コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: HamzaG737/Kmml-challenge-code
def predict_third_set(gram_train,

    gram_train = gram_train[0] + gram_train[1] + gram_train[2]
    gram_test = gram_test[0] + gram_test[1] + gram_test[2]

    krl = KRL(gram_m=gram_train / scale, max_iter=max_iter, lambd=lambd)
    y_pred_krl = krl.predict(gram_test / scale)

    clf = SVM(gram_m=gram_train)
    y_pred_svm = clf.predict(gram_test)

    y_pred = np.sign(y_pred_svm + y_pred_krl)
    return y_pred
コード例 #2
def getConfidenceScores(features_train, labels_train, C):
    train_confidence = []
    #confidence scores for training data are computed using K-fold cross validation
    kfold = KFold(features_train.shape[0], n_folds=10)

    for train_index,test_index in kfold:
        X_train, X_test = features_train[train_index], features_train[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = labels_train[train_index], labels_train[test_index]

        #train classifier for the subset of train data
        m = SVM.train(X_train,y_train,c=C,k="linear")

        #predict confidence for test data and append it to list
        conf = m.decision_function(X_test)
        for x in conf:

    return np.array(train_confidence)
コード例 #3
def getConfidenceScores(features_train, labels_train, C):
    train_confidence = []
    #confidence scores for training data are computed using K-fold cross validation
    kfold = KFold(features_train.shape[0], n_folds=10)

    for train_index,test_index in kfold:
        X_train, X_test = features_train[train_index], features_train[test_index]
        y_train, y_test = labels_train[train_index], labels_train[test_index]

        #train classifier for the subset of train data
        m = SVM.train(X_train,y_train,c=C,k="linear")

        #predict confidence for test data and append it to list
        conf = m.decision_function(X_test)
        for x in conf:

    return np.array(train_confidence)
コード例 #4
                         Y_test) = imdb.load_data(num_words=max_features)

    X_train = sequence.pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=maxlen)
    X_test = sequence.pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen=maxlen)

    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Embedding(max_features, 128))
    model.add(LSTM(128, dropout=0.5, recurrent_dropout=0.5))
    model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))


    model.fit(X_train, Y_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=15)

    score, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, batch_size=batch_size)

    print('Test score: {0}'.format(score))
    print('Test accuracy: {0}'.format(accuracy))

if sys.argv[1] != 'rnn':
    print("SVM: {0}".format(SVM(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)))
    print("Naive Bayes: {0}".format(
        nultinomialNB(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)))
    print("Logistic Regression: {0}".format(
        LR(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)))
    print("Fully connected Neural Net: {0}".format(
        NN(X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test)))
コード例 #5
 X2_test = test_data_mat_2[0].str.split(' ').values
 for i , lst in enumerate(X2_test):
   X2_test[i] = np.array([float(x) for x  in lst])
 X2_test = np.vstack(X2_test)
 X3_test = test_data_mat_3[0].str.split(' ').values
 for i , lst in enumerate(X3_test):
   X3_test[i] = np.array([float(x) for x  in lst])
 X3_test= np.vstack(X3_test)
 if config.Kernel == 'linear':
     print("-- This will take few milliseconds per dataset to compute the kernel matrix --\n")
     if config.classifier =='SVM': 
         classifier = SVM(kernel_name=config.Kernel, kernel=linear_kernel, C=20)
     elif config.classifier =='RIDGE':
         classifier = Ridge_Classifier(lam = 1e-8, kernel_name=config.Kernel, kernel=linear_kernel, loss_func=log_rg_loss)
 elif config.Kernel == 'rbf':
     print("-- This will take few milliseconds per dataset to compute the kernel matrix --\n")
     if config.classifier =='SVM': 
         classifier = SVM(kernel_name=config.Kernel, kernel=rbf_kernel, C=20)
     elif config.classifier =='RIDGE':
         classifier = Ridge_Classifier(lam = 1e-8, kernel_name=config.Kernel, kernel=rbf_kernel, loss_func=log_rg_loss)
     classifier = None
     print("Kernel not found")
 if classifier!=None:
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: bkneis/2DFaceRecognizer
def main(args):

    # Create algorithm objects
    lbp = LBP()
    detector = FaceDetector()
    svm = SVM()
    knn = KNearest()

    # Get subjects to train the svm on
    imgs = [

    # Load the subjects and extract their features
    hists, labels = load_subjects(imgs, detector, lbp)

    # Transform to np arrays
    samples = np.array(hists, dtype=np.float32)
    labels = np.array(labels, dtype=np.int)

    # Train classifiers
    svm.train(samples, labels)
    knn.train(samples, labels)

    # Check which mode the app is running in (image vs. video)
    if args.image is not None:
        # Read the image from the file path provided
        img = cv2.imread(args.image, 0)
        # Check the image exists
        if img is not None:
            # Run face recognition algorithm
            classify_snapshot(img, detector, lbp, knn)
            print('The image could not be found...')

