コード例 #1
    def ecuaciones(self, t, x, *args, **kwargs):

        V = self.V
        I = self.I
        R = self.R
        ws = self.ws
        dx = self.dx

        # Calculo de theta
        thetar = x[-1]
        wr = x[-2]
        # Se evalua la referencia angular
        theta = eval(self.theta)
        wref = eval(self.wref)
        # Corrientes de dq0        
        I = self.Linv * x[:self.nx]
        # Para eléctrico
        self.te = (x[0] * I[1] - x[1] * I[0])
        # Inductancias de voltajes rotacionales
        G = matrix([-wref*x[1], wref*x[0], 0, -(wref-wr)*x[4], (wref-wr)*x[3], 0])
        # Voltajes en ABC
        Va = self.VA * sin(self.ws*t).real
        Vb = self.VB * sin(self.ws*t - 2*pi/3).real
        Vc = self.VC * sin(self.ws*t + 2*pi/3).real
        # Voltajes en dq0
        V[:3] = self.transformada_park(theta, matrix([Va, Vb, Vc]))
        # Evaluación de las ED
        dx[0:self.nx] = (V - R * I - G) * ws
        dx[-2] = (self.te - self.tm) / (2*self.H)
        dx[-1] = x[6]*ws

        return dx
コード例 #2
ファイル: maquina.py プロジェクト: sanurielf/maquinas
    def transformada_park(self, theta, Vabc):

        C =  raiz2_3 * matrix([[cos(theta).real, cos(theta - defase).real, cos(theta + defase).real],\
                             [-sin(theta).real, -sin(theta - defase).real, -sin(theta + defase).real],\
                             [raiz1_2, raiz1_2, raiz1_2]])

        return C.T * Vabc
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_qmath.py プロジェクト: ufkapano/py-quats
 def test_sin(self):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(self.f1), math.sin(self.f1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(self.c1), cmath.sin(self.c1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(self.c2), cmath.sin(self.c2))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(Quat(self.f1)), math.sin(self.f1))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(Quat(0, 3)), cmath.sin(3J))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(Quat(4, 5)), cmath.sin(4 + 5J))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(qmath.sin(Quat(0, self.f1)), Quat(0, math.sinh(self.f1)))
コード例 #4
def test_trig_basic():
    for x in (range(100) + range(-100,0)):
        t = x / 4.1
        assert cos(Float(t)).ae(math.cos(t))
        assert sin(Float(t)).ae(math.sin(t))
        assert tan(Float(t)).ae(math.tan(t))
    assert sin(1+1j).ae(cmath.sin(1+1j))
    assert sin(-4-3.6j).ae(cmath.sin(-4-3.6j))
コード例 #5
ファイル: GF.py プロジェクト: duffyj2/Strain
 def limit_term(ky):
   if s == 0:
     N_ab = E
   elif (s == 1) or (s == -1):
     N_ab = t2
     print 'Sublattice error in gRib_Arm'
   return 2.0*N_ab*sin(ky*(m2-n2))*sin(ky*(m1-n1))/( nE*( E**2 - t2**2 ) )
コード例 #6
ファイル: funset.py プロジェクト: pylhc/pytpsa
def sin(c):
  sin(a+x)= sin(a) cos(x) + cos(a) sin(x)
  if not isinstance(c,pol): return math.sin(c)
  for n in range(2,c.order+1):
    lst.append( -lst[-2]/n/(n-1))
  return phorner(lst,p)
コード例 #7
ファイル: p1.py プロジェクト: kraudust/optimization_hw
def p1(x):
    a = 1.0/2*pi*sqrt(x[1])/x[0]
    b = x[2]*cos(x[4]) + x[3]*sin(x[4])
    c = x[3]*sin(x[4]) - x[2]*cos(x[4])
    d = x[0]*abs(sin(x[4]))
    e = pi*acos(exp(-d))
    f = a/b/e
    g = f/(x[1] + f)
    h = c/g - b/f
    return h
コード例 #8
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: binux/ingress-api
    def bearing_to(self, point):
        lat1 = to_rad(self.lat)
        lat2 = to_rad(point.lat)
        dLng = to_rad(point.lng - self.lng)

        y = cmath.sin(dLng) * cmath.cos(lat2)
        x = cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.sin(lat2) \
                - cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) * cmath.cos(dLng)
        brng = math.atan2(y.real, x.real)
        return (to_deg(brng.real)+360) % 360
コード例 #9
ファイル: math2.py プロジェクト: Praveen-Ramanujam/MobRAVE
def _cospi_complex(z):
    if z.real < 0:
        z = -z
    n, r = divmod(z.real, 0.5)
    z = pi*complex(r, z.imag)
    n %= 4
    if n == 0: return cmath.cos(z)
    if n == 1: return -cmath.sin(z)
    if n == 2: return -cmath.cos(z)
    if n == 3: return cmath.sin(z)
コード例 #10
ファイル: transientlib.py プロジェクト: shamardina/impedance
 def _n_Ztotal(self, Omega, j0, c10):
     fc = self.fc
     z_step = 1.0/self.channels
     phi = [-j - 1j*Omega for j in j0]
     psi = cmath.sqrt(-1j*Omega/fc.express["nD_d"])
     nlJfix = fc.express["lJfix"]/fc.express["j_ref"]
     lbmupsi = self.fc.express["nl_d"]*self.fc.express["mu"]*psi
     sqrtphi = [cmath.sqrt(phii) for phii in phi]
     sinsqrtphi = [cmath.sin(s) for s in sqrtphi]
     sinlbmupsi = cmath.sin(lbmupsi)
     coslbmupsi = cmath.cos(lbmupsi)
     tanlbmupsi = cmath.tan(lbmupsi)
     y_v = [0.0]*(self.channels + 1)
     def function_rhs_ch(k):
         # all expressions below found in maxima:
         ABcommon = fc.express["nD_d"]*fc.express["mu"]*sinsqrtphi[k]*sqrtphi[k]*psi/(j0[k]*sinsqrtphi[k]*sqrtphi[k]*sinlbmupsi +
         A = c10[k]*phi[k]*ABcommon
         B = -j0[k]*ABcommon/coslbmupsi+fc.express["nD_d"]*fc.express["mu"]*psi*tanlbmupsi
         return (A/nlJfix, (B - 1j*fc.express["xi2epsilon2"]*Omega)/nlJfix)
     c11peta = [0.0]*(self.channels + 1)
     # TODO: upload maxima script
     # found in maxima:
     c11peta[0] = (sinsqrtphi[0]*sqrtphi[0]*c10[0]*phi[0])/(j0[0]*sinsqrtphi[0]*sqrtphi[0] +
     Zloc = [0.0]*(self.channels + 1)
     # found in maxima:
     denominator = sinsqrtphi[0]*sqrtphi[0]*((c10[0]*phi[0])/(c11peta[0]*j0[0]) - 1.0)
     if denominator == 0.0:
         denominator = eff_zero
     Zloc[0] = -1.0 / denominator + self._n_Zccl(j0[0], sqrtphi[0])
     invZtotal = 1.0/Zloc[0]
     for i in xrange(1, self.channels + 1):
         if self.num_method == 1: # Runge--Kutta method
             y_v[i] = RK_step(function_rhs_ch, (i-1)*2, y_v[i-1], z_step)
             ii = i*2
         else: # finite-difference method
             coef = function_rhs_ch(i)
             y_v[i] = (y_v[i-1] + coef[0]*z_step)/(1.0 - z_step*coef[1])
             ii = i
         # all expressions below found in maxima:
         c11peta[i] = y_v[i]/coslbmupsi - (sinsqrtphi[ii]*sqrtphi[ii]*(y_v[i]*j0[ii]/coslbmupsi -
                 c10[ii]*phi[ii]))/(j0[ii]*sinsqrtphi[ii]*sqrtphi[ii] +
         denominator = sinsqrtphi[ii]*sqrtphi[ii]*((c10[ii]*phi[ii])/(c11peta[i]*j0[ii]) - 1.0)
         if denominator == 0.0:
             denominator = eff_zero
         Zloc[i] = -1.0 / denominator + self._n_Zccl(j0[ii], sqrtphi[ii])
         invZtotal += 1.0/Zloc[i]
     invZtotal = invZtotal*z_step - (1.0/Zloc[0]+1.0/Zloc[-1])*z_step/2.0
     self.y_v = y_v
     self.Zloc_v = Zloc
     return 1.0/invZtotal
コード例 #11
ファイル: funcEval.py プロジェクト: ioguntol/AMP
def oneArgFuncEval(function, value):
        # Evaluates functions that take a complex number input
        if function == "sin":
                return cmath.sin(value)
        elif function == "cos":
                return cmath.cos(value)
        elif function == "tan":
                return cmath.tan(value)
        elif function == "asin":
                return cmath.asin(value)
        elif function == "acos":
                return cmath.acos(value)
        elif function == "atan":
                return cmath.atan(value)
        elif function == "csc":
                return 1.0 / cmath.sin(value)
        elif function == "sec":
                return 1.0 / cmath.cos(value)
        elif function == "cot":
                return 1.0 / cmath.tan(value)        
        elif function == "ln":
                return cmath.log(value)
        elif function == "sqr":
                return cmath.sqrt(value)
        elif function == "abs":
                return cmath.sqrt((value.real ** 2) + (value.imag ** 2))
        elif function == "exp":
                return cmath.exp(value)
        if function == "sinh":
                return cmath.sinh(value)
        elif function == "cosh":
                return cmath.cosh(value)
        elif function == "tanh":
                return cmath.tanh(value)
        elif function == "asinh":
                return cmath.asinh(value)
        elif function == "acosh":
                return cmath.acosh(value)
        elif function == "atanh":
                return cmath.atanh(value)
        elif function == "ceil":
                return math.ceil(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.ceil(value.imag)
        elif function == "floor":
                return math.floor(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.floor(value.imag)
        elif function == "trunc":
                return math.trunc(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.trunc(value.imag)
        elif function == "fac":
                if value.imag == 0 and value < 0 and value.real == int(value.real):
                        return "Error: The factorial function is not defined on the negative integers."
                return gamma(value + 1)
        elif function == "log":
                return cmath.log10(value)
コード例 #12
ファイル: parsekml.py プロジェクト: capuchin/height-graph
def getDist(lat1,long1,lat2,long2):
	Calc the distance between 2 points using Vincenty
	lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
	long1 = math.radians(long1)
	lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
	long2 = math.radians(long2)
	R = 6371 # km
	d = cmath.acos(cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.sin(lat2) + \
	cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) *
	cmath.cos(long2 - long1)) * R
	return abs(d) # cast to float
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_functions.py プロジェクト: 2t7/mpmath
def test_trig_hyperb_basic():
    for x in (list(range(100)) + list(range(-100,0))):
        t = x / 4.1
        assert cos(mpf(t)).ae(math.cos(t))
        assert sin(mpf(t)).ae(math.sin(t))
        assert tan(mpf(t)).ae(math.tan(t))
        assert cosh(mpf(t)).ae(math.cosh(t))
        assert sinh(mpf(t)).ae(math.sinh(t))
        assert tanh(mpf(t)).ae(math.tanh(t))
    assert sin(1+1j).ae(cmath.sin(1+1j))
    assert sin(-4-3.6j).ae(cmath.sin(-4-3.6j))
    assert cos(1+1j).ae(cmath.cos(1+1j))
    assert cos(-4-3.6j).ae(cmath.cos(-4-3.6j))
コード例 #14
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: binux/ingress-api
    def distance_to(self, point):
        lat1 = to_rad(self.lat)
        lng1 = to_rad(self.lng)
        lat2 = to_rad(point.lat)
        lng2 = to_rad(point.lng)
        dLat = lat2 - lat1
        dlng = lng2 - lng1

        a = cmath.sin(dLat/2.0) * cmath.sin(dLat/2.0) \
                + cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) \
                * cmath.sin(dlng/2) * cmath.sin(dlng/2)
        c = 2 * math.atan2(cmath.sqrt(a).real, cmath.sqrt(1-a).real);
        d = self.R * c;
        return d.real
コード例 #15
    def filter_func(k):

        import cmath

        temp = 0.25 * (4 - cfl**2 + cfl**2 *
                       cmath.cos(2 * k * dx)) - 1j * cfl * cmath.sin(k * dx)
        return temp**(t * v / (cfl * dx))
コード例 #16
    def pixelToMillimeterConversion(self, coord, roe):
        fieldOfView = roe.getFieldOfView()
        distance = roe.getDistance()
        height, width, _ = roe.getImage().shape
        imageHeigth = height
        imageWidth = width

