def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client()'----- express consumer starts -----') while common.running(): #淘宝订单发货信息 message_raw = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_taobao_express, options.queue_taobao_express_processing) task = json.loads(message_raw, object_hook=json_hook) if task.tid: shop = db.get( 'select distributor_shop_id from distributor_order where order_no = %s limit 1', task.tid) if shop and shop.distributor_shop_id == options.shop_id_taobao: #淘宝自动发货 express_auto_push(db, redis, message_raw, options.shop_id_taobao) elif shop and shop.distributor_shop_id == options.shop_id_tmall: #天猫自动发货 express_auto_push(db, redis, message_raw, options.shop_id_tmall) else: "can't find order in taobao and tmall. order_no = %s", task.tid)'----- express consumer shut down -----')
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() while common.running(): email_raw = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_email, options.queue_email_processing) email_json = json.loads(email_raw, object_hook=json_hook) smtp = smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect(options.mail_smtp_host, 25) smtp.starttls() smtp.login(options.mail_smtp_user, options.mail_smtp_pwd) msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg['From'] = options.mail_smtp_from msg['Subject'] = email_json.subject msg['To'] = email_json.to_list if 'text' in email_json: plain_part = MIMEText(email_json.text.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8') plain_part['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-CN' plain_part['Accept-Charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8' msg.attach(plain_part) html_part = MIMEText(email_json.html.encode('utf-8'), 'html', 'utf-8') html_part['Accept-Language'] = 'zh-CN' html_part['Accept-Charset'] = 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8' msg.attach(html_part) receivers = email_json.to_list.split(',') smtp.sendmail(options.mail_smtp_from, receivers, msg.as_string()) redis.lrem(options.queue_email_processing, 0, email_raw) smtp.close()
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client()'----- emay sms send consumer starts -----') while common.running(): # 查余额 emay = EMay('getBalance') response = emay.sync_fetch(serial_no=options.emay_serial_no, key=options.emay_key) emay.parse_response(response) if float(emay.message.findtext('.//return')) < 10.0: send_email(redis=redis, subject='亿美余额不足10元提醒', to_list='*****@*****.**', html='亿美短信通道余额不足 10 元') message_raw = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_coupon_send_emay, options.queue_coupon_send_processing)'get sms task: %s' % message_raw) task = json.loads(message_raw, object_hook=json_hook) mobile = content = task.sms if isinstance(task.sms, unicode) else task.sms.decode('utf-8') content = content[:-5] + u',退订回复TD【一百券】' sms_id = task.sms_id if 'sms_id' in task else '' # 检查手机号码长度 if len(mobile) != 11: logging.error( 'coupon sms send consumer error: mobile number %s is not valid' % mobile) continue emay = EMay('sendSMS') response = emay.sync_fetch( serial_no=options.emay_serial_no, key=options.emay_key, send_time='', mobiles=mobile, sms_content=content.encode('utf-8'), add_serial='', src_charset='utf-8', sms_priority='5', sms_id=sms_id, ) emay.parse_response(response) if emay.is_ok(): redis.lrem(options.queue_coupon_send_processing, 0, message_raw)'re-send sms successfully: %s' % content) else: logging.error('re-send sms failed, emay response error: %s', emay.message.findtext('.//return'))'----- coupon sms sender consumer shut down -----')
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client()'----- emay sms send consumer starts -----') while common.running(): # 查余额 emay = EMay('getBalance') response = emay.sync_fetch( serial_no=options.emay_serial_no, key=options.emay_key ) emay.parse_response(response) if float(emay.message.findtext('.//return')) < 10.0: send_email(redis=redis, subject='亿美余额不足10元提醒', to_list='*****@*****.**', html='亿美短信通道余额不足 10 元') message_raw = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_coupon_send_emay, options.queue_coupon_send_processing)'get sms task: %s' % message_raw) task = json.loads(message_raw, object_hook=json_hook) mobile = content = task.sms if isinstance(task.sms, unicode) else task.sms.decode('utf-8') content = content[:-5] + u',退订回复TD【一百券】' sms_id = task.sms_id if 'sms_id' in task else '' # 检查手机号码长度 if len(mobile) != 11: logging.error('coupon sms send consumer error: mobile number %s is not valid' % mobile) continue emay = EMay('sendSMS') response = emay.sync_fetch( serial_no=options.emay_serial_no, key=options.emay_key, send_time='', mobiles=mobile, sms_content=content.encode('utf-8'), add_serial='', src_charset='utf-8', sms_priority='5', sms_id=sms_id, ) emay.parse_response(response) if emay.is_ok(): redis.lrem(options.queue_coupon_send_processing, 0, message_raw)'re-send sms successfully: %s' % content) else: logging.error('re-send sms failed, emay response error: %s', emay.message.findtext('.//return'))'----- coupon sms sender consumer shut down -----')
