コード例 #1
    def create(self, group_name, **kwargs):
        """Creates a ServerGroup.

            group_name (str): Name for the new group

        Keyword Args:
            firewall_policy_id (str): ID of firewall policy to be assigned to \
            the group (deprecated- use linux_firewall_policy_id)
            linux_firewall_policy_id (str): ID of linux firewall policy to \
            associate with the new group
            windows_firewall_policy_id (str): ID of Windows firewall policy \
            to associate with the new group
            policy_ids (list): List of Linux configuration policy IDs
            windows_policy_ids (list): List of Windows configuration policy IDs
            fim_policy_ids (list): List of Linux FIM policies
            linux_fim_policy_ids (list): List of Linux FIM policies
            windows_fim_policy_ids (list): List of Windows FIM policies
            lids_policy_ids (list): List of LIDS policy IDs
            tag (str): Server group tag-used for auto-assignment of group.
            server_events_policy (str): Special events policy IDs
            alert_profiles (list): List of alert profile IDs

            str: ID of newly-created group.


        endpoint = "/v1/groups"
        group_data = {"name": group_name, "policy_ids": [], "tag": None}
        body = {"group": utility.merge_dicts(group_data, kwargs)}
        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        response = request.post(endpoint, body)
        return response["group"]["id"]
コード例 #2
    def create(self, fim_policy_id, server_id, **kwargs):
        """Creates a FIM baseline

            fim_policy_id (str): ID of FIM policy to baseline
            server_id (str): ID of server to use for generating baseline

        Keyword Args:
            expires (int): Number of days from today for expiration of baseline
            comment (str): Guess.

            str: ID of new baseline


        sanity.validate_object_id([fim_policy_id, server_id])
        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        endpoint = "/v1/fim_policies/%s/baselines" % fim_policy_id
        request_body = {"baseline": {"server_id": server_id,
                                     "expires": None,
                                     "comment": None}}
        if "expires" in kwargs:
            request_body["baseline"]["expires"] = kwargs["expires"]
        if "comment" in kwargs:
            request_body["baseline"]["comment"] = kwargs["comment"]
        response = request.post(endpoint, request_body)
        policy_id = response["baseline"]["id"]
        return policy_id
コード例 #3
    def create(self, fim_policy_id, server_id, **kwargs):
        """Creates a FIM baseline

            fim_policy_id (str): ID of FIM policy to baseline
            server_id (str): ID of server to use for generating baseline

        Keyword Args:
            expires (int): Number of days from today for expiration of baseline
            comment (str): Guess.

            str: ID of new baseline


        sanity.validate_object_id([fim_policy_id, server_id])
        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        endpoint = "/v1/fim_policies/%s/baselines" % fim_policy_id
        request_body = {
            "baseline": {
                "server_id": server_id,
                "expires": None,
                "comment": None
        if "expires" in kwargs:
            request_body["baseline"]["expires"] = kwargs["expires"]
        if "comment" in kwargs:
            request_body["baseline"]["comment"] = kwargs["comment"]
        response = request.post(endpoint, request_body)
        policy_id = response["baseline"]["id"]
        return policy_id
コード例 #4
    def initiate_scan(self, server_id, scan_type):
        """Initiate a scan on a specific server.

            server_id (str): ID of server to be scanned
            scan_type (str): Type of scan to be run.

          Valid scan types:
            sca  - Configuration scan
            csm  - Configuration scan (same as sca)
            svm  - Software vulnerability scan
            sva  - Software vulnerability scan (same as svm)
            sam  - Server access management scan
            fim  - File integrity monitoring scan
            sv   - Agent self-verifiation scan

            dict: Dictionary describing command created as a result of this \
            Failure throws an exception.

        if self.scan_type_supported(scan_type) is False:
            exception_message = "Unsupported scan type: %s" % scan_type
            raise CloudPassageValidation(exception_message)
            scan_type_normalized = self.supported_scans[scan_type]
            request_body = {"scan": {"module": scan_type_normalized}}
            endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/scans" % server_id
            request = HttpHelper(self.session)
            response = request.post(endpoint, request_body)
            command_info = response["command"]
            return command_info
コード例 #5
    def initiate_scan(self, server_id, scan_type):
        """Initiate a scan on a specific server.

            server_id (str): ID of server to be scanned
            scan_type (str): Type of scan to be run.

