コード例 #1
def hist_inters_and_col_model_exercises(model, bins = (10, 10, 10)):
    Corresponds to the first exercise of this assignment. Prints a histogram of
    one image for the given colour model; calculates all histograms in the
    "database" of images; calculates and displays a table of intersections of
    all database histograms; calculates and displays a table of intersections of
    the database images against a selection of external images.


    print '\nColour histogram and histogram intersection exercise\n'

    image_paths, stored_model = load_images(('db', 'ext'))
    image = set_model(mpimg.imread(image_paths[1][0] + image_paths[0][0][0]), out_model=model)
    plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)

    print '\nSo, we\'re going to build a 3d colour histogram.'
    raw_input('\nLet\'s have a look at the image in question:\n(Press enter)')

    print '\nNow let\'s calculate and view the corresponding histogram printout.'
    print col_hist(image, bins, model)

    print '\nNow we\'ll build a table of histogram intersections for all the'
    print 'images in our database'
    intersections_table(image_paths, bins, model)

    print '\nOk, next we\'ll build a table of intersections for database images'
    print 'against a selection of external images'
    intersections_table(image_paths, bins, model, with_ext = True)

コード例 #2
def colour_backproject(target, image, bins, model):
    Implementation of "object location via histogram backprojection" algorithm
    in Swain and Ballard's 1990 paper. Uses OpenCV library Filter2D to carry out

    print '\nFirst, we build the target\'s colour histogram:'
    target_h = col_hist(target, bins, model)
    print target_h

    print '\nNext, we build the image\'s colour histogram:'
    image_h = col_hist(image, bins, model)
    print image_h
    print '\nNow, we compute "ratio", the ratio of target/image histograms:'
    ratio = (target_h * 1.0) / image_h
    print ratio

    print '\nNext, we replace each pixel in the image with the value of the',
    print 'bin in "ratio" that the pixel\'s colour indexes (max value: 1).'
    b = np.empty(((image.shape)[0:2]), dtype = float)
    i = 0
    for row in image:
        j = 0
        for pixel in row:
            index = col2bin(pixel, bins, model)
            b[i][j] = min(ratio[index[0]][index[1]][index[2]], 1)
            j += 1
        i += 1
    print b

    print '\nOk, now to convolve a mask with b'
    b_conv = b
    radius = 40
    w = np.zeros((81,81), dtype = float)
    i = 0
    for row in w:
        j = 0
        for element in row:
            if (sqrt(pow((10-i),2)+pow((10-j),2)) < radius):
                w[i][j] = 1
            j += 1
        i += 1
    cv.Filter2D(cv.fromarray(b), cv.fromarray(b_conv), cv.fromarray(w), (-1, -1))
    b_conv = np.array(b_conv)
    print b_conv

    print '\nFinally, we find the location of the peak of the convolved image:'
    print b_conv

    return np.where(b_conv == b_conv.max()), b_conv
コード例 #3
def intersections_table(image_paths, bins, model, with_ext = False):
    Returns a table of intersections of database image histograms against
    themselves, or, if "with_ext" == "true", of database histograms against
    "external" image histograms.

    print '\nStep 1: calculate histograms'
    db_histograms = []
    for img_name in image_paths[0][0]:
        image = set_model(mpimg.imread(image_paths[1][0]+img_name), out_model=model)
        db_histograms.append(col_hist(image, bins, model))
    ext_histograms = []
    if with_ext:
        for img_name in image_paths[0][1]:
            image = set_model(mpimg.imread(image_paths[1][1]+img_name), out_model=model)
            ext_histograms.append(col_hist(image, bins, model))
        ext_histograms = db_histograms

    print '\nStep 2: build table of intersections'
    intersections_table = [['I\\M ']]
    for name in image_paths[0][0]:
    image_names = image_paths[0][0]
    if with_ext:
        image_names = image_paths[0][1]
    for name in image_names:
    i = 1
    for h1 in ext_histograms:
        for h2 in db_histograms:
            rounded_result = '%.2f'%round(histogram_intersect(h1, h2), 2)
        i += 1

    raw_input('\nA printout of the resulting table follows:\n(press enter)')
    for item in intersections_table[0]:
        print '%s '%item,
    print '\n',
    for row in intersections_table[1:]:
        for item in row:
            print '%s '%item,
        print '\n',