コード例 #1
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findByPage(self, page):
     # pageNum  当前页
     # pageCount 总页数
     pageSize = page.get("pageSize", constants.pageSize)
     where = "1=1 "
     order = None
     cond = page.get("cond")
     if cond:
         if cond.get("userNum"):
             where = where + " and userNum=$userNum "
         if cond.get("noStatus"):
             where = where + " and status not in $noStatus "
         if cond.get("status"):
             where = where + " and status = $status "
         if cond.get("headNum"):
             where = where + " and headNum like '%' || $headNum  || '%' "
         if cond.get("order"):
             order = cond.get("order")
     print "where: " + str(where)
     print "cond: " + str(cond)
     count = db.select('imgHead', what="count(*) as count", where=where, vars=cond).list()[0].count
     headers = db.select('imgHead', where=where, vars=cond, limit=pageSize, offset=pageSize * (page.get("pageNum", 1) - 1), order=order,).list()
     page["pageCount"] = (count +pageSize - 1) / pageSize
     page["data"] = headers
     return page
コード例 #2
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findByCond(self, cond):
     imgHeads = db.select("imgHead", where="userNum = $userNum and belong = $belong and status in ('TODO','WAIT') and appCode=$appCode", vars=cond, order="headOrd").list()
     for imgHead in imgHeads:
         headId = imgHead.get('headId')
         for line in db.select("imgLine", where="headId=$headId", vars={'headId':headId}, order="imgOrd", limit=1).list():
             imgHead["imgPath"] = pathJoin("static/images/scan", imgHead.get("headNum"), "s_" + line.get("imgNameP")) + "?r=" + str(random.random())
     return imgHeads;
コード例 #3
ファイル: users.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def list_users(email, is_active, start_index, page_size, order_by):
    if email == '' and is_active != '2':
        where_dict = {'is_active': is_active}
    elif email != '':
        where_dict = {'email': email}
    #FIXME: o sorting não funciona quando o email é NULL e status é todos (2)
    elif email == '' and is_active == '2':
        where_dict = {'is_active': '1'}
    user_list = db.select('vw_users',
                          what='id, name, email, creator, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, lastlogin, comments, is_active',

    # get total users
    users_count = db.select('vw_users', what='count(0) as c', where=web.db.sqlwhere(where_dict))[0].c

    # initiate dictionary
    records = {}

    # initiate list
    resposta = []

    if len(user_list) > 0:
        # set response message to OK
        records['Result'] = 'OK'

        # set per user informations
        for item in range(len(user_list)):

            # convert 'lastlogin', 'created' and 'lastupdated' from epoch to gmtime
            #FIXME: mudar o modo de armazenar data no banco
            if user_list[item].get('created'):
                user_list[item].update(created=time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(user_list[item].get('created'))))
            if user_list[item].get('lastupdated'):
                user_list[item].update(lastupdated=time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(user_list[item].get('lastupdated'))))
            if user_list[item].get('lastlogin'):
                user_list[item].update(lastlogin=time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(user_list[item].get('lastlogin'))))


        records['Records'] = resposta
        # no items retrieved from table
        records['Result'] = 'ERROR'
        records['Message'] = 'Nenhum usuário encontrado'