    # Establish connection to camera
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    # Continuously grab the next frame from the camera
    while cap.isOpened():
        # Capture frame-by-frame
        ret, frame = cap.read()

        # Start timer for performance logging
        start = time.time()

        # Convert frame to gray scale for face detector
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        # Detect a face in the frame and crop the image
        face_coords = detector.detect(gray)
        face = detector.crop_face(gray, face_coords)

        # Check we have detected a face
        if face is not None:
            # Apply LBP operator to get feature descriptor
            hist, bins = lbp.run(face, False)

            # Convert the LBP descriptor to numpy array for opencv classifiers
            test_sample = np.array([hist], dtype=np.float32)

            # Get the class of id of the closest neighbour and its distance
            dist, class_id = knn.predict(test_sample)

            # Draw the face if found
            util.draw_face(dist, class_id, frame, face_coords)
            # util.segment_face(frame)

        # Processing finished
        end = time.time()

        # Write the fps to the video
        util.write_fps(start, end, frame)

        # Display the resulting frame
        cv2.imshow('frame', frame)

        # Check if we should stop the application
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

    # When everything done, release the capture
コード例 #7
def classify(messages_train,labels_train,messages_test,process_messages_train,process_messages_test,tokens_train,tokens_test,process_tokens_train,process_tokens_test,pos_tags_train,pos_tags_test,negationList,clusters,slangDictionary,lexicons,mpqa_lexicons): 
    # 0 - negative messages
    # 1 - positives messages
    labels_train = [0 if x=="negative" else 1 for x in labels_train]
    #compute pos tag bigrams for all messages
    pos_bigrams_train = getBigrams(pos_tags_train)
    pos_bigrams_test = getBigrams(pos_tags_test)

    #compute pos tag trigrams for all messages
    pos_trigrams_train = getTrigrams(pos_tags_train)
    pos_trigrams_test = getTrigrams(pos_tags_test)

    #get the unique pos bigrams and trigrams from training set
    unique_pos_tags = getPosTagsSet(pos_tags_train)
    unique_bigrams = getBigramsSet(pos_bigrams_train)
    unique_trigrams= getTrigramsSet(pos_trigrams_train)

    #calculate pos bigrams score for all categories
    #both dictionaries will be used for training and testing (cannot create new for testing because we don't know the labels of the new messages)
    pos_tags_scores_negative = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags,0,pos_tags_train,labels_train)
    pos_tags_scores_positive = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags,1,pos_tags_train,labels_train)

    #calculate pos bigrams score for all categories
    #both dictionaries will be used for training and testing (cannot create new for testing because we don't know the labels of the new messages)
    pos_bigrams_scores_negative = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams,0,pos_bigrams_train,labels_train)
    pos_bigrams_scores_positive = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams,1,pos_bigrams_train,labels_train)

    #calculate pos bigrams score for all categories
    #both dictionaries will be used for training and testing (cannot create new for testing because we don't know the labels of the new messages)
    pos_trigrams_scores_negative = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams,0,pos_trigrams_train,labels_train)
    pos_trigrams_scores_positive = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams,1,pos_trigrams_train,labels_train)

    #assign a precision and F1 score to each word of to all mpqa lexicons
    mpqaScores = getScores(mpqa_lexicons,process_messages_train,labels_train)

    #get features from train messages
    features_train = features.getFeatures(messages_train,process_messages_train,tokens_train,process_tokens_train,pos_tags_train,slangDictionary,lexicons,mpqa_lexicons,pos_bigrams_train,pos_trigrams_train,pos_bigrams_scores_negative,pos_bigrams_scores_positive,pos_trigrams_scores_negative,pos_trigrams_scores_positive,pos_tags_scores_negative,pos_tags_scores_positive,mpqaScores,negationList,clusters)

    #regularize train features

    #get features from test messages 
    features_test = features.getFeatures(messages_test,process_messages_test,tokens_test,process_tokens_test,pos_tags_test,slangDictionary,lexicons,mpqa_lexicons,pos_bigrams_test,pos_trigrams_test,pos_bigrams_scores_negative,pos_bigrams_scores_positive,pos_trigrams_scores_negative,pos_trigrams_scores_positive,pos_tags_scores_negative,pos_tags_scores_positive,mpqaScores,negationList,clusters)

