= len(classes):
                i = 0
            if i < 0:
                i = len(classes) - 1

        classes = numpy.array(classes)
        is_segment = classes != NOT_A_SEGMENT
        classes = classes[is_segment]
        segments = segments[is_segment]
        classes = list(classes)

        classes = classes_to_numpy(classes)
        print("classified ",
              numpy.count_nonzero(classes != classes_to_numpy(BLANK_CLASS)),
              "characters out of", max(classes.shape))
        imagefile.set_ground(segments, classes)
コード例 #2
ファイル: grounding.py プロジェクト: sricci23/yard-vision
    def ground(self, imagefile, segments, _=None):
        '''asks the user to label each segment as either a character or "<" for unknown'''
        print '''For each shown segment, please write the character that it represents, or spacebar if it's not a character. To undo a classification, press backspace. Press ESC when completed, arrow keys to move'''
        i = 0
        if imagefile.isGrounded():
            classes = classes_from_numpy(imagefile.ground.classes)
            segments = imagefile.ground.segments
            classes = [BLANK_CLASS] * len(
            )  #char(10) is newline. it represents a non-assigned label, and will b filtered
        done = False
        allowed_chars = map(
            ord, string.digits + string.letters + string.punctuation)
        while not done:
            image = imagefile.image.copy()
            draw_segments(image, [segments[i]])
            draw_classes(image, segments, classes)
            key = show_image_and_wait_for_key(
                image, "segment " + str(i), return_arrow_keys=True)
            if key == 27:  #ESC
            elif key == 8:  #backspace
                classes[i] = BLANK_CLASS
                i += 1
            elif key == 32:  #space
                classes[i] = NOT_A_SEGMENT
                i += 1
            elif key == 65361:  #<-
                i -= 1
            elif key == 65363:  #->
                i += 1
            elif key in allowed_chars:
                classes[i] = unichr(key)
                i += 1
            if i >= len(classes):
                i = 0
            if i < 0:
                i = len(classes) - 1

        classes = numpy.array(classes)
        is_segment = classes != NOT_A_SEGMENT
        classes = classes[is_segment]
        segments = segments[is_segment]
        classes = list(classes)

        classes = classes_to_numpy(classes)
        print "classified ", numpy.count_nonzero(
            classes != classes_to_numpy(BLANK_CLASS)
        ), "characters out of", max(classes.shape)
        imagefile.set_ground(segments, classes)
コード例 #3
def write_boxfile(path, classes, segments):
    classes, segments = classes_from_numpy(classes), segments_from_numpy(
    with open(path, 'w') as f:
        for c, s in zip(classes, segments):
            f.write(c.encode('utf-8') + ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, s)) + " 0\n")
コード例 #4
ファイル: allPythonContent.py プロジェクト: Mondego/pyreco
def write_boxfile(path, classes, segments):
    classes, segments= classes_from_numpy(classes), segments_from_numpy(segments)
    with open(path, 'w') as f:
        for c,s in zip(classes, segments):
            f.write( c.encode('utf-8')+' '+ ' '.join(map(str, s))+" 0\n")