    # total records from table
    records['TotalRecordCount'] = users_count
    return json.dumps(records)
コード例 #4
ファイル: categorizations.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def get_categories():
    result = db.select('tickets_category', what='id, category').list()
    categories = {}
    for i in range(len(result)):
        categories[result[i].get('id')] = result[i].get('category')
    jr = json.dumps(categories, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return jr
コード例 #5
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findOtherHeads(self, imgHead):
     cond = {
     return db.select('imgHead', where="userNum=$userNum and belong = $belong and status in ('TODO','WAIT') and headId!=$headId", vars=cond, order="headOrd").list()
コード例 #6
ファイル: imgLineDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def moveImgLine(self, headId, lineIds):
     if lineIds is None or len(lineIds) == 0:
     retHeadId = None
     imgQty = 0
     imgOrd = self.getMaxOrd(headId)
     imgNameList = []
     ids = ""
     for lineId in lineIds:
         ids += "," + lineId
     ids = ids[1:]
     for line in db.select("imgLine", where="lineId in (" + ids + ")").list():
         if retHeadId is None:
             retHeadId = line["headId"]
         imgQty += 1
         imgOrd += 1
         line["headId"] = headId
         line["imgOrd"] = imgOrd
         db.update('imgLine', where="lineId=$lineId", vars={'lineId':line["lineId"]}, **line)
     imgHeaderDest = self.updateHeadSizeAndQty(headId)
     imgHeaderSrc = self.updateHeadSizeAndQty(retHeadId)
     imgPathList = []
     for imgName in imgNameList:
         imgPathList.append(pathJoin(imgHeaderSrc.get("headNum"), imgName))
         imgPathList.append(pathJoin(imgHeaderSrc.get("headNum"), "s_" + imgName))
     return retHeadId, imgPathList, imgHeaderDest.get("headNum")
コード例 #7
 def get_all(self, conditions=None, order=None, limit=None, offset=None):
     where = dict2where(conditions)
     return db.select(self._tb,
コード例 #8
ファイル: categories.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def list_categories():
    #TODO: criar função que converte saida do banco em json
    result = db.select('tickets_category', what='id, category').list()
    categories = {}
    for i in range(len(result)):
        categories[result[i].get('id')] = result[i].get('category')
    jr = json.dumps(categories, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return jr
コード例 #9
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def deleteByHeadId(self, headId):
     imgNames = []
     for line in db.select("imgLine", where="headId = $headId", vars={"headId":headId}).list():
         db.delete("ocrResult", where="lineId = $lineId", vars={"lineId":line.lineId})
     db.delete("imgLine", where="headId = $headId", vars={"headId":headId})
     db.delete("imgHead", where="headId = $headId", vars={"headId":headId})
     return imgNames
コード例 #10
ファイル: categorizations.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def get_component(self, tcategory, tclass, tsubclass):
    result = db.select('tickets_category', what='id, category').list()
    categories = []
    temp = []
    for i in range(len(result)):
        temp = [result[i].get('id'), result[i].get('category')]
    jr = json.dumps(categories, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return jr
コード例 #11
ファイル: classes.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def get_categories(self):
    result = db.select("tickets_category", what="id, category").list()
    categories = []
    temp = []
    for i in range(len(result)):
        temp = [result[i].get("id"), result[i].get("category")]
    jr = json.dumps(categories, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    return jr
コード例 #12
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def deleteByHeadIds(self, headIds):
     ids = ""
     for headId in headIds:
         ids += "," + str(headId)
     ids = ids[1:]
     lineList = db.select("imgLine", where="headId in (" + ids + ")").list()
     for line in lineList:
         db.delete("ocrResult", where="lineId = $lineId", vars={"lineId":line.lineId})
         db.delete("imgLine", where="lineId = $lineId", vars={"lineId":line.lineId})
     db.delete("imgHead", where="headId in (" + ids + ")")
     return lineList
コード例 #13
ファイル: ocrResultDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def saveOrUpdateOcrResult(self, ocrResult):
     results = None
     if ocrResult and ocrResult.get('lineId') and ocrResult.get('ocrType'):
         results = db.select('ocrResult', where="lineId=$lineId and ocrType=$ocrType", vars={'lineId':ocrResult.get('lineId'), 'ocrType':ocrResult.get('ocrType')}).list()