    #regularize test features

    #feature selection
    #features_train, features_test = selection.feature_selection(features_train,labels_train,features_test,1150)

    #C parameter of SVM
    C = 0.001953125
    #C = 19.3392161013
    #train classifier and return trained model
    #model = LogisticRegression.train(features_train,labels_train)
    model = SVM.train(features_train,labels_train,c=C,k="linear")
    #predict labels
    #prediction = LogisticRegression.predict(features_test,model)
    prediction = SVM.predict(features_test,model)

    return prediction
コード例 #8
def main(f):
    print "System training started"

    #load training dataset
    dataset_train = f
    ids, labels_train, messages_train = tsvreader.opentsv(dataset_train)
    print "Train data loaded"

    #labels for subjectivity detection (2 categories)
    temp_labels_train = [0 if x == "neutral" else 1 for x in labels_train]
    #labels for polarity detection (3 categories)
    labels_train = [
        0 if x == "neutral" else -1 if x == "negative" else 1
        for x in labels_train

    #convert labels to numpy arrays
    temp_labels_train = np.array(temp_labels_train)
    labels_train = np.array(labels_train)

    #load word clusters
    clusters = loadClusters()
    print "Clusters loaded"

    #load Lexicons
    negationList, slangDictionary, lexicons, mpqa_lexicons = loadLexicons()
    print "Lexicons loaded"

    #tokenize all messages
    tokens_train = tokenize(messages_train)
    print "Messages tokenized"

    #compute pos tags for all messages
    pos_tags_train = arktagger.pos_tag_list(messages_train)
    print "Pos tags computed"

    #compute pos tag bigrams
    pos_bigrams_train = getBigrams(pos_tags_train)
    #compute pos tag trigrams
    pos_trigrams_train = getTrigrams(pos_tags_train)

    #get the unique pos bigrams from training set
    unique_pos_tags = getPosTagsSet(pos_tags_train)
    unique_bigrams = getBigramsSet(pos_bigrams_train)
    unique_trigrams = getTrigramsSet(pos_trigrams_train)

    #compute POS tag scores
    pos_tags_scores_neutral = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags, 0, pos_tags_train,
    pos_tags_scores_positive = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags, 1, pos_tags_train,
    pos_tags_scores_negative = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags, -1,
                                            pos_tags_train, labels_train)

    pos_bigrams_scores_neutral = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams, 0,
    pos_bigrams_scores_positive = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams, 1,
    pos_bigrams_scores_negative = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams, -1,

    pos_trigrams_scores_neutral = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams, 0,
    pos_trigrams_scores_positive = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams, 1,
    pos_trigrams_scores_negative = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams, -1,

    #compute mpqa scores
    mpqaScores = getScores(mpqa_lexicons,

    #save scores and other resources for future use
    savePosScores(pos_tags_scores_neutral, pos_tags_scores_positive,
                  pos_tags_scores_negative, pos_bigrams_scores_neutral,
                  pos_bigrams_scores_positive, pos_bigrams_scores_negative,
                  pos_trigrams_scores_neutral, pos_trigrams_scores_positive,
                  pos_trigrams_scores_negative, mpqaScores)
    #save lexicons
    saveLexicons(negationList, slangDictionary, lexicons, mpqa_lexicons)
    #save clusters

    #load Glove embeddings
    d = 200
    glove = GloveDictionary.Glove(d)

    #save Glove embeddings for future use

    #Subjectivity Detection Features

    #SD1 features
    features_train_1 = features.getFeatures(
        messages_train, tokens_train, pos_tags_train, slangDictionary,
        lexicons, mpqa_lexicons, pos_bigrams_train, pos_trigrams_train,
        pos_bigrams_scores_negative, pos_bigrams_scores_positive,
        pos_trigrams_scores_negative, pos_trigrams_scores_positive,
        pos_tags_scores_negative, pos_tags_scores_positive, mpqaScores,
        negationList, clusters, pos_bigrams_scores_neutral,
        pos_trigrams_scores_neutral, pos_tags_scores_neutral)

    #SD2 features
    features_train_2 = []
    #for message in tokens_train :
    for i in range(0, len(messages_train)):
    features_train_2 = np.array(features_train_2)

    #regularize features
    features_train_1 = regularization.regularize(features_train_1)
    features_train_2 = regularization.regularizeHorizontally(features_train_2)

    #Penalty parameter C of the error term for every SD system
    C1 = 0.001953125
    C2 = 1.4068830572470667

