コード例 #1
ファイル: lang_go.py プロジェクト: asogor/komodo-go
    def preceding_trg_from_pos(self, buf, pos, curr_pos, preceding_trg_terminators=None, DEBUG=False):
        # DEBUG = True
        if DEBUG:
            print "pos: %d" % (pos,)
            print "ch: %r" % (buf.accessor.char_at_pos(pos),)
            print "curr_pos: %d" % (curr_pos,)

        if not self.gocode_present:

        if pos != curr_pos and self._last_trg_type == "names":
            # The last trigger type was a 3-char trigger "names", we must try
            # triggering from the same point as before to get other available
            # trigger types defined at the same poisition or before.
            trg = ProgLangTriggerIntelMixin.preceding_trg_from_pos(
                self, buf, pos + 2, curr_pos, preceding_trg_terminators, DEBUG=DEBUG
            trg = ProgLangTriggerIntelMixin.preceding_trg_from_pos(
                self, buf, pos, curr_pos, preceding_trg_terminators, DEBUG=DEBUG

        names_trigger = None
        style = None
        if pos > 0:
            accessor = buf.accessor
            if pos == curr_pos:
                # We actually care about whats left of the cursor.
                pos -= 1
            style = accessor.style_at_pos(pos)
            if DEBUG:
                style_names = buf.style_names_from_style_num(style)
                print "  style: %s (%s)" % (style, ", ".join(style_names))
            if style in (1, 2):
                ac = AccessorCache(accessor, pos)
                prev_pos, prev_ch, prev_style = ac.getPrecedingPosCharStyle(style)
                if prev_style is not None and (pos - prev_pos) > 3:
                    # We need at least 3 character for proper completion handling.
                    names_trigger = self.trg_from_pos(buf, prev_pos + 4, implicit=False)

        if DEBUG:
            print "trg: %r" % (trg,)
            print "names_trigger: %r" % (names_trigger,)
            print "last_trg_type: %r" % (self._last_trg_type,)

        if names_trigger:
            if not trg:
                trg = names_trigger
            # Two triggers, choose the best one.
            elif trg.pos == names_trigger.pos:
                if self._last_trg_type != "names":
                    # The names trigger gets priority over the other trigger
                    # types, unless the previous trigger was also a names trg.
                    trg = names_trigger
            elif trg.pos < names_trigger.pos:
                trg = names_trigger

        if trg:
            self._last_trg_type = trg.type
        return trg
コード例 #2
    def preceding_trg_from_pos(self, buf, pos, curr_pos, preceding_trg_terminators=None, DEBUG=False):
        #DEBUG = True
        if DEBUG:
            log.debug("pos: %d", pos)
            log.debug("ch: %r", buf.accessor.char_at_pos(pos))
            log.debug("curr_pos: %d", curr_pos)

        if pos != curr_pos and self._last_trg_type == "names":
            # The last trigger type was a 3-char trigger "names", we must try
            # triggering from the same point as before to get other available
            # trigger types defined at the same poisition or before.
            trg = ProgLangTriggerIntelMixin.preceding_trg_from_pos(
                    self, buf, pos+2, curr_pos, preceding_trg_terminators,
            trg = ProgLangTriggerIntelMixin.preceding_trg_from_pos(
                    self, buf, pos, curr_pos, preceding_trg_terminators,

        names_trigger = None
        style = None
        if pos > 0:
            accessor = buf.accessor
            if pos == curr_pos:
                # We actually care about whats left of the cursor.
                pos -= 1
            style = accessor.style_at_pos(pos)
            if DEBUG:
                style_names = buf.style_names_from_style_num(style)
                log.debug("  style: %s (%s)", style, ", ".join(style_names))
            if style in (1,2):
                ac = AccessorCache(accessor, pos)
                prev_pos, prev_ch, prev_style = ac.getPrecedingPosCharStyle(style)
                if prev_style is not None and (pos - prev_pos) > 3:
                    # We need at least 3 character for proper completion handling.
                    names_trigger = self.trg_from_pos(buf, prev_pos + 4, implicit=False)

        if DEBUG:
            log.debug("trg: %r", trg)
            log.debug("names_trigger: %r", names_trigger)
            log.debug("last_trg_type: %r", self._last_trg_type)

        if names_trigger:
            if not trg:
                trg = names_trigger
            # Two triggers, choose the best one.
            elif trg.pos == names_trigger.pos:
                if self._last_trg_type != "names":
                    # The names trigger gets priority over the other trigger
                    # types, unless the previous trigger was also a names trg.
                    trg = names_trigger
            elif trg.pos < names_trigger.pos:
                trg = names_trigger

        if trg:
            self._last_trg_type = trg.type
        return trg