         return None
     if results and len(results) > 0:
         ocrResult['resultId'] = results[0].get('resultId')
         db.insert("ocrResult", **ocrResult)
コード例 #14
ファイル: db.py プロジェクト: Aimsam/post_bar
def fetch_join(tb = None, condition = None, join = None, limit = 10, offset = 0):
    if tb is None:
        return None
    where = dict2where(condition)
    result = db.select(tb, where = where, limit = limit, offset = offset)
    if join is None:
        return result
    # 返回的结果列表
    result_joined = []
    for row in result:
        # 遍历出的每一行为一个字典,默认添加{主表:主表该行结果}
        row_joined = {tb : row}
        for join_table, join_fields in join.items():
            condition = {join_fields[1] : getattr(row, join_fields[0])}
            where = dict2where(condition)
            join_table_result = db.select(join_table, where = where)
            # join 查到的结果字典来更新行结果字典
            row_joined.update({join_table : join_table_result})
    return result_joined
コード例 #15
def fetch_join(tb=None, condition=None, join=None, limit=10, offset=0):
    if tb is None:
        return None
    where = dict2where(condition)
    result = db.select(tb, where=where, limit=limit, offset=offset)
    if join is None:
        return result
    # 返回的结果列表
    result_joined = []
    for row in result:
        # 遍历出的每一行为一个字典,默认添加{主表:主表该行结果}
        row_joined = {tb: row}
        for join_table, join_fields in join.items():
            condition = {join_fields[1]: getattr(row, join_fields[0])}
            where = dict2where(condition)
            join_table_result = db.select(join_table, where=where)
            # join 查到的结果字典来更新行结果字典
            row_joined.update({join_table: join_table_result})
    return result_joined
コード例 #16
ファイル: imgLineDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findByHeadId(self, headId):
     from imgHeadDao import ImgHeadDao 
     imgHeadDao = ImgHeadDao()
     lines = db.select('imgLine', where="headId=$headId", vars={"headId":headId}, order="imgOrd").list()
     imgHead = imgHeadDao.getById(headId)
     for line in lines:
         line['imgPathS'] = pathJoin("static/images/scan", imgHead.get("headNum"), "s_" + line.get("imgNameP")) + "?r=" + str(random.random())
         line['imgPathO'] = pathJoin("static/images/scan", imgHead.get("headNum"), line.get("imgNameP")) + "?r=" + str(random.random())
         fullName = line.get("imgNameS").split(".")
         line['imgName'] = fullName[0]
         line['imgExt'] = fullName[1]
     otherHeads = imgHeadDao.findOtherHeads(imgHead)
     return imgHead, otherHeads, lines if lines else []
コード例 #17
ファイル: imgLineDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def editImgLine(self, lineId, imgOrd, imgNameS):
     dbImgLine = db.select("imgLine", where="lineId=$lineId", vars={"lineId":lineId}).list()[0]
     if imgOrd is not None and imgOrd != "":
         imgOrd = int(imgOrd)
         dbImgOrd = dbImgLine["imgOrd"]
         headId = dbImgLine.get("headId")
         if dbImgOrd > imgOrd:
             db.query("update imgLine set imgOrd = imgOrd + 1 where headId = " + str(headId) + " and imgOrd >= " + str(imgOrd) + " and imgOrd <" + str(dbImgOrd))
         elif dbImgOrd < imgOrd:
             db.query("update imgLine set imgOrd = imgOrd - 1 where headId = " + str(headId) + " and imgOrd > " + str(dbImgOrd) + " and imgOrd <=" + str(imgOrd))
         dbImgLine["imgOrd"] = imgOrd
     if imgNameS is not None and imgNameS != "":
         dbImgLine["imgNameS"] = imgNameS
     db.update("imgLine", where="lineId=$lineId", vars={"lineId":dbImgLine.lineId}, **dbImgLine)
     return dbImgLine["headId"]
コード例 #18
ファイル: imgLineDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def saveAll(self, headId, imgLines):
     lineIds = []
     dbImgLines = db.select('imgLine', where="headId=$headId", vars={"headId":headId})
     for imgLine in dbImgLines:
     imgOrd = self.getMaxOrd(headId)
     ret = []
     for imgLine in imgLines:
         if imgLine.get("lineId") in lineIds:
             db.update('imgLine', where="lineId=$lineId", vars={'lineId':imgLine.get("lineId")}, **imgLine)
             imgOrd += 1
             imgLine['imgOrd'] = imgOrd
             imgLine["headId"] = headId
             lineId = db.insert('imgLine', **imgLine)
     return ret
コード例 #19
ファイル: ocrResultDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getByLineId(self, lineId):
     results = db.select('ocrResult', where="lineId=$lineId", vars={'lineId':lineId}).list()
     if not results or len(results)<2:
         return None
     programResult = {}
     checkResult = {}
     for ret in results:
         if ret.ocrType == ocrResultType.PROGRAM:
             programResult = ret
             checkResult = ret
     programResult['resultId'] = checkResult['resultId']
     for key, val in programResult.items():
         if key[-1] == 'R' and val == '0':
             programResult[key[:-1] + 'C'] = 'label-warning'
     for key, val in checkResult.items():
         if key[-1] == 'R' and val == '0':
             programResult[key[:-1]] = checkResult[key[:-1]]
             programResult[key[:-1] + 'C'] = 'label-danger'
     return programResult    
コード例 #20
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findImgHead(self, cond):
     where = "1=1 "
     order = None
     if cond:
         if cond.get("userNum"):
             where = where + " and userNum=$userNum "
         if cond.get("noStatus"):
             where = where + " and status not in $noStatus "
         if cond.get("status"):
             where = where + " and status = $status "
         if cond.get("headNum"):
             where = where + " and headNum like '%' || $headNum  || '%' "
         if cond.get("order"):
             order = cond.get("order")
         if cond.get("uploadTimeStart") and cond.get("uploadTimeEnd"):
             where = where + "and uploadTime >= $uploadTimeStart and uploadTime <= $uploadTimeEnd "
         elif cond.get("uploadTimeStart"):
             where = where + "and uploadTime >= $uploadTimeStart "
         elif cond.get("uploadTimeEnd"):
             where = where + "and uploadTime <= $uploadTimeEnd "
         if cond.get("company"):
             where = where + "and company like '%' || $company || '%' "
     imgHeadList = db.select('imgHead', where=where, vars=cond, order=order,).list()
     return imgHeadList
コード例 #21
ファイル: boxDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getByPickupCode(self, pickupCode):
     for imgHead in db.select('box', where="pickupCode=$pickupCode", vars={"pickupCode": pickupCode}).list():
         return imgHead
コード例 #22
ファイル: users.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def get_user_by_id(id):
    user = db.select('users',
                     what='id, name, email, creator, created, lastupdated, lastupdatedby, lastlogin, is_active',
    return user
コード例 #23
 def get_one(self, conditions=None, what='*', order=None):
     where = dict2where(conditions)
         return db.select(self._tb, where=where, order=order, limit=1)[0]
     except IndexError:
         return None
コード例 #24
ファイル: ocrResultDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getById(self, resultId):
     for result in db.select("ocrResult", where="resultId=$resultId", vars={"resultId":resultId}):
         return result
コード例 #25
ファイル: boxDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findAll(self):
     return db.select("box").list()
コード例 #26
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getByCond(self, cond):
     for imgHead in db.select("imgHead", where="userNum = $userNum and headNum = $headNum", vars=cond, order="headOrd").list():
         return imgHead
     return None
コード例 #27
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getByHeadNum(self, headNum):
     for imgHead in db.select('imgHead', where="headNum=$headNum", vars={"headNum":headNum}).list():
         return imgHead
     return None
コード例 #28
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getById(self, headId):
     for imgHead in db.select('imgHead', where="headId=$headId", vars={"headId":headId}).list():
         return imgHead
     return None
コード例 #29
ファイル: users.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def get_user_by_email(email):
    result = db.select('users', vars=dict(email=email), where=web.db.sqlwhere({'email': email, 'is_active': '1'})).list()
    return web.listget(result, 0, {})
コード例 #30
ファイル: configDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findAllAsDict(self):
     configDict = {}
     configList = db.select("config").list()
     for entry in configList:
         configDict[entry.code] = entry.val
     return configDict
コード例 #31
ファイル: imgHeadDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def findByHeadNum(self, headNum):
     for head in db.select("imgHead", where="headNum = $headNum", vars={"headNum":headNum}).list():
         return head
     return None
コード例 #32
ファイル: users.py プロジェクト: tschertel/Synergie
def is_email_available(email):
    return not db.select('users', vars=dict(email=email), what='count(id) as c', where='email = $email')[0].c
コード例 #33
ファイル: configDao.py プロジェクト: zhangyeyong/homeWork
 def getValueByKey(self, key):
     for config in db.select("config", where="code = $code", vars={"code":key}).list():
         return config.val