    #get confidence scores
    train_confidence_1 = getConfidenceScores(features_train_1,
                                             temp_labels_train, C1)
    train_confidence_2 = getConfidenceScores(features_train_2,
                                             temp_labels_train, C2)

    #normalize confidence scores
    softmax = lambda x: 1 / (1. + math.exp(-x))
    train_confidence_1 = [softmax(conf) for conf in train_confidence_1]
    train_confidence_2 = [softmax(conf) for conf in train_confidence_2]

    train_confidence_1 = np.array(train_confidence_1)
    train_confidence_2 = np.array(train_confidence_2)

    #train SD classifiers
    sd1 = SVM.train(features_train_1, temp_labels_train, c=C1, k="linear")
    sd2 = SVM.train(features_train_2, temp_labels_train, c=C2, k="linear")

    #Sentiment Polarity Features (append confidence scores to SD features)

    #SP1 features
    features_train_1 = np.hstack(
         train_confidence_1.reshape(train_confidence_1.shape[0], 1)))
    #SP1 features
    features_train_2 = np.hstack(
         train_confidence_2.reshape(train_confidence_2.shape[0], 1)))

    #Penalty parameter C of the error term for every SP system
    C1 = 0.003410871889693192
    C2 = 7.396183688299606

    #train SP classifiers
    sp1 = SVM.train(features_train_1, labels_train, c=C1, k="linear")
    sp2 = SVM.train(features_train_2, labels_train, c=C2, k="linear")

    #save trained models
    saveModels(sd1, sd2, sp1, sp2)

    print "System training completed!"
コード例 #9
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import math
import cv2
from plyfile import PlyData

from LBP import LBP, LocalBinaryPatterns
from classifiers import SVM, KNearest

# todo test the classifier
# todo validate on a 80/20 split

lbp = LBP()

svm = SVM()
knn = KNearest()

hists = []
labels = []

def main(photoface_dir):
    traverse(photoface_dir, describe_face)
    samples = np.array(hists, dtype=np.float32)
    ids = np.array(labels, dtype=np.int)

    # Train classifiers
    svm.train(samples, ids)
    knn.train(samples, ids)
コード例 #10
def main(f):
	print "System training started"
        #load training dataset
	dataset_train = f
	print "Train data loaded"
	#labels for subjectivity detection (2 categories)
	temp_labels_train = [0 if x=="neutral" else 1 for x in labels_train]
	#labels for polarity detection (3 categories)
	labels_train = [0 if x=="neutral" else -1 if x =="negative" else 1 for x in labels_train]
	#convert labels to numpy arrays
	#load word clusters
	clusters = loadClusters()
	print "Clusters loaded"
	#load Lexicons
	negationList, slangDictionary, lexicons, mpqa_lexicons = loadLexicons()
	print "Lexicons loaded"

	#tokenize all messages
	tokens_train = tokenize(messages_train)
	print "Messages tokenized"

	#compute pos tags for all messages
	pos_tags_train = arktagger.pos_tag_list(messages_train)
	print "Pos tags computed"
	#compute pos tag bigrams
	pos_bigrams_train = getBigrams(pos_tags_train)
	#compute pos tag trigrams
	pos_trigrams_train = getTrigrams(pos_tags_train)

	#get the unique pos bigrams from training set
	unique_pos_tags = getPosTagsSet(pos_tags_train)
	unique_bigrams = getBigramsSet(pos_bigrams_train)
	unique_trigrams= getTrigramsSet(pos_trigrams_train)

	#compute POS tag scores
	pos_tags_scores_neutral = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags,0,pos_tags_train,labels_train)
	pos_tags_scores_positive = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags,1,pos_tags_train,labels_train)
	pos_tags_scores_negative = posTagsScore(unique_pos_tags,-1,pos_tags_train,labels_train)
	pos_bigrams_scores_neutral = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams,0,pos_bigrams_train,labels_train)
	pos_bigrams_scores_positive = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams,1,pos_bigrams_train,labels_train)
	pos_bigrams_scores_negative = posBigramsScore(unique_bigrams,-1,pos_bigrams_train,labels_train)

	pos_trigrams_scores_neutral = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams,0,pos_trigrams_train,labels_train)
	pos_trigrams_scores_positive = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams,1,pos_trigrams_train,labels_train)
	pos_trigrams_scores_negative = posTrigramsScore(unique_trigrams,-1,pos_trigrams_train,labels_train)
	#compute mpqa scores
	mpqaScores = getScores(mpqa_lexicons,messages_train,labels_train,neutral=True)
	#save scores and other resources for future use
	savePosScores(pos_tags_scores_neutral, pos_tags_scores_positive,pos_tags_scores_negative,pos_bigrams_scores_neutral,pos_bigrams_scores_positive,pos_bigrams_scores_negative,pos_trigrams_scores_neutral,pos_trigrams_scores_positive,pos_trigrams_scores_negative,mpqaScores)
        #save lexicons
        #save clusters
	#load Glove embeddings
	d = 200
	glove = GloveDictionary.Glove(d)