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client()'----- coupon sms send consumer starts -----') while common.running(): message_raw = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_coupon_send, options.queue_coupon_send_processing)'get sms task: %s' % message_raw) task = json.loads(message_raw, object_hook=json_hook) mobile = content = task.sms.encode('utf-8') # 检查手机号码长度 if len(mobile) != 11: logging.error( 'coupon sms send consumer error: mobile number %s is not valid' % mobile) continue # 发送请求 zt = Zhutong() try: response = zt.sync_fetch(mobile=mobile, content=content, xh='') zt.parse_response(response) if zt.is_ok(): redis.lrem(options.queue_coupon_send_processing, 0, message_raw)'send sms successfully: %s' % content) elif int(zt.message) == 13: redis.lrem(options.queue_coupon_send_processing, 0, message_raw)'send sms faied, 30分钟重复提交') else: redis.lpush(options.queue_coupon_send_emay, message_raw) logging.error('send sms failed, zhutong response error: %s', response) except: redis.lpush(options.queue_coupon_send_emay, message_raw) logging.error('send sms failed, zhutong connection reset')'----- coupon sms sender consumer shut down -----')
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client()'----- distributor order consumer starts -----') while common.running(): # 移动一个订单到处理队列 message_raw = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_distributor_order, options.queue_distributor_order_processing) task = json.loads(message_raw, object_hook=json_hook)'distributor order consumer pop %s distributor order, id=%s ' % (task.distributor, task.distributor_order_id)) # 淘宝订单 if task.distributor == 'TB': taobao_order(db, redis, task.distributor_order_id, message_raw) # 一号店订单 elif task.distributor == 'YHD': yihaodian_order(db, redis, task.distributor_order_id, message_raw)'----- distributor order consumer shut down -----')
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client()'----- distributor order consumer starts -----') while common.running(): # 移动一个订单到处理队列 message_raw = redis.brpoplpush( options.queue_distributor_order, options.queue_distributor_order_processing) task = json.loads(message_raw, object_hook=json_hook) 'distributor order consumer pop %s distributor order, id=%s ' % (task.distributor, task.distributor_order_id)) # 淘宝订单 if task.distributor == 'TB': taobao_order(db, redis, task.distributor_order_id, message_raw) # 一号店订单 elif task.distributor == 'YHD': yihaodian_order(db, redis, task.distributor_order_id, message_raw)'----- distributor order consumer shut down -----')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import common import logging import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta from autumn.utils import json_hook from tornado.options import options from import local_verify """美团、点评、糯米的券在一百券上验证处理""" common.set_up() db = common.db_client() redis = common.redis_client() while common.running(): coupon = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_coupon_local_verify, options.queue_coupon_local_verify_processing) task = json.loads(coupon, object_hook=json_hook)'local coupon verify pop %s ,shop_id:%s ' % (, task.shop_id)) #开始对外部券进行本地验证 verify_result = local_verify(db,, task.shop_id, '系统', verified_at=task.used_at) ok, msg = (verify_result.ok, verify_result.msg)
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client() args = {'db': db, 'body': ''} while common.running(): sp_id = redis.brpop('q:wx:mem:update')[1] args['sp_id'] = sp_id app_id = db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where name="app_id" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] app_secret = db.get( 'select * from supplier_property where name="app_secret" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] wx = Weixin(method='user/get', **args) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) info = Weixin(method='user/info', **args) info.