          Valid scan types:
            sca  - Configuration scan
            csm  - Configuration scan (same as sca)
            svm  - Software vulnerability scan
            sva  - Software vulnerability scan (same as svm)
            sam  - Server access management scan
            fim  - File integrity monitoring scan
            sv   - Agent self-verifiation scan

            dict: Dictionary describing command created as a result of this \
            Failure throws an exception.

        if self.scan_type_supported(scan_type) is False:
            exception_message = "Unsupported scan type: %s" % scan_type
            raise CloudPassageValidation(exception_message)
            scan_type_normalized = self.supported_scans[scan_type]
            request_body = {"scan": {"module": scan_type_normalized}}
            endpoint = "/v1/servers/%s/scans" % server_id
            request = HttpHelper(self.session)
            response = request.post(endpoint, request_body)
            command_info = response["command"]
            return command_info
コード例 #6
    def create(self, policy_body):
        """Creates a policy from JSON document.

        Returns the ID of the new policy

        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        request_body = utility.policy_to_dict(policy_body)
        return request.post(self.endpoint(), request_body)["id"]
コード例 #7
    def create(self, policy_body):
        """Creates a policy from JSON document.

        Returns the ID of the new policy

        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        request_body = utility.policy_to_dict(policy_body)
        return request.post(self.endpoint(),
コード例 #8
    def create(self, group_name, **kwargs):
        """Creates a ServerGroup.

            group_name (str): Name for the new group

        Keyword Args:
            firewall_policy_id (str): ID of firewall policy to be assigned to \
            the group (deprecated- use linux_firewall_policy_id)
            linux_firewall_policy_id (str): ID of linux firewall policy to \
            associate with the new group
            windows_firewall_policy_id (str): ID of Windows firewall policy \
            to associate with the new group
            policy_ids (list): List of Linux configuration policy IDs
            windows_policy_ids (list): List of Windows configuration policy IDs
            fim_policy_ids (list): List of Linux FIM policies
            linux_fim_policy_ids (list): List of Linux FIM policies
            windows_fim_policy_ids (list): List of Windows FIM policies
            linux_lids_policy_ids (list): List of Linux LIDS policy IDs
            windows_lids_policy_ids (list): List of Windows LIDS policy IDs
            tag (str): Server group tag-used for auto-assignment of group.
            server_events_policy (str): Special events policy IDs
            alert_profiles (list): List of alert profile IDs

            str: ID of newly-created group.


        endpoint = "/v1/groups"
        group_data = {"name": group_name, "policy_ids": [], "tag": None}
        except TypeError as exc:
            raise CloudPassageValidation(exc)
        body = {"group": utility.merge_dicts(group_data, kwargs)}
        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        response = request.post(endpoint, body)
        return response["group"]["id"]
コード例 #9
    def create(self, firewall_policy_id, rule_body):
        """Creates a rule within a firewall policy.

            rule_body (dict or str): string or dict containing the json \
            representation of the firewall policy to be created.

            str: ID of newly-created firewall rule

        Example rule_body:


            "firewall_rule" : {
              "chain": "INPUT",
              "active": true,
              "firewall_interface": "7b881ca072b1012ec681404096c01709",
              "firewall_service": "7b6409a072b1012ec681404096c01709",
              "connection_states": "NEW, ESTABLISHED",
              "action": "ACCEPT",
              "log": true,
              "log_prefix": "East-3 input-accept",
              "comment": "All servers in group East-3 must include this rule",
              "position": 4


        request = HttpHelper(self.session)
        endpoint = ("/v1/firewall_policies/%s/firewall_rules" %
        response = request.post(endpoint, rule_body)
        policy_id = response["firewall_rule"]["id"]
        return policy_id