	#save Glove embeddings for future use
	#Subjectivity Detection Features
	#SD1 features
	features_train_1 = features.getFeatures(messages_train,tokens_train,pos_tags_train,slangDictionary,lexicons,mpqa_lexicons,pos_bigrams_train,pos_trigrams_train,pos_bigrams_scores_negative,pos_bigrams_scores_positive,pos_trigrams_scores_negative,pos_trigrams_scores_positive,pos_tags_scores_negative,pos_tags_scores_positive,mpqaScores,negationList,clusters,pos_bigrams_scores_neutral,pos_trigrams_scores_neutral,pos_tags_scores_neutral)
	#SD2 features
	features_train_2 = []
	#for message in tokens_train :
	for i in range(0,len(messages_train)):
	features_train_2 = np.array(features_train_2)
	#regularize features
	features_train_1 = regularization.regularize(features_train_1)
	features_train_2 = regularization.regularizeHorizontally(features_train_2)
	#Penalty parameter C of the error term for every SD system

	#get confidence scores
	train_confidence_1 = getConfidenceScores(features_train_1, temp_labels_train, C1)
	train_confidence_2 = getConfidenceScores(features_train_2, temp_labels_train, C2)
	#normalize confidence scores
	softmax = lambda x: 1 / (1. + math.exp(-x))
	train_confidence_1 = [softmax(conf) for conf in train_confidence_1]
	train_confidence_2 = [softmax(conf) for conf in train_confidence_2]
	train_confidence_1 = np.array(train_confidence_1)
	train_confidence_2 = np.array(train_confidence_2)

	#train SD classifiers
	sd1 = SVM.train(features_train_1,temp_labels_train,c=C1,k="linear")
	sd2 = SVM.train(features_train_2,temp_labels_train,c=C2,k="linear")
	#Sentiment Polarity Features (append confidence scores to SD features)
	#SP1 features
	features_train_1 = np.hstack((features_train_1,train_confidence_1.reshape(train_confidence_1.shape[0],1)))
	#SP1 features
	features_train_2 = np.hstack((features_train_2,train_confidence_2.reshape(train_confidence_2.shape[0],1)))

	#Penalty parameter C of the error term for every SP system

	#train SP classifiers
	sp1 = SVM.train(features_train_1,labels_train,c=C1,k="linear")
	sp2 = SVM.train(features_train_2,labels_train,c=C2,k="linear")
	#save trained models
	print "System training completed!"
コード例 #11
def performCrossvalidationSVM(mat, c):

    scores = SVM.performCrossValidationSVM(mat, c)
    return checkResultsCrossvalidation(scores)
コード例 #12
def performLinearSVC(training, test):

    prediction, prediction_prob = SVM.performSVM(training, test)
    return checkResultsPredicted(test, training, prediction, prediction_prob)
コード例 #13
print("Predict the EVAL set")
y_preds = nb.predict(data_eval_compact)['y_preds']
make_submission_data(y_preds, 'nb_1214.csv')

# run Perceptron -----------------------
perceptron = Perceptron(r=0.1, margin=0.01, n_epoch=20)
print("Predict the TEST set")
perceptron.predict(data_test, perceptron.weights[-1])
print("Predict the EVAL set")
y_preds = perceptron.predict(data_eval, perceptron.weights[-1])['y_preds']
make_submission_data(y_preds, 'perceptron.csv')

# run SVM
svm = SVM(r=0.01, c=1, n_epoch=17)
print("Predict the TEST set")
svm.predict(data_test, svm.weights[-1])
print("Predict the EVAL set")
y_preds = svm.predict(data_eval, svm.weights[-1])['y_preds']
make_submission_data(y_preds, 'svm.csv')

# run Logistic -----------------------------
logistic = Logistic(r=0.01, sigma=100, n_epoch=10)
print("Predict the TEST set")
logistic.predict(data_test, logistic.weights[-1])
print("Preidict the EVAL set")
y_preds = logistic.predict(data_eval, logistic.weights[-1])['y_preds']
make_submission_data(y_preds, 'logistic.csv')