コード例 #1
ファイル: testComms.py プロジェクト: pdxjohnny/comms
 def test_commsParse(self):
     message = 'test'
     response = "0009{0}\x00".format(message)
     reply, status = comms.parseMessage(response)
     self.assertEqual(status, comms.OK, \
         'Status was not OK')
     self.assertEqual(reply, message, \
         'Message was \"{0}\" not \"{1}\"'.format(reply, message))
コード例 #2
ファイル: connected.py プロジェクト: pdxjohnny/comms
 def handle(self, sock, clientAddr, callAdd):
     data = sock.recv(comms.RECV_SIZE)
     if not data or len(data) < 1:
     data, status = comms.parseMessage(data)
     if callAdd != False:
         addAs, shouldAdd = callAdd(data, \
             service.NO_DUMP, clientAddr)
         if shouldAdd == comms.OK:
             self.sockets[addAs["id"]] = sock
コード例 #3
ファイル: testServer.py プロジェクト: pdxjohnny/comms
 def test_ListenRecvExit(self):
     server = ListenRecvExit()
     serverProcess, port = genericServer.StartServer(server)
     # Create the udp socket
     sock = comms.udp()
     # Send the message to the server
     comms.sendMessage(sock, 'test', comms.OK, (genericServer.ADDR, port))
     # Receive a message
     response, serverAddr = sock.recvfrom(comms.RECV_SIZE)
     # Parse the response and return it
     reply, status = comms.parseMessage(response)
     # Stop the server
     # If the test errored
     self.assertEqual(EXIT_MESSAGE, reply, \
         'Server reply is not exit message {0}'.format(reply))
     self.assertEqual(comms.EXIT, status, \
         'Server did not exit, status code {0}'.format(status))
コード例 #4
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: pdxjohnny/comms
    def send(self, message, addr, status=comms.OK, \
        waitResponse=True, useSocket=False):
        Sends a message to an address and port.
        Returns the response string as well as the status code.

            res, status = client.send("localhost", 10000, "test message")
        sock = self.sock
        if useSocket != False:
            sock = useSocket
        # Send the properly formated message to the client
        comms.sendMessage(sock, message, status, addr)
        # If we dont need to wait for a response return
        if waitResponse != True:
            return "", comms.OK
        # Receive a message
        response, serverAddr = sock.recvfrom(comms.RECV_SIZE)
        # Parse the response and return it
        return comms.parseMessage(response)