        # calculate length of diagonal of image in mm
        diagonalMillimeter = float(distance) * math.tan((fieldOfView / 2) * (math.pi / 180)) * 2

        # calculate angle of diagonal
        theta = math.atan(imageHeigth / imageWidth)

        # calculate width of image in milimeter
        imageWidthMillimeter = math.cos(theta) * diagonalMillimeter

        # calculate heigth of image in millimeter
        imageHeigthInMillimeter = math.sin(theta) * diagonalMillimeter

        # calculate the size of a pixel in x directon in mm
        pixelSizeDirX = imageHeigthInMillimeter / imageHeigth

        # calculate the size of a pixel in y directon in mm
        pixelSizeDirY = imageWidthMillimeter / imageWidth

        xPositionMillimeter = coord.getxCoor() * pixelSizeDirX

        yPositionMillimeter = coord.getyCoor() * pixelSizeDirY

        millimeterCoordinate = coordinate(int(round(xPositionMillimeter.real, 2)),
                                          int(round(yPositionMillimeter.real, 2)))
コード例 #17
ファイル: ACControls.py プロジェクト: Aerothon-2020/Aerothon
        def PitchResponseDueToElevator(self, de, T, ElevatorName):
            Returns the normalized change in alpha due to a step input of the elevator.
            Eq. 4.45, pg. 141
            PPa      = self.PitchPhaseAng()
            PF       = self.PitchFreq()
            PD       = self.PitchDamp()
#            PD = 0.5
#            PF = 8.98/SEC
#            PPa = math.atan(math.sqrt(1 - PD**2)/ PD)
            # Split the equation for aesthetic purposes
            dA = []
            for t in T:
                Num   = math.e**( -PD * PF * t )
                Denom = math.sqrt(1. - PD**2)
                Angle = math.sqrt(1. - PD**2) * PF * t + PPa
                SinA  = math.sin(Angle)
                dA.append( max(0, (1. - Num / Denom * SinA).real) )
            if len(dA)==1:
                return dA[0]
                return npy.array(dA)
コード例 #18
def LWTDWS(alpha, c, cg, c0, H):
    alpha0 = None
    H0 = None
    errorMsg = None

    deg2rad = math.pi / 180.0

    arg = (c0 / c) * cmath.sin(alpha * deg2rad)
    if ComplexUtil.greaterThanEqual(arg, 1):
        errorMsg = "Error: Violation of assumptions for Snells Law"
        return alpha0, H0, errorMsg

    alpha0 = (cmath.asin(arg)) / deg2rad

    ksf = cmath.sqrt(c0 / (2 * cg))  # shoaling coefficient

    alphaCos = cmath.cos(alpha0 * deg2rad) / cmath.cos(alpha * deg2rad)
    if ComplexUtil.lessThan(alphaCos, 0):
        errorMsg = "Error: Alpha1 data out of range"
        return alpha0, H0, errorMsg

    krf = cmath.sqrt(alphaCos)  # refraction coefficient

    H0 = H / (ksf * krf)

    return alpha0, H0, errorMsg
コード例 #19
def examples():
    y = complex(2, 3)
    print("real part: ", y.real)
    print("imag part: ", y.imag)
    print("Squar: ", pow(y, 2))
    print("Distance: ", abs(y))
    print("cmath sin: ", cmath.sin(y))
コード例 #20
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if len(args) is 2:
         self._data = complex(*args)
     if len(args) is 1:
         if isinstance(args[0], (self.__class__, gms.Vector)):
             self._data = complex(args[0].x, args[0].y)
         if isinstance(args[0], complex):
             self._data = complex(args[0])
         if isinstance(args[0], list):
             self.__class__.__init__(self, *args[0])
     if len(args) is 0:
         if set(kwargs.keys()) == set(("x", "y")):
             self.__class__.__init__(self, kwargs["x"], kwargs["y"])
         if set(kwargs.keys()) == set(("magnitude", "angle")):
                 self, kwargs["magnitude"] * cm.cos(kwargs["angle"]),
                 kwargs["magnitude"] * cm.sin(kwargs["angle"]))
         if len(kwargs) is 0:
             self.__class__.__init__(self, 0.0, 0.0)
     raise ValueError
コード例 #21
 def _Y_1(k, theta, phi):
     if k == 0:
         return cmath.cos(theta)
     if abs(k) == 1:
         return -1.0 * cmath.sqrt(0.5) * cmath.sin(theta) * cmath.exp(k * 1.j * phi)
         raise RuntimeError('bad k value')
コード例 #22
ファイル: test.py プロジェクト: yuantuo/pysparkexample
    def complexmath(self):
        a = complex(2,4)
        b = 3 - 5j

        import cmath
        print( cmath.sin(a))
        print( cmath.cos(b))
コード例 #23
ファイル: fastft.py プロジェクト: denis4net/image_processing
def _internal_compute(a,  dir):
  global iteration_count
  N = len(a)
  if N == 1:
    return a
  a_even = []
  a_odd = []
  for element in a: 
    if i % 2  == 0:
    i += 1

  b_even = _internal_compute(a_even,  dir)
  b_odd = _internal_compute(a_odd, dir)
  out_vector = list( range(0, N ) )
  Wn = cmath.cos( cmath.pi*2/N ) + dir*1j*cmath.sin( cmath.pi*2/N )
  for m in range(0, int(N/2)):
    out_vector[m]= b_even[m] + W*b_odd[m]
    out_vector[m+int(N/2)] = b_even[m]-W*b_odd[m]
    W = W*Wn
  return out_vector
コード例 #24
def reflection_coef(eps1, eps2, theta, polarz):
    :param eps1: permittivity in medium 1
    :param eps2: permittivity in medium 2
    :param theta: angle between incident wave and normal to surface in degrees
    :param polarz: polarization of the wave
    :return: reflection coefficient
    eps_r = eps2 / eps1
    theta = theta * cm.pi / 180
    if polarz.upper() == 'H':
        return (cm.cos(theta) - cm.sqrt(eps_r - cm.sin(theta)**2)) / (
            cm.cos(theta) + cm.sqrt(eps_r - cm.sin(theta)**2))
        return -(cm.sqrt(eps_r - cm.sin(theta)**2) - eps_r * cm.cos(theta)) / (
            cm.sqrt(eps_r - cm.sin(theta)**2) + eps_r * cm.cos(theta))
コード例 #25
ファイル: fft.py プロジェクト: Glank/FFT
def __test1__():
    n = 10
    xs = [sin(j) for j in xrange(n)]
    Xs = dft(xs)
    xs2 = idft(Xs)
    for j in xrange(n):
        assert __dist__(xs[j]-xs2[j], 0)<.0001
コード例 #26
def fractalTree(iterations, origin, trunkLength, reductionFactor, theta,
    if iterations == 0:

    x0, y0 = origin
    x, y = x0 + trunkLength * cos(theta), y0 - trunkLength * sin(theta)

    strokeColor = getColor(iterations)

    turtle.setposition(-x0, -y0)

    turtle.goto(-x.real, -y.real)

    previousPosition = (x0, y0)
    fractalTree(iterations - 1, (x.real, y.real),
                trunkLength * reductionFactor, reductionFactor, theta + dtheta,
    # turtle.penup()
    # turtle.setposition(previousPosition)
    # turtle.pendown()
    fractalTree(iterations - 1, (x.real, y.real),
                trunkLength * reductionFactor, reductionFactor, theta - dtheta,
コード例 #27
def fresnel2(t0, N0, N1, deg=False):
    Calculate the Fresnel coefficients for an interface.
    t0: incident angle (in radians or degrees if deg=True)
    N0: complex refraction index of the incident medium (n+ik)
    N1: complex refraction index of the second medium (n+ik)
    deg: flag controlling the incidence angle units

    Return rp, rs, tp, ts for the p and s polarizations.

    if deg == True:
        t0 = t0 * m.pi / 180.
    ct0 = cm.cos(t0)
    st0 = cm.sin(t0)
    st1 = N0 / N1 * st0
    ct1 = cm.sqrt(1 - st1 * st1)
    rp = (N1 * ct0 - N0 * ct1) / (N1 * ct0 + N0 * ct1)
    rs = (N0 * ct0 - N1 * ct1) / (N0 * ct0 + N1 * ct1)
    tp = (2. * N0 * ct0) / (N1 * ct0 + N0 * ct1)
    ts = (2. * N0 * ct0) / (N0 * ct0 + N1 * ct1)
    return rp, rs, tp, ts
コード例 #28
def U_gate(theta, phi, lamda, dtype=complex, sparse=False):
    r"""Arbitrary unitary single qubit gate.

    .. math::

        U_3(\theta, \phi, \lambda) =
        \cos(\theta / 2) & - e^{i \lambda} \sin(\theta / 2) \\
        e^{i \phi} \sin(\theta / 2) & e^{i(\lambda + \phi)}\cos(\theta / 2)

    theta : float
        Angle between 0 and pi.
    phi : float
        Angle between 0 and 2 pi.
    lamba : float
        Angle between 0 and 2 pi.

    U : (2, 2) array
        The unitary matrix, cached.
    from cmath import cos, sin, exp

    c2, s2 = cos(theta / 2), sin(theta / 2)
    U = qu(
        [[c2, -exp(1j * lamda) * s2],
         [exp(1j * phi) * s2, exp(1j * (lamda + phi)) * c2]],
        dtype=dtype, sparse=sparse
    return U
コード例 #29
 def computeOmegas(self, n):
     self.V = []
     self.Vin = []
     for i in range(n):
         value = complex(cmath.cos(2j*math.pi/n), cmath.sin(2j*math.pi/n))
コード例 #30
ファイル: fractals.py プロジェクト: Fade89/agpy
def sin_iteration(z):
  for i in range(bailout):
    if abs(z.imag) > 50.0:
      z = c*sin(z)
  return i
コード例 #31
ファイル: multilayer.py プロジェクト: vuw-scps/python-physics
def multilayer(wavelength, theta, epsilon, thickness, polarisation):

    Nlay = len(epsilon)

    k0 = 2 * np.pi / wavelength

    n1 = cmath.sqrt(epsilon[0])
    k1 = n1 * k0
    k_x = k1 * cmath.sin(theta)

    k = [cmath.sqrt(epsi) * k0 for epsi in epsilon]
    kz = [cmath.sqrt(ki**2 - k_x**2) for ki in k]

    ## calculate the transition matrix M
    M11 = M22 = 1.0 + 0j
    M21 = M12 = 0.0 + 0j

    Mi11 = Mi12 = Mi21 = Mi22 = 1 + 0j

    # empty 2x2 complex matrix
    M = np.zeros([2, 2]) + 0j
    M_tmp = np.zeros([2, 2]) + 0j

    for il in range(Nlay - 1):
        if polarisation == 'p':
            Ki = (epsilon[il] / epsilon[il + 1]) * (kz[il + 1] / kz[il])
        elif polarisation == 's':
            Ki = kz[il + 1] / kz[il]

        phasei = np.exp(1j * thickness[il] * kz[il])

        Mi11 = 0.5 * (1 + Ki) / phasei
        Mi21 = 0.5 * (1 - Ki) * phasei
        Mi12 = 0.5 * (1 - Ki) / phasei
        Mi22 = 0.5 * (1 + Ki) * phasei

        M_tmp[0, 0] = 0.5 * (1 + Ki) / phasei
        M_tmp[1, 0] = 0.5 * (1 - Ki) * phasei
        M_tmp[0, 1] = 0.5 * (1 - Ki) / phasei
        M_tmp[1, 1] = 0.5 * (1 + Ki) * phasei

        M = M * M_tmp

        M11new = M11 * Mi11 + M12 * Mi21
        M21new = M21 * Mi11 + M22 * Mi21
        M12new = M11 * Mi12 + M12 * Mi22
        M22new = M21 * Mi12 + M22 * Mi22

        M11 = M11new
        M12 = M12new
        M21 = M21new
        M22 = M22new

    t = 1 / M11
    r = M21 * t

    R = abs(r)**2
    T = 1 - R

    return (R, T)
コード例 #32
    def LiveLaunch_V_LO(self, Result='v', History=False):
        Computes the takeoff velocity with the live engine
        if self.dirty: self.Refresh()

        angle = self.Bungee_Alpha
        x = self.Bungee_X

        Weight = self.TotalWeight
        m = Weight / gacc
        Fg = Weight * math.sin(self.Bungee_Alpha / RAD).real

        A_GR = self.param.A_GR

        def ODE(x, V):
            return (self.BungeeForce(x) + self.Thrust(V) -
                    self.AerodynamicDrag(V, Alpha2d=A_GR) -
                    self.RollingDrag(V, Alpha2d=A_GR) - Fg) / m

        int_ts, y1, y1d, y1dd = IntegrateDistanceODE(x, ODE, History)

        ret = []

        if 'x' in Result:
            ret.append(self.ToUnumList(y1, M))
        if 'v' in Result:
            ret.append(self.ToUnumList(y1d, M / SEC))
        if 'a' in Result:
            ret.append(self.ToUnumList(y1dd, M / SEC**2))

        return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret
コード例 #33
def generate_sinusoidal_wave(frequency, phase, amplitude, sample_rate, duration):
    output = []
    for i in range(duration * sample_rate):
        t = i / sample_rate
        angle = frequency * 2 * cmath.pi * t + phase
        output.append((amplitude * cmath.sin(angle)).real)
    return output
コード例 #34
def unblurImage_Weiner_AND_Inverse(array, height, width, T, a, b, IorW, K):

    for i in range(width):
        for j in range(height):

            u = (i - (width // 2))  # Center u
            v = (j - (height // 2))  # Center v
            blur = cmath.pi * (
                (u * a) + (v * b) + 0.00001
            )  # Calculate blur using a = b linear uniform motion

            H = (T / (blur)) * cmath.sin(blur) * cmath.e**(-(cmath.sqrt(-1)) *

            Hr = np.real(H)

            # Butterworth Lowpass Filter
            radius = 256
            magnitude = 10
            distanceToCenter = math.sqrt((i - (width // 2))**2 +
                                         (j - (height // 2))**2)
            B = 1 / (1 + (distanceToCenter / radius)**(2 * magnitude))

            #Inverse Unblur with Butterworth lowpass filter radius
            if (IorW):
                array[i][j] = array[i][j] / H * B
                array[i][j] = (((1 / H) * ((abs(H * np.conj(H))) /
                                           (abs(H * np.conj(H)) + K))) *

    return array
コード例 #35
ファイル: core.py プロジェクト: guillermonp/Jompy
def gamma(z):
    Gamma function:

    Lanczos approximation implementation.e
    Numerical Recipes in C (2nd ed. Cambridge University Press 1992)
    g = 5

    p0 = float(1.000000000190015)
    p1 = float(76.18009172947146)
    p2 = float(-86.50532032941677)
    p3 = float(24.01409824083091)
    p4 = float(-1.231739572450155)
    p5 = float(1.208650973866179e-3)
    p6 = float(-5.395239384953e-6)

    coefs = [p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6]

    z = complex(z)
    if z.real < 0.5:
        #Recursion method: reflection formula
        return cmath.pi / (cmath.sin(cmath.pi * z) * gamma(1 - z))
        ax_1 = cmath.sqrt(cmath.pi * 2) / z
        ax2_sum = coefs[0]
        for i in range(1, g + 2):
            ax2_sum += coefs[i] / (z + i)
        t = z + g + 0.5
        ax_3 = (t ** (z + 0.5)) * cmath.exp(-t)
        return ((ax_1 * ax2_sum) * ax_3).real
コード例 #36
ファイル: test_linking.py プロジェクト: B-Rich/llvmmath
def test_link_complex(ctx):
    ctx.mkbyref('mycsinf', sinname, ltypes.l_complex64)
    ctx.mkbyref('mycsin',  sinname, ltypes.l_complex128)
    ctx.mkbyref('mycsinl', sinname, ltypes.l_complex256)
    # print(ctx.module)

    m = support.make_mod(ctx)
    input = 10+2j

    result = cmath.sin(input)
    call = support.call_complex_byref

    typeof = lambda f: _base_type(f.argtypes[0])
    assert typeof(m.mycsinf) == ctypes.c_float
    assert typeof(m.mycsin) == ctypes.c_double, typeof(m.mycsin)
    assert typeof(m.mycsinl) in (ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_longdouble)

    r1 = call(m.mycsinf, input)
    r2 = call(m.mycsin,  input)
    r3 = call(m.mycsinl, input)

    print("expect:", result)
    print("got:", r1, r2, r3)
    assert np.allclose([result] * 3, [r1, r2, r3])
コード例 #37
def testas_3():
    alpha = [0] * (N + 1)
    beta = [0] * (N + 1)
    p = [0] * (N + 1)
    y = [0] * (N + 1)
    Fj = [0] * (N + 1)

    alpha[1] = kapa1
    beta[1] = gama1

    for i in range(1, N, 1):
        p[i] = cmath.sin(i**2 - 7) + cmath.cos(i * 8) * 5 * 1j

    p[0] = kapa1 * p[1] + gama1
    p[N] = kapa2 * p[N - 1] + gama2

    for i in range(1, N, 1):
        Fj[i] = C(h, tau) * p[i] - p[i + 1] - p[i - 1]
        alpha[i + 1] = alpha_plius_1(alpha[i], h, tau)
        beta[i + 1] = beta_plius_1(alpha[i + 1], beta[i], Fj[i])

    y[N] = ((kapa2 * beta[N]) + gama2) / (1.0 - (kapa2 * alpha[N]))

    for i in range(N, 0, -1):
        y[i - 1] = Thomas(alpha[i], y[i], beta[i])

    skirtumas = difference(y, p)

    # if(skirtumas < 10**(-12)):
    #  return True

    return skirtumas
コード例 #38
def fft(poly):
    n = len(poly)
    print poly
    if n < 2:
        return poly
    if n % 2 == 1:
        n += 1

    wn = complex(cmath.cos(2 * cmath.pi / float(n)),
                 cmath.sin(2 * cmath.pi / float(n)))
    w = 1

    odd = [poly[i] for i in xrange(1, n, 2)]
    even = [poly[i] for i in xrange(0, n, 2)]

    odd_fft = fft(odd)
    even_fft = fft(even)
    sum_fft = range(n)

    for i in xrange(0, n / 2):
        sum_fft[i] = even_fft[i] + w * odd_fft[i]
        sum_fft[i + n / 2] = even_fft[i] - w * odd_fft[i]

        w = w * wn

    return sum_fft
コード例 #39
def fsim(theta, phi, dtype=complex, **kwargs):
    r"""The 'fermionic simulation' gate:

    .. math::

        \mathrm{fsim}(\theta, \phi) =
        1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
        0 & \cos(\theta) & -i sin(\theta) & 0\\
        0 & -i sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) & 0\\
        0 & 0 & 0 & \exp(-i \phi)

    Note that ``theta`` and ``phi`` should be specified in radians and the sign
    convention with this gate varies. Here for example,
    ``fsim(- pi / 2, 0) == iswap()``.
    from cmath import cos, sin, exp

    a = cos(theta)
    b = -1j * sin(theta)
    c = exp(-1j * phi)

    gate = [[1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, a, b, 0],
            [0, b, a, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, c]]

    gate = qu(gate, dtype=dtype, **kwargs)
    return gate
コード例 #40
ファイル: moremath.py プロジェクト: ghuls/weblogo
def clngamma(z):
    """The logarithm of the gamma function for a complex argument
    z = complex(z)

    # common case optimization
    n = floor(z.real)
    if n == z:
        if n <= 0:
            return complex(1.0 / 0.0)  # Infinity
        elif n <= len(__factorial):
            return complex(__factorial[int(n) - 1])

    zz = z
    if z.real < 0.5:
        zz = 1 - z

    g = __lanczos_gamma
    c = __lanczos_coefficients

    zz = zz - 1.
    zh = zz + 0.5
    zgh = zh + g
    zp = zgh ** (zh * 0.5)  # trick for avoiding FP overflow above z=141

    ss = 0.0
    for k in range(len(c) - 1, 0, -1):
        ss += c[k] / (zz + k)

    f = (sqrt_2pi * (c[0] + ss)) * ((zp * cm.exp(-zgh)) * zp)

    if z.real < 0.5:
        f = pi / (cm.sin(pi * z) * f)

    return cm.log(f)
コード例 #41
    def make_axis(self):

        self.max_x = eval(self.lineEdit.text())
        self.min_x = eval(self.lineEdit_3.text())
        self.max_y = eval(self.lineEdit_2.text())
        self.min_y = eval(self.lineEdit_4.text())
        self.main_step = eval(self.lineEdit_7.text())

        list_x = [
            x for x in numpy.arange(self.min_x, self.max_x, self.main_step)
        list_sin_y = [cmath.sin(y).real for y in list_x]
        list_cos_y = [cmath.cos(y).real for y in list_x]


        self.widget.plot(list_x, list_sin_y, pen='r', name="sin(x)")
        self.widget.plot(list_x, list_cos_y, pen='b', name="cos(x)")

        self.widget.showGrid(x=True, y=True)
コード例 #42
ファイル: moremath.py プロジェクト: j-baller/protease-network
def cgamma(z):
    """Gamma function with complex arguments and results."""

    z = complex(z)
    n = floor(z.real)
    if n == z:
        if n <= 0:
            return complex(1.0 / 0.0)  # Infinity
        elif n <= len(__factorial):
            return complex(__factorial[int(n) - 1])

    zz = z
    if z.real < 0.5:  # Reflection formula
        zz = 1 - z

    g = __lanczos_gamma
    c = __lanczos_coefficients

    zz = zz - 1.
    zh = zz + 0.5
    zgh = zh + g
    zp = zgh**(zh * 0.5)  # trick for avoiding FP overflow above z=141

    ss = 0.0
    for k in range(len(c) - 1, 0, -1):
        ss += c[k] / (zz + k)

    f = (sqrt_2pi * (c[0] + ss)) * ((zp * cm.exp(-zgh)) * zp)

    if z.real < 0.5:
        f = pi / (cm.sin(pi * z) * f)

    return complex(f)
コード例 #43
    def draw_wheel(self, canvas, wheel_pos, arc_center_pos, size, theta):

        # Radius of the dot to draw at the wheel
        wheel_dot_radius = size / self.WHEEL_DOT_RADIUS_RATIO

        # Draw a dot at the center of the wheel
        canvas.create_oval(wheel_pos[0] - wheel_dot_radius,
                           wheel_pos[1] - wheel_dot_radius,
                           wheel_pos[0] + wheel_dot_radius,
                           wheel_pos[1] + wheel_dot_radius,

        # Created a dotted line from the wheel to the center of the circle it will be driving around
        if not self.go_forward:
                               dash=(1, 1))

        dx = size / self.WHEEL_LENGTH_RATIO * cmath.cos(deg2rad(theta)).real
        dy = size / self.WHEEL_LENGTH_RATIO * cmath.sin(deg2rad(theta)).real

        # Draw the wheel line
        canvas.create_line(wheel_pos[0] - dx,
                           wheel_pos[1] - dy,
                           wheel_pos[0] + dx,
                           wheel_pos[1] + dy,
                           width=size / self.WHEEL_WIDTH_RATIO)

コード例 #44
ファイル: moremath.py プロジェクト: j-baller/protease-network
def clngamma(z):
    """The logarithm of the gamma function for a complex argument
    z = complex(z)

    # common case optimization
    n = floor(z.real)
    if n == z:
        if n <= 0:
            return complex(1.0 / 0.0)  # Infinity
        elif n <= len(__factorial):
            return complex(__factorial[int(n) - 1])

    zz = z
    if z.real < 0.5:
        zz = 1 - z

    g = __lanczos_gamma
    c = __lanczos_coefficients

    zz = zz - 1.
    zh = zz + 0.5
    zgh = zh + g
    zp = zgh**(zh * 0.5)  # trick for avoiding FP overflow above z=141

    ss = 0.0
    for k in range(len(c) - 1, 0, -1):
        ss += c[k] / (zz + k)

    f = (sqrt_2pi * (c[0] + ss)) * ((zp * cm.exp(-zgh)) * zp)

    if z.real < 0.5:
        f = pi / (cm.sin(pi * z) * f)

    return cm.log(f)
コード例 #45
def gamma(z):  # great function from Wiki, but maybe could use memorization?
    epsilon = 0.0000001

    def withinepsilon(x):
        return abs(x) <= epsilon

    from cmath import sin, sqrt, pi, exp

    p = [
        676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028, 771.32342877765313,
        -176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905, -0.13857109526572012,
        9.9843695780195716e-6, 1.5056327351493116e-7
    z = complex(z)

    # Reflection formula  (edit: this use of reflection (thus the if-else structure) seems unnecessary and just adds more code to execute. it calls itself again, so it still needs to execute the same "for" loop yet has an extra calculation at the end)
    if z.real < 0.5:
        result = pi / (sin(pi * z) * gamma(1 - z))
        z -= 1

    x = 0.99999999999980993
    for (i, pval) in enumerate(p):
        x += pval / (z + i + 1)

    t = z + len(p) - 0.5
    result = sqrt(2 * pi) * t**(z + 0.5) * exp(-t) * x

    if withinepsilon(result.imag):
        return result.real
    return result
コード例 #46
def inverse_fft(arr):
    n = len(arr)

    if (n == 1):
        return list([arr[0]])

    w = [0] * n

    for i in range(0, n):
        alpha = (-2 * (cmath.pi) * i) / n
        w[i] = complex(cmath.cos(alpha), cmath.sin(alpha))

    a0 = [0] * int(n / 2)

    a1 = [0] * int(n / 2)

    for i in range(0, int(n / 2)):
        a0[i] = arr[i * 2]
        a1[i] = arr[i * 2 + 1]

    y0 = inverse_fft(a0.copy())
    y1 = inverse_fft(a1.copy())

    y = [0] * n

    for k in range(0, int(n / 2)):

        y[k] = y0[k] + w[k] * y1[k]

        y[k + int(n / 2)] = y0[k] - w[k] * y1[k]
    return y
コード例 #47
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: anglyan/fresnel
def fresnel2(t0, N0, N1, deg=False):
    Calculate the Fresnel coefficients for an interface.
    t0: incident angle (in radians or degrees if deg=True)
    N0: complex refraction index of the incident medium (n+ik)
    N1: complex refraction index of the second medium (n+ik)
    deg: flag controlling the incidence angle units

    Return rp, rs, tp, ts for the p and s polarizations.

    if deg == True:
        t0 = t0*m.pi/180.
    ct0 = cm.cos(t0)
    st0 = cm.sin(t0)
    st1 = N0/N1*st0
    ct1 = cm.sqrt(1-st1*st1)
    rp = (N1*ct0 - N0*ct1)/(N1*ct0 + N0*ct1)
    rs = (N0*ct0 - N1*ct1)/(N0*ct0 + N1*ct1)
    tp = (2.*N0*ct0)/(N1*ct0 + N0*ct1)
    ts = (2.*N0*ct0)/(N0*ct0 + N1*ct1)
    return rp, rs, tp, ts
コード例 #48
 def __init__(self, eps1, mu1, eps2, mu2, E0p, E0s, dist, lambd, theta, diam_part, indice_rifr):
     self.eps1 = eps1
     self.mu1 = mu1
     self.eps2 = eps2
     self.mu2 = mu2
     self.n1 = np.sqrt(eps1*mu1)
     self.n2 = np.sqrt(eps2*mu2)
     self.dist = dist
     self.gamma = asin(self.n1/self.n2*sin(theta))
     alpha = -np.imag(self.gamma)
     self.k = 2*pi/lambd
     exp_ = np.exp(-self.k*dist*sinh(alpha))
     self.Es = E0s*2*(mu2/mu1)*cos(theta)/((mu2/mu1)*cos(theta)+1j*(self.n2/self.n1)*sinh(alpha))*exp_
     self.Ep = E0p*2*(self.n2/self.n1)*cos(theta)/((eps2/eps1)*cos(theta)+1j*(self.n2/self.n1)*sinh(alpha))*exp_
     self.indice_rifr = indice_rifr
     self.size_param = self.k*diam_part/2
     self.raggio = diam_part / 2;
     an, bn = ms.Mie_ab(self.indice_rifr, self.size_param)
     self.an = an
     self.bn = bn
コード例 #49
 def get_intersecting_intervals(self, x_m):
     if self.x0 - self.a < x_m < self.x0 + self.a:
         t = cm.acos((x_m - self.x0) / self.a)
         z = abs(self.b * cm.sin(t))
         return [(self.z0 - z, self.z0 + z)]
         return []
コード例 #50
ファイル: timeDESCENT.py プロジェクト: codingpoets/VAMPzero
    def calc(self):
        Calculates the time for the descent segment
        :Source: adapted from DLR-LY-IL Performance Tool, J. Fuchte, 2011
        #T is the indice for top, b for bottom! 
        altT = self.parent.atmosphere.hCR.getValue()
        altB = self.parent.atmosphere.hFL1500.getValue()

        sigmaT = self.parent.atmosphere.sigmaCR.getValue()
        sigmaB = self.parent.atmosphere.sigmaFL1500.getValue()

        IAS = self.parent.IASDESCENT.getValue()
        gamma = self.parent.gammaDESCENT.getValue()

        tasT = IAS * sigmaT
        tasB = IAS * sigmaB

        if sin(gamma * rad) != 0. and (tasT + tasB / 2.) != 0.:
            time = (altT - altB) * tan((90 - gamma) * rad) / ((tasT + tasB / 2.))

            return self.setValueCalc(time)

コード例 #51
ファイル: fft.py プロジェクト: Glank/FFT
def __test3__():
    n = 16
    xs = [sin(j) for j in xrange(n)]
    Xs = dft(xs)
    Xs2 = fft(xs)
    for j in xrange(n):
        assert __dist__(Xs[j]-Xs2[j], 0)<.0001
コード例 #52
ファイル: Q1_4_logA2tome.py プロジェクト: colizz/comp-phy
def time_evolve(u, u_): # 按薛定谔方程演化一步的函数 u->u_
    for i in range(N): # 此时刻 H 的对角元 b[i],为后文做准备
        b[i] = 1./dx**2 -1 / sqrt(((i-Nx)*dx)**2 + 2) + (i-Nx)*dx*E0*sin(ome*t/(2*Npulse))**2*sin(ome*t)
    ## 先求 u_=(1-1/2iHΔt) u
    u_[0] = (1 - 0.5j*dt*b[i]) * u[0] - 0.5j*dt*c[i] * u[1]
    u_[N-1] = - 0.5j*dt*a[i] * u[N-2] + (1 - 0.5j*dt*b[i]) * u[N-1] 
    for i in range(1, N-1):
        u_[i] = - 0.5j*dt*a[i] * u[i-1] + (1 - 0.5j*dt*b[i]) * u[i] - 0.5j*dt*c[i] * u[i+1]
    ## 再用追赶法求 (1+1/2iHΔt) u_' = u_
    be[0] = (1 + 0.5j*dt*b[0])
    for i in range(1, N): # 追
        be[i] = (1 + 0.5j*dt*b[i])
        m[i] = 0.5j*dt*a[i] / be[i-1]
        be[i] -= m[i] * 0.5j*dt*c[i-1]
        u_[i] -= m[i] * u_[i-1]
    u_[N-1] /= (1 + 0.5j*dt*b[i-1])
    for i in range(N-2, -1, -1): # 赶
        u_[i] = (u_[i] - 0.5j*dt*c[i] * u_[i+1]) / be[i]
    ## 此时u_[i] 就是演化下一刻的波函数
    ## 吸收虚假信号
    for i in range(N):
        if abs((i-Nx)*dx) > 0.75*x_max:
            u_[i] *= exp(-(abs((i-Nx)*dx)-0.75*x_max)**2/0.04)
    ## 归一化
    unorm = sqrt(sum([abs(u_[i])**2 for i in range(N)]))
    for i in range(N):
        u_[i] /= unorm
コード例 #53
ファイル: moremath.py プロジェクト: SaswatiSadual/NPLB
def cgamma(z) :
    """Gamma function with complex arguments and results."""
    z = complex(z)
    n = floor(z.real)   
    if  n == z  :
        if n <= 0 :
            return complex(1.0/0.0) # Infinity
        elif n <= len(__factorial) :
            return complex(__factorial[int(n)-1])
    zz = z
    if z.real < 0.5 :   # Reflection formula
        zz = 1-z
    g = __lanczos_gamma
    c = __lanczos_coefficients 
    zz = zz - 1.    
    zh = zz + 0.5
    zgh = zh + g
    zp = zgh** (zh*0.5) # trick for avoiding FP overflow above z=141

    ss = 0.0
    for k in range(len(c)-1,0,-1):
        ss += c[k]/(zz+k)
    f = (sqrt_2pi*(c[0]+ss)) * (( zp*cm.exp(-zgh)) *zp)

    if z.real<0.5 :
        f  = pi /( cm.sin(pi*z) *f)

    return complex(f)
コード例 #54
    def f_xyz_def(xr, xi, yr, yi, zr, zi):
        x = complex(xr, xi)

        y = complex(yr, yi)

        z = complex(zr, zi)
        return cmath.cos((x**2 + y**2) / z) + 1j * cmath.sin((x**2 + y**2) / z)
コード例 #55
	def set_dMi_thickness(self, N, thickness, sin2_theta_0):
		"""Calculate the derivative of the characteristic matrices of a
		layer with regard to its thickness
		This method takes 3 arguments:
		  N                 the index of refraction of the layer;
		  thickness         the thickness of the layer;
		  sin2_theta_0      the normalized sinus squared of the propagation
		for i in range(self.wvls.length):
			k = two_pi/self.wvls.wvls[i]
			N_square = N.N[i]*N.N[i]
			N_s = cmath.sqrt(N_square-sin2_theta_0.sin2[i])
			N_p = N_square/N_s
			# Correct branch selection.
			if N_s.real == 0.0:
				N_s = -N_s
				N_p = -N_p
			dphi = k*N_s
			phi = dphi*thickness
			j_cos_phi_dphi = 1.0j*cmath.cos(phi)*dphi
			self.s[i][0] = self.s[i][3] = self.p[i][0] = self.p[i][3] = -cmath.sin(phi)*dphi
			self.s[i][1] = j_cos_phi_dphi/N_s
			self.p[i][1] = j_cos_phi_dphi/N_p
			self.s[i][2] = N_s*j_cos_phi_dphi
			self.p[i][2] = N_p*j_cos_phi_dphi
コード例 #56
    def draw_wheel(self, canvas, wheel_pos, arc_center_pos, size, theta):

        # Radius of the dot to draw at the wheel
        wheel_dot_radius = size/self.WHEEL_DOT_RADIUS_RATIO

        # Draw a dot at the center of the wheel
        canvas.create_oval(wheel_pos[0]-wheel_dot_radius, wheel_pos[1]-wheel_dot_radius,
                           wheel_pos[0]+wheel_dot_radius, wheel_pos[1]+wheel_dot_radius,

        # Created a dotted line from the wheel to the center of the circle it will be driving around
        if not self.go_forward:
            canvas.create_line(wheel_pos[0], wheel_pos[1],
                               arc_center_pos[0], arc_center_pos[1],
                               dash=(1, 1))

        dx = size/self.WHEEL_LENGTH_RATIO*cmath.cos(deg2rad(theta)).real
        dy = size/self.WHEEL_LENGTH_RATIO*cmath.sin(deg2rad(theta)).real

        # Draw the wheel line
        canvas.create_line(wheel_pos[0]-dx, wheel_pos[1]-dy,
                           wheel_pos[0]+dx, wheel_pos[1]+dy,

コード例 #57
ファイル: evol.py プロジェクト: gderosa/quantum-adiabaticity
def c1_analytic(nf):
    if even(nf):
        if abs(nf-2.) < 0.25 :
            return 1./sqrt(2)
            return 0.0
        return (4.*sqrt(2)/pi) * ( 1. / ((nf+2.)*(nf-2.)) ) * sin(nf*pi/2.) * (-1)
コード例 #58
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: binux/ingress-api
    def to_pixel(self, zoom):
        'zoom 11 to 18'
        siny = cmath.sin(to_rad(self.lat))
        y = cmath.log((1 + siny) / (1 - siny));
        lat = (128 << zoom) * (1 - y / (2 * PI));

        lng = (self.lng + 180.0) * (256 << zoom) / 360.0
        return lat.real, lng
コード例 #59
ファイル: test_number.py プロジェクト: tangza/python
def test_complex():
	a = complex(2, 4)
	b = 3 - 4j
	print a
	print b
	print a.real
	print a.imag
	print a.conjugate()
	print a + b
	print a * b
	print a / b
	print abs(b)
	import cmath
	print cmath.sin(a)
	print cmath.cos(b)
	print cmath.exp(a)
	print cmath.sqrt(-1)
コード例 #60
def moveCursor(alfa):
    speed = 10
    d = display.Display().screen().root.query_pointer()._data
    obecnyx = d["root_x"]
    obecnyy = d["root_y"]
    ruchx = round(real(cos(alfa))*speed)
    ruchy = -round(real(sin(alfa))*speed)
    setCursorPosition(obecnyx+ruchx, obecnyy+ruchy)