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) next_openid = '' while True: result = yield wx(next_openid=next_openid) wx.parse_response(result.body) if wx.is_ok() and 'data' in wx.message.keys(): count = wx.message.count total = customs = for custom in customs: response = yield info(openid=custom, lang='zh_CN') info.parse_response(response.body) if info.is_ok(): nickname = info.message.nickname # 暂时数据库未升级至可以存储emoji字符,故使用以下代码,升级数据库后可删除 import re try: # UCS-4 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: # UCS-2 highpoints = re.compile( u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') nickname = highpoints.sub(u'', nickname) # todo =========================未升级前的替代方案=================== sex = {0: '未知', 1: '男', 2: '女'}.get( follow_at = datetime.fromtimestamp( info.message.subscribe_time) openid = info.message.openid head_img = info.message.headimgurl mid = db.query( 'select * from member where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', custom, sp_id) if mid: db.execute( 'update member set wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s ' 'where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at,, info.message.province,, custom, sp_id) else: cid = db.query( 'select * from member_category where sp_id = %s and name = "未分组" ', sp_id)[0].id db.execute( 'insert into member set sp_id = %s, wx_id = %s, wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, created_at = NOW(),' 'category_id = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s, ' 'source = "微信导入"', sp_id, openid, nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at, cid,, info.message.province,'会员 %s 更新信息成功', custom.encode('utf-8')) else: logging.error('获取 %s 信息失败。失败原因 %s', custom.encode('utf-8'), error_list.get(info.error_code, '')) if count < 10000 or count == total: break else: next_openid = wx.message.next_openid else: logging.error('获取关注者失败.商户 %s, 错误原因 %s', sp_id, error_list.get(wx.error_code, '')) break
def main_loop(): redis = common.redis_client() db = common.db_client() args = { 'db': db, 'body': '' } while common.running(): sp_id = redis.brpop('q:wx:mem:update')[1] args['sp_id'] = sp_id app_id = db.get('select * from supplier_property where name="app_id" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] app_secret = db.get('select * from supplier_property where name="app_secret" and sp_id = %s', sp_id)['value'] wx = Weixin(method='user/get', **args) wx.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) info = Weixin(method='user/info', **args) info.set_app_info(app_id, app_secret) next_openid = '' while True: result = yield wx(next_openid=next_openid) wx.parse_response(result.body) if wx.is_ok() and 'data' in wx.message.keys(): count = wx.message.count total = customs = for custom in customs: response = yield info(openid=custom, lang='zh_CN') info.parse_response(response.body) if info.is_ok(): nickname = info.message.nickname # 暂时数据库未升级至可以存储emoji字符,故使用以下代码,升级数据库后可删除 import re try: # UCS-4 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]') except re.error: # UCS-2 highpoints = re.compile(u'[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]') nickname = highpoints.sub(u'', nickname) # todo =========================未升级前的替代方案=================== sex = {0: '未知', 1: '男', 2: '女'}.get( follow_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(info.message.subscribe_time) openid = info.message.openid head_img = info.message.headimgurl mid = db.query('select * from member where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', custom, sp_id) if mid: db.execute('update member set wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s ' 'where wx_id = %s and sp_id = %s', nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at,, info.message.province,, custom, sp_id) else: cid = db.query('select * from member_category where sp_id = %s and name = "未分组" ', sp_id)[0].id db.execute('insert into member set sp_id = %s, wx_id = %s, wx_name = %s, gender = %s,' 'head_img = %s, wx_follow_at = %s, created_at = NOW(),' 'category_id = %s, country = %s, province = %s, city = %s, ' 'source = "微信导入"', sp_id, openid, nickname, sex, head_img, follow_at, cid,, info.message.province,'会员 %s 更新信息成功', custom.encode('utf-8')) else: logging.error('获取 %s 信息失败。失败原因 %s', custom.encode('utf-8'), error_list.get(info.error_code, '')) if count < 10000 or count == total: break else: next_openid = wx.message.next_openid else: logging.error('获取关注者失败.商户 %s, 错误原因 %s', sp_id, error_list.get(wx.error_code, '')) break
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import common import logging import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta from autumn.utils import json_hook from tornado.options import options from import local_verify """美团、点评、糯米的券在一百券上验证处理""" common.set_up() db = common.db_client() redis = common.redis_client() while common.running(): coupon = redis.brpoplpush(options.queue_coupon_local_verify, options.queue_coupon_local_verify_processing) task = json.loads(coupon, object_hook=json_hook)'local coupon verify pop %s ,shop_id:%s ' % (, task.shop_id)) #开始对外部券进行本地验证 verify_result = local_verify(db,, task.shop_id, '系统', verified_at=task.used_at) ok, msg = (verify_result.ok, verify_result.msg) if ok: # 外部券验证处理完成,从处理队列移除 redis.lrem(options.queue_coupon_local_verify_processing, 0, coupon)'local coupon verify finish,coupon_sn:%s' % else: