コード例 #1
 def texst_retry_exceeds_max_backoff(self):
     opts = util.RetryOptions(timedelta(microseconds=10), timedelta(microseconds=10), 1000, 3)
     start = time.time()
     with self.assertRaises(util.RetryMaxAttemptsError):
         util.retry_with_backoff(opts, lambda: util.RetryStatus.CONTINUE)
     end = time.time()
     self.assertLess(end - start, 1.0,
                     "max backoff not respected: 1000 attempts took %ss" % (end - start))
コード例 #2
    def test_retry_exceeds_max_attempts(self):
        opts = util.RetryOptions(timedelta(microseconds=10), timedelta(seconds=1), 2, 3)
        retries = [0]

        def fn():
            retries[0] += 1
            return util.RetryStatus.CONTINUE
        with self.assertRaises(util.RetryMaxAttemptsError):
            util.retry_with_backoff(opts, fn)
        self.assertEqual(retries[0], 3)
コード例 #3
    def test_retry(self):
        opts = util.RetryOptions(timedelta(microseconds=10), timedelta(seconds=1), 2, 10)
        retries = [0]

        def fn():
            retries[0] += 1
            if retries[0] >= 3:
                return util.RetryStatus.BREAK
            return util.RetryStatus.CONTINUE
        util.retry_with_backoff(opts, fn)
        self.assertEqual(retries[0], 3)
コード例 #4
    def test_retry_reset(self):
        opts = util.RetryOptions(timedelta(microseconds=10), timedelta(seconds=1), 2, 1)
        # Backoff loop has 1 allowed retry; we always return RESET, so just
        # make sure we get to 2 retries and then break.
        count = [0]

        def fn():
            count[0] += 1
            if count[0] == 2:
                return util.RetryStatus.BREAK
            return util.RetryStatus.RESET
        util.retry_with_backoff(opts, fn)
        self.assertEqual(count[0], 2)
コード例 #5
    def send(self, call):
        """Send call to Cockroach via an HTTP post.

        HTTP response codes which are retryable are retried with
        backoff in a loop using the default retry options. Other
        errors sending HTTP request are retried indefinitely using the
        same client command ID to avoid reporting failure when in fact
        the command may have gone through and been executed
        successfully. We retry here to eventually get through with the
        same client command ID and be given the cached response.
        retry_opts = http_retry_options.copy()
        retry_opts.tag = "http %s" % call.method.name

        def retryable():
                resp = self._post(call)
            except Exception:
                # Assume all errors sending request are retryable.
                logging.warning("failed to send HTTP request or read its response", exc_info=True)
                return RetryStatus.CONTINUE
                if resp.status_code != 200:
                    logging.warning("failed to send HTTP request with status code %d", resp.status_code)
                    # See if we can retry based on HTTP response code.
                    if resp.status_code in (429, 503, 504):
                        # Retry on service unavailable and request timeout.
                        # TODO: respect the Retry-After header if present.
                        return RetryStatus.CONTINUE
                    # On a successful ost, we're done with retry loop.
                    return RetryStatus.BREAK

            retry_with_backoff(retry_opts, retryable)
        except Exception as e:
            # TODO: Are there any non-generic errors we need to handle here?
            # Is it better to let exceptions escape instead of stuffing them into
            # the reply?
            call.reply.header.error.message = str(e)
        return call.reply
コード例 #6
 def test_retry_function_raises_error(self):
     opts = util.RetryOptions(timedelta(microseconds=10), timedelta(seconds=1), 2)
     with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):
         util.retry_with_backoff(opts, lambda: 1/0)
コード例 #7
ファイル: kv.py プロジェクト: abhishekgahlot/cockroach-python
    def run_transaction(self, opts, retryable):
        """RunTransaction executes retryable in the context of a distributed transaction.

        The ``retryable`` argument is a function which takes one parameter, a `KV`

        The transaction is automatically aborted if retryable
        returns any error aside from recoverable internal errors, and is
        automatically committed otherwise. retryable should have no side
        effects which could cause problems in the event it must be run more
        than once. The opts struct contains transaction settings.

        Calling run_transaction on the transactional KV client which is
        supplied to the retryable function is an error.
        if isinstance(self._sender, TxnSender):
            raise Exception("cannot invoke run_transaction on an already-transactional client")

        # Create a new KV for the transaction using a transactional KV sender.
        txn_sender = TxnSender(self._sender, opts)
        txn_kv = KV(txn_sender, user=self.user, user_priority=self.user_priority)

        # Run retriable in a loop until we encounter a success or error condition this
        # loop isn't capable of handling.
        retry_opts = txn_retry_options.copy()
        retry_opts.tag = opts.name

        def callback():
            txn_sender.txn_end = False  # always reset before [re]starting txn
                if not txn_sender.txn_end:
                    # If there were no errors running retryable, commit the txn.
                    # This may block waiting for outstanding writes to complete in
                    # case retryable didn't -- we need the most recent of all response
                    # timestamps in order to commit.
            except errors.ReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalError:
                # Retry immediately on read within uncertainty interval.
                return util.RetryStatus.RESET
            except errors.TransactionAbortedError:
                # If the transaction was aborted, the TxnSender will have created
                # a new txn. We allow backoff/retry in this case.
                return util.RetryStatus.CONTINUE
            except errors.TransactionPushError:
                # Backoff and retry on failure to push a conflicting transaction.
                return util.RetryStatus.CONTINUE
            except errors.TransactionRetryError:
                # Return RESET for an immediate retry (as in the case of an SSI txn
                # whose timestamp was pushed.
                return util.RetryStatus.RESET
            # All other errors are allowed to escape, aborting the retry loop.
            return util.RetryStatus.BREAK
            util.retry_with_backoff(retry_opts, callback)
        except Exception as e:
            if not txn_sender.txn_end:
                except Exception:
                    logging.error("failure aborting transaction; abort caused by %s",
                                  e, exc_info=True)